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Best/Notable WvW Havoc guilds, EU and NA?


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> @"Waffle.3748" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > Cake Walk in EU comes to mind, i've seen them 8v20, they have a very solid comp, although I might consider them more of a zerg busting group rather than havok. vT, definitely havok.

> >

> > BTW, what ever happened to tRex?


> tRex got a bit tired of the game and split, we still play some other games with each other now and again but most just don't find GW2 fun anymore.


Yeah people just got bored and moved on, plenty of other games out there to play.

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Agriope and I are the guild leaders of [vT], currently on SF and would normally hop every relink to what looks the most fun for our guild, but with alliances coming up and lack of interest we haven't moved yet. I believe EU has a lot more active roaming/havoc guilds than NA does, most notably [Zen], [GoE] and [Cake]. A lot of the NA roaming/havoc guilds are somewhat burnt out of the game or the terrible meta at the moment, including our own to a degree, and are playing other games.


Personally, we consider 1-5 players to be roaming, like the old days, and anything above that (6-15) to be more on the end of havoc/zerg-busting.

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Have to agree with those above me: as a group I think [vT] is one of the best. I've fought against them a few times. Very solid group play and 1v1 game. Otherwise, the greatest talent seems to belong to individuals far and few between.


It's unfortunate that a lot of once feared roaming groups are now relegated to "roaming" in front of towers or smc they own.

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vT is one of the best small-group guilds out there--they only like to run 5 or less players at a time. I've seen them destroy groups that **heavily** outnumber them. Check out these 2 vids:

[https://youtube.com/watch?v=VV-P1bw7OXE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV-P1bw7OXE "https://youtube.com/watch?v=VV-P1bw7OXE")

[https://youtube.com/watch?v=z2jrP0Aac68](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2jrP0Aac68 "https://youtube.com/watch?v=z2jrP0Aac68")

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BOZ has some mechanically-decent players, but as mentioned, a number of them exploit, hack, or cheese wins.


> @"Thorp.7982" said:

> Agriope and I are the guild leaders of [vT], currently on SF and would normally hop every relink to what looks the most fun for our guild, but with alliances coming up and lack of interest we haven't moved yet. I believe EU has a lot more active roaming/havoc guilds than NA does, most notably [Zen], [GoE] and [Cake]. A lot of the NA roaming/havoc guilds are somewhat burnt out of the game or the terrible meta at the moment, including our own to a degree, and are playing other games.


> Personally, we consider 1-5 players to be roaming, like the old days, and anything above that (6-15) to be more on the end of havoc/zerg-busting.


You guys are quite good and generally pretty cool people even to fight against. Went back and forth with one of your mesmers probably about two years ago over a sentry and we just ended up dueling for like three hours after haha.


You're right in that most of the NA small-scale scene is gone, though. There used to pretty much be constant action across the tiers in terms of small groups and havoc, and I rarely see anything less than swaths of 10 people. I'm the only one still playing of my 5-7man skillgroup, and even then, I'm on way less than prior and mostly just tool around in blobs because it's more exciting to dive zergs on builds that shouldn't than it is to copy-paste whatever FoTM cheese is used in the roaming/small-scale scene these days.

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> @"Thorp.7982" said:

> Agriope and I are the guild leaders of [vT], currently on SF and would normally hop every relink to what looks the most fun for our guild, but with alliances coming up and lack of interest we haven't moved yet. I believe EU has a lot more active roaming/havoc guilds than NA does, most notably [Zen], [GoE] and [Cake]. A lot of the NA roaming/havoc guilds are somewhat burnt out of the game or the terrible meta at the moment, including our own to a degree, and are playing other games.


> Personally, we consider 1-5 players to be roaming, like the old days, and anything above that (6-15) to be more on the end of havoc/zerg-busting.


Is vT recruiting? I’ve seen y’all on SF when roaming and the guild I was running with has all went inactive so I’m looking for a WvW guild to run with.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> Is vT recruiting? I’ve seen y’all on SF when roaming and the guild I was running with has all went inactive so I’m looking for a WvW guild to run with.


Not at the moment because a lot of us aren't playing GW2 very actively; we kinda just have people play with us and join if we like their personality rather than look for people.


> @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> I think vT are a good shout for the best over the course of the games history for NA. If you think longevity as well as success, skill etc.


Thanks. There are a lot of guilds/players that aren't as active or quit that will always be a hard fight -- usually comes down to which comp is better because skill is equal or comparable nowadays. tM/Holy by far being the hardest to fight for everyone, List/Ego, tRex/KUM/sPvP mag boys just to name a few groups that we have a lot of respect for.

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> @"Thorp.7982" said:

> Thanks. There are a lot of guilds/players that aren't as active or quit that will always be a hard fight -- usually comes down to which comp is better because skill is equal or comparable nowadays. tM/Holy by far being the hardest to fight for everyone, List/Ego, tRex/KUM/sPvP mag boys just to name a few groups that we have a lot of respect for.


Thanks from tM for the compliment, Thorp. Almost a shame that we don't get to encounter you in the field anymore. You guys were fun to fight. Maybe we can set up some friendly scrims some time.

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> @"nomdeplums.5780" said:

> Thanks from tM for the compliment, Thorp. Almost a shame that we don't get to encounter you in the field anymore. You guys were fun to fight. Maybe we can set up some friendly scrims some time.


Yeah, forsure, you guys are well known and respected by all NA roamers, at least the old-school ones who remember the days when people actually did 3v3s-5v5s. We actually had a lot of guilds scrim us the night before to practice just for fights against you guys. Maybe if they actually balance the game for once we could do some scrims/duels, would be great for testing and fun. At the moment none of us are playing really.

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The problem atm is the last 2 expansions and snails pace of balancing especially in WvW has cause most roamers and havoc to leave the game, I'd even say a lot of players to leave. Basically if you're not into zerging around all the time your hours in WvW have usually declined since HoT and definitely since PoF and the scourge. Game balance should be at the top (or very near) of ANet's agenda, it doesn't matter how much content you throw out, if people don't enjoy playing it, they won't keep playing it and the current balancing structure leaves a lot of disgruntled players.


So saying which is best is more like saying which 3 out of the entire game are still around and active. I'd say for EU it's Cake only because I haven't really seen anyone else.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> I'd say for EU it's Cake only because I haven't really seen anyone else.

I think the problem for EU is that small guilds havent really profiled themselves, so they just blend into the masses - there are either 50 man pug raids (which definitely isnt havoc) 15-25 man raids (which isnt really havoc either) or there are a couple of gank roamers. Or of course duelists that no one cares about. The whole smallscale thing remain a little taboo.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > I'd say for EU it's Cake only because I haven't really seen anyone else.

> I think the problem for EU is that small guilds havent really profiled themselves, so they just blend into the masses - there are either 50 man pug raids (which definitely isnt havoc) 15-25 man raids (which isnt really havoc either) or there are a couple of gank roamers. Or of course duelists that no one cares about. The whole smallscale thing remain a little taboo.


Nah there used to be loads of guilds running as 2-5 people just being a massive pain in the enemies rear but anything valuable to take has watchtower on or near it and the zerg will WP over just for 4 people. If you ever fight a German server they seem to have 1-2 people in every tower and keep ready on the cannon without mentioning the zerg immediately WPs to train over you. Legit had a zerg chase a few of use from garri wall to and through NC before getting bored as we went through the centaurs. Havoc is dead because with all the sentries and watchtowers you can’t get fights because everyone comes to kill you, you’re 3 blips on the radar so they send 10 people, 3 are scourges making every inch of space horrible to fight in, 2 are holos, 2 FBs stopping you from killing anyone and rest are either rangers, mesmers, SB or thieves .


Havoc is dead because we are throughly into a gank happy meta where you use sledge hammers for nails and dig holes with dynamite.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > I'd say for EU it's Cake only because I haven't really seen anyone else.

> > I think the problem for EU is that small guilds havent really profiled themselves, so they just blend into the masses - there are either 50 man pug raids (which definitely isnt havoc) 15-25 man raids (which isnt really havoc either) or there are a couple of gank roamers. Or of course duelists that no one cares about. The whole smallscale thing remain a little taboo.


> Nah there used to be loads of guilds running as 2-5 people just being a massive pain in the enemies rear but anything valuable to take has watchtower on or near it and the zerg will WP over just for 4 people. If you ever fight a German server they seem to have 1-2 people in every tower and keep ready on the cannon without mentioning the zerg immediately WPs to train over you. Legit had a zerg chase a few of use from garri wall to and through NC before getting bored as we went through the centaurs. Havoc is dead because with all the sentries and watchtowers you can’t get fights because everyone comes to kill you, you’re 3 blips on the radar so they send 10 people, 3 are scourges making every inch of space horrible to fight in, 2 are holos, 2 FBs stopping you from killing anyone and rest are either rangers, mesmers, SB or thieves .


> Havoc is dead because we are throughly into a gank happy meta where you use sledge hammers for nails and dig holes with dynamite.

Well yeah there used to be and still are small groups but you dont really see the recognised guild that has profiled itself as havoc, you only see a small group of arrowcart loving sausage eating Germans.

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Havoc is zerg busting, camp grabbing, small group fighting and ninja takes of keeps, towers and even garrisons. In no particular order and apologies for my memory.

Jdge Legends (SFR) may be less visible these days, NUKE (PS), CRYLegend and Perish (GND), Rise (GH) and the aforementioned Cake.

There are some who are larger guilds but can break up into good havoc groups like Waco and Fire (RoF).

French, Spanish and German, there may be a few, but hard to distinguish due to the swamping and zerging on national servers.

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