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Bug: The Hospital in Jeopardy Story Instance [Merged]


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my friend took me keyfarm twice but i never ask (or he forgot to mention) why we always pick orphanage... i picked hospital because "oh i never did this one before" and yea the damn bug. logout once and then checked forum to see it is a months old bug.

lucky the second time managed to target some bandits and my pets killed a lot of them until the npcs finish big nose ted themselves while i keep seeing "obstructed"


i guess only ranger or any way to send in minions while you are lucky to hit los target to trigger the fight is the only way to finish it unless anet finally decided to fix this.

oh just saw the upcoming fix comment on above, nice!

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Hello, I saw this bug was recently moved on the Recently Solved Issues as on 05FEB on the Known Issue Tracker, however the problem still exists.... I have been playing GW2 for two days and bought the expansion.. now I can't even do this content... I already regret my purchase. I understand bugs exist in games, but this problem seems to affect too many people for it to still exist.

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  • 2 weeks later...

**The Hospital Is Cured!!!**

I just tried again with my farmer that stalled a couple of weeks ago. It Worked!!!

> @"Dara Potocska.8196" said: (Feb. 2, 2018)

> . . . the fix will go out with our next release. Thanks!

I have searched for Feb. update notes but I found no mention of this fix in either the wiki or forum. Glad to bring this good news to others waiting.

Dear ArenaNet, since this has had to be cured twice now, what will you do to protect this instance from future update-bugs? It sure would be swell if you would send a BL chest key to those who got locked out by these bugs.


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