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Remove unwanted followers from contacts tab

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I accidentally sent a kind of "inappropriate email" (coz thats how me and my friend talk to each other, we're two girls who talk about kind of risque subjects) to someone in my guild coz I was typing in my friend's account name and it autofilled with someone from my guild. Why it did that first when my friend is on my friend list and this rando was just in my guild idk. But I got a reply "wtf is wrong with you with that mail you sent to me" and i'm like "?" and i looked at the account name and i'm like "oh". They kept mailing me over and over about it "wtf you sick or something". "I'm like look, if it bothered you that much because I sent a mail to you by accident that wasn't meant for you that had words in it you didn't like report me and block me so it doesn't happen again. idk what to tell you man." And blocked the person. Then mailed the guild master (who is one of my close buds) to let them know i accidentally mailed that person so he could deal with any situations that arose. EVEN AFTER ALL THAT this person's name still came up first in the gem shop every time I went to gift my buddy who I was supposed to mail instead until that person eventually left the guild. Like, how are we able to gift someone we blocked, I don't even understand.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> The followers list needs to be removed imo, and friends list should be changed to be a mutual agreement.

> Follower list can be used to aid in stalking and grieving, and shouldn’t have been implemented from the get go.


Exactly what part of **Followers List** is it that people don't understand...you have your **Friends List** and your **Followers List**, pretty self explanatory to me and should be to anyone else, been there since the beginning, no reason to change it now. I don't want to be **"friends"** with everyone I might happen to play with, but I might sometimes want to join and/or follow that person in a particular activity...for those that use it the wrong way, well that's just their problem, not really yours, but most people don't understand that either.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > The followers list needs to be removed imo, and friends list should be changed to be a mutual agreement.

> > Follower list can be used to aid in stalking and grieving, and shouldn’t have been implemented from the get go.


> Exactly what part of **Followers List** is it that people don't understand...you have your **Friends List** and your **Followers List**, pretty self explanatory to me and should be to anyone else, been there since the beginning, no reason to change it now. I don't want to be **"friends"** with everyone I might happen to play with, but I might sometimes want to join and/or follow that person in a particular activity...for those that use it the wrong way, well that's just their problem, not really yours, but most people don't understand that either.


Just because you don’t agree with what I said, doesn’t mean I’m wrong. What part of followers list do you not understand? The fact players don’t have a choice of allowing followers or not. That’s what.

Players can and DO use it to follow targets to grieve and troll, and stalk people they are obsessed with. That is the downside of it. Players shouldn’t have to appear offline to avoid such actions.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > The followers list needs to be removed imo, and friends list should be changed to be a mutual agreement.

> > > Follower list can be used to aid in stalking and grieving, and shouldn’t have been implemented from the get go.

> >

> > Exactly what part of **Followers List** is it that people don't understand...you have your **Friends List** and your **Followers List**, pretty self explanatory to me and should be to anyone else, been there since the beginning, no reason to change it now. I don't want to be **"friends"** with everyone I might happen to play with, but I might sometimes want to join and/or follow that person in a particular activity...for those that use it the wrong way, well that's just their problem, not really yours, but most people don't understand that either.


> Just because you don’t agree with what I said, doesn’t mean I’m wrong. What part of followers list do you not understand? The fact players don’t have a choice of allowing followers or not. That’s what.

> Players can and DO use it to follow targets to grieve and troll, and stalk people they are obsessed with. That is the downside of it. Players shouldn’t have to appear offline to avoid such actions.


And blocking them doesn't remove you from their friend's list.

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> @"Nocturnal Lunacy.8563" said:

> So I do a lot of wvw and I notice that there are individuals from other servers that follow me basically to see where I'm at and when I'm online in an attempt to troll.

> Can you please implement a way to remove these individuals from the followers tab of the contacts menu? And maybe can make it where they can't follow you in the future and a way to let them follow if needed.

> I know I can block them but I don't want to block them I just don't want them in my followers. Perhaps a better way to for followers not to see if youre online or where youre at. Just your name that would be better. And if I were to add them to my friends then they can see all the info they can currently.


You remind me of a certain WvW commander, who left his/her server for that same reason...

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> @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > The followers list needs to be removed imo, and friends list should be changed to be a mutual agreement.

> > > > Follower list can be used to aid in stalking and grieving, and shouldn’t have been implemented from the get go.

> > >

> > > Exactly what part of **Followers List** is it that people don't understand...you have your **Friends List** and your **Followers List**, pretty self explanatory to me and should be to anyone else, been there since the beginning, no reason to change it now. I don't want to be **"friends"** with everyone I might happen to play with, but I might sometimes want to join and/or follow that person in a particular activity...for those that use it the wrong way, well that's just their problem, not really yours, but most people don't understand that either.

> >

> > Just because you don’t agree with what I said, doesn’t mean I’m wrong. What part of followers list do you not understand? The fact players don’t have a choice of allowing followers or not. That’s what.

> > Players can and DO use it to follow targets to grieve and troll, and stalk people they are obsessed with. That is the downside of it. Players shouldn’t have to appear offline to avoid such actions.


> And blocking them doesn't remove you from their friend's list.


Blocking someone _should_ simply suppress all "friend list" functionality for both parties.


Anyone who blocked you should show up as offline and you shouldn't be able to whisper them and they shouldn't be able to see that you are online or whisper you, it's obvious functionality and I'm still baffled that it isn't how it works.


As for the follower list it's not a bad idea as such but there should be an option to either turn it off completely or a visibility option to appear offline to followers. At this stage the privacy options should probably just be tick boxes.


* [ ] Appear online to friends.

* [ ] Appear online to guild.

* [ ] Appear online to followers.


It should also remember these settings when you log back in.

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I too am bothered that we cannot agree as to who follows us. I don't know the people in my follow list and to check if my friendship is mutual I always have to unfriend, then friend back, if name remains, just to avoid me stalking people who do not want my friendship.

It really needs to be a mutual agreement thing instead.


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The problem is that Anet doesn't care for players privacy. There is no middle ground you're all they way in or all the way out. I myself don't mind the followers and even have pages and pages of followers back when I was a leader in a PVE guild however I can understand the need of people wanting more options which it's never a bad thing to have.


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> @"Cyprien.4208" said:

> **The problem is that Anet doesn't care for players privacy.** There is no middle ground you're all they way in or all the way out. I myself don't mind the followers and even have pages and pages of followers back when I was a leader in a PVE guild however I can understand the need of people wanting more options which it's never a bad thing to have.



This. Nothing more to say, other than to say,that I'm sick of this 6 years long unchanged situation of having no real full control over my own privacy in this game.

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> @"Ravel.5701" said:

> I too am bothered that we cannot agree as to who follows us. I don't know the people in my follow list and to check if my friendship is mutual I always have to unfriend, then friend back, if name remains, just to avoid me stalking people who do not want my friendship.

> It really needs to be a mutual agreement thing instead.



Just an easier way to see if you in their friend list is to hover over their name and if you see their AP along with other details it means it is mutual (took me a while to work that out as kept thinking something was broken when did not see the AP but saw most of the other info)

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> @"Ellegon Mcleod.5931" said:

> > @"Ravel.5701" said:

> > I too am bothered that we cannot agree as to who follows us. I don't know the people in my follow list and to check if my friendship is mutual I always have to unfriend, then friend back, if name remains, just to avoid me stalking people who do not want my friendship.

> > It really needs to be a mutual agreement thing instead.

> >


> Just an easier way to see if you in their friend list is to hover over their name and if you see their AP along with other details it means it is mutual (took me a while to work that out as kept thinking something was broken when did not see the AP but saw most of the other info)


Thank you so much! Ilu!

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  • 2 months later...

I want to bump this thread again, as it's something I've wanted for years. I don't have a choice in who follows me, and I'd like that choice. At the very least, I'd like the option to only appear online for mutual friends. People I haven't added shouldn't be able to find me via contact list or whisper me from there. Likewise, the block list should be reworked so that I can't see where those I've blocked are, or if they're online.


Please make this a QoL update; it's long overdue.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

My apologies, having your cake and eating it too applies.


Why does it have to be a cake and eating it too when the concern is about someone's privacy? I personally don't have a problem with the way the system is right now. I can float it either way; but at the same time, it's fair to see where some people are more private than others. That they wouldn't want others to be able to track them is up to them. How do you know they don't have former in game friends who are stalking them or former irl friends/lovers doing the same.


I don't think it's out of the question that someone who has had an overtly hostile encounter with another player wouldn't want them to be able to "follow" them; but like someone else said. When it comes down to that, you can block someone and still see where they're at.


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  • 5 months later...

> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> >

> > And blocking them doesn't remove you from their friend's list.


> Blocking someone _should_ simply suppress all "friend list" functionality for both parties.


> Anyone who blocked you should show up as offline and you shouldn't be able to whisper them and they shouldn't be able to see that you are online or whisper you, it's obvious functionality and I'm still baffled that it isn't how it works.



Absolutely this! I have fallen out of favour with my guild, and I really want to continue playing, but I've not played for months, just waited until 2am to log in and set myself as "offline" so that I could block the necessary people, and I've just discovered that they're always going to know when I'm online and where I am? That's not ok. I may have to quit the game...

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  • 1 year later...

> @"CrayonComa.7129" said:

> I want to bump this thread again, as it's something I've wanted for years. I don't have a choice in who follows me, and I'd like that choice. At the very least, I'd like the option to only appear online for mutual friends. People I haven't added shouldn't be able to find me via contact list or whisper me from there. Likewise, the block list should be reworked so that I can't see where those I've blocked are, or if they're online.


> Please make this a QoL update; it's long overdue.


2020 still nothing. Someone please make this happen !

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