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Is scourge going to take even more nerfs?


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We don`t nee> @"needbeer.1687" said:

> the only thing anet buffs on necros are things we dont use because they suck. or things that fit into no build at all.


Totally agree on this.

What I most am disappointed now we have Pvp and Wvw splits which is fine, but why not revert some changes in Pve for Scourge(revert changes) and Reaper(longer Shroud duration,bug fixes+faster Greatsword skillanimations).

With fractals improved and Condi Nerf in general less bursty, but more consistent, at first this is a much needed revert for condi builds and synergies.

In open world I play Reaper cause no ramp up time, but it`s so bugged that it`s not really fun.

Scourge was really nice to play in Pve till Nerfhammer nearly killed it in Pve.

Barriers are buggy and delay+cast times is plain stupid in Pve. The sinergy with condi cleanses doesn`t work well anymore.

Why the changes on cast times of shades, change of F2-F5 in Pve this was completely uneccessary. Also changes to condi conversion to 1 of a trait which nearly makes it unneccessary trait, with no real viable alternatives.

The play of Necro atm feels like your playing at 800+ ping (while having 30-50). Still working in low efficienzy and unrewarding feeling to it.

They sad the changes was more balanced dmg. We have less burst, but consistent Dmg. THe only thing is that most Pve encounters outside of Raids and 99+100 Fractal

the bosses just don`t have enough Hp to really compensate this Dmg loss.

Also the lifeforce nerf was unneeded and makes the espec nearly laughable, while others can spam their skills on cd or bullet mechanic regenerating frequently we have to wait till something dies to get nearly no lifeforce at all, this is really sad and unfair.

Also theyre reverting the durations of some skills and higher the cd`s, which destroys the compensation of the Condi Nerf.

Actually it brought me back to playing my Ele as Weaver in Fractals, because Condi play just sucks atm, which is really sad since I loved it and it was much more fun for my tastes. The similar treatment was done to Mirage which still is viable but isn`t as fun 2 play and more effective in the Holy trinity of Berserk era (which is coming back fast).

For me what they have to change in Pve revert all changes to condi, all skills back 2 Pre Nerf of Scourge (in pve) to be viable again.

In Pvp it`s still somehow working, but would need some stability, less static play and Life force Changes reverted.

To compensate berserk builds they could tweak Dps of underperforming classes in Pve.

Just my 2 cents

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> SO whats the next big nerf you guys think? people still crying about scourge, its going to take huge nerfs?


> I hope not, i don't want scourge to be a free kill punching bag in spvp.


It will depend on whether they are ready to rework a few things or not. Potential nerf if they are not ready:

- Sand savant radius.

- Manifest sand shades damage (because when you don't know what to do, nerf damage ;) ).


If they are ready to do some rework, my best contenders would be:

- remove _manifest sand shade_ proc from F2-F5 skills.

- Rework _sand shroud_ into a support skill instead of a damage skill.


All in all, there is a need for a rework whether it's scourge, core or reaper. Not because it's overpowered like PvPer tends to think but because it's badly designed and easily lead to huge traits exploit, making scourge a bit to oppressive. But anet not being known for reworking things, there is a lot more probabilities that the necromancer and the scourge will slowly be crippled to nothingness. And it will be a long process on the span of quite a few quarterly balance patchs.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > SO whats the next big nerf you guys think? people still crying about scourge, its going to take huge nerfs?

> >

> > I hope not, i don't want scourge to be a free kill punching bag in spvp.


> It will depend on whether they are ready to rework a few things or not. Potential nerf if they are not ready:

> - Sand savant radius.

> - Manifest sand shades damage (because when you don't know what to do, nerf damage ;) ).


> If they are ready to do some rework, my best contenders would be:

> - remove _manifest sand shade_ proc from F2-F5 skills.

> - Rework _sand shroud_ into a support skill instead of a damage skill.


> All in all, there is a need for a rework whether it's scourge, core or reaper. Not because it's overpowered like PvPer tends to think but because it's badly designed and easily lead to huge traits exploit, making scourge a bit to oppressive. But anet not being known for reworking things, there is a lot more probabilities that the necromancer and the scourge will slowly be crippled to nothingness. And it will be a long process on the span of quite a few quarterly balance patchs.


Pretty much. That or boon dependency and access needs to be reduced massively so that corruption isn't as effective. But I think we're in too deep for that one, currently.


Scourge is just necro++ by design which makes it impossible to numerically balance. If it's got good numbers, it's busted. Otherwise, it's pointless in virtually every environment but maybe WvW blobs. It's currently really an easy spec to play with minimal risk and very hard to out-play due to Savant, and it just excels at too many things at once given the necro's core design of disablement paired with a spec that further advances its disablement capabilities while meanwhile providing support.


Strictly speaking, I'm not sure what specifically needs to be changed because it's a tough nut to crack. But the spec is fundamentally broken by design, and you're absolutely right in that ANet pretty much never does major reworks.

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The BIG NERF, when it happens, will probably delete Necro from PvP and Scourge from WvW. Maybe it is too much green beer (not Crinn's comments) that perspired this post but much of the game reminds me of Dr. Seuss', "The Sneeches," where imaginary buffs ostracized the trailing group.


Boons; everything is about boons.

... and sharing them.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Eventually, they will nerf Sand Savant's radius. The problem is that this is still 2-3 balance patches away, each of which will bring different nerfs because "OMG Sc0Rge OP!!1!1!!" will keep being screamed over and over.


And the fun fact:

-warrior is still able to facetank scourges dmg

-Mesmer is able to oneshot scourge without much tell.

-You will never ever hit a good thief as a scourge

-Guards will either outheal (firebrand) you or burst (coreguard) you to death

-Ranger... well we dont need to talk about ranger. If he engages on you on open field

-Same goes for ele.

-Good revs will burst, then wait, burst again and you are dead

-engis just have way to much condi cleanses. But there is at least a chance. And there is at least a light in the dark. As reaper you can kill most of them.


The only thing where necro (scourge) gets good is: when he has a lot of support in a team.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> As long as they are able to use a pAoE at the shade and have the effect trigger on there feet the scourge class is going to keep getting nerf because this effect alone allows for what should be balanced dmg condi effect and support to be to powerful. They need to stop letting these effect trigger on the scourge it self if there is a shade in effect.


But mesmers have the ability to shatter at the target and on their character. Scourge is walking a fine line between OP (WvW zergs) and worthless. The ONLY reason that Scourges are OP in zergs is due to the sheer numbers of them. You run 15/40 Scourges that's alot of red pulses going off. Of course you run 15/40 CoR Revs and, well, say goodnight.

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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > As long as they are able to use a pAoE at the shade and have the effect trigger on there feet the scourge class is going to keep getting nerf because this effect alone allows for what should be balanced dmg condi effect and support to be to powerful. They need to stop letting these effect trigger on the scourge it self if there is a shade in effect.


> But mesmers have the ability to shatter at the target and on their character. Scourge is walking a fine line between OP (WvW zergs) and worthless. The ONLY reason that Scourges are OP in zergs is due to the sheer numbers of them. You run 15/40 Scourges that's alot of red pulses going off. Of course you run 15/40 CoR Revs and, well, say goodnight.


True one shot is still a one shot but oddly scourge is harder to one shot then any other class in the game then mez one could say all though mez you just need time time there skills. That is what wrong with scourge necro already a kind of tankly class for a mages but when you add in barrier spam it starts to go a bit crazy. Barrier on scourge is a realty issues and turned wvw into a crawling meta. Also CoR revs as powerfull as it is still is very blockable and scourge has some of the best agiest grantion in the game.


Its that all of the F2-F5 skills are droping at the scorge feet is what making them so tankly as well as so good at doing dmg condi cc etc.. every thing in the game in effect. If it was just the shade or at the scorge feet then you would have to make a real chose of how to play the class.


Your still able to build scourge as a 1v1 build vs the zerg builds if you take that zerg build and put it in 1v1 then it will die just the same as taking that 1v1 build into a zerg for the most part (though the condi tankly scorge build will work in zergs just not as much.)

That what your more talking about when your talking about less numbers of scourges.

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The problem bout scourge (necro): no real good def abilities.

So we have to build def stats on gear. I would gladly run around full zerker or full vipers while being as tanky as zerker warrior. But even with thode defensive stats we arent as tanky as other classes.

Ele for example

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> The problem bout scourge (necro): no real good def abilities.

> So we have to build def stats on gear. I would gladly run around full zerker or full vipers while being as tanky as zerker warrior. But even with thode defensive stats we arent as tanky as other classes.

> Ele for example


I'd be willing to give some things up for some legit active defenses.

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