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Living Word Season 4 Episode 2 - "A Bug in the System" Trailer [merged]


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I'm watching the trailer over and over again every time I have a free minute. I absolutely love it, the emotional roller coaster is just amazing to me and I always end up with tears (of happiness) in my eyes. Big thank you goes to every one who contributed to this trailer. Especially the new rendition of "Fear not this night" gets me every time and after LOVING the original version and listening to it for so long this is just incredible and mind-bending. Again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, I'm very happy I get to be a GW2 player it's an amazing feeling right about now. <3

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This Metal Version really is something special, although I would have been wishing for vocals as well. Sure, he made the guitar "sing", but imagine a male or even female fronted metal cover à la Nightwish. Still, "Fear not this Night" is a great song as it is. Also LOVE the Malukah Cover! Can't wait for that darker rendition to be released!

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I loved the new rendition of Fear not this night, I loved the new legendary dagger, I loved the new style, I loved the atmosphere of the trailer. What I didn't like was the sillyness with which the main characters were beeing displayed. I don't mind silly puns and what not in general but the trailer was overall a very creepy sinister and mysterious setting and I think it wouldn't hurt if our protagonists could be displayed in a more serious manner every once in a while :)

But overall it was an amazing trailer, I'm already trying to figure out how I'm supposed to craft the new Dagger, I haven't even finished my first legendary yet...


Also, can't wait to hear the full version of the new rendition of Fear not this night!


> @"OrbitalButt.5708" said:

> Everyone getting goosebumps, ecstatic convulsions, or speaking in tongues and whatnot from this has extremely low standards


> It was okay


Someone doesn't understand how opinions work :o Has it ever occured to you that people have different tastes and different opinions and that mankind wouldn't have come far if everyone had the same opinion?

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> @"Andur.9275" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > Still waiting for an official metal version. :P



> This is the best cover I found so far. Maybe you didn't know this one and enjoy it as much as I do. :)


I've heard it before and it's really cool but it has no vocals! :(

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Queen.5837" said:

> > The trailer was really well-made. That being said, the fear not this night cover seems a little out of place imo. Curious to see what the new map has to offer.


> Well, they did change the words...it's not just a fear not this night cover. It's saying something very different.


Ah I see, thanks for clarifying. I didn't pay attention to the lyrics.

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Great trailer, it was fantastic! So many little details in there that make you think about it. Also that legendary dagger... you guys are really trying to get me to make legendary weapons aren'tcha? So many materials... so expensive... but damn that's a cool looking dagger.

Looks like a faithful Khan-Ur Claw replica as described in lore.

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I seem to have a different wonder about this trailer. Everyone seems to love the new rendition of Fear Not This Night. (It's only okay to me, but the original is possibly one of my favorite lyrical songs, so I have a bias there.) That song, though, is the thematic song of the Sylvari. So, I'm left with, 'Why now? What will they have to do with it?' I'm probably going to be a bit disappointed if the Sylvari story-line doesn't intersect it's way back in here.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > Nice trailer.. terribly ugly dagger thats far away from looking worth it to be called "legendary" and should get absolutely redesigned, before it gets added to the game... if "Claw of Khan-Ur" is really the name of this legendary dagger.. one should in FACT EXPECT a CLAW WEAPON skin actually as a dagger basically, or at least some kind of dagger, which looks by its blade design much more like a claw.. something like a Katar for example with its scizzor blades, or like somethign in this video

> >

> >

> > instead of a cheap reskin from something, that should actually stay unique as a GW1 veteran reward item skin from the Hall of Monuments...that has been watered down now into nothingness, if ANet releases this cheap reskin now as sort of legendary weapon that kind of comes over like just a bad copy with some more added visual effects ... instead of being actually something visually NEW, which looks different and like a unique item... this legendary weapon absolutely deserves to receive more attention, than what Anet wants to sell us here as a "legendary weapon"

> > Every single other legendary weapon that has been added to the game before of THIS has received at least the respect by ANet that a legendary weapon deserves to have to receive a UNIQUE LOOK and not to end up only as an visually improved reskin of something else .... seriously ANet YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS!!! **DEFINETELY!**


> Why should the dagger be redesigned when it actually have the exact looks described on lore?(someone said before that it matches perfectly the description of the books)

> Lets wait and see how it looks in game, the aura effect wasnt enabled on video, also was a Asura wielding it, everything looks bad on Asura lol



except it does not match the looks as described in the book. Apart from the gems maybe.


I just reread GoA for the umpteenth time. Nope. No match.

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> @"dragyn.5706" said:

> I seem to have a different wonder about this trailer. Everyone seems to love the new rendition of Fear Not This Night. (It's only okay to me, but the original is possibly one of my favorite lyrical songs, so I have a bias there.) That song, though, is the thematic song of the Sylvari. So, I'm left with, 'Why now? What will they have to do with it?' I'm probably going to be a bit disappointed if the Sylvari story-line doesn't intersect it's way back in here.


It's not Sylvari specific song. It's GW2 theme song.

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> @"dragyn.5706" said:

> I seem to have a different wonder about this trailer. Everyone seems to love the new rendition of Fear Not This Night. (It's only okay to me, but the original is possibly one of my favorite lyrical songs, so I have a bias there.) That song, though, is the thematic song of the Sylvari. So, I'm left with, 'Why now? What will they have to do with it?' I'm probably going to be a bit disappointed if the Sylvari story-line doesn't intersect it's way back in here.


I think it's because Joko is a sort of dark reflection of the Pale Tree. Both are the creators and somewhat parent figures/rulers of their races (sylvari and awakened). The Pale Tree is brightness, light, and life. Joko is darkness and death pretending to be life. Both hide secrets about how they came to be and create their people. I'd love to see the two in direct conflict, but I know it's not going to happen.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> It's not Sylvari specific song. It's GW2 theme song.


Yes and no. Generally speaking, you are right. Quoting from the wiki, it "...is symbolic of the hero's journey to defend Tyria from the threat of the Elder Dragons."


However, more specifically, from the same sentence in the wiki, it is "An anthem of the sylvari, it is a song of hope sung by the Pale Tree..."


So, yes, it is a theme song for the game, but _thematically_, it's the song of the Sylvari, and used that way throughout the game's story and environs.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > > > Nice trailer.. terribly ugly dagger thats far away from looking worth it to be called "legendary" and should get absolutely redesigned, before it gets added to the game... if "Claw of Khan-Ur" is really the name of this legendary dagger.. one should in FACT EXPECT a CLAW WEAPON skin actually as a dagger basically, or at least some kind of dagger, which looks by its blade design much more like a claw.. something like a Katar for example with its scizzor blades, or like somethign in this video

> >

> > > >

> > > > instead of a cheap reskin from something, that should actually stay unique as a GW1 veteran reward item skin from the Hall of Monuments...that has been watered down now into nothingness, if ANet releases this cheap reskin now as sort of legendary weapon that kind of comes over like just a bad copy with some more added visual effects ... instead of being actually something visually NEW, which looks different and like a unique item... this legendary weapon absolutely deserves to receive more attention, than what Anet wants to sell us here as a "legendary weapon"

> > > > Every single other legendary weapon that has been added to the game before of THIS has received at least the respect by ANet that a legendary weapon deserves to have to receive a UNIQUE LOOK and not to end up only as an visually improved reskin of something else .... seriously ANet YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS!!! **DEFINETELY!**

> > >

> > > Why should the dagger be redesigned when it actually have the exact looks described on lore?(someone said before that it matches perfectly the description of the books)

> > > Lets wait and see how it looks in game, the aura effect wasnt enabled on video, also was a Asura wielding it, everything looks bad on Asura lol

> > >

> >

> > It doesn't

> > It actually doesnt.

> > It looks like a reskin of

> >

> > ![](https://gw2.mmo-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2015/05/gw2-centurions-claw-dagger.jpg "")

> >

> >

> > While being described as

> > "The Claw of the Khan-Ur is an ancient charr artifact that resided within the ruins of Ascalon City. It is described as a ungue with two blades jutting forward and two blades backwards, set with four gems; red, black, gray, and gold, for each of the children of the first Khan-Ur. It also contains a part of the original Khan-Ur"

> >

> > I didn't get the two blades jutting backwards.

> > The gems are there( barely) but where is the part of the khan ur?

> >

> > This is a cheap attempt of a reskin, it needs to be redesigned.


> nah dosent look like a reskin, nowhere close of that, it may look like a similar model, thats cause the Centurion Claw is probably inspired on the Claw of the Khan Ur, but definetly not a "cheap attempt of a reskin"....weapon have been allready made anyway, they aint gonna remove it from the game now and make a new one from 0% lol

> What really need a redesign is the Obsidian weapon set...have you see those yet?


Obsidian weapon set definitely need a redesign, while legendary dagger... i don't satisfy with its design either, it is so much similar to the centurions claw, which isn't looks good to begin with. But at least we got incinerator, that's 100% looks better...


I have already bought spark, and the price is on the rise, act now or regret later.

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