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Does nobody do ad infini challenge motes anymore?


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people still do them.

sometimes when i feel bored i even join such runs in the LFG and help them. you'd be suprised at how fast they usually fill


but just by looking i see ad infinitum runs almost daily in the off hours ( most are in t4, i think for the more expirienced people?)

but indeed most people leave fractals after the daily cause why stay even longer in there when te rewards aren't that good after the daily chests


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I just recently built Ad Infinitum because I finally found a use for the skin on one of my chars.


Sometimes I really had to wait ages, but this was mostly because I played ad odd hours, where even most of my guild mates were sleeping. I always just started soloing the needed fracs, you really learn some nice tricks by doing that and most of the time someone joined after a while. Also, after you're no longer alone in the group for some reason ppl join really quickly.


For Ad Infinitum III, I listed the first cm frac in lfg and got then probably lucky because I was able to do all needed cms with the ppl that joined.


And when I really didn't find anyone I asked my guildies for help or I just asked in LA map chat for someone that would quickly join for a boss, found some nice ppl that helped me.

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > Also, after you're no longer alone in the group for some reason ppl join really quickly.


> so, sounds like the way to do it is to get a friend to sit in your party (while doing whatever they want) until 2-3 people join, at which point they're free to leave it


Yeah, I think this could actually help saving time to find ppl.

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