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Do you think this "Random Time Raiding" guild gonna work?


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(If this kind of guild already exist, let me know)


Briefly this is how things suppose to work:

1/ "Better than nothing" is kinda our motto.

2/ The guild will have 100+ members (of course if there are more it better) and everyone of them is handpicked after they prove that they have decent dps or know how to play theirs classes (i think the best place to find them is t4 fractal with the help of dps meter). So overall the guild is merely a filter net, only consist of capable people

3/ When you want to raid, you kind of say this in guild chat: "Yo im gonna do wing 3, join me if you want", then the group is filled and they spend 5-10' to change classes to form a proper comp then go. If the group is not filled, people can ask for help from their main guild or ... anywhere, but since they are not "filtered" so it's more risky.

4/ This guild will not use Discord or only use it at minimal ! Just a personal thing but i don't like to use Discord, or Skype or anything like that, i only want to use ingame chat and i believe a not small part of community think the same.

5/ After the dps entrance test, you can join the guild and there are no pressure after that ! You can go full anti-social mode and not join in any guild activity, that fine, after all the guild can hold 500 ppl, although if you offline for too long, then it different.


Basically that it ! Here are some pros and cons i can think of with this kind of system:


+Good starting spot for people that want to try raid but somehow don't have/don't want a static raid group, anyone have time to burn can join and get wiped together!

+Raiding will no longer feel like a job, where you have to log on during a specific time to do some specific things. Now you can raid anytime you want, with many ppl that have proven they can play their classes decently, you will not see a scene where there are 2 Daredevil but 1 have x2 damage of the other.

+Chilling and relaxing (read 1/, 4/ and 5/ above), if you are in the guild, you should know that this is a very "amateur" guild, so patient and not toxic is the standard. BUT, when you do decide to join in a raiding squad, you are expected to have a certain of seriousness, you should only play the classes that you are good at (if you need to learn a new class, you should do it in fractal or a raid squad that have "practice" word in it), and if you don't know the raid mechanic, you should listen carefully to the one that do know. Just because we are chilling and not toxic doesn't mean you can fooling around making the same mistake and not even trying to improve, ignore everyone else and say : just chill. You must have a certain level of seriousness.

+ ... will be add later when i can think of more.



-People in guild might have good dps and know how to play their classes, but there are no guaranteed that they know about the mechanic, so EVERY run might be consider a training run and cost x3 x4 time compare to a proper static group (might be fixed with promote the one know most of the mechanic to higher rank so it easier to distinguish the situation)

-Might be hard to full clear all raid wings every week because of the randomness nature of the guild, when you want to do raid but somehow everyone else had done it or currently offline. Well, that the price of freedom.

-Until we get a proper amount of people (100+ or 200+ ppl) things might not work very good.

- ... will be add later when i can think of more.



Sooo what is your opinion about this guild? Is there already a guild like this and can i join? I thinking about create a guild like that and name "Random Time Raiders" (i already did) but then i realize i suck at leading ppl so it better to join a guild as a member.

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Aren't you pretty much just describing the lfg?


A guild like this is destined to have lots of personal conflict and drama surrounding it. When everyone has different objectives they tend to just go their own direction and if everyone isn't running parallel then you get a lot of collisions.


Killing bosses isn't everyone's goal after all. Sometimes it's to be carried, to practice a new class, to just get 150Li and gg, to do godly dps and rag on everyone else cause it feels good or maybe even to scout people for their own guilds.


On the other hand there are dedicated training guilds that work very similar to that. Except everyone there has a role and they know what everyone's goal is too, they are designed almost in a way to address everyone's hidden agenda.

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This sounds like casual pug heaven - an ideal guild where everyone wants to do what you want to do. Frankly, I don't think it's realistic - learning raids often requires communication, and teamspeak/discord is easier than learning and typing codes. Also, keeping a guild impersonal risks players turning into lethargic baggage - people who never speak or join and frankly may as well not be there.


I don't think such a guild is possible, but I would be interested in hearing how this turns out.

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You can certainly try. I think you might have better luck looking into one of the existing discord communities, since they're basically doing what you describe already. The one I'm a part of, for example, has a channel for training, and as you complete wings successfully you'll get a tag on your discord profile that shows which wings you've done, so it's easier to find a group at the level you're at, whether it's initial training, practice beyond that, or clear groups. The training groups also help with the vetting, and if someone is underperforming there are people willing and able to answer questions and help them learn how to be better at the role they're playing.


You may have a bit more difficulty doing this in game since it's a lot of info to keep track of, but if you're dead-set against using external programs, you need to have some kind of structure and a lot of help to make a community that people want to join and pay attention to, and that has enough people at similar playtimes. That won't be easy.

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