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Guild SCOURGE wars 2


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Guyz, i have returned to the game after 8 month break and what i can see?

In each pvp game i have 2+ scourges per team in the PVP ranked game.

I would like mention that i have practiced several weeks in regular queue before strating rankeds so i have reminded how to play.


Dear devs, do you really this that this is balanced class? Cause now i can see that team which has more scourges is winning each time!


Since i can see only this POF class in queues - maybe you should rename the game, or at least addon to Guild SCOURGE wars 2! I believe nice idea lol.


Even if my opinion can be targeted by you as frustrated for some reasons, then answer me the single question.

Isnt it strange that only one profession from pof is used in EACH game?

Its really fun cause i have seen only several others, but each, each game ive got necroscourge.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> Sorry mate, you're late for the Scourge hate train...

> That ship sailed and arrived to port. Class already nerfed to death.


Lol wat.

Each game ive got 2+ guyz who can use shields to cover +~50-100% of their health.

Each game this guyz can use their aoe to reduce my and my comrades health for ~50% hp.


And this is already nerfed.. Lol.




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> @"RainbowTitan.6901" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > Sorry mate, you're late for the Scourge hate train...

> > That ship sailed and arrived to port. Class already nerfed to death.


> Lol wat.

> Each game ive got 2+ guyz who can use shields to cover +~50-100% of their health.

> Each game this guyz can use their aoe to reduce my and my comrades health for ~50% hp.


> And this is already nerfed.. Lol.




I'm assuming you're playing low bronze or something. That's where people that ddidn't get the memo live.

If you're dying in scourge shades now, man you're doing it sooo wrong.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> >

> I'm assuming you're playing low bronze or something. That's where people that ddidn't get the memo live.

> If you're dying in scourge shades now, man you're doing it sooo wrong.


Im finishing my placement games. Well i believe that maybe im doing smth wrong. But in each game this is used as most playing class with sooo stronk aoe.

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The core of the class is a problem, seeing as it has mechanics that fit so perfectly in PvP. PvP involves taking and holding points and scourge abilities involve placing constant pulsing AoE's that fit perfectly within those points. Finding a way to balance the class without destroying its core design is a challenge I do not envy.


There was recently a scourge nerf but it didn't seem to change the PvP meta in a noticeable way. At the same time, Deadeyes got a bit of a buff, and they seem like a class that could counter scourges fairly well, so maybe things will start to change up soon.



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>Each game ive got 2+ guyz who can use shields to cover +~50-100% of their health.


Barrier literally cant exceed 50% of your max hp.


If you made a similar complaint about a month ago it would be more believable. More so than before fighting a scourge is a L2P issue due to the completely over the top and intrusive tell they added to the abilities as well as the nerf to corruption which makes cleansing things that are important far easier, as well as the changes to the corruption table.


You would be better off asking for help on how to fight them instead of just saying blegh its impossible because its OP.

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Well with attempt #2 at fixing condition wars 2 (second pacth for it) they still have yet to fix the scourge spammy spam spam. Click 3 buttons and boom your enemy has 20+ conditions/. Cleared int? 3 bottons again.. and boom 20+ conditions again.


Hahahaha this was supposed to be a "support" spec hahahahahahaha .Fail

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I remember when DH traps were problematic and everyone complained about how one or two could easily cover a point to bust down someone. Said traps got trashed despite what counterplay there was to them.

Scourge feels like a similar case, and they've yet to be trashed as harshly, but I feel as long as we're forced to dance over small points to win a match, we'll always find something that can mass bomb an area to complain about.

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> @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> I remember when DH traps were problematic and everyone complained about how one or two could easily cover a point to bust down someone. Said traps got trashed despite what counterplay there was to them.

> Scourge feels like a similar case, and they've yet to be trashed as harshly, but I feel as long as we're forced to dance over small points to win a match, we'll always find something that can mass bomb an area to complain about.


Bad DHs were different. Once they blew their traps they couldn't do anything. Scourge will never really run out of AoEs on the other hand.


And it's bad design in general, not just because of conquest... good luck going in against them on a melee class, you'll be melted in seconds.

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> @"burrowowl.1457" said:

> Deadeyes got a bit of a buff, and they seem like a class that could counter scourges fairly well, so maybe things will start to change up soon.


So its still meta buy DLC to have a chance against DLC character.

And probably i have no probs against any other proffession. Deadeye has tons of dmg but is squishy.


Since scourge has consistent AOE CC, AOE DOT, and SHIELD for at least 50% hp. Lol.

Regular Necros have more hp than any of my toon (except war i believe) has, but that is not enough - we need sheilds also! Not enough, SHIELDS for TEAM. Now ok. Lol.



> @"Nocturnal Lunacy.8563" said:

> >

> Scourge Wars 2 would be a better name





> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Well with attempt #2 at fixing condition wars 2 (second pacth for it) they still have yet to fix the scourge spammy spam spam. Click 3 buttons and boom your enemy has 20+ conditions/. Cleared int? 3 bottons again.. and boom 20+ conditions again.


> Hahahaha this was supposed to be a "support" spec hahahahahahaha .Fail


Clearly enough about the topic reasons.



> @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> I remember when DH traps were problematic and everyone complained about how one or two could easily cover a point to bust down someone. Said traps got trashed despite what counterplay there was to them.

> Scourge feels like a similar case, and they've yet to be trashed as harshly, but I feel as long as we're forced to dance over small points to win a match, we'll always find something that can mass bomb an area to complain about.


Lol wat. Traps with long cd can be compared with scourge AOE spam + shields? Rly?



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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"RainbowTitan.6901" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > Sorry mate, you're late for the Scourge hate train...

> > > That ship sailed and arrived to port. Class already nerfed to death.

> >

> > Lol wat.

> > Each game ive got 2+ guyz who can use shields to cover +~50-100% of their health.

> > Each game this guyz can use their aoe to reduce my and my comrades health for ~50% hp.

> >

> > And this is already nerfed.. Lol.

> >

> >


> I'm assuming you're playing low bronze or something. That's where people that ddidn't get the memo live.

> If you're dying in scourge shades now, man you're doing it sooo wrong.


Scourge is still meta in plat3-legend queues. And ats.

Nerfed but still auto lock when a good player uses it and has FB.

Forgot to mention it’s still braindead as fuck. So even if it wasn’t meta but still A tier it’s too much for a 0 effort build. And it is infact still S tier.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:


> Bad DHs were different. Once they blew their traps they couldn't do anything. Scourge will never really run out of AoEs on the other hand.


> And it's bad design in general, not just because of conquest... good luck going in against them on a melee class, you'll be melted in seconds.


I'm not disagreeing with that - there were ways around dealing with trap-spam but there was still massive outcry against DHs back when and they got hammered hard for it.

I'm saying that it feels very similar in that both could nuke a point with braindead levels of ease, but DH got hit much MUCH harder than Scourge has despite such a notable difference in effectiveness and difficulty in countering their node-bombs.

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> @"Nocturnal Lunacy.8563" said:

> > @"RainbowTitan.6901" said:

> >

> >

> > Since i can see only this POF class in queues - maybe you should rename the game, or at least addon to Guild SCOURGE wars 2! I believe nice idea lol.

> >

> >

> Scourge Wars 2 would be a better name. Or perhaps bubble wars 2 cuz of the spellbreaker bubblespam



Scourge Wars 2: Bubble Edition

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> @"RainbowTitan.6901" said:

> Guyz, i have returned to the game after 8 month break and what i can see?

> In each pvp game i have 2+ scourges per team in the PVP ranked game.

> I would like mention that i have practiced several weeks in regular queue before strating rankeds so i have reminded how to play.


> Dear devs, do you really this that this is balanced class? Cause now i can see that team which has more scourges is winning each time!


> Since i can see only this POF class in queues - maybe you should rename the game, or at least addon to Guild SCOURGE wars 2! I believe nice idea lol.


> Even if my opinion can be targeted by you as frustrated for some reasons, then answer me the single question.

> Isnt it strange that only one profession from pof is used in EACH game?

> Its really fun cause i have seen only several others, but each, each game ive got necroscourge.


No it's not strange at all, it sounds like you are in lower tier (no offense we all start there) and neither you nor your teammates know how to handle a scourge, or two of in your case, to win a match.


I mained Scourge since PoF and yes at the start it was OP as shit but it has been nerfed and nerfed and nerfed and this last patch just kicked it in the balls for good measure. In plat and high gold I'm not seeing any Scourge anymore, instead its mez and holosmiths that are the silly class (at least for me). This last patch in particular was so hard on the play style of the scourge class I ended up going more on my Ranger and Warrior in PvP cause I was just loosing non stop (and not having fun with how the play style changed) when I went on my Scourge.


Suggestions would be not hug the scourge and dodge the HUGE red circle that now has a big warning and you will win.

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> @"Henrik.7560" said:

> scourge is strong mainly due to the short cooldowns of constant deadly aoes, maybe increasing the cooldowns of the shade skills; mainly f3 and f5 would help make it more healthy, the fact they can spam their skills off cooldown and keep up barrier almost permanently is overpowered.



I disagree, scourges f5 has a 16 second cool down and is extremely easy to avoid and it is their only super reasonable damage dealing skill. The f3 skill is fine as it is, decent life force cost and it is purely defensive, and the barrier instantly melts to the super high dps being thrown around by most classes.


The red flashy circles are super annoying though and for me at least it makes it much harder to see what is going on because of how distracting they are.

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