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Can we make staff ambush track target


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Currently the skill is really annoying as you have to manually turn to face the target so it goes off.


Can we make it work like, say, GS2 mirror blade? If you don't click any movement skill, it will automatically make you face target.


Currently I am trying to play with illusionary ambush. More often than not, it makes me facing away from target. Given how small the timing window is for ambush skill, this makes staff ambush stupidly clunky to use.

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  • 1 month later...

Wanted to add my two-cents to this; in special forces training area, and I get 3 staff clones up, use Illusionary Ambush, and I'm lucky if I get 1 of them to even ambush. Plus most times I don't ambush (yep, facing away).


If I use the GM trait Infinite Horizons and dodge with 3 clones up, all 3 seem to always do their ambush attack (and me most the time, however seems if I move right as/after I Illusionary Ambush sometimes I stop attacking altogether).


I've tried same tests with axe, and no problems.


Note I'm OCE with ~280ms ping and won't be surprised if this has an impact too (on a side note, half the time I'm getting on map instances (servers) that are 310-340ms ping roughly since first big post-PoF update).

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> @Zintrothen.1056 said:

> Another nice change would be increasing the ambush time. 1.5 seconds is nothing. Several skills actually take that long to cast. 2 or even 3 seconds would appropriate.


It is not a problem on, say, sword ambush. Because you can just dodge and cast.


But for staff ambush, you actually have to dodge then aim then cast because the skill doesn't automatically track your target. This aiming process makes the skill so much more clunky to use and makes that 1.5sec window just feels too short to execute things.


So I kinda agree with you. Increasing the ambush window could be another way to help such skill.

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