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Please Buff Signets

Jerry CCH.9816

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They used to boon corrupt before that exact trait was changed. People are crying now because of how much boon corrupt necromancer has, so going backwards to that I dont think is the answer. If there is going to be a signet change, it will likely have to be with the signets themselves.


Signet of the locust - very much in line with what other professions have. elementalist, ranger in particular. The active effect could use an extra something. like a cripple maybe.

Signet of vampirism - could use some numbers tweeks.

Signet of spite - very similiar to warrior and guardian. no real change needed to the passive. the activated I would like to see be a fear as a CC ability would be more beneficial than a condition frontload. Signets are in a power line, they should lean towards power use rather than conditions which already have corruptions.

Plague signet - a very unique one to necro. If I changed it, it would be to reverse its effects. have a passive that sends conditions on you outwards to nearby foes if applicable, with an activated, 'pulls x conditions from allies around you to yourself'.

Signet of undeath - with the fairly recent nerfs to shroud uptime, i would like to see more life force gain or a faster interval. With a completely new active ability.

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Signet of Vampirism would probably be fine if the passive had no ICD and the cast time were reduced.

Signet of the Locust is very close to being good. Maybe a larger radius?

Signet of Spite has an identity crisis. The passive screams Power build, but the active is only good for condition builds.

Plague Signet only needs its enhanced effect changed when traited. Pretty sure this is the only skill in the game where you DON'T want to trait it. Maybe make it give life force whenever the passive transfer occours?

Signet of Undeath needs the cast time cut slightly and maybe a buff to the passive.

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I would like to see the following:


**Signet of Undeath:**

PASSIVE: changed from passive LF Regen to flat rate reduction of LF consumption while in Shroud

ACTIVE: Reset Shroud Cooldown?


**Signet of Vampirism:** I think this one is OK as is, though I think the Mark Counter on the active side is a little underwhelming


**Signet of Locust:**

PASSIVE: changed from a 25% run buff (a somewhat less useful thing anymore) to something else (I got nothing atm)

ACTIVE: I think it's OK as is.


**Signet of Spite**

PASSIVE: It's fine as it is

ACTIVE: What a mess this is. I would rather see it take on a more focused, generally useful, condition application. It's got that 'throw something at the wall and see if it sticks" feeling


**Plague Signet**

I've never liked this one but I can see how it's pretty strong. Personally, I would make the active proc when 5 conditions are reached instead of making it an action I have to take.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I would like to see the following:


> **Signet of Undeath:**

> PASSIVE: changed from passive LF Regen to flat rate reduction of LF consumption while in Shroud

> ACTIVE: Reset Shroud Cooldown?


I refuse. If there's any real value to signet of Undeath it's because of the way it's current passive works - pop a corruption skill with signet of uneath and you can self-generate some life force. Also it's very fun to use it along with other life-force generators when shrouded to combat too fast degen.

Making it a passive life force degen reduction kills such options.


it's active needs a change though. For ranged ress we already got transfusion that is instant, doesn't require hour long aiming if you're trying to ress more then one fallen ally, and is not on absurd cooldown. Not to mention that it's a trait, not taking up precious and very contested utility slot.


My idea for active:


"Heal yourself and nearby allies at cost of 20% of your current lifeforce." Base strength of the heal would depend on amount of life force you had when you casted it. Lotsa LF = strong heal, barely any lf = weak base heal. On top of that your standard healing power - based coefficient, so healing necros get some value even when low on life force.

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I play a signet build, and i theorycrafted a lot on it.


Signet of vampirism is very good when traited with spite because heals while you're in shroud (for a lot), and the passive in shroud works even if the signet is on cd


Plague signet is decent but the trait upgrade is a complete joke. Transfering conds from allies to yourself is not an upgrade!! Should read: "when you transfer cond from allies, also apply the same to enemies in a 600 radius" or the passive could be "transfer a cond to your opponent every X seconds" while the active "transfer 5 conds from allies to yourself"


Spite signet passive is fine, active needs to be changed completely. To remain in theme with the spite traitline could be, "if your target has less than 50% do something"


Signet of undeath passive needs bigger numbers, even traited is 1% lf per second. If you have 20k lf, that translate into 200 lf (less valuable than hp) per sec (4k lf in 20 sec). I get 4% lf with 1 hit of staff, so definitely not worth taking. The active is useless in pvp, the cast time is too long as the cd, should be 1 sec cast to rex 1 player max same cd, or 3 sec cast with a way lower cd, like 50 sec.


Signet of locust overall is decent


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I would like to see some more life force regeneration, maybe change Undeath Signet to fill the Life Force bar on Active but if that's OP then increase it's CD to compensate, change the passive on Spite to give a group buff to either Might/Fury/Precision maybe even something like Alacrity even? Change the Vamp active to a personal Barrier?

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Well. I dont know. Signets just suck.


Locust is nice for leveling, if you dant have a mount, but for everything else its useless, even if it gets patched with the split-patch.

Undeath is useless everywhere, even if it gets buffed with the split-patch

Spite only gets taken for power pve engame builds, but just for the passive.

And the only one useful is plague signet, which will get nerfed, so necro gets even worse for roaming.


And the further problem is, that literally noone runs the signet trait, because it sucks in comparison to the other 2.

Booncorrupt on enter shroud? - pretty nice

20% more dmg while target is below 50% - pretty nice

Buffed signets - useless


But i dont think, adding a corrupt to all signets would be good. For pvp it might be awful.

For pve it would do nothing and for wvw, signets will remain useless.


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The CDR part of SoS trait is very potent actually (just 10 seconds spent in Shroud is 40% CDR). Some small buffs to either signets themselves (like breaking the Spite signet crysis Drarnor mentioned) or to their boost from the trait and I can see the trait as a solid competition to other GMs. It won't work on Scourge for obvious reasons, but on Reaper or Core it could definitely be a pick.

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See I've never had a problem with Signet of Spite with regards to its active and passive effects. In fact quite the opposite. I like that on a power build I will only want it for the passive power boost but I can also run on a condi build purely for the active. That said they did do a good job with Bane Signet and Perfect Inscriptions for Guardian. If they were to change Signet of Spite, that's how I'd like it to change.

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> @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

> > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > Let's make signets work in shroud. That a good start right?


> The passive effects already do when traited. If you meant using the active effects while in shroud... well I don't know if we'll have that sort of thing.


I just meant that the passive signet while in shroud should be baseline without the need for the trait.

Unlike Scourge, reaper and base necro have too many restrictions while using shroud (no heal, no utility, no elite, no weapon swap..)

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> See I've never had a problem with Signet of Spite with regards to its active and passive effects. In fact quite the opposite. I like that on a power build I will only want it for the passive power boost but I can also run on a condi build purely for the active. That said they did do a good job with Bane Signet and Perfect Inscriptions for Guardian. If they were to change Signet of Spite, that's how I'd like it to change.


What I would like to see on Signet of Spite is removing the damaging conditions other than Poison (heal reduction is a good thing) and add on Slow (possibly Immobilize on a short duration). Turn it into the "You just completely suck now" skill.

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Signets are a cool idea for the necro but they arent good enough in PvP because they arent consistent enough.


Power signet rraper used to be a thing because of the book strip as well as damage and healing. Having them work in shroud is meh because your not in shroud enough for it to be worth it.


I suppose you could make a power scourge with signets and wells or something. But it would probaly be difficult to play and inconsistant for survivability

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