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42:1000:7006:1232 Can't login to client

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This thread is useful for confirming that there is a UK/EU issue (Brexit perhaps?) but if you have a computer that works for everything else including other games I don't think it's a great idea to play around with firewalls etc. Anet need to sort it out and if they can't we'll find something else to do.

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Hey everyone,


After messing with every combination of the CMD commands posted throughout the thread, and slamming my head into a desk repeatedly I've finally got our household back hacking and slashing.




The solutions posted were really helpful, so a _massive thanks_ to the giants whose shoulders I've been jumping off:

> @"Healix.5819" said:

> Try opening the page [...] you will see ArenaSrv on the bottom. If you can't access that, try, which is an IIS splash page.


For a little more detail, don't be scared by the page not found message. I can see a "ArenaSrv/101.80614 Instance/0.529351894" string at the bottom of the page confirming I can access the first IP address in a browser. The second will throw you a blue background with a few of MS's stock images and a Windows Server string at the top of the page. Your mileage may vary of course, let's move on.


> @"Healix.5819" said:

> If you can access the first, you can access the login server, so something's blocking the actual login. Try launching the game on port 80 or 443:


To make things a little more simple for those of us who aren't technically savvy with a command line, I've done a little tutorial here. _If I've messed up a step let me know, very sleep deprived and about six coffees are all I'm operating on so far._


Firstly navigate to wherever you've installed Guild Wars 2, you need to find the 'Gw2-64.exe' for me it was simply "C:\GW2\" -- you'll need that path from Windows Explorer to make your life easier.


Next copy that file path from the explorer path bar and open a command prompt window. Open your start menu and search for CMD if you're on Windows 10. Anything else, I'm sure you're capable of googling it. Throw this into the window:




for example, mine looked like this (CD is the command to _change directories_), if you go too far a `cd ..` will return you to the previous directory:




**Note:** Don't add Gw2-64.exe to the path, we'll get to that next so don't fret. If you have spaces in your file path, add parentheses to the beginning and end of the path or it'll chuck a hissy fit at you. Now, the command prompt should have the directory file path before you can enter anything. With me so far? Sweet, we're doing it.


Nice! Now, throw in this command:


`Gw2-64.exe -authsrv [AUTH_SERVER_IP_HERE] -clientport [PORT_NUMBER_HERE]`


Try both the 80 and 443 ports to see if that helps you. You can find a list of the auth servers as stated by the post below. We're a domain name server lookup using Google's DNS. (although it didn't end up being a DNS issue for me personally. This command will spit out a list of IP's you can try in the AUTH_SERVER_IP_HERE field above):


> @"Zohpm.1608" said:

> C:\Windows\system32>nslookup auth1.101.arenanetworks.com.


You can at this point configure your router's DNS servers if you feel it necessary to and the alt DNS (These are Google's DNS servers) but don't get in trouble with your administrator or parents or whatever. I am the designated 'not trash at computers' technician here so that wasn't an issue.


Flush your DNS by throwing the `ipconfig /flushdns` command into our CMD prompt, always good form to do so after messing with our DNS.


At this point, try opening `http://cligate.101.ncplatform.net/` in a new browser tab. If you see an ISP related page, guess what. It's not you, it's not ANet, it's your ISP.


_Goodness gracious golly gosh me_, Telstra is blocking me. Apparently it's because it's a malicious site with nasty viruses and malware. Solid effort Telstra, nice NBN and filtering. I'd wager the WebSafe functionality (or something akin to it enabled by your provider and likely named differently) is entirely to blame.


Login to your providers website and check to see if you can disable it, for me it was under my Telstra account settings, under the extras page. You can delete it by clicking the 'Remove/Delete' option.


Yay, I spent hours assuming it was a local issue when it's actually just my provider.


That was sweet, I hope you all have better luck and we can all get back to ignoring real life again. Positive vibes and mad love friends. <3


**P.S.** Oh and before someone want's to get up me about a tiny mistake in syntax or something, remember I'm not getting paid to do this or anything so like; chill out and maybe don't shoot the chick trying to get you online hey.

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> @"Allt.3259" said:

> This thread is useful for confirming that there is a UK/EU issue (Brexit perhaps?) but if you have a computer that works for everything else including other games I don't think it's a great idea to play around with firewalls etc. Anet need to sort it out and if they can't we'll find something else to do.


I live in North America, so it isn't just UK/EU.

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what? it's not a gw2 issue? its virgin/telestra/bt? seems a bit random considering I've done fa with my virgin settings since yesterday.

So Richard Branson doesn't play GW2 and has voted it malwarespam? this morning presumably? after he rooted about in my fridge checking the sell by dates.

come on anet, sort it please , I won't lie tomorrow I will be trying the cmd thing if you say it's my problem not yours, but I can't say i'm overly excited.

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> @"Phelon.6842" said:

> Only skimmed through this thread so apologies if its been said, but I did see someone say about DNS servers being hijacked by your ISP. Im on Virgin in the UK, and changed my DNS severs to the Google ones as per this - https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using and logged straight in. Hope it works for others.


Just gave this a go and it worked perfectly, logged in and playing without a problem! Thanks so much!


I'm in the UK on BT, if anyone else is experiencing the same problem on the same network.

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> @"Moustachio.5678" said:

> > @"Phelon.6842" said:

> > Only skimmed through this thread so apologies if its been said, but I did see someone say about DNS servers being hijacked by your ISP. Im on Virgin in the UK, and changed my DNS severs to the Google ones as per this - https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using and logged straight in. Hope it works for others.


> Just gave this a go and it worked perfectly, logged in and playing without a problem! Thanks so much!


> I'm in the UK on BT, if anyone else is experiencing the same problem on the same network.


Just done this and it worked for me! <3

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I was IN-GAME, playing perfectly happily, after successfully logging into via my ISP and usual DNS when the game went crashed. A bunch of people all over the world supposedly have dodgy ISPs and DNS? I don't think so. Some people have cleverly found workarounds or have in-laws. I don't, and these are simply workarounds, for some people.

They aren't a solution, and they don't identify the issue the game has.

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> Hi all, we're continuing to work on this. I know it's irritating and I'm really sorry. :( It's not fun for us either–we'd rather have you logged in and playing. It's kinda why we're all here.


> The teams working on this have asked for some information from you. Those of you who are having login issues, can you [submit a support ticket](https://help.guildwars2.com "submit a support ticket") with your location, if you're playing on NA or EU worlds, ISP, client log, and -diag log. That will help us sort this out more quickly.


> etc etc


Having same issues, and have the same observation as various prior posts, it all comes down to cligate.101.NCPlatform.net being blocked. This is really not a mystery. I have run the diagnostics as you have requested, and I have saved the file and would be truly happy to attach it to my support ticket, unfortunately your support ticket system no longer supports attachments.

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> @"Phelon.6842" said:

> Only skimmed through this thread so apologies if its been said, but I did see someone say about DNS servers being hijacked by your ISP. Im on Virgin in the UK, and changed my DNS severs to the Google ones as per this - https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using and logged straight in. Hope it works for others.


tried from UK, used google dns...still not working, dunno why this solution is working for some

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I'd make it work with the Public dns of google, but using as alternative the


Following the instructions on https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using


At Point 7 of DNS changing in "Preferred DNS server" i put and in "Alternate DNS server" just saving all, and then back to the controller diasable it, and enableing it again, and then hurry to test.. it's worked for me.





> @"Arheundel.6451" said:


> tried from UK, used google dns...still not working, dunno why this solution is working for some


I'm using Virgin M. And got some problems with the DNS.. but with the Publics ones got perfectly.. did you put both of them?


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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> come on anet, sort it please , I won't lie tomorrow I will be trying the cmd thing if you say it's my problem not yours, but I can't say i'm overly excited.


You can try fixing it now if you actually want to get back into the game, I mean hey what could it hurt to try. Look, I even did the hard bit for you. Plus we might be able to figure out if it is in fact the cause: [Virgin Support](https://help.virginmedia.com/system/templates/selfservice/vm/help/customer/locale/en-GB/portal/200300000001000/article/HELP-2244/How-to-use-Web-Safe "Virgin Support").


>@"Phelon.6842" said:

>Only skimmed through this thread so apologies if its been said, but I did see someone say about DNS servers being hijacked by your ISP. Im on Virgin in the UK, and changed my DNS severs to the Google ones as per this - https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using and logged straight in. Hope it works for others.


I didn't see this post before but for those of us with the default gateways (Thanks Telstra) or non-bridged setups, this may or may not work as some people have mentioned that their settings don't stick; although it's entirely sweet so thank you for bringing it up as another solution/potential cause. Totally run for it though and give it a shot because anything that simple, or anything that gets you back into the game is good enough until we have a hotfix pushed and a properly documented reason and solution to work with.


> @"Moustachio.5678" said:

> Just gave this a go and it worked perfectly, logged in and playing without a problem! Thanks so much!

> I'm in the UK on BT, if anyone else is experiencing the same problem on the same network.


I'm not going to claim I understand why that worked but hey, if you can access `http://cligate.101.ncplatform.net/` then you're golden, seems to be causing the headaches as far as I and a bunch of others have potentially identified. Wicked cool.


**Edit:** Seems it could be DNS related for some and perhaps not for others but that could be hijacking again, I have genuinely no idea there. I imagine running through Google's unfiltered DNS service has something to do with it but I'm at a loss. Oh well, whatever is working. I'm back racking up Iron Ore.


> @"maelys ashe.9017" said:

> I was IN-GAME, playing perfectly happily, after successfully logging into via my ISP and usual DNS when the game went crashed.

> [...] They aren't a solution, and they don't identify the issue the game has.


I can verify that one of the household's players had this also happen to them as they played happily all day yesterday and then, boom. Black screen and a crash and then a total inability to reach the login servers with the 42:1000:XXXX:XXXX error message. Changing the DNS to Google's servers spat out a different error code again, still 42 but now 42:9001:XXXX:XXXX.


I'm not sold on a hardware update itself either but things get blacklisted every day. While I'm not qualified or confident to make any sort of judgement against my dollar, I'm pretty happy to say that as we've all sort of come to the same conclusion that our providers are blocking something they shouldn't be, that's probably it. So in a way, yes we have workarounds and we sort of do think we know what's causing the issue. We're just waiting to see if we're correct in our assumptions. If it works, it works. If not, wait and see. There's not much else you can do spare complain and that's getting us all nowhere quickly.


But hey, the only thing I know is that I actually know nothing. You tell me. Disabling WebSafe fixed the issue for us but _we also applied every other fix we could find_. If we can get someone on another ISP to try the same procedure and document their steps perhaps we'll get a little closer to figuring out what's causing it and have that published. In turn, we can get it fixed. If you have the time, why not give it a crack.

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> @"Paradox.2018" said:

> I'd make it work with the Public dns of google, but using as alternative the


> Following the instructions on https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using


> At Point 7 of DNS changing in "Preferred DNS server" i put and in "Alternate DNS server" just saving all, and then back to the controller diasable it, and enableing it again, and then hurry to test.. it's worked for me.





> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:


> > tried from UK, used google dns...still not working, dunno why this solution is working for some


> I'm using Virgin M. And got some problems with the DNS.. but with the Publics ones got perfectly.. did you put both of them?



Yeah as main and as alternative, I am able to open the web from new browser window and I did that for testing so...should I disable/enable the receiver too?

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> @"Anska.5729" said:


> At this point, try opening `http://cligate.101.ncplatform.net/` in a new browser tab. If you see an ISP related page, guess what. It's not you, it's not ANet, it's your ISP.


> _Goodness gracious golly gosh me_, Telstra is blocking me. Apparently it's because it's a malicious site with nasty viruses and malware. Solid effort Telstra, nice NBN and filtering. I'd wager the WebSafe functionality (or something akin to it enabled by your provider and likely named differently) is entirely to blame.


> Login to your providers website and check to see if you can disable it, for me it was under my Telstra account settings, under the extras page. You can delete it by clicking the 'Remove/Delete' option.


Sounds exactly like my issue. Don't suppose you have steps to do the Telstra bit? i logged into MyAccount for Telstra but couldnt see anything relevant.

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> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:


> Yeah as main and as alternative, I am able to open the web from new browser window and I did that for testing so...should I disable/enable the receiver too?


Yeah, or eventually restart the PC, but it should be enough just with the disable/enable after changes... it worked for me, try and tell me if it worked or not.

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> @"Paradox.2018" said:


> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:


> > Yeah as main and as alternative, I am able to open the web from new browser window and I did that for testing so...should I disable/enable the receiver too?


> Yeah, or eventually restart the PC, but it should be enough just with the disable/enable after changes... it worked for me, try and told me if it worked or not.


Ha yes worked right after disabling/enabling main wireless connection for some reason , so the all enabling/disabling was the trick tyvm ^^ in game right now

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Goodness gracious golly gosh me_, Telstra is blocking me. Apparently it's because it's a malicious site with nasty viruses and malware. Solid effort Telstra, nice NBN and filtering. I'd wager the WebSafe functionality (or something akin to it enabled by your provider and likely named differently) is entirely to blame.


Yeah.. Telstra strikes again. Just when weekend starts too, cool joke.


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> @"Chibber.7891" said:

> Still nothing from Anet on how long this will take to remedy ?? oh well a days worth of dailies down the drain thx. Least i got my windows washed :d


It's not ANET, it's probably your ISP who updated their rules on their proxies and blocked a gw2 domain. Call them and ask them about it.

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