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WvW Reward Track Value (Update)


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Hallo. (See Update below)


With the WvW Alliance System on the Horizon , let us talk about Reward Tracks and how rewarding they actually are .


To do this , we need the _Time_ it takes to finish a Reward Track and the _Gold_ we get from it.


**Let us start with Time.**


We need 20000 Reward Track Points (short RTP) to finish a Reward Track.


* Tier 6 Participation is currently 195 RTP every 5 Minutes.


* This can be increased by up to 95% with boosters.


* We get RTP from Pip Chest.


**To calculate the Time i used these Conditions:**


* We get 10 Pips every 5 Minutes.


* We have permanent T6 Participation.


* We already have 1450 Pips done.




**Pip Chest.**


The Pips Chest rewards us every 55 Pips with 7 Instant Reward Track Progress ( 175 RTP).


To make it better to Calculate:

110 Pips = 350 RTP = 55 Minutes

_Every 55 Minutes we get 350 RTP from the Pips Chests._


**Now to the Participation.**


We get 195 RTP with 0% Boost.

* 215 with 10% ( Guild Enhancement: World Reward Tracks )

* 293 with 50% ( Experience Booster )

* 312 with 60% ( Guild Enhancement: World Reward Tracks + Experience Booster )

* 332 with 70% ( Guild Enhancement: World Reward Tracks + Experience Booster + Celebration Bonus )

* 380 with 95% ( Guild Enhancement: World Reward Tracks + Experience Booster + Celebration Bonus + Black Lion Boost )


_Together this is every 55 Minutes:_


* 0% Boost = 2495 RTP

* 10% Boost = 2715 RTP

* 50% Boost = 3573 RTP

* 60% Boost = 3782 RTP

* 70% Boost = 4002 RTP

* 95% Boost = 4530 RTP


We cant really say how long it will take to finish the Reward Track , because we get the Pip Chest RTP not constantly but only every 55 Pips.

I estimated the Time, but it should be close to the real Time.


* 0% Boost = 7 Hours and 25 Minutes

* 10% Boost = 6 Hours and 50 Minutes

* 50% Boost = 5 Hours and 10 Minutes

* 60% Boost = 4 Hours and 55 Minutes

* 70% Boost = 4 Hours and 35 Minutes

* 95% Boost = 4 Hours and 5 Minutes



**Now that we have the Time we need the Value of a Reward Track.**


The Youtuber Trutichup tested this over multible Videos.

(Links below)


* Opening 36x Crystal Desert Reward Track with 936 Magic Find was ~690g.

* Opening 25x Hero Weapon Reward Track with 935 Magic Find was ~487g.


* Crystal Desert Reward Track is ~19,16g on average.

* Hero Weapon Reward Track is ~19,48g on average.


With 0% Boost this translates to :


* Crystal Desert Reward Track is ~2,58g per Hour.

* Hero Weapon Reward Track is ~2,62g per Hour.


With 60% Boost this translates to :


* Crystal Desert Reward Track is ~3,89g per Hour.

* Hero Weapon Reward Track is ~3,96g per Hour.


_Remember this is with 935 Magic Find._


**Candy Corn Gobbler**


With this Item is is relativly easy to maintain 100% uptime of Experience Booster.


On average 250 Candy Corn gives 2,5 Hours of Experience Booster.

A Stack of Candy Corn is around 90 Silver to 1 Gold.



With these Conditions.

* We get 10 Pips every 5 Minutes.

* We have permanent T6 Participation.

* We already have 1450 Pips done.

* We have permanent 60% Boost.

* We open all Chests with 935 Magic Find.

* Minus the Cost for the Candy Corn.


**The final Gold per Hour is:**


* Crystal Desert Reward Track is ~3,51g per Hour.

* Hero Weapon Reward Track is ~3,57g per Hour.


As you can see this is not that much.

_Remember this is under a very unlikely scenario , the true Gold per Hour is lower than this._




I finished the Domain of Istan Reward Track 7 times.


I opened it with 335% Magic Find.



* 69 Gold 38 Silver 27 Copper

* 6946 Volatile Magic ( 28 Trophy Shipments = 51g - 28g = 31g)

* 350 Empyreal Fragmets

* 350 Dragonite Ore

* 70 Testimonies of Heroics

* 9 WvW Traps

* 56 Obsidian Shards

* 14 Mystic Clover (62g 04s 24c)

* 3870 Luck

* 105 Memory of Battle (5g 18s 77c)


Total Gold : ~ 167g 69s 13c


This means the Domain of Istan is on average ~ 23,94 Gold.

Minus the Cost for the Candy Corn 1,8g ~ 22,14 Gold.


* With 0% Boost , this is ~ 3,23g per Hour

* With 60% Boost , this is ~ 4,50g per Hour.






**What should change?**


* Increase the T6 Participation form 195 Base to 250 Base.

* Increase the Instant Reward Track Progress form 25 to 50.


This would get us to 5000 RTP every 55 Minutes with 60% Boost.


* The Crystal Desert Reward Track would increase to ~4,71g per Hour.

* The Hero Weapon Reward Track would increase to ~4,79g per Hour.


_Remember this is under a very unlikely scenario , the true Gold per Hour is lower than this._


Fun is important , but getting rewarded is part of it.

Yes, we get Rewards in many Ways in WvW , but the Reward Track is the Basis of it.


The fact that we **have** to invest Gold/Gems (Candy Corn Gobbler/ Candy Corn / Magic Find / Booster ) to increase the Value of the Reward Tracks is just bad.







**Opening 36x Crystal Desert Reward Track | Guild Wars 2**


**Opening 1,000+ Containers with 935% Magic Find | Guild Wars 2**

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can make more gold a hour then u do over 3 hours by just standing AFK..


tho i never went to play WvW for rewards i dont really understand why any1 is playing WvW for rewards..

should just have PvP system in place but a bit difference maybe, buy lvl 1 armor it gets auto upscaled to top stats add random runes that u can buy for 1 bronze same with trinkets and tada done. No need for rewards anymore.


might be just me but i always went to WvW just because i wanna PvP in a "open world" couldnt give a rats ass about the rewards its just a nice extra and sometimes a quite annoying extra.

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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> Are you including the value of the actual end rewards of the reward tracks? A Bounty Hunter or Warbeast armor piece which is earnt from the track has clearly defined value. If gw2spidy is correct a Bounty Hunter piece is between 11g and 14g for example.


Yes the Armor Box is in it. I used the Value form the Video and it says it is in the ~690g. But i will test it on the Domain of Isten Track later.



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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> can make more gold a hour then u do over 3 hours by just standing AFK..


> tho i never went to play WvW for rewards i dont really understand why any1 is playing WvW for rewards..

> should just have PvP system in place but a bit difference maybe, buy lvl 1 armor it gets auto upscaled to top stats add random runes that u can buy for 1 bronze same with trinkets and tada done. No need for rewards anymore.


> might be just me but i always went to WvW just because i wanna PvP in a "open world" couldnt give a rats kitten about the rewards its just a nice extra and sometimes a quite annoying extra.


We dont play WvW for Money. But still. Should WvW Player never be able to buy something shiny?


"Just because i like my job and have fun doing it, doesnt mean i would do it for 2 Euros an hour."

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If you guys want change, this is one of the things that need to be updated regardless. You have to understand that there are also those that stick purely to this mode too. Sure, I agree with no dangling carrots but that is with things like the wvw armor and backpack - this on the other hand is to sustain those that stick to this mode. Have to get with the times, and this is one of them that needs to be looked at. It's not going to harm anyone or the game mode compared to the other changes that might come into play in the game modes future.

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> @"Brigand.9502" said:

> You briefly mention it in your post, but what is the value of all of the other things you've accumulated in WvW over the time period that you've earned all those reward tracks? Loot from enemies, champ bags, etc? I feel like the reward track loot is just a piece of the puzzle.


I also find it far easier _in World vs World_ to unlock dungeon armor sets, earn some types of map currency, and even Wintersday Gifts (180 gifts from every 14-16 days of dailies, if you save the potions). Not to mention enough transmutation charges and tomes of knowledge that I never have to worry about reskins or leveling new toons ever again.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> **Site Note:**


> Im saving the Rewards of the Domain of Istan Reward Track.

> When i have a decent Number of it ( 15 + Minimum) i will post the Result here.

> This Test will be done with low Magic Find.


I heard Trutichup will post an Istan Reward Track video like the others in one or two weeks. Around the same magic find and 50 full rewards track.



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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > can make more gold a hour then u do over 3 hours by just standing AFK..

> >

> > tho i never went to play WvW for rewards i dont really understand why any1 is playing WvW for rewards..

> > should just have PvP system in place but a bit difference maybe, buy lvl 1 armor it gets auto upscaled to top stats add random runes that u can buy for 1 bronze same with trinkets and tada done. No need for rewards anymore.

> >

> > might be just me but i always went to WvW just because i wanna PvP in a "open world" couldnt give a rats kitten about the rewards its just a nice extra and sometimes a quite annoying extra.


> We dont play WvW for Money. But still. Should WvW Player never be able to buy something shiny?


> "Just because i like my job and have fun doing it, doesnt mean i would do it for 2 Euros an hour."


what shiny things do u want? skins?

another thing i never understood who cares about skins make whole WvW red chars / green chars / blue chars

your problem solved also ;) no1 is shiny.


i mean im straight forward WvW = PvP in somewhat open world u do nothing but kill each other there no need for rewards the joy is to have good fights.

about the job thing, i dont like any1 job but i do it for a living so i cant judge about job that u enjoy if i would do it for 2 euro a hour.


I don't live to work, I work to live thats my motto ;)

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> @"The Dervish.7384" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > what shiny things do u want? skins?

> > another thing i never understood who cares about skins make whole WvW red chars / green chars / blue chars

> > your problem solved also ;) no1 is shiny.

> >

> You can set this option is on/off, fyi.


i have it, but force people to have it.

from my pov wvw should just a mode where u can gain nothing but u need nothing also to start.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> > @"The Dervish.7384" said:

> > > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > what shiny things do u want? skins?

> > > another thing i never understood who cares about skins make whole WvW red chars / green chars / blue chars

> > > your problem solved also ;) no1 is shiny.

> > >

> > You can set this option is on/off, fyi.


> i have it, but force people to have it.

> from my pov wvw should just a mode where u can gain nothing but u need nothing also to start.


It might make WvW more appealing if players can potentially make more gold than PvE .. you'd see way more action anyway.

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