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How? Why? (necro circle cheese)


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@katniss.6735 that because walls are traps for the offensive team farm, and that makes walls less valuable wich means the offensive team should cap the struture.


Anet might hate when stuctures get defend, so aoe top is a requirement. :pensive:


Elementalist aoe can reach half way on those stairs :) eheheh

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Oppressive Collapse, the skill that hit the player while they were in downstate is an awful single target torch ability on scourge that will only connect if the attacker has the enemy targeted AND the target remains still for a whole second -- and even then only delivers a small amount of damage through torment with a potential knockdown. It has the odd (and pretty much only) benefit of not requiring line of effect. Its not the only skill that delivers damage through walls, but it is the one with the biggest tell and (I think) the only one which requires you to have the enemy directly targeted. It's probably the _least_ broken attack Scourge has.


I think the real question here is: why do elementalists have by far the most forgiving downstate ability in the game.


~ Kovu

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I'm a ranger main, thanks. I need to _wait_ 10 seconds before getting to use my overpowered downed skill.

To be honest the first time I watched the video I missed the Oppressive Collapse (it was right at the beginning). I only saw the mist form followed by the healing. I was trying to figure out what the video was attempting to demonstrate. That player should be glad the scourge's sand shades need line of effect, or they'd have been dead.


(And also why the other player that walked in was more interested in grabbing supply than reviving a downed ally.)


~ Kovu

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I've made a post about oppressive collapse in the forums before but it was largely ignored or dismissed because people want to say it was underperforming - however if you've ever been in an organised groups with a bunch of scourges the first thing you'll be asked to do is bomb with torch5 and remove any siege or people on sieges together with other ranged classes. On my scourge I have not missed interrupting/connecting my torch 5 on anyone that is on a wall (open field would be another story, but why would you do that if they are not immob/downed?). Combined with my wells and some shades at the lip of wall I can actually finish them without needing line of sight using torch 5. But meh, people want that advantage of torch 5 requiring no los because it's "weak", but for me it's anything but that.

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That's a fair point.

I suppose as a roamer I'd rather it have the advantage of being able to connect with a strafing target in the open field, rather than the utility of harassing people and siege up on a wall. I'll just stick to using offhand dagger.


~ Kovu

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