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Scourge gear question? Condi+healing?

Anti Kool.7643

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I mostly PvE and occasionally run some fractals (I haven't been fortunate enough to try Raids...yet). I run a Condi setup (mixture between Viper, Trail blazers, & Sinister) & I was considering adding some Healing stats to my gear, but I'm not sure which stats or how many pieces. My current heals are okay-ish, but I'd like to boost them a bit for allies barrier and my own heals.


I think my build is pretty solid. I steamroll most everything solo including the occasional champ if I'm in the right groove. My Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vREQRArf7YnE9CV9id3AO2A83glgBT/u+XHsRDgAQ5iqKsF+VA-jxRAQByUJo0eCguBvs/QEV/RGaB+oyPAcQAAA-e


Anybody try this or have any suggestions?

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How often are you proccing fear, is it often enough to justify not taking master of corruption for a reduction in the cd of plagulands and blood is power, along with the extra condis that you can send via plague sending? Why take unending corruption over sadistic searing? Healing power scaling of barriers are horrible and not worth the investment.

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I proc Fear a lot through the F4 (Garish Pillar). I used to take Master of Corruption when I had more condi cleanse/transfer options (mostly as Reaper). Through Terrifying Descent, Terror & Demonic Lore one F4 puts Fear(which now dmgs), Torment & Burning on everything around me and the shades. Since I only use one Punishment skill when LF is low , I don't think the extra fire dmg was as beneficial as repeatedly corrupting boons. If I'm not in PoF I sometimes switch back to Sadistic Searing and toy around with some of the other Punishment skills.


I forgot about the Healing Powers Scaling. The numbers just aren't worth the investment

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Well for raids you should look into snowcrows guides for max dps.


But i dont recommend it. Necro isnt in a good spot. Play guard, braindead as fuck and freaking good dps.


For fraktals the build is okayish. But if you dont use bloodmagic, you shouldnt use the f4. But bloodmagic isnt rlly good.


For curses i recommend you taking mid-top-bottom (mid if you feel like getting to less heal)


For utility skills, i recommend you taking out the signet and dessicate. Take blood is power and trail of anguish. They are both more supporty and do both more dmg.


That goes along with taking scourge mid-mid-mid

For condition heavy fights use top-mid-mid.


If your group has problems with cc mechanics, use fleshgolem over plaguelands.



For healpower:

Its not worth taking any. Scalings of barriers are only okayish but not rlly good. And you should use bloodmagic, when taking healpower.

I played it on sunday in frac 59. With healpower and condidmg. But still people dropped way too easy, because barrier uptime is still pretty bad, healing from transfusion isnt very good, if you still want to do some dmg.

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> @"Wahlao.1069" said:

> I run a healing scourge as main: https://gw2efficiency.com/c/Paiseh

> I use mostly Shaman gear for Vitality, Healing power, condi dmg.

> When I use F4, each tick is roughly ~650, my F3 barrier is ~3500.


Problem, thats not much higher than regeneration you can apply with other charakters. So its not very good. With like 1600 healpower and some outgoing healing% it also just gets to ~1400 heal per tick. Well rev tablet does the same. Constantly!


Barriers... well, if we could have a good barrieruptime it would be great.

I think you can hit the 4k barrier from f3.


But still other healers are way better.


Full healer scourge is just not viable.


If you want to know why, go to dmg test room, put on the second ambient dmg. And try to have an ally all the time at full health.

If you cant, you arent a good healer.


Druid, ele, rev can outheal that. Necro cant.

And at the last itensity, only rev and with a little bit of work, ele can outheal that dmg.

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Here's a build I use (more or less).

This is a real healer condi scourge. Best way you can be a healer scourge is to be tank healer. Get aggro off your allies, keeping yourself alive with insane life steal, barriers and heals, while they get your Transfusion and barriers to deal with some damage that falls sideways.


Notice the dagger/warhorn combo. On scourge i can let my utilities and shades do the condi damage job while d/wh combo will let me quickly build up both life force and health (dagger #2 with healing power is massive). This is what makes me survive 1v1 with champs (given they can be soloed at all). When not in dire need of filling both your bars, stick to scepter/torch.


Obviously damage is down. I use sand savant for concentration and expertise buff, letting my healer get ~55% condi duration without expertise gear. Also less damage traits, more barrier traits, you can adjust those as you see fit. But yeah, while pretty average damage wise, this builds heals, shields and survives even real nasty brawls.



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Scourge shouldn't have any problems with "parasitic Contagion" trait against hordes of enemies.


Where it can struggle, with the wrong build and playstyle is against soloing single target hard hitting foes, that have a high health pool.

Reason for that struggle is the mediocre single target scourge dps, with not much burst potential and another main reason, because you have problems with life force regen.


I normally don't use the boon corrupt aspect of scourge in pve, therefore I don't trait it. I also use focus on scourge, for the life force regen and if some foe really has some boons I need to get rid of focus 5 is an option to do that.

For single target champs I usually swap epidemic with shadow fiend for maximum life force regen, which almost allows me to spam all shade skills. I also find it very useful to get cd reduction for the plaguelands elite skill.


In solo PvE, I usually also use the large shades trait, because in most fights you get the full stat benefit from the large shade immediately and you don't have to wait for all 3 small shades to be up to get your stats. Also, as far as I know, without alacrity you can't keep 3 shades always up in longer single target champ fights.


[gw2skills.net/editor/?vRUQRArf7dnE9CV9id3AO9C83gFjBL6nFA2WULhoQtSftOXzrA-jBiHQBA4kAQONCEU5XQ2fQjKBplWga9EAdB0T9HA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRUQRArf7dnE9CV9id3AO9C83gFjBL6nFA2WULhoQtSftOXzrA-jBiHQBA4kAQONCEU5XQ2fQjKBplWga9EAdB0T9HA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vRUQRArf7dnE9CV9id3AO9C83gFjBL6nFA2WULhoQtSftOXzrA-jBiHQBA4kAQONCEU5XQ2fQjKBplWga9EAdB0T9HA-e")

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For casual group or minion support, or when PUGs struggle, I use Shaman's and scepter-Curses. One or two wells can also add support, they are easy to slot when running Blood Magic as the third specialization. Pure Shaman's is not necessary, either, so do not feel bad about using Viper's, Cleric's, Magi's, or whatever as long as you get something useful out of it for condi or healing without going too bunker when unnecessary.


Necro is not that great at end-game PvE so do not feel like min-maxing stats and build is an investment you need.


Of course, lately, I have only been using core 'zerker-Minionmancer for crafting, muling, and gathering while watching the minions derp.

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harriers can generate might for the group with lots of barrier on f2, heal, and putting out greater shade. IF your running blood curses and want to do condi as well and put out some heals, marshals is pretty good for that. Theres also seraphs thats condi and healing power. Shaman will give more vit which allows for more shroud "ammo"

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> @"Lexan.5930" said:

> harriers can generate might for the group with lots of barrier on f2, heal, and putting out greater shade. IF your running blood curses and want to do condi as well and put out some heals, marshals is pretty good for that. Theres also seraphs thats condi and healing power. Shaman will give more vit which allows for more shroud "ammo"


But it still isnt a real healer. Its only a support, that you can take in addition to a healer. And as a tank its useless. U dont have enough dmg mitigation to be a good tank.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Lexan.5930" said:

> > harriers can generate might for the group with lots of barrier on f2, heal, and putting out greater shade. IF your running blood curses and want to do condi as well and put out some heals, marshals is pretty good for that. Theres also seraphs thats condi and healing power. Shaman will give more vit which allows for more shroud "ammo"


> But it still isnt a real healer. Its only a support, that you can take in addition to a healer. And as a tank its useless. U dont have enough dmg mitigation to be a good tank.


yes and yes. While in fractals i was able to keep most people alive with little damage coming out but when there's a big burst of damage it's impossible to burst heal through it. all a necro can do really well is rez dead people consistently.


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> @"Lexan.5930" said:

> yes and yes. While in fractals i was able to keep most people alive with little damage coming out but when there's a big burst of damage it's impossible to burst heal through it. all a necro can do really well is rez dead people consistently.


I smiled when I saw your last statement, thats the definition of a necro! ;)


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A "healing and protecting (barrier)" Necro is not really a needed or wanted group support. Druid, Ele, Guard, and others can fill those roles more than adequately.


Dps support aura, res'ing, corruptions, Epi, break bar, and such are better niches with less overlap between professions. That is where I would hope Arenanet would focus on specialization development.


If there was a debuff that affected Defiant directly so that Necro was not nerfed so hard by it, the profession would not be as difficult to balance between game modes.

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Honestly, as useless as that might seem, I believe that's one of the core concepts of the class; rezzing. There are too many traits and skills that benefit rezzing people for it not to be.


I can't really see too much benefit to buffing healing as a condi Necro. The build the OP has posted sporting really doesn't need it; it solos HP's in HoT all over the place. Healing would diminish it's capabilities.

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