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has condi removal reaper gotten weaker? or is it me?


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Last night i was struggling to do volcano tier 3 because i was getting killed by mass condis before i could even remove them.Either the glyph for sending condis is getting me killed(Probably) or my enemies got buffed in dealing extra condis.Even with well of power to turn condis into boon isn't good enough to deal with mass condis.


I think i will have to probably get rid of the thing that sends condis back to my enemy.

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ok, that throws my idea out of the water then. Only other thing I can think of is agony? Or maybe you were using the wrong piece of gear or something? (happened more times than I cared to admit, both to myself and my friends.) If you're still getting problems with condi, might I suggest taking suffer over plague signet? It's a decent condi transfer vs large mobs and it doesn't pull condis to you.

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> Plague signet Is good for group but bad for you. In this scenario change signet(on last boss) that help you(unholy martyr too good)


Never use unholy martyr, its a terrible trait, in an even worse line.


Pleague signet isnt as good as it used to be for fractals. Go with condi transfer shout, and projectile destruction. You shouldnt need signet of spite if you dodge the bosses condi feilds, and quickly cleave the adds. Also using Consume condition, simply because its is the best heal anytime condi's are present.


If you are doing teir 3, chances are you don't understand how the conditions on volcanic work, as for the most part, they are easily avoidable. And if you are proc'ing hot feat debuff, well thats on you.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Last night i was struggling to do volcano tier 3 because i was getting killed by mass condis before i could even remove them.Either the glyph for sending condis is getting me killed(Probably) or my enemies got buffed in dealing extra condis.Even with well of power to turn condis into boon isn't good enough to deal with mass condis.


> I think i will have to probably get rid of the thing that sends condis back to my enemy.


The problem with the signet. I misses randomly sometimes. And even if it has no casttime. In wvw roaming, almost all my opponents manage to dodge it.

But tbh. Switch out the signet in fraktals. It just punishes you for trying to play for the team

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