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Help with Double ranged build for Mesmer (sPvP)


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I haven't seen any updated builds of this type for mesmer, and I would like to know if there is a way to make it work in PvP. I don't have PoF, so I can only do with chronomancer or vanilla mesmer. I know this build doesn't have so much mobility (I think), as I replaced some skills like **portal** or **blink** , for signet of midnight and decoy, mostly because I find myself slow to quickly make use of them:


[gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARWnknBVohNqB2oBEgilTjyMH2mZoOar2vlMAShlD-jphIQBA8QAEwHAw8KDch9HE4FAAAHBAA](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARWnknBVohNqB2oBEgilTjyMH2mZoOar2vlMAShlD-jphIQBA8QAEwHAw8KDch9HE4FAAAHBAA "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARWnknBVohNqB2oBEgilTjyMH2mZoOar2vlMAShlD-jphIQBA8QAEwHAw8KDch9HE4FAAAHBAA")


I would like to receive some feedback on how could I improve this, and do a better job encountering warriors and rangers specially, which I find the hardest classes to beat in high pvp level, I don't even scratch them; and if is possible maintain double ranged playstyle. Maybe some recommendations in rotation, and so, as I don't have so much experience and I don't completely understand mesmer mechanics beyond the basics (chrono is still new for me).


Thanks in advance!

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I find the staff an incredibly poor PvP weapon (especially since you can no longer get the cooldown of 2 down so low). If you want something ranged that can hurt people, scepter/sword is good for countering just warriors/thieves and similar hard hitting melee foes. Rangers you wont counter any good without dueling and reflect on dodge.

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By design, ranged builds aren't very good in sPvP, thanks to contest points. In the current meta you can counter scourge, but you may still lose points due to not capping.

Mesmer in particular due to the shatter mechanic and the heavy mobility aspect loses a lot when played only ranged.


Never the less, to your build:

Blink is a staple, you can do so much with it - get around the map, escape a lost fight, teleport upwards, safe stomp and enable the typical GS burst combo.

Disenchanter is also really strong at the moment and you should take Chronophantasma as GM trait.

I'd replace decoy, it's not bad, but won't safe you from AoE and has quite the high cd. Also signet of midnight really shouldn't be taken for the stealth alone.


This all probably won't help you win against druids and spellbreakers alone, but you should fare better overall.

A general word of advice:

As mesmer you mostly roam, that means you move a lot around the map and look for situations which you can quickly finish with your burst potential before moving on. You can also cap empty points or add ranged damage to a team fight.

If you have to 1v1 it's better to let enemies blow their cooldowns and try to dodge / block it before you unload yours. Many specs have mostly active defenses - if you can get them to waste these, they will be open to your burst.

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If you really want to go with a double ranged weapon set then you should do it by using Staff and Scepter/Torch with a full condi build, not power. Also Staff is not poor at all in PvP it's probably THE best weapon for mesmers in that game mode BUT it's not a power based weapon like GS is.

Try [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNArfWncfC1qhNqBmpBMrhlXjqeYT2ltMB6tgDNAypjA-jJRHQBA4JAcwTBQP2fAJlBAA "this") build and see how it goes. Change Dueling for Inspiration and Sage amulet if you are going against a lot of condis. Like [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNArfWlknha1YjawMNwsGLvGFaAkTHxZREEHX9wmsLLA-jJRHQB9Y/BA8EAO4pA4elBAA "this"). I'd recommend the later.

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> @"MikeL.8260" said:

> If you really want to go with a double ranged weapon set then you should do it by using Staff and Scepter/Torch with a full condi build, not power. Also Staff is not poor at all in PvP it's probably THE best weapon for mesmers in that game mode BUT it's not a power based weapon like GS is.


Staff is a hybrid weapon, but it's more leaning to power with the phantasm and generally used for it the mobility and utility it provides.

I wouldn't recommend scepter in it's current form - it's just bad. And torch doesn't fit into a ranged build at all.

Generally speaking - if you want to overpower spellbreaker and druid - condi is not the way to go.

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So the build has a few nice things

-vuln application from staff

-kiting with staff


But you’ll have trouble with projectile have specs due to not having sword’s blurred or shield block.


I recommend spacing a reflect like feedback. Or maybe swap chrono for mirage and swap chaos with dueling for the reflection master trait. It would improve you’re kite capacity with jaunt. Plus might stacks from gs ambush.

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> @"Bod.8261" said:

> By design, ranged builds aren't very good in sPvP, thanks to contest points. In the current meta you can counter scourge, but you may still lose points due to not capping.

> Mesmer in particular due to the shatter mechanic and the heavy mobility aspect loses a lot when played only ranged.


> Never the less, to your build:

> Blink is a staple, you can do so much with it - get around the map, escape a lost fight, teleport upwards, safe stomp and enable the typical GS burst combo.

> Disenchanter is also really strong at the moment and you should take Chronophantasma as GM trait.

> I'd replace decoy, it's not bad, but won't safe you from AoE and has quite the high cd. Also signet of midnight really shouldn't be taken for the stealth alone.


> This all probably won't help you win against druids and spellbreakers alone, but you should fare better overall.

> A general word of advice:

> As mesmer you mostly roam, that means you move a lot around the map and look for situations which you can quickly finish with your burst potential before moving on. You can also cap empty points or add ranged damage to a team fight.

> If you have to 1v1 it's better to let enemies blow their cooldowns and try to dodge / block it before you unload yours. Many specs have mostly active defenses - if you can get them to waste these, they will be open to your burst.


So what I usually do is avoid going close if I can (as I don't feel so good at 1 v 1, depending on the class I face), I go mid and put pressure on every target I see with low hp, or that can go down easily, if I see things get bad (like the hole team is dying) and we maintain close, I then go far and try to decap at least the point, and come back depending on the situation.

I was trying disenchanter, but don't understand very well how to get the most out of it, as I was really quick beaten while unloading xD I was trying the build at metabattle (I don't know if is updated). So if you can give some advice in what would be the best rotation or how it is supposed to be played, any videos or something, I haven't found any guides about it that I can learn from, and the guide in meta is quite short, and depends much on elite, which I won't have available always.


Also I am curious about Moa elite skill, if you think is worth taking it, I ask because is really easy to kill in 1v1 once you turn the target into the bird :P with the burst is kind of a sure, quick dead; however CD is too long.

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I use a chronophatnasma night stacking build that really fun. Very glass but really high burst with great sword and staff. Usually start out with staff and cast 2 and 3 and the vulnerability and random conditions help a lot. Then switch to greatsword and have the dual berserkers. Not great condi cleanse but distort on signet and midnight signet is nice. Plus heading signet for phantasm refresh and elite is more situational. Usually take Moa if I a lot of necros and firebrands.


Weakest against mirage because they can close gaps quickly and pop out condi fast plus the invuln dodged hurt the burst. Not too bad against power though if you time your stealth’s and distorts right.

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