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The Future of GW2 on other platforms

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I was thinking with TERA coming to console Guild Wars really needs to jump on the bandwagon. It's impossible to get someone to love the game through a recommendation. At least love it like a regular player would. Partner with Microsoft to develop a new controller, call it the MMO controller. I had an idea that buttons could go where the triggers are from 1-5. If GW2 were on console people WOULD try it. It's free. So updates need to be approved before being implemented, I can definitely see why that's not something a company like Anet wants. They need permission for their own game, which is not cool. There has to be a way. Why should a kittenshow like TERA expand and GW2 be left behind? I mean, Runescape's coming to mobile. Where should GW2 be going?


*Edited to change title and some other things

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You don't really need a special controller, I play the game on a 360 controller already and it's excellent. It's more things like having to use the thumbstick to move the cursor that make it too inaccessible for people (I have used a thumbstick to control my mouse for a long time, I got very efficient with it). They'd need to think of some clever ways to make it happen but I do think the game has the potential to make it work.

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Wow TERA going to consoles is gonna be huge for them. I was playing Black Desert Online when it just released on steam, not even consoles, and the difference was insane. The game’s population exploded.


A huuuuuge chunk of FFXIV come from consoles since their only real choices are that or ESO

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> You mean TERA? Anyway, I think GW2 should stay on PC, they should improve the PC version instead of wasting money on consoles.


Well I think the PC version would always be better than a console version for reasons like keyboards having so many functions, graphics, etc. How should they improve the game currently with new players hardly getting through the leveling up process. I know I can barely stand to level and shelling out $35 just to play the game seems like a stretch.

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> @"Neeman Oria.7504" said:

> new players hardly getting through the leveling up process


Huh... 15 years ago leveling in MMOs literally took long months and nowadays people complain about 1-80 in GW2 which can be done in 3 days without boosts if the player is experienced, 1 week for a new player?! What the _-beep-_ happened to MMO players? :(

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Neeman Oria.7504" said:

> > new players hardly getting through the leveling up process


> Huh... 15 years ago leveling in MMOs literally took long months and nowadays people complain about 1-80 in GW2 which can be done in 3 days without boosts if the player is experienced, 1 week for a new player?! What the _-beep-_ happened to MMO players? :(


a whole host of concepts, including but not limited to:

* wanting an equal playing field for pvp formats, which means either level/gear cap embedded somewhere or doing away with character growth

* general dislike for the oldschool grindiness of getting 1% of a level per hour.. and on levelup, achieving a 0-1% power boost, and with basically no end to the grind in sight after like 10k hours of play


reminds me of the hell of maplestory...

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> @"insanemaniac.2456" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > @"Neeman Oria.7504" said:

> > > new players hardly getting through the leveling up process

> >

> > Huh... 15 years ago leveling in MMOs literally took long months and nowadays people complain about 1-80 in GW2 which can be done in 3 days without boosts if the player is experienced, 1 week for a new player?! What the _-beep-_ happened to MMO players? :(


> a whole host of concepts, including but not limited to:

> * wanting an equal playing field for pvp formats, which means either level/gear cap embedded somewhere or doing away with character growth

> * general dislike for the oldschool grindiness of getting 1% of a level per hour.. and on levelup, achieving a 0-1% power boost, and with basically no end to the grind in sight after like 10k hours of play


> reminds me of the hell of maplestory...


And Ragnarok Online. :) But I think GW2's leveling is fine and fast enough. I have 5 stacks of Tomes in my bank but I still level with map completion because it's more fun. I'm weird. :D

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Neeman Oria.7504" said:

> > new players hardly getting through the leveling up process


> Huh... 15 years ago leveling in MMOs literally took long months and nowadays people complain about 1-80 in GW2 which can be done in 3 days without boosts if the player is experienced, 1 week for a new player?! What the _-beep-_ happened to MMO players? :(


Back then MMOs were much more of a niche genre and the people who can't stand levelling wouldn't play them because that's pretty much all there was. I remember someone claiming their friend had seen a max level character in Runescape, no one believed him, they said it couldn't be done.


But I think it's a massive exaggeration to say new players are hardly getting through the levelling process. There's a lot of new or returning players on this forum who don't seem bothered at all by levelling characters. Some of them mention levelling multiple characters in their first month, or getting a few to level 30-40 just to try them out before committing to one.


I'm sure there's some new players who find it boring or difficult. But I'd be very surprised if they're a large minority, let alone the majority.

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I was a much more dedicated MMO player some odd 15 years ago than I am today, and I can say that one thing that helped a lot with the slow leveling was that the pace was pretty similar for most players. Probably the biggest change I've seen in modern MMOing vs older MMOs is that hardcore players have got this whole leveling thing down to a science. They all join the alphas and betas, figure out the fastest way to maximize their xp, and rush hardcore to max level. Then, once max level (usually within a week or two), they rush once more to get the top gear. They employ every little trick in the book, including getting assistance from their guilds to skip content entirely, etc. Once they've achieved that (in about a month), they hit the forums hardcore to whine about not having enough content. Rinse and repeat for every major release.


"Back in the day", the vast majority of folks weren't quite so well versed in the various ways to skirt mechanics or maximize XP. Some bolted to the top, but the number of people who did that was pretty tame compared to now. So, even with the leveling process taking months, it still always felt like zones/dungeons/pvp for your level range werepopulated and you didn't feel "left behind". Forums also weren't used quite as much by your average players, so that also helped because the super super hardcore players complaining really didn't reach or affect most of the average joes who were just enjoying the game.


These days, all that is different. The general feel is that if you aren't max level in X amount of time, you're getting left behind and will have a hard time finding a raiding guild/group/whatever because everyone else will be geared.


It's one of the downsides of MMOs being picked up as a more popular mainstream genre.

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Probably the two biggest issues for ANet are:

* What does it cost to let someone else sell their product? (relevant to Steam, which takes a cut, and consoles to a lesser extent)

* How does ANet continue to use its proprietary bootstrapping update technology, without making it dependent on someone else's? (relevant for both, if I recall correctly)


The second one can probably be solved by tech, but we don't know much about how the EXE does its job, so it's hard to say if it's insurmountable or not.

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> @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> Wow TERA going to consoles is gonna be huge for them. I was playing Black Desert Online when it just released on steam, not even consoles, and the difference was insane. The game’s population exploded.


> A huuuuuge chunk of FFXIV come from consoles since their only real choices are that or ESO


...and it was a common fake reasoning for YoshiP and Squeenix to blame the "low power of the console(s)" - mainly the PS3 - for several features not being added.

I remember in Revenant's Toll they moved NPC out of the town because the console was so weak it caused framerate issues to have them there. Or RAM issues. What the heck? Windows running in the background vs a "clean" console's RAM = PC wins. Nah, never again please.


No console ports please. Work only for the actual gaming platform, not wanna-be PCs, err, consolololols.




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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> I stopped playing TERA when the last two new classes were made to be little girl only. I don't know why you would want to play GW2 or any MMO on console, what's wrong with just playing it on PC?


I just thought it would increase population and game health, but I guess GW2 is doing alright? I always find groups and roamers for any little thing. Probably a good call not porting it to console.

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> > Wow TERA going to consoles is gonna be huge for them. I was playing Black Desert Online when it just released on steam, not even consoles, and the difference was insane. The game’s population exploded.

> >

> > A huuuuuge chunk of FFXIV come from consoles since their only real choices are that or ESO


> ...and it was a common fake reasoning for YoshiP and Squeenix to blame the "low power of the console(s)" - mainly the PS3 - for several features not being added.

> I remember in Revenant's Toll they moved NPC out of the town because the console was so weak it caused framerate issues to have them there. Or RAM issues. What the heck? Windows running in the background vs a "clean" console's RAM = PC wins. Nah, never again please.


> No console ports please. Work only for the actual gaming platform, not wanna-be PCs, err, consolololols.


> Excelsior.



We are past the point that the pc version would need to be limited for the consoles, though. As you pointed out: it was the ps3 that held them back. The PS4 may not be as powerful as an average gaming pc, but the difference isn’t so much that the game would need to forgo features. Instead, the PS4 would just see reduced resolution and smaller field of vision/rendering.


We stand to see nothing but benefit from including new platforms. The more players this game has, the better its future looks and the more money Anet has to put forth improvements into the game. I, for one, am always on board with any beneficial change that would be a boon to both players and company.


With consoles being able to use usb keyboards, the console players would be able to socialize and play as if they were pc players. The only difference would be that their machines are a little weaker.

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> @"insanemaniac.2456" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > @"Neeman Oria.7504" said:

> > > new players hardly getting through the leveling up process

> >

> > Huh... 15 years ago leveling in MMOs literally took long months and nowadays people complain about 1-80 in GW2 which can be done in 3 days without boosts if the player is experienced, 1 week for a new player?! What the _-beep-_ happened to MMO players? :(


> a whole host of concepts, including but not limited to:

> * wanting an equal playing field for pvp formats, which means either level/gear cap embedded somewhere or doing away with character growth

> * general dislike for the oldschool grindiness of getting 1% of a level per hour.. and on levelup, achieving a 0-1% power boost, and with basically no end to the grind in sight after like 10k hours of play


> reminds me of the hell of maplestory...


People can talk about many reasons why it has become easier to level in virtually all mmo's but I think many newer gamers want it, and they want it NOW.


The large influx of casual users that consoles ushered in is part of the cause in my opinion.


I hated it when consoles started to become popular because I had an idea that this sort of thing would happen eventually.


Gaming for the masses, good for the counters of bean, not so good for the non casual players.



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> @"Snowmoon.1758" said:

> Gw2 on the portable nintendo switch would be dope. Although itll probably never happen :\


I was just thinking of that although I do not want it on any console. Putting it on any console would feel too much like a gimmick. I know other some MMOs do it but I can not see how you get a good game experience there.


Actually I currently do not have a console but am leaning to the switch, partly based on past experience with nintendo stuff. Sony and MS charging you extra to play MMOs after you already pay for a net connection seems insane.



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