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Let us upgrade the Fiery Dragon Sword into Sohothin.


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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I’m not in favor of restricting a new sword skin only to Guild Wars 1 players. Any new sword skin should be obtainable by all gw2 players in this game. Especially since it’s a skin that isn’t in Guild Wars 1.


That's probably why we haven't yet and sadly won't get that skin:

If it WAS linked to FDS, people who haven't played GW1 would complain.

If it WASN'T linked to FDS, FDS would lose most of its importance. And Anet needs to be careful about that item, as it's often a deciding factor for GW2 players to give GW1 a chance.


As we can't please everyone, no one gets a chance at that skin.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> You write as if it's a neutral choice. The skin doesn't yet exist for the wardrobe, so ANet has to invest resources into making such an option available...


The skin is already in game. It was even datamined... It is "wearable" since it was created. If Anet wanted, it would actually be one of the easiest skins ever to be added as an option.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> On the contrary, it changes the GW1 Hall of Monument rewards. That's a loss for anyone who hasn't chosen to get GW1 and play enough of it to qualify.


When I said "Nobody loses anything", I was aswering to a person who said he likes the "normal" FDS skin better. That some people would complain about not being able to get it is undeniable. People already complain about legendary itens, about HoM rewards, Raid skins, etc, why wouldn't they complain about it?

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> @"Naduk.8750" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > I’m not in favor of restricting a new sword skin only to Guild Wars 1 players. Any new sword skin should be obtainable by all gw2 players in this game. Especially since it’s a skin that isn’t in Guild Wars 1.


> That's probably why we haven't yet and sadly won't get that skin:

> If it WAS linked to FDS, people who haven't played GW1 would complain.

> If it WASN'T linked to FDS, FDS would lose most of its importance. And Anet needs to be careful about that item, as it's often a deciding factor for GW2 players to give GW1 a chance.


> As we can't please everyone, no one gets a chance at that skin.


> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > You write as if it's a neutral choice. The skin doesn't yet exist for the wardrobe, so ANet has to invest resources into making such an option available...


> The skin is already in game. It was even datamined... It is "wearable" since it was created. If Anet wanted, it would actually be one of the easiest skins ever to be added as an option.


> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > On the contrary, it changes the GW1 Hall of Monument rewards. That's a loss for anyone who hasn't chosen to get GW1 and play enough of it to qualify.


> When I said "Nobody loses anything", I was aswering to a person who said he likes the "normal" FDS skin better. That some people would complain about not being able to get it is undeniable. People already complain about legendary itens, about HoM rewards, Raid skins, etc, why wouldn't they complain about it?


There is a difference between complaints about rewards being gated behind one specitic content type (raids and legendary armor skins for example) and what we would likely see if skins were added to gw2 but were completely inaccessible without playing a different game.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> There is a difference between complaints about rewards being gated behind one specitic content type (raids and legendary armor skins for example) and what we would likely see if skins were added to gw2 but were completely inaccessible without playing a different game.


Ok.. But I never said people wouldn't or shouldn't complain. On the contrary, I said that I think it's ok if people believe everyone should be able to get it (it's there, anyone can read). The context on my "nobody loses anything" should be obvious, as I even linked Illconcieved Was Na's sentence.


I get the argument that the new Sohothin is also GW2-related. But my suggestion is exactly what HoM rewards already are!

So I can paraphrase you: "FDS is a skin completely inaccessible without playing a different game". Don't treat my suggestion as a thing that doesn't already happen in this game.

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> @"Naduk.8750" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > There is a difference between complaints about rewards being gated behind one specitic content type (raids and legendary armor skins for example) and what we would likely see if skins were added to gw2 but were completely inaccessible without playing a different game.


> Ok.. But I never said people wouldn't or shouldn't complain. On the contrary, I said that I think it's ok if people believe everyone should be able to get it (it's there, anyone can read). The context on my "nobody loses anything" should be obvious, as I even linked Illconcieved Was Na's sentence.


> I get the argument that the new Sohothin is also GW2-related. But my suggestion is exactly what HoM rewards already are!

> So I can paraphrase you: "FDS is a skin completely inaccessible without playing a different game". Don't treat my suggestion as a thing that doesn't already happen in this game.


The FDS skin predates GW2, and was created to, in part at least, act as an inducement for GW1 players to hang around for GW2.


You are suggesting that GW2 resources be redirected to providing rewards to GW1 players more than half a decade after G2's launch.


If you want this game's resources to be directed to introducing a skin for this game then the method of acquisition should be in this game.


I am all for the new skin. I played gw1 from just after launch until shortly before gw2 release. I have the FDS. Anet doesnt need to keep rewarding players for playing a different game years ago.


Your suggestion does not already happen in this game. At no point, post launch, has Anet added rewards in gw2 exclusively for those who played a different game.



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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> ... post launch...


Ok... First people obviously take my sentence out of context to have something to complain. Then people pretend I never agreed to the skin being available to everyone. Then you deliberately left HoM out of your post to pretend I was inventing something new for my suggestion and now in every post you add a new requisite, now it needs to be post launch...


You just want to have the "last" word.


And in all those posts, no one adressed the fact that that skin is one of the very few (if not the only one) weapon that we have ever equipped but still can't use its skin.

Did Anet forget about it?

Is Anet slow about something that would be so easy?

Does Anet simply dislike that skin and want nobody to ever wield it again?

Or does Anet need a suggestion on how to implemente that skin without hurting FDS importance?


You can choose any option above ar another one. But I'm tired on arguing with people who use the Straw Man Argument or just to be against without suggesting anything.


Bye, I said my piece.

(there may be a few English mistakes, too tired to try and correct them)


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> @"AEFA.9035" said:

> We GW1 players at this point are irrelevant to be honest. ANet's business perspective is with the new comers. I mean look at fellblade. LOL!


What about Fellblade? The model is used for two weapons - the actual Fellblade skin (from HoM) and Lord Taeres's Shadow (added just under a year into the game, or 4.5 years ago) which is colored rather differently.

I don't see how it's an indication that "at this point" anet focuses only on the new players.

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> @"Naduk.8750" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Sohothin is unique, and the FDS is **not** sohothin. It's a lookalike sword the ascalonians used as a badge of honor.

> Did anybody here ever said that the FDS is Sohothin? Wow

> It would work exactly as The Shining Blade. The subject here is the SKIN, from the very first post.


but the Shining blade IS unique , ITS the literal blade that was made by the Seer and handed down by generations .


Its literly LIKE sohothin. as its one of a kind.


but because this is a mmorpg and more people play there's just more people using it.


then again there are millions of Rythlocks with Sohothin.

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