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Repeatable hearts - do you do them?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I would have chosen: Sometimes, and not for any specific reason.


This. I do them if it's incidental to other things, or I specifically need that vendor, or like right now, waiting for the patch to drop it fills the time in Istan between meteors :) I don't do them for their own sake. I suppose if there's a new mastery line to work on I might do a heart for an xp boost.

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I'm in the 'sometimes' camp as well.


What would be interesting is if each repeatable heart vendor had it's own 'perma onlock' item that gets registered in an achievement (one for each PoF zone, one for each LW chapter zone). Then you could, if you chose to, save up some resource to perma onlock the vendor on the heart, still leave the heart repeatable (if you choose), and go towards an achievement that maybe handed out another 5 AP, since a lot of people seem to like AP.


For that matter, they could do something like making a zone full of hearts give out 5 AP each time you complete a set, up to a max of 25, like some of the repeatable holiday/event quests? Since they don't reset each day, you wouldn't have to do them in one sitting.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I would have chosen: Sometimes, and not for any specific reason.


> This. I do them if it's incidental to other things, or I specifically need that vendor, or like right now, waiting for the patch to drop it fills the time in Istan between meteors :) I don't do them for their own sake. I suppose if there's a new mastery line to work on I might do a heart for an xp boost.


Same here. If I just happen to be fighting or doing an event nearby that gives me heart credit incidentally, I will often finish topping up the heart and browse the vendor. Occasionally on Ember Island, if I happen to get one heart done, I will go and do another just to get that daily Rock Tour achievement.

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Yes and no. I don’t do them purposely. However each time I’m in the map I always ed up completing them cause I kill mobs within the map and usually those mobs are part of the heart. Like bitterfrost. And lake Doric. I’m not like let’s go get this heart. But when I farm it’s completed wether I like to or not.


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