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Returning Player with an XPAC Question


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So i just recently had the itch for seeing what GW2 has become after being gone for almost 5 years it seems. I few days ago I jumped back in, and MAN are there changes (not surprising). I did eventually feel the familiarity of it, and am starting to enjoy it. A couple questions if someone would be so kind to answer for me.

Does one have to purchase all the expansions, or can they just purchase the latest expansion? Would the story be unable to continue if i only bought the last xpac? Is there anything amazing I would miss if I skipped to the last xpac?


Thanks for your time.

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The expansions are offering different things.


access to 4 maps

Access to the story

Access to the new class the revenant

Access to first raidwings

Access to 9 elite specializations (one per class)

Access to hot masteries (most notable is gliding as it is also functional in the core game)

Some minor things



Access to the story

Access to 5 new maps

Access to the new class the revenant

Access to the latest raid wing and he ones released till xpac3

Access to 9 (different) elite specializations

Access to PoF masteries (5 mounts usable in all open world maps)

Some minor things


Edit: you can only equip one elite specializations. So if you play a single class, want a specific specialization, are not interested in anything else, then one of the x pacs is enough.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:


> Access to 9 (different) elite specializations (one per class, need HoT to create a revenant and have access to that elite specializations)


You can make a revenant with either HoT or PoF. You just wont be able to use the Elite spec tied to the Expansion you don't have.

'Path of Fire includes access to the Revenant profession, but not the Herald elite specialization. If you only own Path of Fire, you will be able to create a Revenant character and unlock the Renegade elite specialization.' ~ https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/115010688287-Guild-Wars-2-Path-of-Fire-FAQ

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:


> > Access to 9 (different) elite specializations (one per class, need HoT to create a revenant and have access to that elite specializations)


> You can make a revenant with either HoT or PoF. You just wont be able to use the Elite spec tied to the Expansion you don't have.


I stand corrected, will edit it

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> @"Ryansan.2083" said:

> This is good stuff. Thanks you guys. I'll probably get both eventually, but will go with the first one. Once I have both xpacs, are you able to switch elite specs whenever? or are you stuck with what you choose first?


If you have no interest in the story and the sequence, I would advice for the second.

He elitespecs need a lot of heropoints. But the expansions have ones with 10 per challenge. The core game gives enough points to unlock the core specs and give extra. Each expansion has enough points to unlock one elite and has bonus points.


The reason for advising the second expansion is that it is more based on exploration and less on group content. So it is easier to do e.g. the hero challenges solo. Or do map objectives solo.


Then again. When you buy them both at the same time, you get a great discount.

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> @"Ryansan.2083" said:

> This is good stuff. Thanks you guys. I'll probably get both eventually, but will go with the first one. Once I have both xpacs, are you able to switch elite specs whenever? or are you stuck with what you choose first?


The story is core game -> season 2-> hot -> season 3 (need hot) -> pof -> season 4 (need pof)


It depends what you enjoy / what you want from expansion


Pof maps are large and beautifil, hot maps habe great events (one takes almost 2 hours with like 100 players)


Pof elite specs have more depth in them. If you are a support player then hot specs have 2 best bve support specs (mesmer chronomancer and range druid)


I think pof Story is better


Elite specialization are like normal specialization. But once you have one equiped you cannot use the other and your spells changes. You can change them any time you want.


Gl in exploration

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One other point that I didn't see any one raise is access to the living world seasons. To play Living World Season 3, you have to have HoT. To play Season 4, you have to have PoF. You can unlock the season 4 episodes for free (by logging in while they are live) without PoF, but you cannot play them unless you have PoF.

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