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This Game Desperately Needs An Item for Skipping Hearts!!!


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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:



> Those items are now in game. As I said earlier, that horse is out of the barn. But that doesn’t mean that I want them to continue down that path or that it’s a good idea and good for the game.


> And clicking on the gemstore to buy part of map completion is not same as doing it yourself.




We can already buy all manner of things to help with legendaries, including buying the actual legendary itself with credit card bought gems. Do you think people should have to grind the pvp item? The memories of battle? What about all the t6 mats, why should people be able to buy those from the tp instead of having the grinding experience? How do you decide which things are acceptable to have to farm and which are ok to be traded?

Clicking on the gem store once is a whole lot less annoying than doing 303 hearts.

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To the title: No, it actually doesn't.

Instead of asking a company to remove/bypass everything you dislike in a game, perhaps seeking out a game where the dislikes are at a minimum would prove more beneficial? Just askin'.


There was a game where you would get an achievement for literally everything. For pressing start, for moving the mouse, for doing nothing for more than X seconds (even multi-tiered achievements for prolonged inactivity!)... it was called "Achievement unlocked" IIRC and is a free-to-play flash game. Perhaps that would be more to some players liking to give them that amazing feeling of accomplishment while actually doing trivial tasks. Don't judge me for having played the thing :p

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> >

> > Those items are now in game. As I said earlier, that horse is out of the barn. But that doesn’t mean that I want them to continue down that path or that it’s a good idea and good for the game.


> > And clicking on the gemstore to buy part of map completion is not same as doing it yourself.


> >


> We can already buy all manner of things to help with legendaries, including buying the actual legendary itself with credit card bought gems. Do you think people should have to grind the pvp item? The memories of battle? What about all the t6 mats, why should people be able to buy those from the tp instead of having the grinding experience? How do you decide which things are acceptable to have to farm and which are ok to be traded?

> Clicking on the gem store once is a whole lot less annoying than doing 303 hearts.


Grind the PvP item: not sold by ANet on the gemstore

Memories of battle: not sold by ANet on the gemstore

T6 mats: not sold by ANet on the gemstore


Maybe you can stick to what is sold on the gemstore, because we are not talking about the trading post! One is ANet and the other is other players. There’s a big difference between a game selling for real money in its game store and the trading post which is players trading between each other. The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> Grind the PvP item: not sold by ANet on the gemstore

> Memories of battle: not sold by ANet on the gemstore

> T6 mats: not sold by ANet on the gemstore


> Maybe you can stick to what is sold on the gemstore, because we are not talking about the trading post!


Credit card - Gems - Gold - TP. Difference?


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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> > Grind the PvP item: not sold by ANet on the gemstore

> > Memories of battle: not sold by ANet on the gemstore

> > T6 mats: not sold by ANet on the gemstore

> >

> > Maybe you can stick to what is sold on the gemstore, because we are not talking about the trading post!


> Credit card - Gems - Gold - TP. Difference?



buying gold with real money

The gold was first made by a player who spent a number of hours playing the game and selling items earned while playing to other players on the trading post. That player then sold the gold he made to the buyer for gems. Someone did the work of making gold by playing the game and then traded the gold to a second player for gems. The player who buys gold then uses that to trade with other players.


Trading gold earned by playing the game to another player for gems is not the same as ANet selling account progression in its gemstore.



>The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.




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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

>The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.


Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.


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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> >The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.


> Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.



There is a reason why games prefer to sell only fluff and cosmetics in their game store. I’ve explained it but obviously I’m not reaching some people and truthfully I don’t believe that any words of mine can reach someone who prefers to pay the company money in order to bypass reaching ingame goals by playing.


However I will say this, allowing people to buy account progression, such as doing hearts, causes people to leave the game early. They stop playing. Both because 1) buying from ANet trivalizes account progression and players get bored and move on because they run out of things to do and 2) because other people know that account progression is for sale and that makes grinding to achieve feel pointless. Both are bad for the game and cause player dissatisfaction, which results in players leaving for other games.


And it’s late and I’m out. I think y’all would do well to think about what it would be like to play a game where you can buy endgame progression directly from ANet, and the consequences of such behavior to the game.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > >The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.

> >

> > Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.

> >


> There is a reason why games prefer to sell only fluff and cosmetics in their game store. I’ve explained it but obviously I’m not reaching some people and truthfully I don’t believe that any words of mine can reach someone who prefers to pay the company money in order to bypass reaching ingame goals by playing.


> However I will say this, allowing people to buy account progression, such as doing hearts, causes people to leave the game early. They stop playing. Both because 1) buying from ANet trivalizes account progression and players get bored and move on because they run out of things to do and 2) because other people know that account progression is for sale and that makes grinding to achieve feel pointless. Both are bad for the game and cause player dissatisfaction, which results in players leaving for other games.


> And it’s late and I’m out. I think y’all would do well to think about what it would be like to play a game where you can buy endgame progression directly from ANet, and the consequences of such behavior to the game.


Or just lock it until you complete Tyria at least once. It's easy to do as you need "Been There Done That" achievement so it may be coded as a trigger to buy further heart unlocks.


Hearts are not rally content. They are there because people couldn't comprehend the "unique" idea of events instead of quests. Hearts are worthless, unimaginative, uninteresting grind. There is nothing valuable gameplaywise about hearts.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> Really, think on it. Do you actually want to play a game where your wallet plays the game for you instead of you doing the work yourself? Wouldn’t you rather play to earn the ingame rewards than buy them? It might be boring to do it repeatedly but buying progression like you and the OP are suggesting is not good for the game.


That's the point. OP doesn't seem to want to play the game. OP seems to only want to make bank.


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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> >The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.


> Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.


Actually all of us are losing out if there are less people around playing the game. If you buy the gifts of exploration from another player (as in: pay another player to craft your legendary), then that player has spent a considerable number of hours in all the core Tyria maps, contributing to the background noise of making the game feel alive and well for others, joining in events, helping take down monsters, and generally making the world feel alive for other players.


If on the other hand ANet sells the gift of exploration (or a considerable part of the play time associated with it) directly via the gemstore, then every sale is a loss of a player playing the game and keeping the maps lively. Unlocking all waypoints for world completion is negligible (I once timed it shortly before the release of HoT, on a brand-new ranger with only the equipment from leveling up it took less than 10 hours to unlock every single waypoint for world completion) compared to the time players spend in the open world to finish all the hearts for world completion.


Every bit of convenience sold that keeps people from playing the game means less people out in the open to play with. I doubt ANet would consider this to be in the best interest for the game.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"OrbitalButt.5708" said:

> > Part of me wants to say no, and the other one wants to topple, dead, into an open grave at the prospect of doing any more hearts in Orr.

> >

> > I'm conflicted


> Perhaps I am misremembering, but are there even any hearts in Orr?

The only hearts in any of the Orr maps are the repeatable ones in Siren's Landing (living world season 3 episode 6). None of the core Orr maps have any hearts (although completing those maps can still be a headache if you insist on doing things solo on your own schedule).

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > >The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.

> >

> > Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.

> >

> Actually all of us are losing out if there are less people around playing the game. If you buy the gifts of exploration from another player (as in: pay another player to craft your legendary), then that player has spent a considerable number of hours in all the core Tyria maps, contributing to the background noise of making the game feel alive and well for others, joining in events, helping take down monsters, and generally making the world feel alive for other players.


> If on the other hand ANet sells the gift of exploration (or a considerable part of the play time associated with it) directly via the gemstore, then every sale is a loss of a player playing the game and keeping the maps lively. Unlocking all waypoints for world completion is negligible (I once timed it shortly before the release of HoT, on a brand-new ranger with only the equipment from leveling up it took less than 10 hours to unlock every single waypoint for world completion) compared to the time players spend in the open world to finish all the hearts for world completion.


> Every bit of convenience sold that keeps people from playing the game means less people out in the open to play with. I doubt ANet would consider this to be in the best interest for the game.


Hearts are solo gameplay. You can't even progress them together with your teammate. Hearts have bad rewards, bad gameplay and in many cases they are terrible grind.

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> @"Lankybrit.4598" said:

> I'm working on my 2nd Map Completion. I think Hearts are fine. Vistas sometimes are a pain, and the thing I'm not looking forward too is getting Ruins of Orr done again. Leave Hearts alone. They are fine.


I totally agree on that, doing my third and fourth completion right now. But apparently some people have a different mindset. Without hearts, all those Core Tyria Orr maps seem somehow empty. You only do a checklist of POIs and Vistas without ever lingering at some point or the other (well, except for elder wood farm ofc).

But that's just my opinion.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > You can buy map completes from other players, but this means that the other players have to do the hearts, and all this means is that you are paying another player to do the hearts on your behalf.

> > It doesnt mean that the hearts get skipped, and if this method is viable, then no fix is needed.

> > So whats the going rate for another player to do map completion on your behalf?

> >


> In my experience, it usually hovers between 500g and 800g.


> What difference does it make if I pay ANET to let me auto complete the hearts of if I pay another player to do them for me? Is it really that important that someone manually completes them?


The difference is that getting someone else to "do it for you" requires you to give your login information to them which is against the TOS.


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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> >The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.


> Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.



The old legendaries .....

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > >The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.

> > >

> > > Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.

> > >

> >

> > There is a reason why games prefer to sell only fluff and cosmetics in their game store. I’ve explained it but obviously I’m not reaching some people and truthfully I don’t believe that any words of mine can reach someone who prefers to pay the company money in order to bypass reaching ingame goals by playing.

> >

> > However I will say this, allowing people to buy account progression, such as doing hearts, causes people to leave the game early. They stop playing. Both because 1) buying from ANet trivalizes account progression and players get bored and move on because they run out of things to do and 2) because other people know that account progression is for sale and that makes grinding to achieve feel pointless. Both are bad for the game and cause player dissatisfaction, which results in players leaving for other games.

> >

> > And it’s late and I’m out. I think y’all would do well to think about what it would be like to play a game where you can buy endgame progression directly from ANet, and the consequences of such behavior to the game.


> Or just lock it until you complete Tyria at least once. It's easy to do as you need "Been There Done That" achievement so it may be coded as a trigger to buy further heart unlocks.


> Hearts are not rally content. They are there because people couldn't comprehend the "unique" idea of events instead of quests. Hearts are worthless, unimaginative, uninteresting grind. There is nothing valuable gameplaywise about hearts.


Read the thread. The people that want this want the gifts of exploration so they can grind out legendaries to sell.


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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > You can buy map completes from other players, but this means that the other players have to do the hearts, and all this means is that you are paying another player to do the hearts on your behalf.

> > > It doesnt mean that the hearts get skipped, and if this method is viable, then no fix is needed.

> > > So whats the going rate for another player to do map completion on your behalf?

> > >

> >

> > In my experience, it usually hovers between 500g and 800g.

> >

> > What difference does it make if I pay ANET to let me auto complete the hearts of if I pay another player to do them for me? Is it really that important that someone manually completes them?


> The difference is that getting someone else to "do it for you" requires you to give your login information to them which is against the TOS.



Which is also not punishable as proven by AT sellers not so long ago. All you get for account sharing is perma dishonor.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > >The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.

> > > >

> > > > Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.

> > > >

> > >

> > > There is a reason why games prefer to sell only fluff and cosmetics in their game store. I’ve explained it but obviously I’m not reaching some people and truthfully I don’t believe that any words of mine can reach someone who prefers to pay the company money in order to bypass reaching ingame goals by playing.

> > >

> > > However I will say this, allowing people to buy account progression, such as doing hearts, causes people to leave the game early. They stop playing. Both because 1) buying from ANet trivalizes account progression and players get bored and move on because they run out of things to do and 2) because other people know that account progression is for sale and that makes grinding to achieve feel pointless. Both are bad for the game and cause player dissatisfaction, which results in players leaving for other games.

> > >

> > > And it’s late and I’m out. I think y’all would do well to think about what it would be like to play a game where you can buy endgame progression directly from ANet, and the consequences of such behavior to the game.

> >

> > Or just lock it until you complete Tyria at least once. It's easy to do as you need "Been There Done That" achievement so it may be coded as a trigger to buy further heart unlocks.

> >

> > Hearts are not rally content. They are there because people couldn't comprehend the "unique" idea of events instead of quests. Hearts are worthless, unimaginative, uninteresting grind. There is nothing valuable gameplaywise about hearts.


> Read the thread. The people that want this want the gifts of exploration so they can grind out legendaries to sell.



So what. People who buy waypoints want to to get faster to their farm spots. People who use teleport to friend do it aswell. People who buy insta lvl 80 booster want to farm endgame content faster.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > >The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.

> > >

> > > Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.

> > >

> > Actually all of us are losing out if there are less people around playing the game. If you buy the gifts of exploration from another player (as in: pay another player to craft your legendary), then that player has spent a considerable number of hours in all the core Tyria maps, contributing to the background noise of making the game feel alive and well for others, joining in events, helping take down monsters, and generally making the world feel alive for other players.

> >

> > If on the other hand ANet sells the gift of exploration (or a considerable part of the play time associated with it) directly via the gemstore, then every sale is a loss of a player playing the game and keeping the maps lively. Unlocking all waypoints for world completion is negligible (I once timed it shortly before the release of HoT, on a brand-new ranger with only the equipment from leveling up it took less than 10 hours to unlock every single waypoint for world completion) compared to the time players spend in the open world to finish all the hearts for world completion.

> >

> > Every bit of convenience sold that keeps people from playing the game means less people out in the open to play with. I doubt ANet would consider this to be in the best interest for the game.


> Hearts are solo gameplay. You can't even progress them together with your teammate. Hearts have bad rewards, bad gameplay and in many cases they are terrible grind.


Not really about them being solo. If you and someone else take down a monster in the heart you both get credit. You especially see this when there is a dynamic event nearby that involves killing a mob. They do need tweaking though.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > >The game selling progression is bad. Players helping each other and trading amongst each other is good.

> > > >

> > > > Except they do, via BLC gamble. This is arbitrary decision why some things can be bought (or gambled for) and others don't. You lose nothing if they sell heart completion via TP, game loses nothing, Anet gains more money.

> > > >

> > > Actually all of us are losing out if there are less people around playing the game. If you buy the gifts of exploration from another player (as in: pay another player to craft your legendary), then that player has spent a considerable number of hours in all the core Tyria maps, contributing to the background noise of making the game feel alive and well for others, joining in events, helping take down monsters, and generally making the world feel alive for other players.

> > >

> > > If on the other hand ANet sells the gift of exploration (or a considerable part of the play time associated with it) directly via the gemstore, then every sale is a loss of a player playing the game and keeping the maps lively. Unlocking all waypoints for world completion is negligible (I once timed it shortly before the release of HoT, on a brand-new ranger with only the equipment from leveling up it took less than 10 hours to unlock every single waypoint for world completion) compared to the time players spend in the open world to finish all the hearts for world completion.

> > >

> > > Every bit of convenience sold that keeps people from playing the game means less people out in the open to play with. I doubt ANet would consider this to be in the best interest for the game.

> >

> > Hearts are solo gameplay. You can't even progress them together with your teammate. Hearts have bad rewards, bad gameplay and in many cases they are terrible grind.


> Not really about them being solo. If you and someone else take down a monster in the heart you both get credit. You especially see this when there is a dynamic event nearby that involves killing a mob. They do need tweaking though.


Or you just 1-shot heart mobs with your mount and steal their progress altogether.

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