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+7 Agony Infusion Stat Change


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Why isn't this a thing? They are pretty expensive... Not as expensive as +9 But still kind of up there.. Please make a recipe so we can change the +7 infusions stats as well.. Cause like all +9s are really pointless since you dont need all +9s to reach 150 agony res. That and with the new Agony system where you get account wide +5 it is even easier to reach 150.. So... Please?

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> @"dontlook.1823" said:

> Why isn't this a thing? They are pretty expensive... Not as expensive as +9 But still kind of up there.. Please make a recipe so we can change the +7 infusions stats as well.. Cause like all +9s are really pointless since you dont need all +9s to reach 150 agony res. That and with the new Agony system where you get account wide +5 it is even easier to reach 150.. So... Please?


It's mostly economics.


> [ANet Ben], posting on [reddit](


>> **Q:** Can we get a way to transform AR+9/Stat+5 Infusions back to two AR+7/Stat+5? Some of us no longer need so many AR+9.

> **A:** Stat infusions are intended to be a sort of irreversible sink, so I don't think we will be adding deconstruction options, even from +9 to +7s. With the advent of the account AR, there are definitely people who are now overcapped, but we are OK with that. If we decide to add more account AR in the future, it could happen again. You should either move those +9s to characters who are gearing up, or just overcap your AR for slight stat boosts. Remember that +9 infusions have the benifit of being mystic forgeable to stat swap them, so you do get a bit of extra convenience even if you never intend to use it.



> [ANet Ben], posting on [reddit](


>> **Q:** How about an option to change infusions with effects to normal +9AR/+5stats? I just got a Celestial Infusion (Red) from Fractals 100 CM and I don't think I'll ever use it because it just doesn't fit the theme of my characters and I don't like the effect.

> **A:** I'd rather not add a way to trade in your super rare infusions. They are so disproportionately more valuable than a +9/+5, that even if you don't want to use it, you might in the future and then put in a support request to undo the trade in. Better to store it in the bank for now if you don't want it, as it was a lucky drop anyways.



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