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[Suggestion] Map Completion Rewards adjustment

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:


> Do you serious think a small chance for five with a significantly larger chance for zero is better than a guaranteed one? It isn't, not at all.


But it isn't zero! You can use the Statuette you receive to buy 2 charges! so even if you don't get a bundle of 5 charges, you can still purchase 2, which I think we can both agree, is better than 1.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> They can't be a guaranteed chance because it would affect the in-game economy too much. If it was a chance at statuettes instead I think it would still impact things too much.


> But I do think there's some improvements to be done, and we certainly do need better rewards and incentives.


Always a statuette and sometimes a key? How’s that?

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > They can't be a guaranteed chance because it would affect the in-game economy too much. If it was a chance at statuettes instead I think it would still impact things too much.

> >

> > But I do think there's some improvements to be done, and we certainly do need better rewards and incentives.


> Always a statuette and sometimes a key? How’s that?


2/3 Statuette(s), 1/3 key. That is unless someone else can suggest some other item(s) that would give a similar sense of want.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Adding statues would just result in players map completion farming the quickest maps to buy all of the items available with statues.


This is true. Players could farm the quickest maps, however, I think there's barrier to entry on those easier to complete maps due to mobs and the like. e.g. sending a level 2 out to the Orr maps is going to be a very difficult run, both in terms of getting there and the mobs themselves.


Map completion is more time consuming and involved due to the requirement for players to do things like Hearts , and lots of them in some maps. Some players do not have the energy to complete more than one map a day anyway. In the idea proposal of a key being purchasable via the statuette vendor for 10 statuettes, that would require a few maps to be completed in order to get a key( I was thinking between 2 - 5 statuettes so you may be able to get a key after 2 maps or it could take you 5 maps if your unlucky), either way it takes more involvement time to get something like a key, you can still buy more transmutation charges than the current map completion gives you and you don't have to get a key, you can save up for something you really want.

I don't understand the aversion to unlocking items you want if you have to work for them. Most of the items are gem store items and I feel it is also an alternative to buying gems for those items, some of those items you can't even get via the gem store, but it is a means of obtaining them that doesn't require "being lucky".

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You can complete the cities fairly quickly as well as a lot of other maps without having to fight anyone as hearts can be done numerous ways. I was also doing Bloodstone Fen as a low level without issues.


Map completion does not need to be more rewarding than it is now. I get it that you don’t like transmutation charges but that doesn’t mean they should be scrapped in place of an item that wasn’t meant as an earnable reward within the game outside of chests.


If you’re going to replace the charges, it should be with something of equal value. Or increase the number of charges but within a reasonable amount.

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While I'd love to get a BLK for every non-city map completion, I realize that's a bit broken. The problem with map rewards is the high probability of getting a useless item - the transmutation charge. I have over 600 of those useless things, and I continue to gain them at a rate that far exceeds my need to use them. Due to wretched RNG, at times I've gone over 20 (non-city) map completions in a row getting a t-charge every time, and that is really frustrating. In fact, I'm at the point now where every time I complete a map and get a t-charge I have to restrain myself from throwing my laptop across the room. I hate getting them as map rewards that much!


Two possible ways to solve this:

- Allow transmutation charges to function as a currency and provide an NPC that offers alternate things they can be spent on.

- Change the map rewards to reduce/remove the transmutation charge and replace it with other items that are more generally useful.

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If Anet were to increase the drops of rare and desirable things from something quite easy like completion of a map zone, that would devaluate these rewards toward (if not neccessarily to) the point where they're no onger rare and desirable. Increasing drops may therefore very well be counterproductive.


Think of what happened with drops lately; people were asking (or demanding even) richer drops from events. Anet delivered on this with PoF and LWS4, and look at the value of items and materials now - they're worth a fraction of what they were before. Consequently people have started complaining that stuff is no longer worth anything and rewards need to be increased or supply/prices be regulated... I fear the same would happen for map rewards



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> @"Zohane.7208" said:

> If Anet were to increase the drops of rare and desirable things from something quite easy like completion of a map zone, that would devaluate these rewards toward (if not neccessarily to) the point where they're no onger rare and desirable. Increasing drops may therefore very well be counterproductive.


> Think of what happened with drops lately; people were asking (or demanding even) richer drops from events. Anet delivered on this with PoF and LWS4, and look at the value of items and materials now - they're worth a fraction of what they were before. Consequently people have started complaining that stuff is no longer worth anything and rewards need to be increased or supply/prices be regulated... I fear the same would happen for map rewards



yes it’s easy but if you spend 2+ hours a map with mounts and then 20 times getting a transmute charge like kalendraf. it’s very frustrating. i don’t care if black lion rewards drop in price. if more ppl are happy with the loot it’s fine. for me. i completed 2 maps and got 2 charged and already angry. i want to make a legendary again but completing maps this way feels less motivated then when i get a key from it. and btw the chance of getting nice loot from bl chests is very small.


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