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Things that could make Guild Wars 2 the greatest game ever.

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I have quite a few topics relating to PvE, PvP, WvW, and general things that could make this game the greatest game ever and could potentially increase the playerbase substantially. I'm open to everyone's thoughts, but these are my own personal opinions.


PvE: With the new addition of mounts making map completion easier and faster than ever, players will quickly finish covering all of Tyria in no time at all. Sure there are other things that can be done such as Fractals, Raids, Bounties, ect.. But why not appeal to the players that want to enjoy the beauty of the land that Tyria has to offer? As I'm working on my map completion I tend to stop and attempt to climb to the highest points in the map that I'm in to just sit back and take it all in. Very rarely do I get this opportunity because the map is put into instances, and those instances have walls blocking you from getting you to the spot you want to reach. So here's my first suggestion. Why not remove those boundaries in PvE and replace them with certain hills/mountains/oceans that connect to the next map? I would DIE if I could climb to a substantial height on my griffon and soar all across Tyria and look at the landscapes change below me.

Secondly, I want to act out my story from start to finish. I'll do the first few steps in the Living World Season 2+ to unlock the unique maps, but I'll never finish them, precisely because it's YOUR story. I mean, who opens a new book and skips a large portion of it, then begins reading? I want to play through and learn about your companions and how you've progressed since your original story line, but it's very difficult to when the Living Season story lines are missing, or locked behind an expensive pay wall that makes you wonder if playing your story and learning all there is to learn about Guild Wars 2 is even worth it. So I ask that you re-release all of the Living Season story lines and make them available permanently for every player, new and old, to play and enjoy to their hearts content. Additionally, I request that limited time skins be a thing of the past. Players shouldn't have to wait upwards of a year to get the skin they desire the most, and it enables new players to have access to skins ready for purchase that will keep them happy and encouraged to continue playing and expanding their Guild Wars 2 experience.


PvP: Now I understand this subject will be extremely touchy for a lot of people, and may seem confusing and hard to believe, but I don't think any class needs to be nerfed. I would like confusion to be brought back to its former glory, and I would like Scourge and Firebrand to be the nuisance that they've always been. And here's why: I want classes to be BUFFED. Not for the "Meta" but for the people who love that one certain class they play, which has been vastly outmatched by Druid, Firebrand, Scourge, and Holosmith. Here is my crazy proposal. Make ALL trait lines readily available for players. That's right. I said it. ALL OF THEM. Each class will have 6 core trait lines that they can customize as well as a choosing of their one ELITE specializations. Sounds crazy right? WRONG. Have you ever played Thief and wished you could make use out of the classes full potential rather than a choice between Damage/Stealth/Mobility/Survivability? Most likely you limit yourself to two out of the four. The same goes for the Elementalist, don't you wish you could be able to support yourself and your allies and still be able to do good damage? With an Elementalist it's either Damage or Survival. The same goes with Mesmer. With Confusion all but nerfed to oblivion, Mesmers have returned to playing power shatter. Damage? Yes. Mobility? Yes. Survivability? No. Warriors do semi-decent DPS but have fallen to a bunker-like state. WARRIORS! And as for my favorite the new specialization for the Ranger the Soulbeast, I would give anything to be able to have both my DPS with my longbow as well as my condition clears/fury apply. But you can't have both. ANYWHO, with the ability to have access to all traits and a choice of elite spec, you may be thinking... "Well bunker classes will just be able to reject a point that much easier". Yes, and no. With the new class system, your DPS classes will not only have more access to the precious DPS they need to pressure the Bunker classes effectively, but will also be able to sustain themselves in the messier fights, or the long drawn out fight over points against a Druid. Currently, a Druid can out sustain almost any class that comes its' way. And it leads to a frustrating experience in the art of "Player versus Player". The Druid will absorb your burst and out heal you, with their pet applying constant pressure nearly every time. To sum it all up, I want profession lovers to enjoy playing their profession without the need to feel like they need to swap to an ALT, or current OP class that is currently outperforming the rest of the professions. Unlocking all of the trait lines and having players build their Hero to their standards is what games are all about.


Now that I've hopefully cleared up your doubts about my previous request, these are my next requests. Do you love your Elementalist/Engineer? Don't you wish you could swap to your trusty sword and shield/dagger/staff? Well here you go. Elementalists have two major problems when it comes to PvP/WvW, and that is being stuck on a weapon in combat in a situation that is EXTREMELY unfavorable. I understand that with the new weaver specialization there are new combined skills that is supposed to "Enhance" your abilities.. But lets face it. If you bring a staff to a PvP fight you will be eliminated almost immediately when the focus is turned towards you. If a thief engages you while you are using a staff it results in almost certain death. However.. being able to swap your your trusty sword and dagger on close quarters will turn a disadvantage into an equal fight. As I mentioned before the previous nerfs to classes can be revoked with the traits. Both classes will have plenty of survivability for the long fun fight ahead of them. The same logic applies to Engineer. Are you getting pressured heavily and have no readily reflect/stealth available with your rifle build? Swap to your sword and shield and face your opponent head on! I understand the want for attunement swapping/kit swapping to work for the sigils and all, but let's face it. An elixer gun or turret can only do so much when the fight comes to you. So basically if I haven't made myself clear enough, Elementalist/Engineer need a legit weapon swap. Now onto my second point. GUILD WARS. The entire point of a MMORPG is to play a game with your friends, meet new friends, and have fun. But not in PvP.. You're limited up to Platinum 2 on one friend. That defeats the entire purpose of the title of the game. PvP should be restored back to its former glory of 5 man queues, and have options for GvG fights for rank. I understand you want the League to be created to where the best single player is crowned the best, and that's fine and dandy, but have alternate modes. If people want to Solo Queue, have a Solo Queue option where the 5 man team you will face will be other Solo Queuer's. It's impossible to judge the capabilities of one person when their teammates aren't up to par with their skill level, and where the enemy has a pre-made 5 man team on teamspeak with classes that they have been mastering for awhile. Pin the 5 man Teamspeak players against other 5 man Teamspeak players. Give every player a fair shot of winning a game with the class they enjoy and I promise you that you will receive less complaints and better feedback. So basically: Have a Solo League that judges your usual win/loss ratio rank, but have an alternate 5 man Friend/Guild League that judges the highest ranked group of Friends/Guildmates.


WvW: There is only a small request that I can make for WvW at this time, and that is for mounts to be introduced into WvW under the exception that they can be used strictly in their designated world possessed areas, and only mounted outside of combat. In addition, the combat skills will be removed from WvW to prevent unfair advantages of barrier stacking/mass CC. I understand that Mesmers may be able to jump over their losing keep/tower walls and plant a portal, which would result in their zerg re-gaining access to said tower/keep, but a mesmer will already plant a portal inside, and 9 times out of 10, they will be spotted and killed before there is any success to be made from it.


In Conclusion: I know that I ask for a lot, and most of it seems highly unlikely and game breaking, but if you think about it, those traits are ALWAYS there. Not everyone runs the "Meta" so there will always be uncertainty in what someone is running. On another note, with the added trait lines raises the issue of too much DPS for Raids/Fractals/Dungeons, but not really. A simple calculated estimation on the new damage per second can be applied to all of the new and improved professions, and the previous mobs/bosses health bars and damage can be adjusted accordingly resulting in the same fun Raid/Fractal/Dungeon experiences as before. I thank everyone who has read up to this point, and I'm more than ready to discuss issues with what I have requested. I would love these changes to be made, and for the Guild Wars 2 player base to blow up with eager new and returning players. Thank you.

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Alternatively using lines to break up the different sections (just type ------- on a line on it's own and it will appear as a straight line all the way across the post) and headings in bold so people can easily see what each section is for would make your post a lot easier to read.


Ideally, for Anet staff (who are not given time to read the forum as part of their job) to find and consider acting on your suggestions each one should be in it's own topic in the relevant section of the forum with a title that clearly says what the suggestion is and a summary of the idea in the first sentence.


Also I hate to disappoint you but making Tyria into one continuous map isn't possible. Anet didn't build the entire world and then put invisible walls across it to block off sections, they made each map entirely separate from the others. It's like asking why you can't just walk out of the edge of the Level 1 map in a platformer and get to the level 10 map, or why your Sims can't drive from their town to one of your others. They don't actually join up at all. So to join them up Anet would have to rebuild _the entire world_, from scratch. And work out a way to make all the things that currently rely on maps resetting (like Dragons Stand) work when that's no longer possible, and a way to only load the bit around you so your computer doesn't crash from trying to run all of Tyria and everyone in it at once. Basically you're asking them to make an entirely new game.


Trust me I'd love it if what you want was possible. I'd love a game where you can explore literally the whole world and never get to the end because it wraps around to the start again (which I'm told is also surprisingly hard to program). But it's really not something you can change once a game has been built.

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Although you explained the reasons why you'd want to make these changes, I'm basically against all of them (sorry).


PvE: The maps have been developed when the mounts didn't exist, and actually I'm very surprised that there aren't major exploits. They have been developed pretty well, considering that we weren't supposed to get close any boundary (there's a wonderful spot in Gilded Hollow that cannot be reached without a Griffon, but it's very detailed and well done). A stopper is requiried at some point, to load the new map and make it less heavy. I'm pretty sure there's a reason why they are not linked together. Rework all of them so that we can use the springer everywhere (but we cannot go to the next map anyway) it's just a waste of work.

There's a video that recaps LW1, if you want to know at least the story. I'd also like if they could release it in future, but this seems quite hard to implement, for technical reasons.


PvP: The reason why we only have 2 sigils to play with and no gear stats, it's probably (my point of view) to reduce the gap between builds/professions/gears. Buffing all the classes makes no sense, it would only increase the differences and people would die faster. Unlocking ALL the traits would be a mess for the balance, and would also give us less freedom to choose our build. I also play a thief, and even if I get your point... no, I like to decide if I want to go power with the staff or stealth with a rifle/dagger. I would only like to switch faster between 2 builds (for example power/healer elementalist), but not to have them ALL at once.


WvW: Mounts in PvP? No thanks. Just.. why? We can walk, and follow our targets on foot, before they run away. If you want to disengage, use your skills/stealth. That's funnier than simply mount a drive. Leave them for the PvE.

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I apologize to those who felt my post was not in perfect order or too long to even read.. So I'll add this comment for the straight to the point suggestions.


**PVE:** Remove instances so players can freely scour the map with their mounts.

Add all of the Living World Seasons so players old and new can have the option of playing the game from start to finish.

Add all of the Gem Store only Armor/Weapon Skins/Outfits to the Gem Store permanently for players to buy now instead of wait.



**PvP:** Add all Core Trait Lines to the game with a choice of one Elite Specialization so every class can play to its fullest potential with Condi/Power/Survivability.

Add 5 man Queues to PvP again, with a strictly Solo Queue option that places you with other players who Solo Queue, each with their separate Leagues.

Give Engineer and Elementalist an actual weapon swap so they are able to fight long range and close quarters like every other class.

Add a Guild vs Guild option with it's own separate League so players can fight and see which is the best Guild.


**Additionally:** Either make Invulnerability/Stealth not affect the Point Cap, or make Signet of Stone / Endure Pain affect the Point Cap so all professions are rewarded/punished for using an ability that is in their mechanics.



**WvW:** Add mounts to WvW. Remove their Offensive Ability to prevent unfair advantages, and have them only available Out Of Combat, and only in your worlds' captured area. I understand it sounds crazy but let's face it. We never thought we would be able to Glide in WvW. It would give those extremely vulnerable classes (Necromancer / Elementalist) a better chance of catching up to their teammates, instead of being spawn camped by the opposing teams.

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>Add mounts to WvW. Remove their Offensive Ability to prevent unfair advantages, and have them only available Out Of Combat, and only in your worlds' captured area. I understand it sounds crazy but let's face it. We never thought we would be able to Glide in WvW. It would give those extremely vulnerable classes (Necromancer / Elementalist) a better chance of catching up to their teammates, instead of being spawn camped by the opposing teams


Just what WvW (doesn’t) need. The ability for zergs to race across maps at speeds the maps weren’t designed for. Also the ability to run down your opponents and they have no way to outrun you as well as the ability to get back to a fight a lot faster after dying. This would allow one side to zerg rush a battle until they win. This would greatly imbalance fights as it gives the side that owns the land a major advantage.


>PVE: Remove instances so players can freely scour the map with their mounts.


That would mean spending money and dev time totally redesigning the maps and the game, if it could even be done. Money and time that wouldn’t be going to new content.


>Add all of the Living World Seasons so players old and new can have the option of playing the game from start to finish.


You must mean S1. They’ve already said it would take as much time and effort as to do a new season. We can’t really have both so I’ll vote for new content rather than a content drought then a re-release of old content.


>Add all of the Gem Store only Armor/Weapon Skins/Outfits to the Gem Store permanently for players to buy now instead of wait.


Businesses do what brings them the most money. If permanent access brought in more money than intermittent access then that’s what we’d have.



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While a continuous world would be great, it'd require revamping the world from scatch to do - not only to add things into the borders, but to alter level discepancies (wayfarer connects to frostgorge sound, for ex).

Additionally, it'd be difficult to seal off verdant brink for those without HoT and one or two living world maps as well.


On living seasons; it's not an expensive paywall, especiallly not for LS2, more of a grindwall (gold farming). That said, while it'd be nice to get them all free, thats less income for gw2 and refunds galore I want the 800 gems ive spent on living world back. : P Personally, i'm fine the way it is. If they gave out all of living world free then people would be finished with the game after a month or two.


On elementalist, i cant say for engi cus i dont use it: lack of weapon swap is the price we eles pay for what our class gives us: top dps and...top healing too? (dont quote me on healing cus i heard auramancer got nerfed, but i know for sure dps weaver is top damage.) we have element switch to replace weapon switch, i think weapon switch would just add a level of difficulty to ele that it really doesn't need. ele dps is, and always has been, an all or nothing dps situation.

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> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> While a continuous world would be great, it'd require revamping the world from scatch to do - not only to add things into the borders, but to alter level discepancies (wayfarer connects to frostgorge sound, for ex).

> Additionally, it'd be difficult to seal off verdant brink for those without HoT and one or two living world maps as well.


> On living seasons; it's not an expensive paywall, especiallly not for LS2, more of a grindwall (gold farming). That said, while it'd be nice to get them all free, thats less income for gw2 and refunds galore I want the 800 gems ive spent on living world back. : P Personally, i'm fine the way it is. If they gave out all of living world free then people would be finished with the game after a month or two.


> On elementalist, i cant say for engi cus i dont use it: lack of weapon swap is the price we eles pay for what our class gives us: top dps and...top healing too? (dont quote me on healing cus i heard auramancer got nerfed, but i know for sure dps weaver is top damage.) we have element switch to replace weapon switch, i think weapon switch would just add a level of difficulty to ele that it really doesn't need. ele dps is, and always has been, an all or nothing dps situation.


There are many games that are very successful that don't have map instances that are cut off from the rest of the world. Low level players can instantly tell if they've ventured too far by the obvious levels of the mobs.


I keep seeing the word free pop around. I never said free. I said they're currently very expensive and I want all of the living worlds. Also, I'm pretty sure Anet handed out core Guild Wars 2 and did little to nothing to the player base that not only bought, but some pre-ordered. There was a little frustration, but all was forgotten with time. I'm sure you'll be able to cope. There are a LOT of things to do outside of Living World. So I highly doubt people will be finished with the game just because they completed the story line up to date..


As for the Elementalist, it's a personal opinion and everyone has that right. I just personally feel like being able to disengage from a messy fight at mid, and have the ability to heal myself and still provide the much needed pressure with my staff. Much like Mesmer/Necromancer/Guardian (with bow)/ and Ranger.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Hmm..if maps can only hold 150 players, and the world was one big map, then it would likely seem very barren, no? A bit like it was in the old days when some Servers could not rouse enough players for events.


Nope. With the current setup there are a lot of instances. A lot of players can be in that one specific instance, but that's the thing, they're in a different instance. Just bring them all together. Plenty of people to go around for events.

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> @"Nocturnal.6470" said:

> Nope. With the current setup there are a lot of instances. A lot of players can be in that one specific instance, but that's the thing, they're in a different instance. Just bring them all together. Plenty of people to go around for events.



The amount of times I have been on a full map only to be D'C'd, (my fault or Anets, whatever..)

only to log in onto a dead map is in the 100's...

Bad enough to end up on a dead map but in HoT's VB, you are on for T4 then suddenly you are on a T1 map...

it's annoying to say the least..



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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Completely change the game so there are no instances? Randomly give everyone free LW with no thoughts to those who paid already? Bring back confusion? Add mounts to WvW?


> What is this utter garbage?


Not that there won't be any instances, but the instances will be consisted of one whole map. You're still free to hop to another if this idea blows your mind. It's not an outrageous concept. I doubt you'd even pay attention to it.

Once again, never said free. I said expensive. Lower the cost and add the previous Living World. Your greedy "refund me" mind needs to be able to cope with some loss. It happens.

Yes bring back confusion. Confusion has always been a good form of condition. Entire PvE builds were shattered by this change and a lot of money was put into gear/runes (Perplexity) that are now almost worthless.


Not exactly garbage, they're personal wants, and discussions. Nobody has to agree or disagree. They are things that I personally think would make Guild Wars 2 amazing.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I don't know. 150 players per instance spread out over what used to be ~30 maps? That's 5 players per old map; sounds a bit lonely.


I just said that they could remove most of these instances to where the whole entire map instance would consist of many players spread out.

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The limit of 150 players is probably set by devs themselves, they could increase it. The point is: if you make the whole Tyria as 1 single map, increasing the amount of players that can play on the same instance, it would make the game much much heavier. They should probably use a different engine. I don't see the need of such a big rework for such an abysmal improvement. Is it really so annoying to wait few seconds to load a new map? Instead of waiting 10 seconds to change map, you should wait 2 minutes to load the game. I prefer the current way.

Also, the stealth already doesn't count towards the point cap.


EDIT: to me, it seems that your real problem is that you want a very big swimming pool for your mount, both in PVE and WvW. While I'm in general against the excessive use of them. So maybe it's why I'm failing to see your points.

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> @"Goyim God.6873" said:

> All I could ask for is free-action combat like in Tera


Which was stolen by the employees of NC Soft while they were developing Lineage 3 in fact Tera is a rip off of lineage 3 which was in development at that time. So please do not give Tera too much credit.


With all these lets make the game that I used to play posts I have this to say. Either get hired into Arenanet change it that way, or stop trying to make it your old game. Let the Developers do their thing please. If there is a problem with an area of the game that takes time to address let them fix it, because it won't happen instantly . Play GW2 like GW2 not WoW Lineage series or anything else. Please stop with the comparisons to how much better you think the game should be if you made it like other games. Let it be what it is a great unique game in itself.

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