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Legendary armor is MIA

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About to have my fifth slot this week. Honestly it's been pretty fast, especially if you can hit that "100 li pug marker" checkpoint. Just use the many raid training discords to get started, get your 14~ easy LI a week, finish in a few months.


So far it's been pretty useful, but I would only make heavy or light. At least there is variation there (for guardian I make it cele / minstrel / zerker / viper depending for example)

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I was attracted to the idea of Legendary Armour, but after looking at the financial and time invested needed I rather just picked up a second set of ascended armour for my Guardian so I can swap between Firebrand and Dragonhunter. Faster, cheaper, simpler. It also motivated me to upgrade from 6x18 slot bags to 6x24 slot bags to store the alternate set, so now I have lots of space for the cash I would have invested in legendaries :)


I will probably make it one day, but Legendary weapon skins are a higher priority, even though I am unlikely to ever change the stats (who is gonna use anything other than Berserker Greatsword on Dragonhunter??)

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.


Is it a bad thing to have these kind of goals though? It gets people to play every week. Even if it's pretty artificial and most people will stop after 3 months. At least it's a consistent 3 months.


No harm in letting the more hardcore get some sort of reward in this game in their one (usually lacking) gamemode, when almost all of the gearing and other activies are extremely casual friendly.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.


What are you talking about? Legendary armor is not locked behind raids. There is a version for PvP and WvW players who don't wish to do raids.




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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.


They did. They introduced *two* separate, new, non-raid ways to obtain one. Seen many people have it? Again, it's a **massive** grind. It's not a question of accessibility, it's a question of persistence.


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> > you only need 1 legendary armor set for 3 professions, imagine how expensive it would be to swap stats each time you swap your character...

> The full QoL effect can only be seen if you have a legendary set on _each_ of the characters that might need to use different builds. Especially on those that move between pve and WvW. If you had to move the set between characters, you might as well change between ascended sets.




Funny thing is, I don't even swap it when I go between PvE and WvW. Zerk all the way, baby! :lol:

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There are a lot of people with legendary armor out there. You might not notice it because they can be transmuted. Got first set doing pvp and working on 2 other sets. It is worth getting if you play the game for any amount of time. Not only can you change the stats but you can also change the runes and infusions without losing the ones already in the armor. That alone makes it worthwhile. This makes it very easy to tweek and change builds. Would be nice if you could change out sigils and infusions in legendary weapons as easy.

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Up to now, I have 6 legendary weapons, but no armors simply because I do not like any of the currently existing light sets.


It is maybe stupid, but for me, "legendary" means "a beautiful piece of art" and my only motivation is the appearance. If I don't like the appearance - meaning I will transmute it - there is no point to my eyes and I prefer to go for ascended that is cheaper for same stats .


Many of my friends have a similar approach and also have several weapons but no armors. I do not know if we are representative or rather a minority thinking this way though.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"TamX.1870" said:

> > Why to switch armor stats on Thief? Maybe you have condi-DPS and power-DPS builds?


> I actually have a condi thief build in addition to my power DD. I just created another character for it ^^ Since both builds have not much in common when it comes to gear, traits and skills, I thought, why not create a new character and make it a condi thief? Now I can just switch characters if I need to, it's faster and much more convenient than switching stats, gear, traits and skills.


Hahah, exactly! I think this tells all about the easiness of build switching in this game :) It's much easier to log another char than switch build on the one your are on :D


> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.


> Is it a bad thing to have these kind of goals though? It gets people to play every week. Even if it's pretty artificial and most people will stop after 3 months. At least it's a consistent 3 months.


> No harm in letting the more hardcore get some sort of reward in this game in their one (usually lacking) gamemode, when almost all of the gearing and other activies are extremely casual friendly.


Yeah, I agree. It is good to have goals, even if the reward is just slight improvement to QoL or just cosmetic. It is good to have rewards that pushes people out of their comfortably zone to try other game modes. Some of them may actually like them, and anyways there is not much harm done if in the end (when getting the reward) you realize that raids/WvW/PvP/some other game mode was not for you.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> Up to now, I have 6 legendary weapons, but no armors simply because I do not like any of the currently existing light sets.


> It is maybe stupid, but for me, "legendary" means "a beautiful piece of art" and my only motivation is the appearance. If I don't like the appearance - meaning I will transmute it - there is no point to my eyes and I prefer to go for ascended that is cheaper for same stats .


> Many of my friends have a similar approach and also have several weapons but no armors. I do not know if we are representative or rather a minority thinking this way though.


That's only one possible motivation. Mind you, there's no right or wrong one, it's a matter of personal preferences or priorities. Another popular motivation (which I apparently subscribe in) is the desire for completion. I went for every possible legendary piece for my main, only excluding a couple of weapons and only because I've not yet decided which ones I want (and there's no gen 2 dagger yet). There probably are others too.

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> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.


> Is it a bad thing to have these kind of goals though? It gets people to play every week. Even if it's pretty artificial and most people will stop after 3 months. At least it's a consistent 3 months.

That's the point - not having it locked would mean it would have kept _more_ people playing. Not everyone playing raids is in it for raid armor, and not everyone interested in legendary armor is playing raids (or SPvP/WvW for that matter).


> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> No harm in letting the more hardcore get some sort of reward in this game in their one (usually lacking) gamemode, when almost all of the gearing and other activies are extremely casual friendly.

Some sort of reward? Probably. The only pve legendary armor set? Now that's where we disagree, because i do see a lot of harm done by that.


> @"TamX.1870" said:

> Yeah, I agree. It is good to have goals, even if the reward is just slight improvement to QoL or just cosmetic. It is good to have rewards that pushes people out of their comfortably zone to try other game modes. Some of them may actually like them, and anyways there is not much harm done if in the end (when getting the reward) you realize that raids/WvW/PvP/some other game mode was not for you.

It's not much harm done if you realize it after getting what you wanted. Things are different however if getting it requires so much investment in said gamemode, that you realize you really don't like it way, way before getting even close to your goal.


It's okay to push people a little bit out of their comfort zones, but if you want to push them way out, you'd better be kitten sure they are going to like it.



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> @"Assic.2746" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.


> What are you talking about? Legendary armor is not locked behind raids. There is a version for PvP and WvW players who don't wish to do raids.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_armor

Don't play dumb, there's no non-raid way to get legendary armor _in PVE_.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Assic.2746" said:

> > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> > > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.

> >

> > What are you talking about? Legendary armor is not locked behind raids. There is a version for PvP and WvW players who don't wish to do raids.

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_armor

> Don't play dumb, there's no non-raid way to get legendary armor _in PVE_.


Yeah, the game mode that at least 80% of ppl play in this game most of their time is completely left out. There's no way to acquire legendary armor by playing open world PvE content.


And for ppl that claim that only the hardcore players should get it, well then pls remove the WvW armor, since there's no difference in skill between following a tag in a mindless WvW zerg or a mindless PvE zerg in a big meta event.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.


> They did. They introduced *two* separate, new, non-raid ways to obtain one. Seen many people have it? Again, it's a **massive** grind. It's not a question of accessibility, it's a question of persistence.


You can't really "see" a person using PvP or WvW legendary armor as they don't provide raid skin.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> > > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.

> >

> > They did. They introduced *two* separate, new, non-raid ways to obtain one. Seen many people have it? Again, it's a **massive** grind. It's not a question of accessibility, it's a question of persistence.


> You can't really "see" a person using PvP or WvW legendary armor as they don't provide raid skin.


Yet my point is still valid. I'm playing WvW on a regular basis. Not exclusively, but I very rarely have a week where I don't finish at least Silver or Gold. I've been doing this since the WvW update which introduced the new reward system. And guess what, I **still** don't have enough tickets for a full set.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> But legendary armour was always going to be a niche thing. Raids themselves only appeal to a small part of the playerbase, which Anet knew when they started - that's why they're developed by a small team and we've continued to get other kinds of PvE content alongside it. They set out to make a game for casual players so they knew not everyone would want to raid, but if they can have it there as an option for the people who do without having to stop development in other area why shouldn't they? Same with legendary armour - they said when it was released they'd only be doing 1 set of skins because it wasn't worth the time and effort it took to make lots of them, but they wanted one for the people who did want it.


Raid-content shouldn't be niche; raids are basically just typical dungeons on a larger scale and should be THE PvE-main-content beside OW and fractals. We currently have 5 raid-wings, that's a kitten-ton of content which people shouldn't be locked out off. They however are because of lackluster game-design and a kittened-up community. What Anet should focus on is improving the accessibility of their content rather then pushing out more raid-content.


> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > ...That being said, you're vastly overestimating the commitment of players to FotM. Judging by the WvW legendary armor, a FotM one would require effort and dedication on par with the raid one. And it would end up being crafted by pretty much the same players who now own one or more Envoy skins.

> >

> > I really don't think so. Fractals are much more approachable for players. Unfortunately, I have no numbers that would tell us how many people play fractals and raids and how many do both. gw2efficiency shows the percentage of all registered players who got the legendary backpack for example, but it doesn't allow multiple selections for achievements or skins unlocked and shows a Venn diagram.

> >

> > 9.4% of registered players have Ad Infinitum unlocked. I cannot tell how many players unlocked legendary armor because there is no unique identifier associated with it, like a title (you only get one when you made all armor weights). There are more indicators, like how many players got Legendary Insights? Looks like 50% of players have zero LIs. How many players got the Professor title for completing the fractals junk item collection (which takes a few weeks of playing fractals)? It's almost 55%.

> >

> > A lot of players play fractals and never set foot into raids. Of course there is an overlap, but it is not the same subset of players. I rarely join raids, I have only 13 LIs, but I play fractals every day, and as far as I know, I'm not unique. You can easily and quickly do a fractal run, but not a raid run, and many people simply have limited time for playing. The tiered system in fractals allows newbies to just go ahead and play. There is a high entry barrier for raids, you cannot simply walz in and play them whenever you have time.

> >

> > I'm pretty sure that a lot of people who never bother to raid for legendary armor would do it in fractals.


> It's not about the numbers, it's about persistence. Have you seen how much time does it take to make a WvW legendary set? I have. It's a LOT. Yes, many players play fractals. But very few play them so much. We're not talking about few weeks. We're talking about months of **active **play. WvW set takes that much, raid set takes that much, a hypothetical FotM set would take that much as well.


Hypothetically speaking, the raid-set is the fastest to get hypothetically taking 9/18 weeks for one set. WvW and PvP take a multiple of what would be needed to get an armor-set. You need multiple seasons for PvP; WvW also takes a kitten-load of time. The disparity in effort needed is incomprehensible. It's not really about persistence, but to artificially lock legendary armor behind raids.


> @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I've been looking for someone, anyone to have Legendary armor to see if it's worth the time.

> >

> > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> >

> > Or maybe it's that I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time and that there are hundreds of suits out there but I keep looking the wrong way.


> The legendary armor looks TERRIBLE. I wouldn't mind getting it for the convenience of stat-swapping. But I'd immediately skin it over with the gemstore "exemplar's attire" (i.e. best outfit in the game).


> More to your point, OP... I disagree. There NEEDS to be some reward to incentivize raids. And legendary armor just barely (sort of) fills that role. It's in no way a "waste of ANET developers time and money" to invest resources in some of their most dedicated and profitable players.


Raids are already incentivized enough. You get raid-currency, finished ascended crafting-components like leather squares and the like, the chance to get unique ascended weapons, infusions, and unique miniatures. You get a kitten-load of gold if you have somewhat decent people to do raids with. In fact, for being that absurdly inaccessible, I actually think raids are far too rewarding, especially for those people who sell raids.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > It's not about the numbers, it's about persistence. Have you seen how much time does it take to make a WvW legendary set? I have. It's a LOT. Yes, many players play fractals. But very few play them so much. We're not talking about few weeks. We're talking about months of **active **play. WvW set takes that much, raid set takes that much, a hypothetical FotM set would take that much as well.


> Hypothetically speaking, the raid-set is the fastest to get hypothetically taking 9/18 weeks for one set. WvW and PvP take a multiple of what would be needed to get an armor-set. You need multiple seasons for PvP; WvW also takes a kitten-load of time. The disparity in effort needed is incomprehensible. It's not really about persistence, but to artificially lock legendary armor behind raids.


They are all "artificially" locked behind their respective modes. It's a normal design pattern - you give your players a reason to return again and again to the chosen piece of content. You can find this literally everywhere. Want a legendary weapon? You have a reason to map-complete Tyria and grind some dungeons. Gen 2? Map-complete HoT and grind the shit out of the metas. Luminescent Armor is there for Silverwastes, Aurora for LS3 maps and so forth. There is no difference, all the locks are equally "artificial" and equally needed. They are in the best interest of the players really, because they give you a direction.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> > > > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.

> > >

> > > They did. They introduced *two* separate, new, non-raid ways to obtain one. Seen many people have it? Again, it's a **massive** grind. It's not a question of accessibility, it's a question of persistence.

> >

> > You can't really "see" a person using PvP or WvW legendary armor as they don't provide raid skin.


> Yet my point is still valid. I'm playing WvW on a regular basis. Not exclusively, but I very rarely have a week where I don't finish at least Silver or Gold. I've been doing this since the WvW update which introduced the new reward system. And guess what, I **still** don't have enough tickets for a full set.


Never argued that. But those who have time and no desire to deal with raiding commnity can acquire legendary armor and you won't see it because of regular skin.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> > > > > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.

> > > >

> > > > They did. They introduced *two* separate, new, non-raid ways to obtain one. Seen many people have it? Again, it's a **massive** grind. It's not a question of accessibility, it's a question of persistence.

> > >

> > > You can't really "see" a person using PvP or WvW legendary armor as they don't provide raid skin.

> >

> > Yet my point is still valid. I'm playing WvW on a regular basis. Not exclusively, but I very rarely have a week where I don't finish at least Silver or Gold. I've been doing this since the WvW update which introduced the new reward system. And guess what, I **still** don't have enough tickets for a full set.


> Never argued that. But those who have time and no desire to deal with raiding commnity can acquire legendary armor and you won't see it because of regular skin.


Yes. However, not the original point. The point is, legendary armor in any of its incarnations is meant for very dedicated players. And this doesn't make it a waste of dev time.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > > > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> > > > > > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.

> > > > >

> > > > > They did. They introduced *two* separate, new, non-raid ways to obtain one. Seen many people have it? Again, it's a **massive** grind. It's not a question of accessibility, it's a question of persistence.

> > > >

> > > > You can't really "see" a person using PvP or WvW legendary armor as they don't provide raid skin.

> > >

> > > Yet my point is still valid. I'm playing WvW on a regular basis. Not exclusively, but I very rarely have a week where I don't finish at least Silver or Gold. I've been doing this since the WvW update which introduced the new reward system. And guess what, I **still** don't have enough tickets for a full set.

> >

> > Never argued that. But those who have time and no desire to deal with raiding commnity can acquire legendary armor and you won't see it because of regular skin.


> Yes. However, not the original point. The point is, legendary armor in any of its incarnations is meant for very dedicated players. And this doesn't make it a waste of dev time.


On the contrary, it is, however I don't have a desire to waste time on this discussion. Devs wasted enough on legendary armor. Came here only to point out your misconception that people would notice other wearing PvP/WvW legendary armor.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > It's not about the numbers, it's about persistence. Have you seen how much time does it take to make a WvW legendary set? I have. It's a LOT. Yes, many players play fractals. But very few play them so much. We're not talking about few weeks. We're talking about months of **active **play. WvW set takes that much, raid set takes that much, a hypothetical FotM set would take that much as well.

> >

> > Hypothetically speaking, the raid-set is the fastest to get hypothetically taking 9/18 weeks for one set. WvW and PvP take a multiple of what would be needed to get an armor-set. You need multiple seasons for PvP; WvW also takes a kitten-load of time. The disparity in effort needed is incomprehensible. It's not really about persistence, but to artificially lock legendary armor behind raids.


> They are all "artificially" locked behind their respective modes. It's a normal design pattern - you give your players a reason to return again and again to the chosen piece of content. You can find this literally everywhere. Want a legendary weapon? You have a reason to map-complete Tyria and grind some dungeons. Gen 2? Map-complete HoT and grind the kitten out of the metas. Luminescent Armor is there for Silverwastes, Aurora for LS3 maps and so forth. There is no difference, all the locks are equally "artificial" and equally needed. They are in the best interest of the players really, because they give you a direction.


Of course they are and of course that's normal game-design. But: That still doesn't explain the huge disparity concerning the acquisition-time between the sets. That disparity artificially leads to legendary armor being mostly locked behind raids. Raids themselves are absurdly inaccessible. I have no problem with content for more dedicated players, but I have a problem with the inaccessibility of raid-content and thus stuff like legendary armor and some unique weapons/minis being locked behind raids.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > > > > I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.

> > > > > > > Yeah, that. A _lot_ more people would probably have legendary armor if Anet would just admit locking it behind raids was a mistake and let you craft it the same way you can craft weapons.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > They did. They introduced *two* separate, new, non-raid ways to obtain one. Seen many people have it? Again, it's a **massive** grind. It's not a question of accessibility, it's a question of persistence.

> > > > >

> > > > > You can't really "see" a person using PvP or WvW legendary armor as they don't provide raid skin.

> > > >

> > > > Yet my point is still valid. I'm playing WvW on a regular basis. Not exclusively, but I very rarely have a week where I don't finish at least Silver or Gold. I've been doing this since the WvW update which introduced the new reward system. And guess what, I **still** don't have enough tickets for a full set.

> > >

> > > Never argued that. But those who have time and no desire to deal with raiding commnity can acquire legendary armor and you won't see it because of regular skin.

> >

> > Yes. However, not the original point. The point is, legendary armor in any of its incarnations is meant for very dedicated players. And this doesn't make it a waste of dev time.


> On the contrary, it is, however I don't have a desire to waste time on this discussion. Devs wasted enough on legendary armor. Came here only to point out your misconception that people would notice other wearing PvP/WvW legendary armor.


If only claiming something made it true. :)


> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > It's not about the numbers, it's about persistence. Have you seen how much time does it take to make a WvW legendary set? I have. It's a LOT. Yes, many players play fractals. But very few play them so much. We're not talking about few weeks. We're talking about months of **active **play. WvW set takes that much, raid set takes that much, a hypothetical FotM set would take that much as well.

> > >

> > > Hypothetically speaking, the raid-set is the fastest to get hypothetically taking 9/18 weeks for one set. WvW and PvP take a multiple of what would be needed to get an armor-set. You need multiple seasons for PvP; WvW also takes a kitten-load of time. The disparity in effort needed is incomprehensible. It's not really about persistence, but to artificially lock legendary armor behind raids.

> >

> > They are all "artificially" locked behind their respective modes. It's a normal design pattern - you give your players a reason to return again and again to the chosen piece of content. You can find this literally everywhere. Want a legendary weapon? You have a reason to map-complete Tyria and grind some dungeons. Gen 2? Map-complete HoT and grind the kitten out of the metas. Luminescent Armor is there for Silverwastes, Aurora for LS3 maps and so forth. There is no difference, all the locks are equally "artificial" and equally needed. They are in the best interest of the players really, because they give you a direction.


> Of course they are and of course that's normal game-design. But: That still doesn't explain the huge disparity concerning the acquisition-time between the sets. That disparity artificially leads to legendary armor being mostly locked behind raids. Raids themselves are absurdly inaccessible. I have no problem with content for more dedicated players, but I have a problem with the inaccessibility of raid-content and thus stuff like legendary armor and some unique weapons/minis being locked behind raids.


Accessibility is just a matter of having the right mindset. You may find raids inaccessible, I find excessive grind and PvP inaccessible. I get too bored of the former and too annoyed of the latter. And just like I could buck up and make myself do it, you could do it and raid. The difference probably being, I've tried and you haven't.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> Accessibility is just a matter of having the right mindset. You may find raids inaccessible, I find excessive grind and PvP inaccessible. I get too bored of the former and too annoyed of the latter. And just like I could buck up and make myself do it, you could do it and raid. The difference probably being, I've tried and you haven't.

I already have a raid legendary set. I know exactly what is needed. I still think that decision to make it the only PvE legendary set (or to make the only pve set locked behind raids) was really bad. I do understand that raiders for the most part do not agree with me, but that's mainly simply because it's not a problem _to them_. After all, they do like that content anyway.



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LOL I'll probably never get the actual Legendary Armor _skins_ because I just cannot do the Cairn heart. The special action skill stalls out on me. I tried taking a teleport ability like Anet told me, but then had to use the special key when the teleport was on cool down and it stalled again. the last time was my fault because of ping, my my pin is normally really low, so I dunno what to do.


I'd also like them to add more special, Legendary skins. Just ones that do NOT animate, so they don't take as long to build. ^_^

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