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42:1000:7006:1232 Can't login to client

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> @"Anska.5729" said:

> > @"Uberwolfe.9671" said:

> > Just want to thank you for this post. Disabling Telstra's WebSafe functionality did the trick for me.

> > Thanks!! :)


> > @"Ryanpanda.5623" said:

> > Issue fixed in Australia, Darkhaven NA, Telstra. Removed Telstra Protect, reset my router. INSTANT access.. That's something super simple, why's it a problem now.


> > @"poisondart.8012" said:


> > i am now logged in


> > @"eyeoffaith.7534" said:

> > Deleteing Telstra's Protect also solved the problem for me in Brisbane Australia.

> >Noticed this after Anska's advice a page or two back.


> > @"anx.7549" said:

> > Many thanks! Definitely not needing this running.


> You're all totally welcome, I'm glad my _dodgy_ workaround got a few of us brave souls back into the game. ;) Sending mad love and positive vibes to you all. <3


> > @"Zorrander.3674" said:

> > Can anyone advise how to disable the **websafe** on virgin media. Logged onto my router but can't see any options. It's a super hub 3


> I believe I posted the link for Virgin on page three? If you run back through the thread you'll find a snarky comment made at someone else and the solution my friend. Best of luck if you haven't already solved it.


> > @"Grizzly UK.1209" said:

> > Why hasn't Anet replied since their earlier posts saying "we're aware and investigating"? 24+ hours later, the problem still exists and Anet have been silent! That's not good and it sure as heck makes players somewhat unhappy with Anet! No further updates from Anet, just silence! Lots of workarounds being posted by other players, most of which are just reposts of earlier workarounds or variations thereof. But, as some point out, disabling your ISP's web protection may not be a good idea and could, potentially, leave your computer systems at risk even with a decent anti-virus program! I'm sure there are lots of hackers out there aware of this issue and that people are disabling a specific security layer as a workaround, so remember that it's **YOUR** decision to do that, so if anything bad happens at a later point you have no-one to blame but yourself! If you really must disable your ISP's web protection so as to play GW2 remember to renable it after you finish playing. Making wise decisons will keep your system safer than making rash decisons just so you can play a single game!


> **Disclaimer:** My two cents before my morning coffee.


> Actually, they have responded on twitter, the forums and Reddit, do a search if you don't believe me. They're blatanly aware of the problem and because they're not incompetent or as stupid as everyone's making them out to be it's fairly safe to say they're onto it. Also in our case, whenever we need to report something; empty "we're doing it, just wait" messages to users usually just gets us yelled at which is pretty defeating when you're working to fix the issue and no one appreciate it. So really, if they have nothing to report I fail to see why they would anyway. It's not like you're paying for timed access to the game either.


> As for the workarounds, they're as the name implies; workarounds. That's not a permanent fix by any stretch. Everything suggested can be re-enabled or returned to their default settings within minutes and running through Google's DNS will still protect you as while the resolution of the DNS isn't filtered at a hardware level is does pass through their white-list. So for a three or four day period of disabling the functional equivalent of NetNanny I am quite confident that you're not going to have any issues. Assuming you're using a modern browser and a full-spectrum blocker, which you should be by default; claiming you're painting a target on yourself is just uninformed fear-mongering for the sake of sounding intelligent. Everything posted can be researched and confirmed if you actually research before you just follow instructions on a forum, which I highly suggest everyone to do before you take my word as bond.


> On the note of hackers, skiddies maybe? But honestly how important do you think us little fish are my friend. We're playing a free to play game. Unless you have a reason to be afraid, I don't think your account is worth that much to someone who's time could be better spent trying to fish for something with actual worth. Also, yes you're taking responsibility for your actions whenever you do anything as an adult, but that's pretty much implicit of the workaround title itself and no one is forcing anyone to do these things either. We're all just offering advice to help other players and documenting our own procedures so any technician reading the thread can get a leg up.


> If you're not confident, don't do it; but I fail to see how venting and insulting ANet is getting us anywhere but nowhere quick when these workarounds aren't actually the doomsday scenario they're being made out to be. In any case best wishes and a little more luck for those of us still unable to connect. It shouldn't be long before ANet has something for us.


Don't think players are ungrateful towards you or the others helping out. Whilst players like myself will not be touching the workarounds (for various reasons), it is great to see such rallying around in the spirit of getting a community together. So, thank you at least for the information even if there are some of us who will not be using the workarounds


However, no communication is not better than no information within a communication. This day and age, businesses should have learnt this lesson unequivocally. Sure some people will get their knickers in a twist, but that will happen regardless. I absolutely don't think Anet are incompetent, useless or ignoring the issue. I'm sure they have been at it, investigating and looking at potential fixes (we know this because they asked for reports from us which have been submitted). However, this is now almost a 48hr issue and a quick tweet/forum post yesterday afternoon needed to be followed up before they went away for the weekend just to reassure us about progress.


A similar situation cropped up last year which affected (if memory serves) the NA territories. They kept updates going through the weekend that time, so we know they can give us updates. I work in cust services, I know how important it is to update a client base even if it is at an inconvenient time and I hope Anet will learn from this too about keeping us in the loop.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> [...] A similar situation cropped up last year which affected (if memory serves) the NA territories. They kept updates going through the weekend that time, so we know they can give us updates. I work in cust services, I know how important it is to update a client base even if it is at an inconvenient time and I hope Anet will learn from this too about keeping us in the loop.


I absolutely agree with you, it would be a lot more professional and pretty neat to have had a tracker or at least something for us to hold on to as a sign of good faith to the player base especially when people have dailies and other things they're chasing. But, in my opinion it's not necessary when the majority of the posts are along the lines of 'fix it, how long is it going to take' etc and from that, there are semi-workable solutions for the people who want to take them. They don't have a policy that forces them to keep us in the loop and as far as I'm concerned I'd rather they sorted it in this time and gave us a 'It's done, don't panic' instead of a 'we're doing it' as I said.


I'm a relatively new player so I can't comment on the last updates and I'm not really going to dig for it. That being said, I have no idea regarding their staffing or who's actually solving the issues or really whose fault it actually is; if it is an ISP issue then they're probably behind the eight-ball on how quickly they can get a response and a fix pushed. I'll assume in customer service that you've tried to get another company (Citrix *cough*) to work with you when you're claiming the issue is theirs, the standard procedure is 'deny liability' and claim it's someone else's problem. You can ring your ISP about your speeds and the general response again is, 'oh it's your issue' or 'sounds like the wires were chewed by sharks' essentially so I know the two sides of the coin as an analyst and having dealt with help-desk above me, it's pretty easy to just write up your ticket and send it to someone else. Again, just my opinion. You're right though, a post would take what; maybe fifteen minutes? But then again they have public relations to think about. I wouldn't want to be the one to make comment on the situation right now, I'm sure you know what I mean. :p


**EDIT:** Oh, I don't want anyone to be appreciative of me either. I'm a massive jerk and I don't care that much about little thumbs up and whatever on the forum. I just froth over discourse and the estrogen makes me a little bit cranky. Ehehe. <3


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Anska.5729" said:

> > > @"Uberwolfe.9671" said:

> > > Just want to thank you for this post. Disabling Telstra's WebSafe functionality did the trick for me.

> > > Thanks!! :)

> >

> > > @"Ryanpanda.5623" said:

> > > Issue fixed in Australia, Darkhaven NA, Telstra. Removed Telstra Protect, reset my router. INSTANT access.. That's something super simple, why's it a problem now.

> >

> > > @"poisondart.8012" said:


> > > i am now logged in

> >

> > > @"eyeoffaith.7534" said:

> > > Deleteing Telstra's Protect also solved the problem for me in Brisbane Australia.

> > >Noticed this after Anska's advice a page or two back.

> >

> > > @"anx.7549" said:

> > > Many thanks! Definitely not needing this running.

> >

> > You're all totally welcome, I'm glad my _dodgy_ workaround got a few of us brave souls back into the game. ;) Sending mad love and positive vibes to you all. <3

> >

> > > @"Zorrander.3674" said:

> > > Can anyone advise how to disable the **websafe** on virgin media. Logged onto my router but can't see any options. It's a super hub 3

> >

> > I believe I posted the link for Virgin on page three? If you run back through the thread you'll find a snarky comment made at someone else and the solution my friend. Best of luck if you haven't already solved it.

> >

> > > @"Grizzly UK.1209" said:

> > > Why hasn't Anet replied since their earlier posts saying "we're aware and investigating"? 24+ hours later, the problem still exists and Anet have been silent! That's not good and it sure as heck makes players somewhat unhappy with Anet! No further updates from Anet, just silence! Lots of workarounds being posted by other players, most of which are just reposts of earlier workarounds or variations thereof. But, as some point out, disabling your ISP's web protection may not be a good idea and could, potentially, leave your computer systems at risk even with a decent anti-virus program! I'm sure there are lots of hackers out there aware of this issue and that people are disabling a specific security layer as a workaround, so remember that it's **YOUR** decision to do that, so if anything bad happens at a later point you have no-one to blame but yourself! If you really must disable your ISP's web protection so as to play GW2 remember to renable it after you finish playing. Making wise decisons will keep your system safer than making rash decisons just so you can play a single game!

> >

> > **Disclaimer:** My two cents before my morning coffee.

> >

> > Actually, they have responded on twitter, the forums and Reddit, do a search if you don't believe me. They're blatanly aware of the problem and because they're not incompetent or as stupid as everyone's making them out to be it's fairly safe to say they're onto it. Also in our case, whenever we need to report something; empty "we're doing it, just wait" messages to users usually just gets us yelled at which is pretty defeating when you're working to fix the issue and no one appreciate it. So really, if they have nothing to report I fail to see why they would anyway. It's not like you're paying for timed access to the game either.

> >

> > As for the workarounds, they're as the name implies; workarounds. That's not a permanent fix by any stretch. Everything suggested can be re-enabled or returned to their default settings within minutes and running through Google's DNS will still protect you as while the resolution of the DNS isn't filtered at a hardware level is does pass through their white-list. So for a three or four day period of disabling the functional equivalent of NetNanny I am quite confident that you're not going to have any issues. Assuming you're using a modern browser and a full-spectrum blocker, which you should be by default; claiming you're painting a target on yourself is just uninformed fear-mongering for the sake of sounding intelligent. Everything posted can be researched and confirmed if you actually research before you just follow instructions on a forum, which I highly suggest everyone to do before you take my word as bond.

> >

> > On the note of hackers, skiddies maybe? But honestly how important do you think us little fish are my friend. We're playing a free to play game. Unless you have a reason to be afraid, I don't think your account is worth that much to someone who's time could be better spent trying to fish for something with actual worth. Also, yes you're taking responsibility for your actions whenever you do anything as an adult, but that's pretty much implicit of the workaround title itself and no one is forcing anyone to do these things either. We're all just offering advice to help other players and documenting our own procedures so any technician reading the thread can get a leg up.

> >

> > If you're not confident, don't do it; but I fail to see how venting and insulting ANet is getting us anywhere but nowhere quick when these workarounds aren't actually the doomsday scenario they're being made out to be. In any case best wishes and a little more luck for those of us still unable to connect. It shouldn't be long before ANet has something for us.


> Don't think players are ungrateful towards you or the others helping out. Whilst players like myself will not be touching the workarounds (for various reasons), it is great to see such rallying around in the spirit of getting a community together. So, thank you at least for the information even if there are some of us who will not be using the workarounds


> However, no communication is not better than no information within a communication. This day and age, businesses should have learnt this lesson unequivocally. Sure some people will get their knickers in a twist, but that will happen regardless. I absolutely don't think Anet are incompetent, useless or ignoring the issue. I'm sure they have been at it, investigating and looking at potential fixes (we know this because they asked for reports from us which have been submitted). However, this is now almost a 48hr issue and a quick tweet/forum post yesterday afternoon needed to be followed up before they went away for the weekend just to reassure us about progress.


> A similar situation cropped up last year which affected (if memory serves) the NA territories. They kept updates going through the weekend that time, so we know they can give us updates. I work in cust services, I know how important it is to update a client base even if it is at an inconvenient time and I hope Anet will learn from this too about keeping us in the loop.


i appreciate the onformation and opinion you have posted here but alot of people have purchased the game and the expansions not to mention spent real world money in the micro transaction store. For them it is no longer "free to play" so having an account compromised IS a big deal. I am not that tech savi and can't/won't tamper with my settings because i was able to paly this game perfectly well before this problem occured. And as of this time of writing i still have the same error code and still cannot access the login servers or the game.

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@"pbraintheoracle not.9071" I agree with you. I've stated similar things in some of my above posts and will not be touching the workarounds either (your reason is is one of a few why I wont).


But I am grateful to those who have at least provided options nonetheless - it does at least show a great example of a helpful community

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> @"pbraintheoracle not.9071" said:

> And as of this time of writing i still have the same error code and still cannot access the login servers or the game.


If it wasn't clear, the fault isn't with GW2, your ISP is preventing you from accessing the game. Complain to your ISP if you want it fixed faster, pointing out that cligate.101.ncplatform.net is GW2 and how the DNS has been hijacked by them. To make it more serious, you can ask why they're redirecting your login and potentially stealing your information.


Note that if you don't want to do one of the workarounds to fix it yourself, it could take days for your ISP to unblock GW2. ArenaNet has likely already filed complaints with the ISPs at fault, but if you want it fixed faster, everyone affected should be complaining to their ISPs, to flood them with complaints to hopefully prioritize it.


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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"pbraintheoracle not.9071" said:

> > And as of this time of writing i still have the same error code and still cannot access the login servers or the game.


> If it wasn't clear, the fault isn't with GW2, your ISP is preventing you from accessing the game. Complain to your ISP if you want it fixed faster, pointing out that cligate.101.ncplatform.net is GW2 and how the DNS has been hijacked by them. To make it more serious, you can ask why they're redirecting your login and potentially stealing your information.


> Note that if you don't want to do one of the workarounds to fix it yourself, it could take days for your ISP to unblock GW2. ArenaNet has likely already filed complaints with the ISPs at fault, but if you want it fixed faster, everyone affected should be complaining to their ISPs, to flood them with complaints to hopefully prioritize it.



But we don't know this for sure and without wishing to offend anyone, those of us with less tech knowledge simply aren't going to simply do as instructed without hearing it from an official source (the community have been wrong before with these things after all). You could well be 100% correct and this could be the proper way forward, but virtually nothing of what you said is legible for my understanding and nor has been confirmed by the company themselves, who will be the absolute best placed to answer this.


So again, I'm not unappreciative of your advice and I don't mind the wait to login necessarily, but the info should be coming from Anet if we need to do this (plus anyone who has ever complained about anything to BT will understand why that will always be a last resort lol)

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I'm also have the same issue, tried the fix as mentioned earlier but I can't seem to get it to work. As a guild leader this was a real pain as I missed two events my Guild mates were running and I also could have missed out on getting new members for the guild. The lack of communication on social media has also been very frustrating, there is someone there as they're RT and liking comments, some transparency even if its "We're out of the office till Monday, sorry guys!" would've been great.


I'm using BT internet.


--> ipconfig /all <--*


Windows IP Configuration


Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : DESKTOP-7O55RJR

Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :

Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid

IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : home


Ethernet adapter Ethernet:


Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : home

Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel® Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V

Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 34-97-F6-93-A9-06

DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes

Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2a00:23c4:6357:3e00:f9e3:513:836a:dd3e(Preferred)

IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : fdaa:bbcc:ddee:0:f9e3:513:836a:dd3e(Preferred)

Temporary IPv6 Address. . . . . . : 2a00:23c4:6357:3e00:c40f:e62b:534d:7c17(Preferred)

Temporary IPv6 Address. . . . . . : fdaa:bbcc:ddee:0:c40f:e62b:534d:7c17(Preferred)

Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::f9e3:513:836a:dd3e%4(Preferred)

IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :

Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :

Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : 24 February 2018 08:21:58

Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : 25 February 2018 20:22:00

Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : fe80::2620:c7ff:fe8d:1bc3%4

DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :

DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 70555638

DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-1F-5D-E6-C1-34-97-F6-93-A9-06

DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled

Connection-specific DNS Suffix Search List :



Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 2:


Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter

Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0

DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No

Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:0:4137:9e76:dd:166f:3f57:febf(Preferred)

Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::dd:166f:3f57:febf%3(Preferred)

Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 50331648

DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-1F-5D-E6-C1-34-97-F6-93-A9-06

NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Disabled

Section completed in 0.03 seconds




= Detecting network connections


*--> netstat -n <--*


Active Connections


Proto Local Address Foreign Address State



























TCP [2a00:23c4:6357:3e00:c40f:e62b:534d:7c17]:49858 [2a00:1450:400c:c0b::bc]:5228 ESTABLISHED

TCP [2a00:23c4:6357:3e00:c40f:e62b:534d:7c17]:54620 [2a00:1450:4009:812::200e]:443 ESTABLISHED

Section completed in 0.08 seconds




= Discovering external address


Current IP Address: (edited as I don't want people knowing my IP address)


Section completed in 0.13 seconds




= Checking server connectivity


Section completed in 0.00 seconds


Diag.ArenaNetworks.com - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded


Section completed in 0.14 seconds


assetcdn.101.ArenaNetworks.com. - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded


Section completed in 0.05 seconds


auth1.101.ArenaNetworks.com. - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded


Section completed in 0.13 seconds


auth2.101.ArenaNetworks.com. - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded


Section completed in 0.06 seconds


cligate.101.NCPlatform.net. - connect failed - connect failed


Section completed in 10.02 seconds




= Tracing network paths (about 10 mins)


*--> pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 <--*


Tracing route to 64.25.33-1.ncsoft.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 DESKTOP-7O55RJR.home []

1 bthub []

2 * * *

Computing statistics for 12 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 DESKTOP-7O55RJR.home []

0/ 50 = 0% |

1 4ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% bthub []


Trace complete.

*--> pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 <--*


Tracing route to 206-127-158-1.ncsoft.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 DESKTOP-7O55RJR.home []

1 bthub []

2 * * *

Computing statistics for 12 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 DESKTOP-7O55RJR.home []

0/ 50 = 0% |

1 3ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% bthub []


Trace complete.

*--> pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 <--*


Tracing route to server-13-32-66-19.lhr4.r.cloudfront.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 DESKTOP-7O55RJR.home []

1 bthub []

2 * * *

Computing statistics for 12 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 DESKTOP-7O55RJR.home []

0/ 50 = 0% |

1 3ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% bthub []


Trace complete.

Section completed in 27.70 seconds

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I still can't login, this is getting on my nerves!!!!

What did they do and why the hell do they do it on a friday??? when weekends are when we have more time to play.

Well I guess i'm going to take a couple months break or something I've been meaning to try other stuff, you never know I might find another game I appreciate.

Seyaa around or not,...

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"pbraintheoracle not.9071" said:

> > And as of this time of writing i still have the same error code and still cannot access the login servers or the game.


> If it wasn't clear, the fault isn't with GW2, your ISP is preventing you from accessing the game. Complain to your ISP if you want it fixed faster, pointing out that cligate.101.ncplatform.net is GW2 and how the DNS has been hijacked by them. To make it more serious, you can ask why they're redirecting your login and potentially stealing your information.


> Note that if you don't want to do one of the workarounds to fix it yourself, it could take days for your ISP to unblock GW2. ArenaNet has likely already filed complaints with the ISPs at fault, but if you want it fixed faster, everyone affected should be complaining to their ISPs, to flood them with complaints to hopefully prioritize it.



Not sure how you can state this. It is not that my ISP is preventing me from accessing the game but that several unrelated ISPs in several countries are preventing hundreds of players from accessing the game of which I am one.


If my passport is refused at an airport that might be my problem. If many passports from many countries are refused all of a sudden at the same single airport I think that is the airport's problem (though it's mine too).

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> but the info should be coming from Anet if we need to do this


Contact support if you want a quicker response. They'll tell you to use Google DNS or to complain to your ISP. You can easily confirm what the problem is by looking up the IP yourself (cmd.exe > nslookup cligate.101.ncplatform.net).


> @"Miko.4158" said:

> its not a 'coincidence' so many providers have failed gw2 at the same time, I suspect they missed a patch/update/policy change.


It just means they're all pulling from the same block list service. The bigger providers that specialize in DNS protection weren't affected. Apparently Quad9 was, but I just checked and they're not, so the bigger ones have already fixed it.


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Seemingly there is a server outage somewhere and for much of the 24th and 25th it covered much of Europe, parts of Australia, parts of North America. You can see a map of what's out if you simply go to downdetector.com and select Guild Wars 2. The system monitors server status, and right now the only place with major loss of gaming (as in they cannot login at all) is the United Kingdom and three of the major cities in Australia. The last time an outage this big hit the game, a server had gone up in smoke in Germany.

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hi all.. this problem started on Friday night when I got home... its now sunday morning. ive read other posts, like is this something we have too fix ourselves or being the weekend anet is all out seeing the real world we'll get it done Monday., lol. Anyway hope its fixed soon because all other games just ain't GW2 and I don't really feel like mowing my lawn lol.. guess i'll have too :)

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"pbraintheoracle not.9071" said:

> > And as of this time of writing i still have the same error code and still cannot access the login servers or the game.


> If it wasn't clear, the fault isn't with GW2, your ISP is preventing you from accessing the game. Complain to your ISP if you want it fixed faster, pointing out that cligate.101.ncplatform.net is GW2 and how the DNS has been hijacked by them. To make it more serious, you can ask why they're redirecting your login and potentially stealing your information.


> Note that if you don't want to do one of the workarounds to fix it yourself, it could take days for your ISP to unblock GW2. ArenaNet has likely already filed complaints with the ISPs at fault, but if you want it fixed faster, everyone affected should be complaining to their ISPs, to flood them with complaints to hopefully prioritize it.



Yet a small number of players who have tried the "change your DNS" workaround have posted to say that did not work for them. There are also some who have posted to say that disabling their ISP web protection service did not work for them. Not saying you're wrong, just pointing out that maybe, just maybe, there might be something more going on that's affecting things? *shrug*

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> > @"Grizzly UK.1209" said:

> > Why hasn't Anet replied since their earlier posts saying "we're aware and investigating"? 24+ hours later, the problem still exists and Anet have been silent! That's not good and it sure as heck makes players somewhat unhappy with Anet! No further updates from Anet, just silence! Lots of workarounds being posted by other players, most of which are just reposts of earlier workarounds or variations thereof. But, as some point out, disabling your ISP's web protection may not be a good idea and could, potentially, leave your computer systems at risk even with a decent anti-virus program! I'm sure there are lots of hackers out there aware of this issue and that people are disabling a specific security layer as a workaround, so remember that it's **YOUR** decision to do that, so if anything bad happens at a later point you have no-one to blame but yourself! If you really must disable your ISP's web protection so as to play GW2 remember to renable it after you finish playing. Making wise decisons will keep your system safer than making rash decisons just so you can play a single game!


> **Disclaimer:** My two cents before my morning coffee.


> Actually, they have responded on twitter, the forums and Reddit, do a search if you don't believe me. They're blatanly aware of the problem and because they're not incompetent or as stupid as everyone's making them out to be it's fairly safe to say they're onto it. Also in our case, whenever we need to report something; empty "we're doing it, just wait" messages to users usually just gets us yelled at which is pretty defeating when you're working to fix the issue and no one appreciate it. So really, if they have nothing to report I fail to see why they would anyway. It's not like you're paying for timed access to the game either.


> As for the workarounds, they're as the name implies; workarounds. That's not a permanent fix by any stretch. Everything suggested can be re-enabled or returned to their default settings within minutes and running through Google's DNS will still protect you as while the resolution of the DNS isn't filtered at a hardware level is does pass through their white-list. So for a three or four day period of disabling the functional equivalent of NetNanny I am quite confident that you're not going to have any issues. Assuming you're using a modern browser and a full-spectrum blocker, which you should be by default; claiming you're painting a target on yourself is just uninformed fear-mongering for the sake of sounding intelligent. Everything posted can be researched and confirmed if you actually research before you just follow instructions on a forum, which I highly suggest everyone to do before you take my word as bond.


> On the note of hackers, skiddies maybe? But honestly how important do you think us little fish are my friend. We're playing a free to play game. Unless you have a reason to be afraid, I don't think your account is worth that much to someone who's time could be better spent trying to fish for something with actual worth. Also, yes you're taking responsibility for your actions whenever you do anything as an adult, but that's pretty much implicit of the workaround title itself and no one is forcing anyone to do these things either. We're all just offering advice to help other players and documenting our own procedures so any technician reading the thread can get a leg up.


> If you're not confident, don't do it; but I fail to see how venting and insulting ANet is getting us anywhere but nowhere quick when these workarounds aren't actually the doomsday scenario they're being made out to be. In any case best wishes and a little more luck for those of us still unable to connect. It shouldn't be long before ANet has something for us.


Wasn't venting and certainly wasn't insulting Anet, but apologies if you or anyone else took my comments that way, I seriously wasn't intending that. Yes, I know Anet have responded and that they are aware, I said so in my first sentence! You do know that not everyone uses Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, etc, etc don't you? Some simply rely on using the official forums for some strange reason! ;)


As for the rest, one of the many, many things I've learnt in all my years of gaming is that people can, and will, be lulled into a false sense of security simply because they've read about some workaround on an official forum so they believe it's 100% safe. I sure as heck wasn't "fear-mongering for the sake of sounding intelligent" as I really couldn't care less what anyone on these forums thinks of me because I do not know anyone on these forums! So yeah, I really don't do that whole "trying to impress total strangers on the internet" thing! Much too old to frikkin care TBH! ;) Just figured it was time someone pointed out the **potential** dangers in such workarounds.


If you think I'm still being overly dramatic, just take a look at what information some people are posting in a **public** forum! *shrug*


Maybe you should post your two cents **after** your morning coffee? ;)

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There's three workarounds that have worked for me. Only one is unsafe and then only if your ISP protection is all you've got. It's definitely frustrating to have to manually workaround this issue but none of them require much technical know how and are very easy to revert. Of course don't disable your security if you feel utterly clueless about this stuff. Going to relist them here for anyone who hasn't seen them yet or is new to the thread, in all cases make sure you close your launcher while trying these or close it once you've completed them otherwise the launcher may not register there's something different and may try to connect with the original settings:


**1) DNS change directions supplied by Silver (Very simple and will take less than a minute): https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/30050/potential-fix-for-the-log-in-server-issue/p1?new=1 If it doesn't work, try turning your computer off and on again because that's always worth doing when things don't work the first time.**


**2) Use a VPN. I used one called "Windscribe" it's free and will take about five minutes to sign up for (no card details required) and install/impliment. Set your location as "USA East" for NA servers. Some users reported setting their VPN to "Germany" works for EU servers. If you try this method and haven't restarted your game launcher then you'll probably find it doesn't work - close and reopen your game launcher.**


3) Disable the ISP security - But to repeat: Don't do this if you're not confident about doing it and definitely don't do it if you have no other security.


At any rate, for options 1 and 2 it's worth knowing how to do these things for future issues else where in the net.

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Email from GW Support at 0609 PST. I quote part

"We currently do not have a definitive solution, with that being said I've kept my eyes on forums and I see a lot of players are finding a work around to access the game! Specifically with Telstra, players state that when they remove/disable the Telstra Protect, and then reset their router they seem to be able to connect to the game! "


When I stopped rofl I replied to the effect that I'd already tried removing Telstra Protect (which was free with my package and now, incidentally, I'll be charged for if I want it reinstated), with no success.

However, it was nice to know they were working on the issue, and occasionally reading the forum up until 7 hours ago, even if the forum has had no statement from Anet for 24 hours.



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I just want to add, firstly thanks to everyone who tried to help with this issue.

I'm on Oz and on Telstra, but unfortunately after trying everything different i have found in the chat about this issue, none of the fixes has resolved this for me. At this point i have run a test for Anet and am awaiting further assistance.

One thing i find interesting is that after removing the broadband protection from my Telstra account, and discovering for me that this is not a fix, Telstra offers no way to put it back. (if you know anything that can help on this, please post)

It's now been approx 36 hours since i was last able to log in. IF anyone has any other suggestions that have not yet been posted please put them up. I know i will happily try almost anything at this point.

Lastly, i do find it a bit odd that Anet has not posted any updates since the start of this matter. I think they really need to let us know they are still working on it.

Well here's hoping i might make it in soon!

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> @"Bree.8412" said:

> I just want to add, firstly thanks to everyone who tried to help with this issue.

> I'm on Oz and on Telstra, but unfortunately after trying everything different i have found in the chat about this issue, none of the fixes has resolved this for me. At this point i have run a test for Anet and am awaiting further assistance.

> One thing i find interesting is that after removing the broadband protection from my Telstra account, and discovering for me that this is not a fix, Telstra offers no way to put it back. (if you know anything that can help on this, please post)

> It's now been approx 36 hours since i was last able to log in. IF anyone has any other suggestions that have not yet been posted please put them up. I know i will happily try almost anything at this point.

> Lastly, i do find it a bit odd that Anet has not posted any updates since the start of this matter. I think they really need to let us know they are still working on it.

> Well here's hoping i might make it in soon!


I tried this and it worked


> @"Healix.5819" said:


> You can temporarily manually override the IP instead. Just don't forget doing this, since the IP will eventually change. Search your start menu for notepad, right click it and run it as an administrator. In notepad, open the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. At the bottom of the file, add a new line and enter the following, then save it and start GW2:


> cligate.101.ncplatform.net


Be mindful that I couldn't access the in game shop. It gave me an error. So I remove that line again. Looks like we all have to wait for ANet to help us

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> @"Grizzly UK.1209" said:

> Yet a small number of players who have tried the "change your DNS" workaround have posted to say that did not work for them.


Assuming they did it properly, that's because it's not just the DNS providers that are the problem; it's just the most common cause. What is actually happening is some of the domains GW2 uses were falsely flagged as being malicious, so the services relying on that block list are now preventing access to those domains. Besides the DNS being a problem, anti-virus, firewalls and any other type of web filtering software may be the cause, though only the lesser ones seem to be affected, since I'm guessing they're using cheaper, unchecked block lists.


To actually confirm if you're affected by this specific problem, visit:



Both pages should be a 404 page, which your browser may override, otherwise it should show a simple text page with some server information. If you're affected, you're going to see something else for the first one, whereas the second one should be as expected, unless you also have IP blocking software running.


Considering one of the bigger providers has apparently already fixed it, the change should spread to the other providers over the next 72 hours.


> @"Solomon.8501" said:

> Be mindful that I couldn't access the in game shop. It gave me an error. So I remove that line again. Looks like we all have to wait for ANet to help us


That's because the fix was just for logging in. The domains that were affected include the BLTC, so if you want to additionally fix that, there are several more domains you need to add.

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