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[PvP] High Rated Double Ranged Power Druid Build , Guide and Stream


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Hello everyone!

Some of you might know me, some of you surely don't. So let me introduce myself first ..

I am Treesixty Nogrove, long time ranger player with over 8k games and currently sitting at 1778 rating (which is rank 11 right now) on the EU leaderboards. I wanted to try to get as high as possible on the boards with an off meta build and without further ado I want to share this build with you....


The Build


As said in the title, we are only using range weapons for this one, we could swap staff with gs and some traits if we wish too but I found this to be most fitting for **me**.

Key essence of this build is using the Longbow knockback to the best as we can. We don't want to waste it on stability, etc. I have chosen Staff because I like the utility it brings to the build, making it easier to kite Scourges and get ez kills on them, running away, projectile hate and avatar regeneration. Let me make one thing very clear here: You **DON'T** want to be in teamfights! This is a build played on sides, getting decaps fast and abusing the range of longbow and the short cooldown on the knockback to get the kills.


Let me get a bit in details against which matchups this build is very good/good/meeh/and just bad

**Very Good**

Scourge - We need to kite, if we stay on point, we are just dying - again using knockback when the scourge has NO Stability is key here.

Revenant if it's not a top player - When he tries to port on us, we start the knockback, which results in tanking a bit of dmg from the port but we get the knockback and the immobilize.

Fresh Air Weaver - Double Edged Sword tbh, if we can maintain range and he can't LoS in time, he just dies from longbow pressure.


S/D Teef - We got a lot of stealth, so he shouldn't be able to kill us. Use the Knockback at the end of Skill#3 (actually just start it in the middle of the animation so it hits at the end of the skill)

Base Guardian - We need to dodge the mighty blow, then we are gucci


Mesmer - depending on build but we can beat them with a lot of kiting

Spellbreaker - If we want to win this we need to bait every fullcounter, if we hit 2 or even more, disengage the fight, it is already lost

**Just bad**

Holo - Too much dmg, some we can beat by just staying on range, on point we get melted

Firebrand - This should only happen in a teamfight, but once there is one, we are useless


Some more Tips and Stuff u should know to play this build:

You need to know how to kite , this is not as tanky as the bunker meta one. You need to watch the bar of your enemy. If he has stability you cannot knock him obviously. **Use stealth often**. Don't try to hold the point if you just can't. Give them the decap, start to kite and kill them from range - **Note: Dying is always the worst thing** Do not let anybody tell you dying on point and getting 2-3 more ticks is worth the time you are dead and running back to a fight!!

**Would I recommend the build for new players and low rated ones? Yes but follow my Tips. **


**If you want to see the build in action and hear my commentary on what to do in each situation, here is my stream:** **https://www.twitch.tv/treesixtytwitch** (click my name or the twitch symbol)


I am fairly new to twitch but I stream nearly every day for a few hours, I cannot give you a set schedule tho, sadly. Feel free to join me and ask me questions!

I am going to update this build with the new patch, or maybe even doing a totally different one - It will be a damage oriented build for sure....


Leave your feedback and experience with the build down below, I would love to read it.

Maybe we see us in my stream *cough* advertisement again *cough*

Good Day

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1-This build doesn't hit harder than it is soft.


2-The classes that do hit hard can do so while having more survivability than Ranger/Druid/SB.


Not as bunker as meta one.....that made me laugh.

Bunker is titanium and this is tissue paper.


Honestly think this is a build you're good at playing.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Hey! I've been running Berserker Core Ranger with Marks/Skir/Bm in the top 15 this season on NA so I love the fact that you've taken marks xP


> Update this thread when you start streaming so we can check you out mate :)


ty for the advice. I will start the stream in about 30-40 min!


> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> 1-This build doesn't hit harder than it is soft.


> 2-The classes that do hit hard can do so while having more survivability than Ranger/Druid/SB.


> Not as bunker as meta one.....that made me laugh.

> Bunker is titanium and this is tissue paper.


> Honestly think this is a build you're good at playing.


I didn't want to make a new meta build. That's why I did not use the term "meta" once in my text. Everyone playing Ranger in PvP for more than 2 months knows that this build is not as good as the bunker meta one ofc (Bunker Meta is just broken and op and will get hit hard anyway with next patch in spvp). I wanted to share the build to show ppl that you don't need to run a meta build if you don't enjoy it and still get high on the leaderboards if you are a good player. Ofc you need to outplay others to win fights, you won't win anything by just attacking and spamming everything without using your brain here and there since, as you mentioned, the build doesn't offer much "bunkering".


> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> I spent like less than 5 seconds looking at this so excuse me if I'm an idiot, but is this not just a standard LB/staff druid that people have been playing for like 3 years?


You are fast at evaluating mate, I am a bit jealous :D. The main difference is that we dont use Nature Magic (Note: NM is getting hit hard with the next Balance Patch, so we might drop it anyway with the next meta build) and the Demolisher amulet instead of Menders ( In comparison to the bunker meta build, if you were referring to it)

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Problem is that mesmers and spellbreakers are the main side node contestants, and you describe that your build ain't fairing too well against them. Although good that you try builds like this. I tried some comparable builds as well. They can work, but theyre not really optimal. This could change though after patch.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> Problem is that mesmers and spellbreakers are the main side node contestants, and you describe that your build ain't fairing too well against them. Although good that you try builds like this. I tried some comparable builds as well. They can work, but theyre not really optimal. This could change though after patch.


My thoughts exactly. My job this season has been far stall/full cap at the outset, and spellbreakers or mirages are the only folks on far that could pose issues for me. Thanks to having almost no projectile attacks, I find the bunker meta quite useful at stalling the mighty spellbreaker, and hilariously the tiny amount of poison coming from Refined Toxins can really dampen the signet heals ticking away for the SB. With this build not having anything in the way of melee staying power, I'd have to play completely differently and hope my team can make up for my lack of on-point pressure for side nodes.


OP, you've obviously made this work for you though, congrats! Depending on how the skill splits turn out, I might look into running a more kill-oriented build myself.

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Thanks for sharing build, yea i seen you around and fought you, and gotta say you make the build work pretty well, you annoying as hell and actually kill stuff :)

I've been playing a core version with beastmastery greatsword/remorsless build, wolf as second pet. It got me in top 50 on 2 accounts so and the build does actually suprisingly well vs most spellbreakers. But its not as good as druid is for survival of +1s etc, tho the blast on pet swap in smokefield gives stealth and superspeed so thats similair i guess

Anyway gonna see if i can catch your stream anytime soon

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> Problem is that mesmers and spellbreakers are the main side node contestants, and you describe that your build ain't fairing too well against them. Although good that you try builds like this. I tried some comparable builds as well. They can work, but theyre not really optimal. This could change though after patch.


y thats right, especially mesmer are a problem because they don't even have to be good to make it a hard matchup, but spellbreakers which are simply not as good as you are, are easily beatable tho if you just avoid the fullcounter proc (yes easier said than done). I really hope it changes with the next patch aswell :D


> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> OP, you've obviously made this work for you though, congrats! Depending on how the skill splits turn out, I might look into running a more kill-oriented build myself.


I will update this build with the new patch or even make a new one (soulbeast????? na prolly not but who knows), so look out for that for some inspiration.



> @"Ashkew.6584" said:

> Thanks for sharing build, yea i seen you around and fought you, and gotta say you make the build work pretty well, you annoying as hell and actually kill stuff :)

> I've been playing a core version with beastmastery greatsword/remorsless build, wolf as second pet. It got me in top 50 on 2 accounts so and the build does actually suprisingly well vs most spellbreakers. But its not as good as druid is for survival of +1s etc, tho the blast on pet swap in smokefield gives stealth and superspeed so thats similair i guess

> Anyway gonna see if i can catch your stream anytime soon


Ty mate. You might want to share your build too ?! Great Job on getting Top Rating too :D

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> @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > Problem is that mesmers and spellbreakers are the main side node contestants, and you describe that your build ain't fairing too well against them. Although good that you try builds like this. I tried some comparable builds as well. They can work, but theyre not really optimal. This could change though after patch.


> y thats right, especially mesmer are a problem because they don't even have to be good to make it a hard matchup, but spellbreakers which are simply not as good as you are, are easily beatable tho if you just avoid the fullcounter proc (yes easier said than done). I really hope it changes with the next patch aswell :D



Yeah spellbreakers became easier to beat, and mesmers became more problematic since patch. Lots of boons, invulns and quite a burst they have. Testing the Longbow piercing GM trait on them is something worthwhile, because without it everything gets blocked by clone spam.


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> @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > Hey! I've been running Berserker Core Ranger with Marks/Skir/Bm in the top 15 this season on NA so I love the fact that you've taken marks xP

> >

> > Update this thread when you start streaming so we can check you out mate :)


> ty for the advice. I will start the stream in about 30-40 min!


> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > 1-This build doesn't hit harder than it is soft.

> >

> > 2-The classes that do hit hard can do so while having more survivability than Ranger/Druid/SB.

> >

> > Not as bunker as meta one.....that made me laugh.

> > Bunker is titanium and this is tissue paper.

> >

> > Honestly think this is a build you're good at playing.


> I didn't want to make a new meta build. That's why I did not use the term "meta" once in my text. Everyone playing Ranger in PvP for more than 2 months knows that this build is not as good as the bunker meta one ofc (Bunker Meta is just broken and op and will get hit hard anyway with next patch in spvp). I wanted to share the build to show ppl that you don't need to run a meta build if you don't enjoy it and still get high on the leaderboards if you are a good player. Ofc you need to outplay others to win fights, you won't win anything by just attacking and spamming everything without using your brain here and there since, as you mentioned, the build doesn't offer much "bunkering".


> > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > I spent like less than 5 seconds looking at this so excuse me if I'm an idiot, but is this not just a standard LB/staff druid that people have been playing for like 3 years?


> You are fast at evaluating mate, I am a bit jealous :D. The main difference is that we dont use Nature Magic (Note: NM is getting hit hard with the next Balance Patch, so we might drop it anyway with the next meta build) and the Demolisher amulet instead of Menders ( In comparison to the bunker meta build, if you were referring to it)


You never really addressed my issues with the build--- so lets rephrase.

It's soft. And it still doesn't hit hard. In fact its MUCH softer than the dmg it can put out.

What's the point? There is no question you are good but whether the build is actually good. Eh yeah, I'm not sold on that.


And to be fair, the more I personally play a build closer to zerk stats--- the worse I do.

I need to learn to stay away from fights and kite more. And also, I wont play this build for extended periods of time in ranked as I feel I know what already works.

Im not trying to make this work and drop rank. Thats not fun.


And honestly... bunkering.... please stop crying about bunker druids. You want to say it's strong? Sure. That's fair.

But, in light of other 'bunkery' classes like guards and necros--those two classes on one team can turn the tides. Add in as many bunkery Druids to a match and it wont have the same effect.



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Lol will you stop getting triggered evertime someone brings up they don't like bunkers. And obviously the build has merit and is good if he's top 11 (in EU too which I hear is more competitive than NA for the PVP scene dudes fighting sin in any case). I don't understand people if your constantly at a high level with a build then obviously your playing something that works and has slot if merit.


Here's the thing too, PvP is not pve, your not trying to min max some perfect build for dps checks. It's more about finding a build that allows you to influence a match more. What's your rateing anyways? You might find you climb easier by useing a glassier build (you can push team fights more)


@"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" with the Inc Nerf to staff, ever think about using sword/ dagger?


Especially since you have some dps, I've found sword dagger works hella great against spell breakers and mesmers. Grats btw hope you keep your spot or climb these next two weeks.


Ill check out your steam see if there's interesting plays. (Someone always seems to know a combo or kite spot that I never thought of or knew)



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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:


> @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" with the Inc Nerf to staff, ever think about using sword/ dagger?


> Especially since you have some dps, I've found sword dagger works hella great against spell breakers and mesmers. Grats btw hope you keep your spot or climb these next two weeks.


> Ill check out your steam see if there's interesting plays. (Someone always seems to know a combo or kite spot that I never thought of or knew)




I'd rather use Greatsword then, but I will do a lot of testing after the next balance patch. Anet should post their final skill balance proposal soon, so every theorycraft until then is kinda, well, a waste of time I think. I will keep you updated.

You'll see a lot of kiting and positioning on my stream since this 2 things keep my build alive. See you

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> @"EnderzShadow.2506"


> Lol will you stop getting triggered evertime someone brings up they don't like bunkers. And obviously the build has merit and is good if he's top 11 (in EU too which I hear is more competitive than NA for the PVP scene dudes fighting sin in any case). I don't understand people if your constantly at a high level with a build then obviously your playing something that works and has slot if merit.


> Here's the thing too, PvP is not pve, your not trying to min max some perfect build for dps checks. It's more about finding a build that allows you to influence a match more. What's your rateing anyways? You might find you climb easier by useing a glassier build (you can push team fights more)



Actually is rank no. 33 with 1759 rating ... ofc this is fluctuated ... now you are top 10, tomorrow you can be top 20 etc. But he is a top PVP player anyway.

I don't like the actual system of rating ... sometimes it's just too hard to get a good team, because rating unfortunately is not based on how good you are, but how good your team is. It's enough that 1 guys is kitten and you will lost the match and the rating points.

In my opinion rank system now is 50% gambling and 50% your skill. At least till you get 1600 rating, after this level I think all ppl you meet know how to play.



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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506"

> >

> > Lol will you stop getting triggered evertime someone brings up they don't like bunkers. And obviously the build has merit and is good if he's top 11 (in EU too which I hear is more competitive than NA for the PVP scene dudes fighting sin in any case). I don't understand people if your constantly at a high level with a build then obviously your playing something that works and has slot if merit.

> >

> > Here's the thing too, PvP is not pve, your not trying to min max some perfect build for dps checks. It's more about finding a build that allows you to influence a match more. What's your rateing anyways? You might find you climb easier by useing a glassier build (you can push team fights more)

> >


> Actually is rank no. 33 with 1759 rating ... ofc this is fluctuated ... now you are top 10, tomorrow you can be top 20 etc. But he is a top PVP player anyway.

> I don't like the actual system of rating ... sometimes it's just too hard to get a good team, because rating unfortunately is not based on how good you are, but how good your team is. It's enough that 1 guys is kitten and you will lost the match and the rating points.

> In my opinion rank system now is 50% gambling and 50% your skill. At least till you get 1600 rating, after this level I think all ppl you meet know how to play.



Its decay tbh ^^ I am still around 1780 but I won't find the time to play until Saturday.

Luck is definitely a factor even at 1,6k ++, sadly. You will often loose games although being 1v2 a lot of the time but w/e that's just how it is these days...Ppl getting carried up to high ratings cuz of low population



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> @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506"

> > >

> > > Lol will you stop getting triggered evertime someone brings up they don't like bunkers. And obviously the build has merit and is good if he's top 11 (in EU too which I hear is more competitive than NA for the PVP scene dudes fighting sin in any case). I don't understand people if your constantly at a high level with a build then obviously your playing something that works and has slot if merit.

> > >

> > > Here's the thing too, PvP is not pve, your not trying to min max some perfect build for dps checks. It's more about finding a build that allows you to influence a match more. What's your rateing anyways? You might find you climb easier by useing a glassier build (you can push team fights more)

> > >

> >

> > Actually is rank no. 33 with 1759 rating ... ofc this is fluctuated ... now you are top 10, tomorrow you can be top 20 etc. But he is a top PVP player anyway.

> > I don't like the actual system of rating ... sometimes it's just too hard to get a good team, because rating unfortunately is not based on how good you are, but how good your team is. It's enough that 1 guys is kitten and you will lost the match and the rating points.

> > In my opinion rank system now is 50% gambling and 50% your skill. At least till you get 1600 rating, after this level I think all ppl you meet know how to play.

> >

> >

> Its decay tbh ^^ I am still around 1780 but I won't find the time to play until Saturday.

> Luck is definitely a factor even at 1,6k ++, sadly. You will often loose games although being 1v2 a lot of the time but w/e that's just how it is these days...Ppl getting carried up to high ratings cuz of low population




Agree with you PaRaPhReNiA. I play Soulbeast only, and even it's not considered a Meta or Great class for sPVP I almost do the same job like a Druid and I could say that Soulbeast is realy strong in sPVP when it comes about 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 2 (in this situation a Soulbeast can troll for minutes sometimes 2 enemies). Still I don't believe how so many players with 1500+ literally don't know how to play sPVP or why they are on ranked ... because sPVP is not about fights only, in fact the main scope is to achieve points and the fastest way is to get and hold nodes, kill lord or on some maps to get different buffs etc.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> @"EnderzShadow.2506"


> Lol will you stop getting triggered evertime someone brings up they don't like bunkers. And obviously the build has merit and is good if he's top 11 (in EU too which I hear is more competitive than NA for the PVP scene dudes fighting sin in any case). I don't understand people if your constantly at a high level with a build then obviously your playing something that works and has slot if merit.


> Here's the thing too, PvP is not pve, your not trying to min max some perfect build for dps checks. It's more about finding a build that allows you to influence a match more. What's your rateing anyways? You might find you climb easier by useing a glassier build (you can push team fights more)


> @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" with the Inc Nerf to staff, ever think about using sword/ dagger?


> Especially since you have some dps, I've found sword dagger works hella great against spell breakers and mesmers. Grats btw hope you keep your spot or climb these next two weeks.


> Ill check out your steam see if there's interesting plays. (Someone always seems to know a combo or kite spot that I never thought of or knew)




A couple things, atm I'm mid gold 3 yoyo gold 2. I win 9 in a row. I go 3 and 7---now Im back to 50/50.

I mean I dont know if going glassier would help me influence fights better.

I have considered it based on competitions that use no bunk/support.


Everytime someone says Druids are Overpowered--I'm gonna speak up.

All these comments about druid are causing an uneeded stigma among players.


**There is no special place in heaven for people who don't play Druid.**


Doing what I do best in a match is not easy for just everyone. I have a friend that is a really good FB/Guard. He's going for the achievement for the back piece so he's playing all the classes. I've hooked him up with builds-- he looses a lot. Says it's the hardest class for him to play. He says scourge is super easy to pick up and win games, same thing for many of the other classes including rifle/pp thief. But druid is faceroll right?



Yesterday Im in a game with a Ranger whose playing LB/SB Traps--- so bad..........I don't know how he got into my ranked game, but I gotta help this guy play something better. You know one of the first things he says when were talking? "I refuse to play druid ". It's not that he even tried and didn't like it. It's some weird stigma.

Like scourges are harder to play? I mentioned this specific thread and the high rank eu player that plays a glassier build. He opened up to it. But that initial reaction.../sigh.


**There is no special place in heaven for people who don't play Druid.**

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