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Who Else Is Looking Forward to an Announcement Regarding LWS4E2 Tomorrow?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> If the festival doesnt end until the 22nd, then maybe wait til then?


As far as I know, they added new tech that allows them to get rid of the festival decoration/npcs etc without updating the client. Same thing happened with Halloween.


>@"Ubi.4136" said:

> We are getting nothing else today. The gem store updated, so they are done. No season update, no patch today.


We'll see. Look on reddit for the guy that datamines the upcoming gemstore items. If there is nothing more in the client than what we already see in the shop it's pretty likely that they update the game next week, regardless of their 2 week schedule.

If there are new shop items that are not in the shop currently then it's almost certain that we won't get any sort of update next week.

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > If the festival doesnt end until the 22nd, then maybe wait til then?


> As far as I know, they added new tech that allows them to get rid of the festival decoration/npcs etc without updating the client. Same thing happened with Halloween.


> >@"Ubi.4136" said:

> > We are getting nothing else today. The gem store updated, so they are done. No season update, no patch today.


> We'll see. Look on reddit for the guy that datamines the upcoming gemstore items. If there is nothing more in the client than what we already see in the shop it's pretty likely that they update the game next week, regardless of their 2 week schedule.

> If there are new shop items that are not in the shop currently then it's almost certain that we won't get any sort of update next week.


Yes they did add that tech, but they may wait to announce it after the festival ends

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> We'll see. Look on reddit for the guy that datamines the upcoming gemstore items. If there is nothing more in the client than what we already see in the shop it's pretty likely that they update the game next week, regardless of their 2 week schedule.

> If there are new shop items that are not in the shop currently then it's almost certain that we won't get any sort of update next week.


Afaik the lantern puppy was the last thing datamined that was published today. So next week we should at least get a gemstore update, maybe a bl-chest-update too...

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Considering yesterday was a holiday, they may have delayed the announcement to the 22nd, as they've done before in similar cases. They're also probably wanting to stretch out the episodes as long as possible to buy time for the next expansion, rather than having more episodes or a year long gap at the end.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> Looks like my pessimistic side won out today, however that is still better than silence. At least we know the patch is basically complete they are only hammering out the bugs. My new prediction is trailer in a week, and patch in 2 weeks.


Actually, I was correct if you read Z's post...he stated they were ALMOST near the end of the 2 - 3 month release cycle, which tells me those two(2) weeks when ArenaNet was basically shut down around Christmas/New Years aren't included in the schedule...so adding in those two weeks would make March 6th the end of 3 months.

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