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I cant find something worth doing


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I bought GW2 when it was about a year old to play wvw. Now its broken for me.

The DLC specs have killed the game people fall on you from the sky and I cant even look at the specs and perks I am facing.

I used to play in fractals for the loot before the DLC, When they came out people would not group with me because they thought I could not do enough damage because I didn't have an elite spec so no fractals for me. Plus the loot is less if you don't have DLC.

I spend most of my time staring at the trade post and thinking of something worth my time. Most farms don't exist any more in the base game because people don't do them.

can't raid of course but i don't mind that

Mounts broke silver wastes. people there run around like chickens with their heads cut off.


Arena net sold the game as by the box and every thing else will be available for gems no subscription no deception. I decided to wait to see if gems would buy HoT, when I saw the power divide with the expansion I could not justify paying for power in a game I posted that was the case and it was taken down by the form admin as a "quit" thread.


I just want to enjoy the game I was promised and sold. I have 1 of each profession and none of them are satisfying in the current lopsidedness of the game.

Right now its like playing checkers with less pieces than your opponent.

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If you do not buy an expansion your a 2nd class citizen, if you do not buy 2 expansions, you are a 3rd class citizien, and so on.

And why the hell should that care ANet? You got and still have what you payed, but as you are unwilling to support the game anymore, why should the game support you anymore?

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Dayra I cant relate to your attitude. many people have expressed this idea to me that paying a company justifies getting more power. as though because someone pays more money they should justly have an advantage in a game.

I have grave concern for the industry when an attitude like that is so prevalent.

Not that it matters but I have spent over 13000 gems in the store and full price on the base game. If that is not enough support to continue playing a game with basically no valuable content added (to my game mode) with out being purposefully farmed to encourage me to pay more than I don't want to support that practice. Which is why i couldn't justify buying DLC power. you know ethics and stuff. which I have stuck to for what 4 years now?

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> Dayra I cant relate to your attitude. many people have expressed this idea to me that paying a company justifies getting more power. as though because someone pays more money they should justly have an advantage in a game.


There is a fundamental difference between "Extension" and "Pay-to-Win", namely: you do not win by buying the expansion (you do not get any better) , and **you cannot continue buying till you win** , you are just not doomed to loose (you just do not get worser if you buy).


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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> Dayra I cant relate to your attitude. many people have expressed this idea to me that paying a company justifies getting more power. as though because someone pays more money they should justly have an advantage in a game.

> I have grave concern for the industry when an attitude like that is so prevalent.

> Not that it matters but I have spent over 13000 gems in the store and full price on the base game. If that is not enough support to continue playing a game with basically no valuable content added (to my game mode) with out being purposefully farmed to encourage me to pay more than I don't want to support that practice. Which is why i couldn't justify buying DLC power. you know ethics and stuff. which I have stuck to for what 4 years now?


How would it feel for us for the base game folk to basically get all of the stuff we had to grind for, worked for, raised, fought in PvP and WvW? Everything that we did from masteries, harder bosses, have to search blindly while core folk gets a free pass?


How is that fair for you to basically get free work compared to the folk that came to gw2 during F2P and then not only had to PAY (since we couldn't buy the base game anymore) and had to put in the heavy work!


Yes your purchase for gems and base game supported them...back then, but that's like me saying I supported Star Wars Old Republic by only paying for the sub once and then expecting to be a sub player still only after me paying for one time, for one month. That's not fair to the company and that's not fair to US players that had to go through a lot more than the core players now.


TDLR; If you like this game, you can drop a measly 20-30 bucks, that I highly doubt would break a bank. And FYI, people still WvW and do fractals with core builds without issue.

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ProverbsofHell So, if you buy a game that says you will only pay the box price, and a year later they say pay more. you say the answer is pay more or leave. how is your response any different than our first class elite citizen Dayra?


Fallesafe we are talking about GW2 not wow. wow did not promise buy only the box.


Lilyanna i did not say people should get the DLC free. do not put words in my mouth. you are conflating what I said with a separate unreasonable argument.

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> ProverbsofHell So, if you buy a game that says you will only pay the box price, and a year later they say pay more. you say the answer is pay more or leave. how is your response any different than our first class elite citizen Dayra?


> Fallesafe we are talking about GW2 not wow. wow did not promise buy only the box.


> Lilyanna i did not say people should get the DLC free. do not put words in my mouth. you are conflating what I said with a separate unreasonable argument.


You said you could not justify a reason for getting the DLC because of the 'power creep' or 'power gain' correct?


You can play your core classes/specs in these game modes without issues. There are core thieves, mesmers, guardians, warriors, eles, ranger. The only ones that are truly problematic is Engie, necro, and the newer one Rev. But that just comes from more tweaking.


And paying for something or paying more after a game has been released? You already pay more for a sub. And you pay more for DLC for any console game. This is a F2P MMO, they need to release DLC. They can't stay on base game forever, or else they would just be another RPG console game or people would get bored. The game would die.


I wrote out what I did because, you /DO/ sound like that no matter how you try to put it. You barely sound like you are trying to research into builds, asking around, getting information etc. I may be wrong, (and I accept that) but that is what you come off as.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > This is a F2P MMO


> Popular misconception. GW2 business model is B2P with F2P restricted access to core game.


Agreed, it does lean more to B2P with F2P aspects. But it doesn't change the fact they are voicing complaints because they have to 'pay more', when you only have to pay more every what..two and a half, even three years for regular expansion release on an mmo? That's nothing.


Now if this is because of financial reasons, then that is completely and utterly justified. I'm not going to say what I said to people who are genuinely having financial issues. For those who can pay for iPhones, or whatever their hobby may be every year or so and dropped 400+ bucks on it? I don't feel bad for.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > This is a F2P MMO

> >

> > Popular misconception. GW2 business model is B2P with F2P restricted access to core game.


> Agreed, it does lean more to B2P with F2P aspects. But it doesn't change the fact they are voicing complaints because they have to 'pay more', when you only have to pay more every what..two and a half, even three years for regular expansion release on an mmo? That's nothing.


> Now if this is because of financial reasons, then that is completely and utterly justified. I'm not going to say what I said to people who are genuinely having financial issues. For those who can pay for iPhones, or whatever their hobby may be every year or so and dropped 400+ bucks on it? I don't feel bad for.


I agree with your posts. Just correcting popular mistake. GW2 is B2P. There is no discussion about it. Game started as B2P and with HoT conference MO told us game is not changing its business model.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > This is a F2P MMO

> > >

> > > Popular misconception. GW2 business model is B2P with F2P restricted access to core game.

> >

> > Agreed, it does lean more to B2P with F2P aspects. But it doesn't change the fact they are voicing complaints because they have to 'pay more', when you only have to pay more every what..two and a half, even three years for regular expansion release on an mmo? That's nothing.

> >

> > Now if this is because of financial reasons, then that is completely and utterly justified. I'm not going to say what I said to people who are genuinely having financial issues. For those who can pay for iPhones, or whatever their hobby may be every year or so and dropped 400+ bucks on it? I don't feel bad for.


> I agree with your posts. Just correcting popular mistake. GW2 is B2P. There is no discussion about it. Game started as B2P and with HoT conference MO told us game is not changing its business model.


Ah I see, thank you for the correction. I didn't see your Star Wars post so I wasn't sure if I should have explained. And I wasn't around for the time base game was being sold, so I assumed it had F2P mainly and it used to be B2P.

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Lilyanna well actually I was originally posting this thread to ask for viable vanilla builds fore each class, but this has been an annoyance for so long that's what came out when i started typing.

I mean I just want to ether be able to buy the xpac for gems or have access to all specs so the game is fair in spvp + wvw. and so I don't get kicked from fractals groups. i don't think that is unreasonable. ether that or actually balance the base game to the DLC, which is alot harder to do and I don't think the will is there. I mean guilds wont even accept you as a member in guild wars with out it.

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> @"maxx.1279" said:

> Lilyanna well actually I was originally posting this threat to ask for viable vanilla builds fore each class, but this has been an annoyance for so long that's what came out when i started typing.

> I mean I just want to ether be able to buy the xpac for gems or have access to all specs so the game is fair in spvp + wvw. and so I don't get kicked from fractals groups. i don't think that is unreasonable. ether that or actually balance the base game to the DLC, which is alot harder to do and I don't think the will is there. I mean guilds wont even accept you as a member in guild wars with out it.


Yes they will. I run core ele and now I'm in almost a 500 man guild.


And currently they ARE balancing core classes, as we speak. Not all of them (three classes), but most of them. I'm not saying the power creep ain't there, but there is builds that do the DPS and can get you through fractals, guilds, whatever.


Edit: I have to ask though..Are you trying to avoid using real money to get the expansions? Because it can be done, just takes awhile, but dedication and time it can be done.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> If you do not buy an expansion your a 2nd class citizen, if you do not buy 2 expansions, you are a 3rd class citizien, and so on.

> And why the hell should that care ANet? You got and still have what you payed, but as you are unwilling to support the game anymore, why should the game support you anymore?


He didnt say that he no longer supports the game. Its quite possible for a player who does not buy an expac to spend more on the game than someone who does.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > If you do not buy an expansion your a 2nd class citizen, if you do not buy 2 expansions, you are a 3rd class citizien, and so on.

> > And why the hell should that care ANet? You got and still have what you payed, but as you are unwilling to support the game anymore, why should the game support you anymore?


> He didnt say that he no longer supports the game. Its quite possible for a player who does not buy an expac to spend more on the game than someone who does.


The original thing that attracted me to GW2 was buy the box and every thing else for in game currency, i am great at economy games and farming.

I convert gold to gems and have spent over 13000 gems.. now I wasn't the one spending money on those gems so it depends on how you look at that. Is spending gems support? or is buying gold support?

Not that it matters to my point much, as it is one of principal.

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