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Ami supposed to be having trouble with adds?


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if you are talking about open world , there few option : domination line , grab your greatsword and trait for Imagined Burden. good aoe damage .

illusion line ,shatterstorm for your f1 burst , if you have trouble to generate clones , take duel line and Deceptive Evasion .

focus 4 pull is great too but focus phantasm doesn't do much damage if there is more than one target .

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> So is it better to blow up the illusions for adds? or just camp as many and drop as fast as possible the single targets'


depends on build . tho after patch , its generally good as long as you get 2-3 clones up ,you use f1 shatter for aoe damage .

maybe you could link your build , so we will see what to change ?

there are two types of illusion : clone which you shatter for damage or cc etc (F skill ) note : after patch u can only shatter clones now .

phantasm ,after recent patch , they are changed into one time only attack , few weapon phantasms and defender could do considerable aoe damage , such as greatsword .

some builds will have much better sustain damage but slower burst with shatter . some can burst much faster but after that its damage will fall off



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It could be a positioning thing. It's much easier to take down groups of enemies if they're close together than if they're spread all over the place! The raptor engagement attack is very nice for this purpose as it'll pull nearby enemies into a tight group, allowing you to maximize the impact of your cleaves and area effects. The focus off-hand also has a massive area pull that's great for this.


The next step is prioritizing dangerous targets. That's a learning thing. You need to know ahead of time which enemies present the most danger to you and take them out early. One basic piece of advice here is to keep in mind which enemies are ranged vs. melee. A 100% melee enemy tends to be less dangerous because you can basically ignore them until they're at melee range. In a scenario featuring a mix of both types of enemies spread across a wide area, it's probably a good idea to prioritize those ranged targets so they don't just sit there taking shots at you the whole fight!


You also want to be aware of when you're likely to take the most damage and time your defenses accordingly. Pulling enemies into a pile is a great way to maximize damage, but it doesn't prevent them from dealing damage for very long! So the idea is to burst them down fast and use whatever defenses you can to prevent damage in return. On Mirage that's usually as simple as dodging to cover vulnerable moments like Lingering Thoughts.


Other general advice? Practice up and maybe use arcdps to determine which strategies are most effective. Increasing your damage is going to make handling large groups of enemies MUCH easier because they just won't have much time to damage you!

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Right now i got illusion and domination.


> I equipped greatsword for one hand

> Sword/focus for other hand.


> I'm trying to switch in up when i can to burst down as fast as possible.


Power Mirage? Greatsword is probably your best bet for clearing groups of enemies. The ambush will strike many targets, especially if you're running IH so your clones get in on the action. But all of your special attacks also strike multiple enemies. You also have a directional knockback you can use to take the pressure off.


The downside of greatsword relative to weapons like sword or axe is that it has no evasion built into it. Of course this is because greatsword is a 1200 range weapon while the other two are melee range! So if you're using greatsword to clear groups of enemies, ideally you want to be at range. Again, be mindful of ranged enemies that can still attack you and prioritize those over melee enemies that should be wasting their time fighting your clones and trying to reach you!


When you go melee, you just need to make sure you're using those defensive skills to cover yourself. Obviously, you're safe when you use sword 2. But you should be thinking ahead. What am I going to do after my evasion from sword 2 is over? If I'm going to make it until the cooldown is up and I can use sword 2 again, I need to chain some evades or I'm going to take heavy damage. So think about how to time skills like distortion, mirage cloak, etc. to stretch those cooldowns. If it doesn't seem feasible, then swap to greatsword and back out to range where you can better avoid the damage.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> sorry but i'm only lvl 47 i'm trying to lvl don't have chrono or mirage.


Well, most of that advice is pretty general stuff that applies to core mesmer as well. You can't dodge mid-skill like Mirage, but you can still dodge. You still have clones to run distraction. You still have distortion. And you still have all of the area effect damage of shatters even if you don't have ambush.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> sorry but i'm only lvl 47 i'm trying to lvl don't have chrono or mirage.


Out of all 9 professions, mesmer was the worst one to level for me. :( So I feel your pain but I have no idea how to power mesmer. I used all the tomes I had at that time to skip from 50 to 80. Lvl 80 mesmer was a priority for me due to JPs and portals.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> sorry but i'm only lvl 47 i'm trying to lvl don't have chrono or mirage.


Consider using Focus for the Phantasmal Warden, and if you have multiple enemies, Phantasmal Disenchanter and Phantasmal Defender are among out best AOE nukes at the moment. Also, I would recommend starting out with Ether Feast as your main heal, before stepping up to Signet of the Ether for less down-time between your Phantasms.

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