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The RNG of Unstable Cosmic Essences (and other "KP" items)


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Receiving 1 unstable cosmic essence from Arkk is annoying. Receiving 1 unstable cosmic essence three times in succession is mildly infuriating. Receiving 1 unstable cosmic essence after 8 consecutive kills has brought me to the point of no longer bothering to do 100CM. Can we please can a cap on the number of times you can receive 1 amount of this (and other KP eg from raids) consecutively.


Alternatively, can Asta give 1 essence too after a kill. She's harder than Arkk, and wipes groups more than Arkk. To compensate, bring down the number of essences Arkk gives to 1-5, or change the cost of the infusion + tonic.


A very frustrated player,


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You can still try to join groups with high kp. 20-30% less than the amount listed is usually not a problem. NHLB helps too.


I do agree with Artsariiv as - at least from a druid pov - some players seemingly take pleasure in eating every. Single. AoE. she can dish out. Should she drop unstable cosmic essences? I say yes but with the same dropchance Skorvald has. In the end, there is a point where KPs itself become worthless as an indicator for skill and the only interesting stuff they net you is an, in my opinion, ugly infusion.

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Maybe it was never intended to be used as kill proof? It's the item you can trade for the infusion and the chaos combat tonic. It's players who misuse the essences for kill proofs. Although Anet should have known this would happen and avoid it. These things are in fact not kill proofs if you get 1 to 5 of them per run (or even more if you are lucky). So you did 3 runs, but got 12 "kill proofs" lol.


Just stop doing that people. If you ask for experience in LFG and a player tries to wing it, it's a kick. If you do 100cm without experience, it's pretty obvious to the other members. I recently started practicing it, and remember the first time starting the Artsariiv fight. If you are new and don't know where to stand, you are dead quickly. You might be able to wing it at Skorvald, but only until the point where he does his circling attacks. Kill proofs are almost meaningless in a game where you can just pay someone to get them.

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> I would buy the red infusion if it didn't cost 300 matrix on top of the essences


It cost 30 integrated fractal matrices, not 300 and you get 2 per day if you're playing both challenge motes. On top you will receive 10 - 20 stabilizing matrices per day resulting in another 1-2 integrated since you can convert them.

Overall you'll have 30 integrated matrices long before you'll have 90 essences.


> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Id argue the first boss is the easiest but i guess thats preference.


Yeah, preference is a thing but the first boss is a joke if you have a good/very good chrono + druid. On Aartsariv only the bouncing marble phase is important (freaking easy thing!) and the healing in front of the boss. If you are not smashing buttons as druid there you'll carry the life of your dps players no matter if they dodge/standing in all the aoe or not. I cannot see anything hard here while the last phase at Skorvald is a pain in the xxx if the mentioned classes are only decent. Also, don't forget that all players will respawn after both cc phases on Aartsariv in case they died to a stupid mistake.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > I would buy the red infusion if it didn't cost 300 matrix on top of the essences


> It cost 30 integrated fractal matrices, not 300 and you get 2 per day if you're playing both challenge motes.


Which would be 300 matrixes to make the integrated ones yourself, as stated...


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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > I would buy the red infusion if it didn't cost 300 matrix on top of the essences


> It cost 30 integrated fractal matrices, not 300 and you get 2 per day if you're playing both challenge motes. On top you will receive 10 - 20 stabilizing matrices per day resulting in another 1-2 integrated since you can convert them.

> Overall you'll have 30 integrated matrices long before you'll have 90 essences.


I'm talking about Stabilizing Matrix, when I said 300 you should know that's what I mean..

I have enough matrix to buy like 5 infusions, what I mean with my post is that I wont spend those matrix because I can sell them for good gold , if the infusion only costed the essences I would buy them, but 300 Stabilizing Matrix or 30 Integrated Fractal Matrix I prefer to sell them and make gold.

Don't come and say the infusion would be free because to get 90 essences takes time and effort :bleep_bloop:


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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> Don't come and say the infusion would be free because to get 90 essences takes time and effort :bleep_bloop:


Exactly, and you might want to buy other things with the integrated matrices you get from cms, like Deroir enhancements. Every integrated one you get equals 10 regular matrices and the 15 relics. All of the enhancements cost integrated matrices, Mist Attunement I is 75. Usually people don't wait before they've done 38 days of both cms to get it. You'll probably not have looted 30 integrated matrices when you got 90 essences.

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> Don't come and say the infusion would be free because to get 90 essences takes time and effort :bleep_bloop:


People that played 100CM from the start already have 2 stacks. And effort is a matter of opinion. For most of us running CMs is daily routine since months.


> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Which would be 300 matrixes to make the integrated ones yourself, as stated...


Of course, but it's not the matrices that is the timegate because you can buy them and you get 300 of them very fast just with playing.

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