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core necro and reaper need rework badly.. here some ideas


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Hey folks

I'm a power reaper main since HOT and I decided to roll one more season with it before leaving this broken game. I hit top 250 but then dropped to plat3 again. I really felt I had a lot of drawbacks compared to other classeses, so during the games I collected some ideas which would help reaper (and core necro). I just wanted to leave those here for you. maybe the devs read them and work some of them into the necro overhaul in 2025..


QoL Changes:

-switching weapons (like leaving shroud) doesnt cancel stomps anymore

-signet passives work in shroud

-sent back conditions scale with the condition damage of the source not with the one from necro (so also power necro "counters" condi)

-allow full healing in core and reapershroud

-remove lifeforce decay in pvp and wvw (core and reaper)

-nerf build in shroud damage migration to compensate




Reapers Might: activating any shroud skill grants might

Spiteful Reneval: remove 2 conditions and heal for 900 per removed condition when using a heal skill, 10s icd

Spiteful Talisman: increase damagemultiplier to 20% in pve only

Bitter Chill: "your first attack when entering combat chills your target (2s). refreshes when leaving shroud. chilling a foe applies Vulnerability (3x8s)"

Death Embrace: move Threshold up to 75% and make icd seperate per player

Signets of Suffering: just bring back the old trait..



Path of Corruption: revert Scourge nerf


Death Magic

don't know where to start.. maybe moving all fear traits to DM could make Core Terrormancer interesting


Blood Magic

Life from Death: switch places with vampiric, add 50 endurance gain for necro on leaving shroud

Vapiric: now in Master major slot, add health regeneration for Minions (~300ish per sec) and remove self leaching part

Vampiric Aura: remove icd, buff to 100/100 base leech values (0.02 skaling), remove shroud aspekt of this trait.

Vampiric Rituals: "grant protection (5s) and resistance (2s) to you and up to 4 allies in the area when using a well skill.", keep rest as it is


Soul Reaping

Spectral Mastery: add a 300 thoughness buff for 5s on activating a spectral skill

Foot in the Grave: buff to 2 stacks of Stability for 5s and add 3s of quickness on entering shroud



Shroud Knight: add shroud cooldownreduction to 7s and a 33% increased movement speed while in shroud

Augury of Death: add shouts remove 2 non damaging conditions and double leeching values

Chilling Nova: add 3s of weakness

Relentless Persuit: add weakness to the list

Shivers of Dread: "chilling a foe heals you (300ish, no icd). Fearing or Blinding a foe chills (2s)

Soul Eater: buff Lifeforce gain to 1% per second and add a 300 thoughness gain while wealding a Greatsword

Cold Shoulder: add 15% damage reduction from chilled foes,  increase damage multiplier to 20% in pve only

Blighters Boon: now also procs when applying a boon to an ally. buff healing to 200 base

Deathly Chill: buff to 2 stacks of bleed for 10s



Life Blast: add a small AOE explosion (180 radius) when hitting its target (2 Dhumfire procs)

Dark Path: now ground targeted (like in beta), add blind to its AOE effect

Life Transfer: add stunbreak, protection 5s and stability (2x3s) and 2s of bleeding per hit



Auto: buff damage by ~20%

Deaths Charge: removes Immobilized and evades all attacks instead of destroying projectiles Infusing Terror: breaks stun, reduce cooldown to 20s, remove cast time of chain skill

Executioners Scythe: reduce cast time to 3/4s



Axe auto: dmg buff by 20%, add 2% Lifeforce gain on second hit

Unholy Feast: replace Cripple with Chill, move Treshhold up to 50%, add Blast finisher, reduce casttime to 1/2s

Gravedigger: add 1s of superspeed upon casting reduce cooldown to 6s, increase damage by 10%

Death Spiral: add 1s of evade while casting, reduce cooldown to 10s

Grasping Darkness: add 5s of Weakness

Necrotic Grasp: 100% projectile finisher, double power damage scaling, increase Range to 1500 for reliability

Mark of Blood: add 3s of Vigor and a third or fourth stack of bleed

Locust Swarm: add Blast finisher, remove cast time

Reapers Touch: increase bouncing range similar to mesmers Mirrorblade to improve reliability, replace regen with protection or fury

Deathly Swarm: add 3% Lifeforce per hit

Enfeebling Blood: add Blast Finisher, reduce cast time to 1/4s, triple physical damage

Dagger auto: add leeching effects to all hits buffing the damage by about 20%

merge dagger#2 into #3 so it siphons health from the rooted foe for the next 4s unless he breaks a range treshold

new dagger #2: a quick 450ish leap with a small aoe hit which bleeds and blinds nearby enemies, 8s cooldown

Dark Pact: reduce cooldown to 15s



Consume Conditions: reduce cooldown to 25s and cast time to 1s

Well of Power: buff Stability to 3stacks for 6s, buff to 2 Conditions converted per second, reduce cooldown to 30s

Well of Darkness: add Projectileblock, reduce cooldown to 20s, increase duration to 6s

Well of Suffering: add Fury (2s) to allies and slow (2s) to enemies per pulse, reduce cooldown to 20s

Well of Blood: increase base healing by 20% and increase healing power scaling strongly for pulses.

Spektral Walk: add Stability (2x12s), reduce cooldown to 30s

Spectral Wall: reduce cd to 25s, add projectile block

Spectral Grasp: reduce cooldown to 20s, reduce range to 900 and maximal targets to 3

Minions: heavily increase their sustain, reduce cast time of all minions to 1/2s and all cooldowns to 10s, but devouring a minion will increase its cooldown to 20s (heal minion) or 30s (flesh worm)

Rise: reduce cooldown to 35s

Suffer: add a initial 2 condition clean (so it clears 2 plus one for each foe hit)

Nothing can Save you: remove cast time, reduce cooldown to 18s, add 3might stacks for 8s for each foe struck, add blast finisher

You are all Weaklings: reduce cooldown to 25s, replace might gain with initial stability (2x4s) and protection (3s) per foe hit

Chilled to the Bone: add 10s of initial protection and reduce casttime to 1s

punishment skills: remove cripple


before complaining like "this is op.." just keep in mind that if you take away scourge, necro is the most broken and useless profession in the game. so its time to remove major design flaws which have been around since release. second, it has little disengange potential so it should be one of the best duelists and in case of reaper most dangerous frontliners!


things Id like to see nerfed out of necro perspective:

-new mesmer burst, reduce some phantasm dmg

-thiefs larcaneous strike, just reduce its damage a bit other than that sd is such a beautiful set

-weavers Plasma Beam or some modifiers to prevent FA weaver from dealing 25k dmg in 2s

-spellbreaker evade while full countering should be removed and its trait Attackers Insight should only give 20/20 or 30/30 per stack

-druid trait celestrial shadow, nerf to 2s of stealth and super speed




thanks for reading and good bye!



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> @"DEATHsCLAW.1978" said:

> Hey folks

> I'm a power reaper main since HOT and I decided to roll one more season with it before leaving this broken game. I hit top 250 but then dropped to plat3 again. I really felt I had a lot of drawbacks compared to other classeses, so during the games I collected some ideas which would help reaper (and core necro). I just wanted to leave those here for you. maybe the devs read them and work some of them into the necro overhaul in 2025..


You can go ahead and add scourge to that list too because its a lost cause of a mess and affected by many of the core talents.


> QoL Changes:

> -switching weapons (like leaving shroud) doesnt cancel stomps anymore

> -signet passives work in shroud

This is a pipe dream but would be nice.

> -sent back conditions scale with the condition damage of the source not with the one from necro (so also power necro "counters" condi)

Not a bad idea

> -allow full healing in core and reapershroud

What do you mean by this exactly?

> -remove lifeforce decay in pvp and wvw (core and reaper)

> -nerf build in shroud damage migration to compensate

We need a bit more information here why is it only in pvp and wvw?


> Traitlines:

> Spite

> Reapers Might: activating any shroud skill grants might

> Spiteful Reneval: remove 2 conditions and heal for 900 per removed condition when using a heal skill, 10s icd

> Spiteful Talisman: increase damagemultiplier to 20% in pve only

> Bitter Chill: "your first attack when entering combat chills your target (2s). refreshes when leaving shroud. chilling a foe applies Vulnerability (3x8s)"

This is not a bad idea for more base chill could be useful I dont know about refreshing when you leave shroud though.

> Death Embrace: move Threshold up to 75% and make icd seperate per player

> Signets of Suffering: just bring back the old trait..

I dont know about this the current trait is not to bad with core (but core is bad) and there is plenty of conversion in other places.

> Curses

> Path of Corruption: revert Scourge nerf

This likely wont happen unless they find away to properly path scourge to dps with minor support or twoard more support with less dps.


> Death Magic

> don't know where to start.. maybe moving all fear traits to DM could make Core Terrormancer interesting

Im very against this for several reasons. Death magic should be the line thats focused on keeping yourself away from death and your minions. Fear traits have no business in this line and its current minors are bad, its current choices are pretty bad. Its just bad. To fix terror all they need to do is Move **Fear of Death** into **Terror** or the other way around and its all good.


> Blood Magic

> Life from Death: switch places with vampiric, add 50 endurance gain for necro on leaving shroud

This is an interesting change to life from death although 50 endurance gain i like it but i dont see them doing it perhaps maybe just 5 seconds of vigor would do when leaving shroud.

> Vapiric: now in Master major slot, add health regeneration for Minions (~300ish per sec) and remove self leaching part

Interesting although something like this might be out right better in death magic I never understood why minions traits were involved in 2 different trait lines. Some of the selfish stuff from death magic could move to blood magic and the minion focused traits in blood be moved to death magic but thats just my opinion.

> Vampiric Aura: remove icd, buff to 100/100 base leech values (0.02 skaling), remove shroud aspekt of this trait.

Just make this a 5% of strike damage for leech damage and 5% heal, damage and healing directly dictated by your ability to deal damage while giving everyone else a 5% damage increase around the board no icd. The scaling on this will never amount to anything so long as its in such little values

> Vampiric Rituals: "grant protection (5s) and resistance (2s) to you and up to 4 allies in the area when using a well skill.", keep rest as it is

Interesting sounds good.

> Soul Reaping

> Spectral Mastery: add a 300 toughness buff for 5s on activating a spectral skill

I dont think this will make any difference.

> Foot in the Grave: buff to 2 stacks of Stability for 5s and add 3s of quickness on entering shroud

Just increase the base shroud skills in speed by 20% honestly quickness on this seems like overkill but the 2 stacks of stability seems really nice.

> Reaper

> Shroud Knight: add shroud cooldownreduction to 7s and a 33% increased movement speed while in shroud

Seems like a good idea

> Augury of Death: add shouts remove 2 non damaging conditions and double leeching values

2 per target hit or 2 on use in general?


> Chilling Nova: add 3s of weakness

Fine as it is just reduce icd a bit


> Relentless Persuit: add weakness to the list

Just drop the cd a bit make this attack and evade while its dashing to a target.

> Shivers of Dread: "chilling a foe heals you (300ish, no icd). Fearing or Blinding a foe chills (2s)

I dont think thats gonna work with a value that high with no icd.

I would rather Chilling a foe steals a boon. on a 1 second icd.

> Soul Eater: buff Lifeforce gain to 1% per second and add a 300 thoughness gain while wealding a Greatsword

Once again with the weird need of toughness. I dont understand it

Lifeforce gain to 1% remove the healing portion. GS skills now activate 20% faster cds are reduced by 20%

> Cold Shoulder: add 15% damage reduction from chilled foes,  increase damage multiplier to 20% in pve only

Not bad

> Blighters Boon: now also procs when applying a boon to an ally. buff healing to 200 base

The only problem with this is that we dont exactly give out boons to allies so it would be a useless change It would force you to run wells assuming they changed the wells to your idea below.

The healing valuse is already damn near close to 200 i think its fine as it is honestly no need to touch blighters.


> Deathly Chill: buff to 2 stacks of bleed for 10s

I honestly want this trait to go back to making chill its own damaging condition or scrap it into a power trait.

Chill now deals damage. Chill deals increasing damage based on the amount of hp a foe has lost increases dealing around 600 on application if a target has 100% hp. Example a foe with (33% hp would take 66% increase in chill damage per second.)

> Core-Shroud

> Life Blast: add a small AOE explosion (180 radius) when hitting its target (2 Dhumfire procs)

Just change Dhumfire to work different with every elite spec.

Make life blast shoot faster

> Dark Path: now ground targeted (like in beta), add blind to its AOE effect

> Life Transfer: add stunbreak, protection 5s and stability (2x3s) and 2s of bleeding per hit

Uh.....huh..... well i mean thats interesting. I can see this never being a stunbreak however it should have some sort of neutral condition added to it I always thought poison instead of bleed though. Necro really needs more poison access to reduce healing.

You also forgot to mention that core shroud 5 skill should end in a fear instead of an immoblize. Cant make max use of torment if your target cant move immobilizes literally makes no sense with this skill.


> Reaper-Shroud

> Auto: buff damage by ~20%

> Deaths Charge: removes Immobilized and evades all attacks instead of destroying projectiles Infusing Terror: breaks stun, reduce cooldown to 20s, remove cast time of chain skill

Once again i dont see them making infusing a break stun

> Executioners Scythe: reduce cast time to 3/4s


> Weaponskills:

> Axe auto: dmg buff by 20%, add 2% Lifeforce gain on second hit

> Unholy Feast: replace Cripple with Chill, move Treshhold up to 50%, add Blast finisher, reduce casttime to 1/2s

IF you are going to change the cripple to a chill while leaving it an aoe and moving up the threshold while making it a blast finisher I would say its perfectly fine at its current cast time. Thats alot for 1 skill.

> Gravedigger: add 1s of superspeed upon casting reduce cooldown to 6s, increase damage by 10%

> Death Spiral: add 1s of evade while casting, reduce cooldown to 10s


> Grasping Darkness: add 5s of Weakness

> Necrotic Grasp: 100% projectile finisher, double power damage scaling, increase Range to 1500 for reliability


> Mark of Blood: add 3s of Vigor and a third or fourth stack of bleed

> Locust Swarm: add Blast finisher, remove cast time

lol whut why? its fine as it is im all for blast finishers by why would they remove the cast time?

> Reapers Touch: increase bouncing range similar to mesmers Mirrorblade to improve reliability, replace regen with protection or fury


> Deathly Swarm: add 3% Lifeforce per hit

> Enfeebling Blood: add Blast Finisher, reduce cast time to 1/4s, triple physical damage

I dont know about either of the above.

> Dagger auto: add leeching effects to all hits buffing the damage by about 20%

> merge dagger#2 into #3 so it siphons health from the rooted foe for the next 4s unless he breaks a range treshold

> new dagger #2: a quick 450ish leap with a small aoe hit which bleeds and blinds nearby enemies, 8s cooldown

This idea is very interesting adding a leap gap close to dagger.

> Dark Pact: reduce cooldown to 15s


> skills

> Well of Power: buff Stability to 3stacks for 6s, buff to 2 Conditions converted per second, reduce cooldown to 30s

> Well of Darkness: add Projectileblock, reduce cooldown to 20s, increase duration to 6s

> Well of Suffering: add Fury (2s) to allies and slow (2s) to enemies per pulse, reduce cooldown to 20s

> Well of Blood: increase base healing by 20% and increase healing power scaling strongly for pulses.

All for these well changes dont forget to make well of corruption convert 2 boon s to conditions per pulse as you have requested the change for well of power to do the opposite. Also Well of power needs no stability it just needs to be instant cast. The only reason it has 1 stack of stability is to in some oddly way that you can complete the cast time on a breakstun.


> Minions: heavily increase their sustain, reduce cast time of all minions to 1/2s and all cooldowns to 10s, but devouring a minion will increase its cooldown to 20s (heal minion) or 30s (flesh worm)

Honestly minions need a major rework i wont even go into that. other than make summon fleshwurm similar to shadow step. Instantly teleport and leave a wurm at your location to attack foes. You ma activate the skill again to teleport back to your wurm killing it for 10% LF.


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> before complaining like "this is op.." just keep in mind that if you take away scourge, necro is the most broken and useless profession in the game. so its time to remove major design flaws which have been around since release. second, it has little disengange potential so it should be one of the best duelists and in case of reaper most dangerous frontliners!


Granted I read throught everything, I can say that indeed it's OP but most of all it doesn't remove any "design flaw". The issue is that at this point, the necromancer already stack to many effect on it's skills and you add even more effects on top of that, this correct nothing, it's just layers upon layers of stacked bandaids.


If you want to correct a flawed design, you have to redesign this design in such a way that it is not flawed anymore. What are the "design flaws" of the necromancer that you aim to correct? From my point (not related to what you suggest) of view there is 3 possible design flaws on the necromancer:

- First the shroud which is both a defensive tool and an offensive tool.

- Second the role that anet want the necromancer to fulfill: Condition management.

- Third, skills that are overly loaded with many different effects.


From what I could see, you tried to correct shroud for PvP/WvW, yet you fail to understand that the shroud degen exist for this 2 gamemodes. Anet don't reduce the time a necromancer can stay in shroud in order to make thing fairer for the mobs but in order to keep in check how he perform against players.


A few comments:

- Blood magic: This is not a minion traitline and the necromancer most certainly don't need a 4th minion centered trait. Vampiric aura with these value would be seen as to strong for PvP and to weak (read insignifiant) for PvE.

- Soul reaping: Please no. Spectral skills don't need 300 toughness on top of what they do. And FitG is already strong as it is.

- Core shroud: Life blast need a faster attack rate nothing more nothing less. Life transfert need either a shorter cool down or to quit being a channeled skill.

- Blast finishers: I like that you try to put some of them into the mix, even if I don't like the fact that it come to load skill with yet another layer of effects.


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many good suggestions in my opinion, all together would be OP but if anet would choose some of them for the beginning to bring core und reaper back to game it would be nice. my Support you have :D

#thumb up


> Spite

> Reapers Might: activating any shroud skill grants might

> **Spiteful Reneval: remove 2 conditions and heal for 900 per removed condition when using a heal skill, 10s icd**

> Spiteful Talisman: increase damagemultiplier to 20% in pve only

> **Bitter Chill: "your first attack when entering combat chills your target (2s). refreshes when leaving shroud. chilling a foe applies Vulnerability (3x8s)"**

> Death Embrace: move Threshold up to 75% and make icd seperate per player

> Signets of Suffering: just bring back the old trait..


the current 5 sec cd on spiteful removal suits to nothing of the necro heals because necro dont have such small CDs on heal skill to use that trait often enough. so i agree with your twice the cd and the effect Suggestion.

and bitter chill would have way better synergies with that Change.


> Blood Magic

> Life from Death: switch places with vampiric, add 50 endurance gain for necro on leaving shroud

> Vapiric: now in Master major slot, add health regeneration for Minions (~300ish per sec) and remove self leaching part

> Vampiric Aura: remove icd, buff to 100/100 base leech values (0.02 skaling), remove shroud aspekt of this trait.

> Vampiric Rituals: "grant protection (5s) and resistance (2s) to you and up to 4 allies in the area when using a well skill.", keep rest as it is


Guardians have medtations (2k heal per activation)

mesmers have shatters (1k heal per activation)

warrios have 1k+ reg per second

druids, eles, all classes except necro have a lot of healing skills.


BM is the only traitline that reg life on necros, but there are no trait that grant heal like the other classes (above) has. so i also think blood Magic should also get way more heal than it has now to become equal to ALL other classes. your sugegstions would be a good start.


> Spektral Walk: add Stability (2x12s), reduce cooldown to 30s

> Spectral Wall: reduce cd to 25s, add projectile block

> Spectral Grasp: reduce cooldown to 20s, reduce range to 900 and maximal targets to 3


i really love the spectral skills, because they are my whole sustain. i personally would prefer some stability to spectral armor instead spectral Walking. but the rest are very good suggestions that would help necros a lot to come equal to utilities of other classes.


and for everyone that said that would be OP because scourge has Profit from core trait changes too, i just have to say: its better to buff core traits and weaker scourge traits instead of making core and reaper to hostages of their pof spec...

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im gonna answer to some questions from multiple posts:


-why thoughness adds on traits:

necro is a light armor class so we need to spec some thoughness in most cases for pvp/wvw, but shroud scales from vitality, which means we also should spec some. if we add thoughness to some traits we could take amulets like marauder with less worries of being too squishy to power. especially the melee oriented reaper line need huge defensive buffs so it can actually go melee outside of reaper shroud.



-why weakness on chilling nova

this will help a lot to deal with ranged power burst like pp thief or ele



-why shout changes:

>! Augury of Death: add shouts remove 2 non damaging conditions and double leeching values

>! Rise: reduce cooldown to 35s

>! Suffer: add a initial 2 condition clean (so it clears 2 plus one for each foe hit)

>! Nothing can Save you: remove cast time, reduce cooldown to 18s, add 3might stacks for 8s for each foe struck, add blast finisher

>! You are all Weaklings: reduce cooldown to 25s, replace might gain with initial stability (2x4s) and protection (3s) per foe hit

>! Chilled to the Bone: add 10s of initial protection and reduce casttime to 1s

buffing shoults and adding a AOE-removal of 2 non damaging conditions on a shout use in combination with soldier runes, which would remove an aditional condi, could make a shout based reaper build viable.



-why should well of corruption not get any buffs

this would be a huge buff for sage condi scourge in both wvw and pvp and I dont want to make this thing stronger. the overall well buff Im suggesting should only be a buff to power builds



-why adding blast finishers with low or without cast time:

necros using greatsword or wells have lots of access to dark fields. blast finishers result in aoe blind and a skill without cast time can be cast while stunned to prevent burst.



-Greatsword changes

>! >! Gravedigger: add 1s of superspeed upon casting reduce cooldown to 6s, increase damage by 10%

>! >! Death Spiral: add 1s of evade while casting, reduce cooldown to 10s

>! >! Grasping Darkness: add 5s of Weakness

the superspeed on Gravedigger is a poor mans gapcloser since anet wont give us a leap on GS. they also wont give us an evade on Gravedigger since its spammable on downed bodies resulting in perma evade with no effort at all. but greatsword should get some active defense thats why Id like to see an evade on Death Spiral. this would give us a nice option to counter pressure skills like warrior rush. the weakness on grasping darkness is for making sure pulled melee oriented foes aint no threat anymore.



-Blighters Boon:

this should either proc whenever we gain a boon (also from allies) like it was in beta. just add that it only works in combat for pvp for the sake of balance. But since anet never rolls back its nerfs I suggest buffing it and making it proc on any boon we put out to allies. we got some spammable AOE boons for example Mark of Blood from staff or dodge (especially if they add vigor here), Well of Suffering if they add an offensive boon here like I suggested and ofc Well of Power and Well Trait



-Stun Breaker on one shroud skill each:

we often go into shroud to prevent burst after being stunned. this would help a lot with counter pressuring



-Design Flaws I want to adress:

-full healing in core and reapershoud: so necro can be supported by allies when in dangerous situations (like any other class and scourge can)

-sent back conditions scale with the condition damage of the source not with the one from necro, removing built in advantage for condi necro over power

-remove lifeforce decay in pvp and wvw (core and reaper), to make kiting shroud a bit less effective, necro vulnerability when shroud is on cd is bad enough

-having slow cast times and almost no stability, just add/ buff stability on multiple skills like Spectral Walk, one shout, well of power




*edited spelling mistakes

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> @"hash.8462" said:

> Core-Shroud

> Life Blast: ~~add a small AOE explosion (180 radius) when hitting its target (2 Dhumfire procs)~~

> Life Blast: replaced by Plague Blast (the aquatic version of the skill)


Thats a great idea actually! I like it.



> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> FYI, transferred conditions DO use the original application's stats. This has always been the case.


I just tested that (in pvp lobby but I think same goes for pve and wvw), send back conditions by skills like plague signet, suffer, ... do use the condition damage stat of the necromancer and not of their source. Changing this would be a huge buff to power necro while being only a small nerf to condition based necro builds since other power builds dont pump out many conditions.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > A few comments:

> - Blood magic: This is not a minion traitline and the necromancer most certainly don't need a 4th minion centered trait. Vampiric aura with these value would be seen as


>! Life from Death: switch places with vampiric, add 50 endurance gain for necro on leaving shroud

>! Vapiric: now in Master major slot, add health regeneration for Minions (~300ish per sec) and remove self leaching part

>! Vampiric Aura: remove icd, buff to 100/100 base leech values (0.02 skaling), remove shroud aspekt of this trait.

The change I'm proposing is just moving Vampiric, the minion Trait of Bloodmagic from a Minor to a Major slot so Bloodmagic is actually moving further away from minions.. the new Minor would be Life from Death, healing when leaving shroud (and I would add either vigor or endurance gain to it).

The self leaching part from Vampiric would be moved to a stronger Vampiric Aura.



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> @"DEATHsCLAW.1978" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > A few comments:

> > - Blood magic: This is not a minion traitline and the necromancer most certainly don't need a 4th minion centered trait. Vampiric aura with these value would be seen as


> >! Life from Death: switch places with vampiric, add 50 endurance gain for necro on leaving shroud

> >! Vapiric: now in Master major slot, add health regeneration for Minions (~300ish per sec) and remove self leaching part

> >! Vampiric Aura: remove icd, buff to 100/100 base leech values (0.02 skaling), remove shroud aspekt of this trait.

> The change I'm proposing is just moving Vampiric, the minion Trait of Bloodmagic from a Minor to a Major slot so Bloodmagic is actually moving further away from minions.. the new Minor would be Life from Death, healing when leaving shroud (and I would add either vigor or endurance gain to it).

> The self leaching part from Vampiric would be moved to a stronger Vampiric Aura.




To be honest Vampiric just needs the numbers on the self life steal and minion life steal reversed. That way it would be a buff to builds running fewer minions but nerf to larger minion builds.

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