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Wonder why matches are 500-100? Hear my theory


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When forum is currently swarmed with threads like "Consistent 500-100 matches" "Consistent loose, win, loose, win" "My loose streak is 10 and growing" everyone is blaming matchmaking. I really don't think thats the case.

I am playing multiple classes in low plat now, and few days after patch hitted this madness started. Because only build that is decent to play right now is glass cannon build.

Warriors -> high dmg, but high survi

Ele, mesmer, thief, holo -> all glass

Some guardians -> glass cannon again

The only builds that are non glass and still decend are:

druid for ress mid fight, firebrand for support, and scourge (if firebrand is present)

Current "teamfights" are looking like this.

1. Team I player is bursted down

2. Team II starts to cleave

3. If support present Team II players are going down while cleaving

4. Someone rallies someone

5. Snowball starts until other team somehow will not wipe other team clean


And here we go, another useless "Who has the lower ping" burst battle which will end 500-100.

YOLO meta at finest

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> conquest would be 1000% better off in a couple of short rounds, say first to 100 points. it would give players the chance to rethink their game play, re-strategize with their teamies, maybe the losers even get to switch builds but winners cant, and prevent snowball > blowout matches from happening en masse.


Or a pop up box comes up , saying that if you play with a class (that the system chooses) you will be awarded with bonus rewards .

(the countdown-clock ticks as long as you play this character - you need 7 min playtime to get rewarded) .


The system chooses between your existing characters (different class) , but if are missing a Bunker-Support spec , then the system will unlock a 6th character spot with a fixxed-stats-spec-spells Bunker .

Make sure that 1 of your 5 characters is a Bunker to have some control about what spells/traits it has , or play normaly your main spec avoiding this mechanic

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> @"Ryuk.6840" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > conquest would be 1000% better off in a couple of short rounds, say first to 100 points. it would give players the chance to rethink their game play, re-strategize with their teamies, maybe the losers even get to switch builds but winners cant, and prevent snowball > blowout matches from happening en masse.


> Or a pop up box comes up , saying that if you play with a class (that the system chooses) you will be awarded with bonus rewards .

> The system chooses between your existing characters (different class) , but if are missing a Bunker-Support spec , then the system will unlock a 6th character spot with a fixxed-stats-spec-spells Bunker .

> Make sure that 1 of your 5 characters is a Bunker to have some control about what spells/traits it has , or play normaly your main spec avoiding this mechanic


yeah that could work.

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My experience is that most outmatched games are a result of someone not understanding how sPvP is played. More often than not a "most kills win" mentality. They really need to bring back the tutorial to sPvP. At least have something that says if you are all on mid while they have the other 2 points, your probably doing it wrong.

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> @"zerorogue.9410" said:

> My experience is that most outmatched games are a result of someone not understanding how sPvP is played. More often than not a "most kills win" mentality. They really need to bring back the tutorial to sPvP. At least have something that says if you are all on mid while they have the other 2 points, your probably doing it wrong.


Pretty much this. It's usually somebody who's clueless or has no feel for tactical prowess. They see an enemy, they attack an enemy, regardless of situation or tactical concerns. They stick around in fights when they are clearly outnumbered and outgunned, and they run to points where their efforts are wasted.


Very rarely I have seen blowouts due to raw skill (or sheer OPness) -- Usually a thief or mesmer is the source in this case, because they can steamroll enemies so much faster than other classes. But this is the exception, not the rule for blowouts.

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Most of my blowouts on either end are things like, the team is just clumping all 5 players together and can't rotate, I play a good mesmer and can solo cap outers while the other team is too busy fighting our 2 mid bunkers and scourge, our thief doesn't know how to thief and thinks that shooting everyone at mid uselessly is fun. I can go on, but it's bad players normally that can make you fight a 4v5, and teams that are so bad, they lose mid fights 5v3. Also PLEASE STOP TRYING TO KILL THE BUNKER! Just go somewhere else please. He's not gonna die. ROTATE! I leave that one ready to paste in most games with this matchmaking system foring bronze players into gold/plat matches when there aren't enough people. OH, and no one seems to read the chat or care to actually plan. I'm just gonna stop, but the point is it's bad players.

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Lowest ping wins xDdd ofc you need decent net to function but it has nothing to do with that. Game’s perfectly playable on my 100 ping.


It comes down to the fact you don’t know how to do enough damage (practise a cleave rotation maybe?) or res if you’re bunkerish. Or, stomp if you have stab. Yes that is a thing most people don’t do enough on stab builds these days.

If the fight rolls out evenly as you stated and you ended up losing the downed battle you or someone on your team wasn’t contributing to preventing your own downs from rallying the enemy or finishing the enemy.


But keep blaming everything else but yourself I’m sure you’ll end up in legend like you obviously deserve.

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> @"Virelion.4128" said:

> Current "teamfights" are looking like this.

> 1. Team I player is bursted down

> 2. Team II starts to cleave

> 3. If support present Team II players are going down while cleaving

> 4. Someone rallies someone

> 5. Snowball starts until other team somehow will not wipe other team clean


I agree, but the thing is a slow bunker meta doesn't result in more point flipping, it just means less killing. The bunker still won't die on his node unless his teammates are afk on the other side of the map for 10minutes straight and the 5v1 finally gives way to the 5.


The score is based on kills too, but taking and holding the nodes gives more points in the average game i think, and decapping takes away more from the other team. A kill-speed meta should give more room for rotation, awareness, and node-flipping to make a difference, I'd think.

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Blowouts come from someone giving up or AFK ing. Something goes bad a single player throwing results in a blowout for all. And of course a lack of comunication, but this is difficult with random players ... Throwing must not mean AFK. Just mentaly gave up and do "something" for the rest of the game.

Bad stuff MMR is measured on that and even worse on individual MMR v.s. oposing average. This makes ranking a farce.

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> @"Wolfric.9380" said:

> Blowouts come from someone giving up or AFK ing. Something goes bad a single player throwing results in a blowout for all. And of course a lack of comunication, but this is difficult with random players ... Throwing must not mean AFK. Just mentaly gave up and do "something" for the rest of the game.

> Bad stuff MMR is measured on that and even worse on individual MMR v.s. oposing average. This makes ranking a farce.



Haven't seen it all season until a few days ago, but in the last 4 days I've had 3 people afk in matches that were not even that bad. Also had a guy repeatedly call me Latino for some reason.

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What you describe can be in play indeed but I still think the MM system puts low skilled players against much higher skilled ones. Just today i had anther huge losing streak and none of them feel balanced or exiting at all. Even 1v1's are just impossible in most cases, blink once and dead. In my case almost all of the time people where playing with meta style builds so considering they use that on both sides it kinda nulls out the competitive edge they could have from building something custom. I'm a fairly decent player and I play GW2 from the beginning and know my professions pretty well, but ill never be a PvP god so please don't put me against those people it's just not a match, its more of a butcher party, a slaughter fest. People in platinum are openly laughing about it they'll be like "I've been butchering noobs all morning" things like that. come on it's madness really...


I'm in green a.t.m. I was in low gold for a short while after I got lucky on some good games. Then it turned back to lose lose lose win lose lose lose lose dc win lose lose etc...

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> conquest would be 1000% better off in a couple of short rounds, say first to 100 points. it would give players the chance to rethink their game play, re-strategize with their teamies, maybe the losers even get to switch builds but winners cant, and prevent snowball > blowout matches from happening en masse.


Pretty much anything would be better than always having to play regular conquest in ranked

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > conquest would be 1000% better off in a couple of short rounds, say first to 100 points. it would give players the chance to rethink their game play, re-strategize with their teamies, maybe the losers even get to switch builds but winners cant, and prevent snowball > blowout matches from happening en masse.


> Pretty much anything would be better than always having to play regular conquest in ranked


careful, I might pitch my slap the dolyak idea in full force :0

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