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This Game Desperately Needs An Item for Skipping Hearts!!!


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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Velran.1052" said:

> > Literally nothing stops them now and nothing will stop them even if they allow this.




> A very huge thing. Their rep. Do you not think many people would drop GW2 in droves if they did that?



No, I don't think so. People always talk big about any gemstore/BLC change but at the end of the day you can see BLC skins and mounts everywhere. Forum warriors are irrelevant. People pay for waypoints, people would pay for hearts. Some people. And some others will complain but never buy those items. And after about a week or two everything goes quiet and game lives on like nothing happened.


GW2 survived a lot of such dramas and literally nobody cares.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Velran.1052" said:

> > > Literally nothing stops them now and nothing will stop them even if they allow this.

> >

> > BZZT.

> >

> > A very huge thing. Their rep. Do you not think many people would drop GW2 in droves if they did that?

> >


> No, I don't think so. People always talk big about any gemstore/BLC change but at the end of the day you can see BLC skins and mounts everywhere. Forum warriors are irrelevant. People pay for waypoints, people would pay for hearts. Some people. And some others will complain but never buy those items. And after about a week or two everything goes quiet and game lives on like nothing happened.


> GW2 survived a lot of such dramas and literally nobody cares.


Cool. Then I can ask for autocomplete of raids, content I find boring but I want the rewards. Some will complain but after about a week or two everything will go quiet and game will live on like nothing happened. Glad to hear it.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > @"Velran.1052" said:

> > > > Literally nothing stops them now and nothing will stop them even if they allow this.

> > >

> > > BZZT.

> > >

> > > A very huge thing. Their rep. Do you not think many people would drop GW2 in droves if they did that?

> > >

> >

> > No, I don't think so. People always talk big about any gemstore/BLC change but at the end of the day you can see BLC skins and mounts everywhere. Forum warriors are irrelevant. People pay for waypoints, people would pay for hearts. Some people. And some others will complain but never buy those items. And after about a week or two everything goes quiet and game lives on like nothing happened.

> >

> > GW2 survived a lot of such dramas and literally nobody cares.


> Cool. Then I can ask for autocomplete of raids, content I find boring but I want the rewards. Some will complain but after about a week or two everything will go quiet and game will live on like nothing happened. Glad to hear it.


I would happily buy raid completion/rewards through gemstore.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > > @"Velran.1052" said:

> > > > > Literally nothing stops them now and nothing will stop them even if they allow this.

> > > >

> > > > BZZT.

> > > >

> > > > A very huge thing. Their rep. Do you not think many people would drop GW2 in droves if they did that?

> > > >

> > >

> > > No, I don't think so. People always talk big about any gemstore/BLC change but at the end of the day you can see BLC skins and mounts everywhere. Forum warriors are irrelevant. People pay for waypoints, people would pay for hearts. Some people. And some others will complain but never buy those items. And after about a week or two everything goes quiet and game lives on like nothing happened.

> > >

> > > GW2 survived a lot of such dramas and literally nobody cares.

> >

> > Cool. Then I can ask for autocomplete of raids, content I find boring but I want the rewards. Some will complain but after about a week or two everything will go quiet and game will live on like nothing happened. Glad to hear it.


> I would happily buy raid completion/rewards through gemstore.


I have no doubt that you would.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Why not? They already started the trend and are happy to continue (currency vouchers added recently). If it's going to bring them money, more power to them. I'm in no way forced to pay for these. I got my vouchers for free and am already in the process of making another legendary for sale - buying dungeon gift without playing dungeons.


But what the OP is requesting will NOT bring ANet more money. OP wants heart completion purchasable from the gem store. People will simply convert from the loads of coin they (supposedly will) make from selling all of the legendaries they make from map completion and such. Why would ANet do this if it doesn't help their bottom line?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Why not? They already started the trend and are happy to continue (currency vouchers added recently). If it's going to bring them money, more power to them. I'm in no way forced to pay for these. I got my vouchers for free and am already in the process of making another legendary for sale - buying dungeon gift without playing dungeons.


> But what the OP is requesting will NOT bring ANet more money. OP wants heart completion purchasable from the gem store. People will simply convert from the loads of coin they (supposedly will) make from selling all of the legendaries they make from map completion and such. Why would ANet do this if it doesn't help their bottom line?


There are already people in game who never buy gems. OP case is very specific as he has funds to invest and multiply to satisfy his own greed. And that's okay. TP barons do it every day.


But average Joe buys gems to get skins, or BLC keys or waypoint unlocks or lvl 80 booster. And so will pay people interested in completing core Tyria completion without grinding hearts for 10th time. Do not project OP's specific case on whole community.


Also, why do you act like heart completion equals crafting legendary for free? It's just annoying time gate, nothing else. No skill or investment is hidden behind heart completion. It's just tedious. And do you expect that suddenly all players will craft legendaries because of heart task completion feature?

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Keep in mind, the game is supposed to be fun. If it's not fun, don't do it or play something else. Honestly, you open this Pandora's Box, and they'll be no going back. Achievements and their rewards are not achievements if you can buy them outright.


> That's straight up pay-to-win.


Pandora's box is opened already. Lvl 80 boosts, waypoint unlock, teleport to friend, boosters, currency vouchers. This is not pay to win. You are not more powerful while completing hearts, you are not more wealthy completing hearts. It's just another fetch-quest system, poorly implemented because of early alpha players who had no idea how to play events and they expected big marker on the map showing them another quest.


I am under the impression that allowing raid selling is more harmful as it totally destroys whole concept of raid content being challenging and prestigue.

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> @"Kururu.8140" said:

> Might as well ask Anet to put in an item that just instantly world completes and gives you 1k gold and 5 legendaries as well while we're at it.


How does map completion (normal way) grants you 1k gold and 5 legendaries? Because if you mean that you should be able to buy these things with real money, you already can.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:


> Pandora's box is opened already. Lvl 80 boosts, waypoint unlock, teleport to friend, boosters, currency vouchers. This is not pay to win. You are not more powerful while completing hearts, you are not more wealthy completing hearts. It's just another fetch-quest system, poorly implemented because of early alpha players who had no idea how to play events and they expected big marker on the map showing them another quest.


> I am under the impression that allowing raid selling is more harmful as it totally destroys whole concept of raid content being challenging and prestigue.


No, you and your ilk are asking to win said game without _playing_ said game. You want the reward without the effort. So much so, you're willing to pay real money for it. If that's not pay-to-win, then I don't know what is.


The Hearts are there to direct players to specific areas of said game. Why it's there is another topic. Not everyone raids. I certainly don't. But everyone in this game does play. Trying to place one criteria to fit another is disingenuous at best and completely distracts from the actual topic.


Again, the answer is no. And the mere fact some of our peers can't see how damaging this would be to the game itself, blinded by their own short-term, self interests, is truly disappointing.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> >

> > Pandora's box is opened already. Lvl 80 boosts, waypoint unlock, teleport to friend, boosters, currency vouchers. This is not pay to win. You are not more powerful while completing hearts, you are not more wealthy completing hearts. It's just another fetch-quest system, poorly implemented because of early alpha players who had no idea how to play events and they expected big marker on the map showing them another quest.

> >

> > I am under the impression that allowing raid selling is more harmful as it totally destroys whole concept of raid content being challenging and prestigue.


> No, you and your ilk are asking to win said game without _playing_ said game. You want the reward without the effort. So much so, you're willing to pay real money for it. If that's not pay-to-win, then I don't know what is.


> The Hearts are there to direct players to specific areas of said game. Why it's there is another topic. Not everyone raids. I certainly don't. But everyone in this game does play. Trying to place one criteria to fit another is disingenuous at best and completely distracts from the actual topic.


> Again, the answer is no. And the mere fact some of our peers can't see how damaging this would be to the game itself, blinded by their own short-term, self interests, is truly disappointing.


What am I winning by completing all the hearts?

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > What am I winning by completing all the hearts?


> A huge head-start from those who can't afford a leap toward legendary crafting to include map completion rewards and their achievements? Is this a trick question?



But waypoint unlocks already exists. Are they huge leap toward legendary aswell?


Or even better - a credit card. You know, you can buy gen1 legenderies using nothing more but your salary?


Keep in mind that OP case is very specific. Think out of this little cage. Just like waypoint unlocks or lvl 80 boosters, these items will be used not byt farmers or crafters or aliens, but by normal people playing the game who are not happy with repeating the grind. However they may be happy with map completion star on their character. Also, to avoid skipping content for new players (I'm pretty sure nobody who bought game yesterday is going to think about buying these items today) just lock them until they completed map on at least 1 character (which they are not and you can already skip core Tyria, leveling and learning the game and start raiding today on fresh account). LvL80 booster is more pay to win than stupid heart task unlock.

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Again . . . it opens a huge door to problems. But fine. He and you can have it, but only if I can pay for all my Jumping Puzzles to be complete too. And I want the vistas too. And the point-of-interests. Oh oh. And I'd also like to have my crafting maxed without having to bother crafting. And that giant slayer achievement is a pain too. Let me pay for that with a few more gems. Heck, give me all the Living World achievements without having to bother doing the Living World story.


Hope you're seeing the point the others are trying to make now.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Again . . . it opens a huge door to problems. But fine. He and you can have it, but only if I can pay for all my Jumping Puzzles to be complete too. And I want the vistas too. And the point-of-interests. Oh oh. And I'd also like to have my crafting maxed without having to bother crafting. And that giant slayer achievement is a pain too. Let me pay for that with a few more gems. Heck, give me all the Living World achievements without having to bother doing the Living World story.


> Hope you're seeing the point the others are trying to make now.


Hey wait a minute. I totally would go for paying for autocomplete on giant slayer. After all, why require me to play the game when I can open up my wallet and let my dollars do the walking.


I need to make a thread now called “This game desperately needs an item to autocomplete killing giants.” I know of several people who would back me up.



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Allowing players to avoid doing horribly grindy, old and untouched content is bad for the game? And who the hell said gems? Implement it like the hero challenges unlocks just for other game modes aswell. Just ends up with players being having to play content that is maintained by arenanet, receives frequent patches and is generally higher quality than the horrible heart system.

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> @"Velran.1052" said:

> Allowing players to avoid doing horribly grindy, old and untouched content is bad for the game? And who the hell said gems? Implement it like the hero challenges unlocks just for other game modes aswell. Just ends up with players being having to play content that is maintained by arenanet, receives frequent patches and is generally higher quality than the horrible heart system.


Who said gems? Why, the OP did.


> @"Israel.7056" said:

> To any ANET people reading this thread: I would buy gems for this item, that's how much it would be worth to me and I'm sure many others would buy gems for this as well.


Any more questions?


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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > To any ANET people reading this thread: I would buy gems for this item, that's how much it would be worth to me and I'm sure many others would buy gems for this as well.


> Any more questions?



Yes i have a question. Why didn't you also quote where he said he'd also be willing to buy with ingame currencies such as wvw badges, or from players if it was made tradeable?

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You know OP. You really missed a chance when you made your thread only about hearts. You should have made buying autocomplete of content anything in game. Anything that anyone decides is too boring and tedious to do.


Want the Yakslapper title? Auto complete of the WvW Legendary backpack? Raid tiers? Achievements? Titles? Anything. Anything and everything. All the person needs to do is declare they are bored, bored, bored with that old content and that there can be no possible harm to the game with that content being autocompleted and they can buy the autocomplete and get the rewards.


What could possibly go wrong?

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> You know OP. You really missed a chance when you made your thread only about hearts. You should have made buying autocomplete of content anything in game. Anything that anyone decides is too boring and tedious to do.


> Want the Yakslapper title? Auto complete of the WvW Legendary backpack? Raid tiers? Achievements? Titles? Anything. Anything and everything. All the person needs to do is declare they are bored, bored, bored with that old content and that there can be no possible harm to the game with that content being autocompleted and they can buy the autocomplete and get the rewards.


> What could possibly go wrong?


More slippery slope arguments. You just don't get it do you?

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > To any ANET people reading this thread: I would buy gems for this item, that's how much it would be worth to me and I'm sure many others would buy gems for this as well.

> >

> > Any more questions?

> >


> Yes i have a question. Why didn't you also quote where he said he'd also be willing to buy with ingame currencies such as wvw badges, or from players if it was made tradeable?


Because the specific question asked was “who said gems.”

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> @"Velran.1052" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > You know OP. You really missed a chance when you made your thread only about hearts. You should have made buying autocomplete of content anything in game. Anything that anyone decides is too boring and tedious to do.

> >

> > Want the Yakslapper title? Auto complete of the WvW Legendary backpack? Raid tiers? Achievements? Titles? Anything. Anything and everything. All the person needs to do is declare they are bored, bored, bored with that old content and that there can be no possible harm to the game with that content being autocompleted and they can buy the autocomplete and get the rewards.

> >

> > What could possibly go wrong?


> More slippery slope arguments. You just don't get it do you?


Well, considering others have admitted that the OP’s suggestion would be a slippery slope, I guess it’s you that’s not getting it,



> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> So then tell me. If ANet does sell heart completion in the gemstore what would stop people from asking for the next set of content completion they want to buy? And what would stop ANet from selling more content completion?


> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Nothing. As much as nothing stops them now. It's all arbitrary.


Oh, I forgot. The OP admitted it also.


> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> You’re avoiding my question.


> Once ANet allows auto completion of chunks of the game what would stop people from asking for more and ANet allowing more?

> @"Israel.7056" said:

> Nothing logically speaking.


> But we're already at that point.


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Some folks will stop at nothing to get what they want in any game... except actually playing it, because that is not why they are here.


Running around in a virtual world with a fictional character with a tiny gold star on their name is a huge status symbol to some people and they will drop any amount of cash for it. A tiny gold star in this game and a rare pink tutu in another one.


I say let them have it!


Let them pay for further developement of this game so i can continue to play it for free. I've no problem with it.


Suck them phat wallets dry!

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