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Transfer Chaser Feedback


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I can understand why this has been made RNG, so that it can't be solved through third party website guides too easily...


But please do your players one big favor Anet, and overwork the idiotic UI elements of the Transfer Chaser Side Story Achievements for searchign the sensors...

and add to the stupid sensor some kind of NOISE, which lets you hear, how near you are really to..


Also please make the item you collect up more VISIBLE .... especially in the snow map with its lots of white, its extremely HARD TO SEE even those floating super tiny light green orbs.

Yes, peopel have like 30 minutes to find 5 of those thigns, but you waste like most of the time just running around , trying to get a clue out of those stupid sensor colors which seem every now and then also to complely BUG, showing you directions, as if you could just run through walls and mountains >.>


Can you please just reduce the timer and and amoutnm iof having to find orbs from 5 to 3, or just completely remove the timer at all ,cause to have on this stuff a time race for 30 minutes makes no sense at all, what all you have to do is to search for the sensors.

if this silly timer is just there to give players a bad kind of illusion of as if they woudl be "chasing something", then I must say, you failed. cause if theres anythign that chases us on thse maps, then its the gazillion of trash mobs that disturb us, while we are searching for the sensons on the maps.


Please reduce the color indicators to 1, so that we always get to see the colors for 1 sensor at a time, - the one, that is basically from our position the nearest, not like 5 indicators at the same time for all 5 of them cause thats only onfusing.. and for the love of god, reduc the stupid cooldown of the skill from 10 seconds to 1 second.. I guess this seriously must have been an oversight, that there is one 0 too much in the cooldowntimer ....so annoyign to have to waiut each time 10 seconds, before you can scan the area again for your direction to go to get to a sensor

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I'm not sure what you're asking for here other than just make the whole mini game so easy it ceases to be a challenge and becomes a trivial, boorish chore. Frankly, it's hardly a challenge as it is - I've completed it without any problems on my newbie necromancer I have very limited experience with. The only thing I could see improved is that the distance indicators are all leveled to the player's foot plane so depending on the shape of terrain you won't see them at all.

You have plenty of waypoints, speed buffs, anti-cc traits/skills, gliding and now mounts... take a moment out to appreciate the purpose of the activity and... .enjoy it :tongue:

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> @Perisemiotics.4579 said:

> I'm not sure what you're asking for here other than just make the whole mini game so easy it ceases to be a challenge and becomes a trivial, boorish chore. Frankly, it's hardly a challenge as it is - I've completed it without any problems on my newbie necromancer I have very limited experience with. The only thing I could see improved is that the distance indicators are all leveled to the player's foot plane so depending on the shape of terrain you won't see them at all.

> You have plenty of waypoints, speed buffs, anti-cc traits/skills, gliding and now mounts... take a moment out to appreciate the purpose of the activity and... .enjoy it :tongue:


I'm pretty sure mini-games being a trivial, boorish chore is intended design. Its really unfortunate the developers keep making them.

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Happy now? English isn't my native language..




All I'm literally asking about for this achievement section Transfer Chaser is, to improve the UI for it and to remove unneccessary game elements, like the obsolete 30 minute Timer, which is just plain pointless and annoying, unless ANet doesn't want to make the sensors significantly better visible. The whole thign feels more like playing hide n seek, cause of those sensoers being so extremely bad visible, especialyl in the snow areas where you can barely see them, unless you are directly looking onto the sensor in very short distance, but on lognmer distances these thigns are nearly invisible as they tend to blend into the terrain.

Woudl these sensors be instead like the casino coins in Amnoon oasis now such bigger sparclign and turnign coins, which are good visible at least, then there would be no problem with a timer


If the indicators would work better and would show you more directly where to to exactly, wouldnt that stuff also not be a problem, but the indicators very oftenly bug and show you directions where you need to run too, where#s an dead end by moutains, wals and the like. The indicators also completely fail to show you, if the sensor is higher or lower than you - you can't read this info from just these silly red, blue and green symbols. If these indicators would be at least ARROWS which show you, if you have to move forward, or upwards or downwards to get nearer to your target, and then as like you mentioned, often you waste even scans, cause the indicators just appear in the ground where you can't see them - again pointless 10 seconds to wait ... if that happens within the 30 minutes like countless times, then this really starts to annoy you sooner or later.


HSouldt be wished or asked too much to finetune this achievement section with some tiny quality of life improvements, which woudl quickly make the whole thign a much bette player experience, without that there is a need to make everythign super easy. The reduction of the amount of sensors to find was just an alternsate idea for the case, that ANet simply wants to to change anythign on the visibility of the sensors, cause then I think it would be right to reduce the amount of 5 sensors to find down to 3...

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