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Are stat infusions crucial for meta builds?


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They are expensive as hell, do a dps class really need them or it's just a small optional dps increase?


Edit: since many people speak about fractals, I forgot to mention I'm only asking about stat infusion's importance in RAIDS, for dps roles (aka + power/+ condi dmg infusions).

Btw my wallet thanks you since mostly said that I can keep my golds. xD

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More complicated answer: No, but I will explain with an example.


Infusions are 2%. If you look at the average damage in raidar global stats, the difference between top 1% and top 10% is usually much more than just 2%. For weavers on deimos:

top 1% = 26092

top 10% = 21038

average = 14669


Infusions for a 1% top player is thus around 500 points of damage. For an average player 2% is 300 points of damage. The effect of infusions are much smaller than your natural variance in fighting the same boss twice on the same day.

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It doesn't matter with +power and +condi damage infusions (that's just a very minor dps upgrade, the whole build works exactly the same without it, and you will likely not see a difference anyway). If there were any builds with +concentration and +expertise infusions however (i don't think there are any now, but that might change), then any condition duration/boon duration lost by not using those infusions would likely have to be replaced with using different sigils/runes or stats on gear. Wouldn't call it crucial, but the impact would have beeen bigger.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> it's pretty high on priority list imo, right after completing ascended set(s) and other essential things. if you want to be complete and maxed out, at least dedicate yourself to buy the infusions for your main class. vertical progression is more important than horizontal one.


Are you saying it's pretty high on the priority list after completing all the things that are actually high on the priority list? ;)



Here's another way to look at it: these days, you can get a Stat+5 infusion with AR+5 for about 21 gold, AR+7 for ~41g, AR+9 for ~90-100g. WvW infusions (which only come with the core six stats) cost ~5g worth of laurels. (FYI: the infusions with agony resistance also require spending relics.)


Each piece of ascended gear costs 40-70 gold (assuming it's not dropping for you from fractals or otherwise earned via raids, although neither of those sources changes the added value to your account).


If you're starting from scratch, decking yourself out in full ascended comes first. After that, the questions are:

* _Should_ you scramble to come up with extra coin for the infusions?

* _If_ you have an extra 100-500g to invest, what's the best use?


For the first question, I'd say: no, it's not worth putting in extra effort for the infusions. Wait until you have the cash to afford them and then decide on the appropriate way to spend. (Typically: AR+5 infusions if you do _some_ fractals, WvW infusions if you have laurels to burn, or AR+7 or AR+9 infusions if you run fractals more than a few times per month.)


For the second question, first ask: do I only need a single set of gear? If you have multiple "mains" or run multiple builds (e.g. condi **and** power), then you're better off investing in additional sets of gear first and worrying about infusions later.


##### Further Reading


* [Mighty WvW Infusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mighty_WvW_Infusion)

* [Ascended (Medium) Chest costs](https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-48085)

* [Ascended (2-handed) weapon costs](https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-46762)

* Stat+5 agony infusion costs: [AR+5](https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-39620), [AR+7](https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-37127), [AR+9](https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-37131)



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > it's pretty high on priority list imo, right after completing ascended set(s) and other essential things. if you want to be complete and maxed out, at least dedicate yourself to buy the infusions for your main class. vertical progression is more important than horizontal one.


> Are you saying it's pretty high on the priority list after completing all the things that are actually high on the priority list? ;)

yes, that's the difference between "actually high" and "pretty high". priority list goes beyond vertical progression, that's why "low" priority would get skin unlocking. medium priority would get legendary amor (convenience) and fractal attunements (up to 7% dmg increase)

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > it's pretty high on priority list imo, right after completing ascended set(s) and other essential things. if you want to be complete and maxed out, at least dedicate yourself to buy the infusions for your main class. vertical progression is more important than horizontal one.

> >

> > Are you saying it's pretty high on the priority list after completing all the things that are actually high on the priority list? ;)

> yes, that's the difference between "actually high" and "pretty high". priority list goes beyond vertical progression, that's why "low" priority would get skin unlocking. medium priority would get legendary amor (convenience) and fractal attunements (up to 7% dmg increase)


I was joking about the phrasing, not trying to make an important point. I apologize that wasn't clear.

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There are other things that give more output or convenience than stat infusions. For fractals, it makes sense to have several versions of your main weapons at hand. An additional staff with a Sigil of Serpent Slaying for 99cm has more impact than stat infusions on your damage. Another staff with a Superior Sigil of Impact works pretty good on Mai Trin and many other bosses. If your character uses 2 x 1-hand weapons, that's even more to craft/get.


For example, if you only use your standard power weapon with Force and Air sigil, and then purchase stat infusions, I say the money would be better spent on additional weapons. If you have all of the other stuff, and 2% more damage feels more valuable to you than, let's say, another legendary weapon (costs about as much as a set of stat infusions), then go for it.


Personally, I prefer to slowly max out my AR instead of getting stat infusions and limiting myself to 162 AR from infusions. But that depends on the class you play. I find it really helps my thief to get as much AR as possible because of the additional crit chance you get when using potions. Sometimes in pugs I stay below 90% crit chance because we are not playing in a "meta" composition and boon uptime isn't perfect either. Agony Resistance helps me keeping my crit chance at 100% in most runs. If I'm playing in a good group, I can add some health to my toon without losing 100% crit chance, which helps to survive and keep up the last effect of the Scholar runes. Also, I can always split the +12 infusions for no additional costs at some point or simply sell them. Once you get stat infusions, the investment is done, even if you switch from a power based build to a condition based one.

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They're not crucial in any way whatsoever, it's a 2% difference that you can pretty much get/beat by pumping your AR some extra 5 points or so in case of fractals or using weapons with specific damage type sigils in case of raids. If you have the coin you can go for it, if not don't worry about it. IMO it's just another minmaxer oriented gold sink and a pretty crappy one at that.

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I think its only for pretty :p.

A little enough to boost the confident

I added to one char using wvw ones and feel that I'm 100% stronger!!!

I'm not sure how that x + y dy/dx equation works but my char definitely feel more confident :p.

If you want to add this extra boost.. Highly recommend the wvw ones bcos its cheaper. Unless you want to do fractal with the same character.

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