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/GG in fractals needs to be nerfed

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You can do a bug report via the "Support" category when hitting ESC or report specific players via "Botting". It was told that we should use this option if some players are doing unintended shenanigans.

But, please be sure that you are reporting a real exploit. Things like jumping down the cliff in Volcanic to skip to the boss platform and then /gg is not an exploit. Just to inform yourself since there are several shortcuts like that.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> You can do a bug report via the "Support" category when hitting ESC or report specific players via "Botting". It was told that we should use this option if some players are doing unintended shenanigans.

> But, please be sure that you are reporting a real exploit. Things like jumping down the cliff in Volcanic to skip to the boss platform and then /gg is not an exploit. Just to inform yourself since there are several shortcuts like that.


It isn't but it also not a boss skip. It one of the things you see where you thing : What the hell are you planning ? This is a major mechanic of this fractal and you doing strange things to gain 30 seconds and to skip it.


As a player it isn't the problem how illicit this is Arena.NET usually don't punish this kind of behavior. Its more how like you want from me why I need to GG? Or it is like Shattered Observatory where always at least one don't can do the strange jump (including me) to the 3 platform because people don't do this kind of stuff in T1-T3 .


On top of it is unfair to players who trying to the stuff in a legit way.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > You can do a bug report via the "Support" category when hitting ESC or report specific players via "Botting". It was told that we should use this option if some players are doing unintended shenanigans.

> > But, please be sure that you are reporting a real exploit. Things like jumping down the cliff in Volcanic to skip to the boss platform and then /gg is not an exploit. Just to inform yourself since there are several shortcuts like that.


> It isn't but it also not a boss skip. It one of the things you see where you thing : What the hell are you planning ? This is a major mechanic of this fractal and you doing strange things to gain 30 seconds and to skip it.


> As a player it isn't the problem how illicit this is Arena.NET usually don't punish this kind of behavior. Its more how like you want from me why I need to GG? Or it is like Shattered Observatory where always at least one don't can do the strange jump (including me) to the 3 platform because people don't do this kind of stuff in T1-T3 .


> On top of it is unfair to players who trying to the stuff in a legit way.


Some people call dodging an exploit. You'd be better adapting to majority if you want to find groups easier, instead of creating conflicts on your own.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > You can do a bug report via the "Support" category when hitting ESC or report specific players via "Botting". It was told that we should use this option if some players are doing unintended shenanigans.

> > > But, please be sure that you are reporting a real exploit. Things like jumping down the cliff in Volcanic to skip to the boss platform and then /gg is not an exploit. Just to inform yourself since there are several shortcuts like that.

> >

> > It isn't but it also not a boss skip. It one of the things you see where you thing : What the hell are you planning ? This is a major mechanic of this fractal and you doing strange things to gain 30 seconds and to skip it.

> >

> > As a player it isn't the problem how illicit this is Arena.NET usually don't punish this kind of behavior. Its more how like you want from me why I need to GG? Or it is like Shattered Observatory where always at least one don't can do the strange jump (including me) to the 3 platform because people don't do this kind of stuff in T1-T3 .

> >

> > On top of it is unfair to players who trying to the stuff in a legit way.


> Some people call dodging an exploit. You'd be better adapting to majority if you want to find groups easier, instead of creating conflicts on your own.


Which conflict ? I only said what is true meaning this is how it happens the rest is how I feel about it.

This thing will be fixed for sure and Arena.Net did a great job fixing some of the exploits in the last weeks.


Whats most important for me is that the content doesn't feel broken which is when you can skip 70% of the content.

I know some feel the content is boring and want to end it quickly as possible but at some point you have all kinds of problems and other publisher wouldn't react to this as nice as Arena does if you skip there a boss you are in for a (temporarily) ban and this isn't because I want to sounds mean that is so.


So it is about gaming experience and social experience.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > You can do a bug report via the "Support" category when hitting ESC or report specific players via "Botting". It was told that we should use this option if some players are doing unintended shenanigans.

> > > > But, please be sure that you are reporting a real exploit. Things like jumping down the cliff in Volcanic to skip to the boss platform and then /gg is not an exploit. Just to inform yourself since there are several shortcuts like that.

> > >

> > > It isn't but it also not a boss skip. It one of the things you see where you thing : What the hell are you planning ? This is a major mechanic of this fractal and you doing strange things to gain 30 seconds and to skip it.

> > >

> > > As a player it isn't the problem how illicit this is Arena.NET usually don't punish this kind of behavior. Its more how like you want from me why I need to GG? Or it is like Shattered Observatory where always at least one don't can do the strange jump (including me) to the 3 platform because people don't do this kind of stuff in T1-T3 .

> > >

> > > On top of it is unfair to players who trying to the stuff in a legit way.

> >

> > Some people call dodging an exploit. You'd be better adapting to majority if you want to find groups easier, instead of creating conflicts on your own.


> I only said ~~what is true~~ **how I feel**





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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> I think he is talking about the uncategorized skip to the final boss. I doubt they'll fix that. Just not worth their time.


The skip before cat golem boss? I thought it's been there for years and my group only used it once even before HoT. If op's talking about this skip I call it an overreaction.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > I think he is talking about the uncategorized skip to the final boss. I doubt they'll fix that. Just not worth their time.


> The skip before cat golem boss? I thought it's been there for years and my group only used it once even before HoT. If op's talking about this skip I call it an overreaction.


To me it sounds like he is talking about Aetherblade, even that wont get fixed^^

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > I think he is talking about the uncategorized skip to the final boss. I doubt they'll fix that. Just not worth their time.


> The skip before cat golem boss? I thought it's been there for years and my group only used it once even before HoT. If op's talking about this skip I call it an overreaction.


No, I meant after the golem. You can go back and jump up to a ramp with war, ranger, mes, engi, guard etc. and skip the last harpyie part. But in the end it's almost the same stuff.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> I didn't read this whole thread, but I will say we are considering removing cooldown reset from GG, and instead moving it to mistlock singularities, as /gg after every encounter/trash fight to reset is not what we had in mind with that feature. This would involve doing a pass on all the mistlock singularities to make sure they aren't in boss fights, as well as adding a fail safe buff that prevents you from resetting cooldowns in combat.


> If you grabbed a mistlock singularity in combat you would probably get a buff, with which your cooldowns will be reset the next time you exit combat.


won't read whole thread but will make a horrible decision. what kind of thinking is that?

just remove mistlock. less power creep. not extra 5 agony and saving players from their mistakes over and over. no duplicating banners, fgs abuse, extra boons of alacrity and quickness at start.

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> @"Rasta.2371" said:

> I don't see why /gg is a problem, doesn't it provide good quality of life for not wasting time when you screw up your pull?


Too much quality of life can be an issue, especially when it impacts the flow of fractals like this.

The mistlock singularity changes made fractals even worse to play in that regard. People still /gg all the time and now people get free banners and conjures

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Rasta.2371" said:

> > I don't see why /gg is a problem, doesn't it provide good quality of life for not wasting time when you screw up your pull?


> Too much quality of life can be an issue, especially when it impacts the flow of fractals like this.

> The mistlock singularity changes made fractals even worse to play in that regard. People still /gg all the time and now people get free banners and conjures


Singularities are also badly placed and locked when in combat causing other issues. The more Ben changes in fractals the worse they become in the process. First instabilities, now singularities (and gg). What's next to be broken on the list? Rewards?

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"Rasta.2371" said:

> > > I don't see why /gg is a problem, doesn't it provide good quality of life for not wasting time when you screw up your pull?

> >

> > Too much quality of life can be an issue, especially when it impacts the flow of fractals like this.

> > The mistlock singularity changes made fractals even worse to play in that regard. People still /gg all the time and now people get free banners and conjures


> Singularities are also badly placed and locked when in combat causing other issues. The more Ben changes in fractals the worse they become in the process. First instabilities, now singularities (and gg). What's next to be broken on the list? Rewards?


If Dungeons had rewards approaching (but not on) par with fractal, along with QoL like /gg, skip cinematics etc.. people would do them.


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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Rasta.2371" said:

> > I don't see why /gg is a problem, doesn't it provide good quality of life for not wasting time when you screw up your pull?


> Too much quality of life can be an issue, especially when it impacts the flow of fractals like this.

> The mistlock singularity changes made fractals even worse to play in that regard. People still /gg all the time and now people get free banners and conjures


To be fair, singularities mitigate the issue to an extent. Yes, you can tryhard for the extra banners. Yes, it is still meta to /gg before MAMA and Siax for instance. But you don't /gg before Arkk. And not many groups tryhard _that_ much. Btw you could get free banners before by just /gg-ing as well.

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If a loophole exists in Fractals that allows people to cheese the cooldowns for their most powerful abilities, why have cooldowns at all?

If cooldowns are an important mechanic for the more powerful abilities, why allow a loophole to exist that circumvents the design?


So either remove the CD reset from /GG all together and call it a day, or remove / lower the cooldowns.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> If a loophole exists in Fractals that allows people to cheese the cooldowns for their most powerful abilities, why have cooldowns at all?

> If cooldowns are an important mechanic for the more powerful abilities, why allow a loophole to exist that circumvents the design?


> So either remove the CD reset from /GG all together and call it a day, or remove / lower the cooldowns.


The cooldowns matter for the duration of the fight. Once you finish, you could just sit out and wait them to expire. There's no point in that, hence resetting them between the fights is OK.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > If a loophole exists in Fractals that allows people to cheese the cooldowns for their most powerful abilities, why have cooldowns at all?

> > If cooldowns are an important mechanic for the more powerful abilities, why allow a loophole to exist that circumvents the design?

> >

> > So either remove the CD reset from /GG all together and call it a day, or remove / lower the cooldowns.


> The cooldowns matter for the duration of the fight. Once you finish, you could just sit out and wait them to expire. There's no point in that, hence resetting them between the fights is OK.


Oh I agree completely, and I know what you mean. That's kind of my point though. For example, there is no cooldown on weapon swap outside of combat, it only applies during combat. So, if the cooldown only matters during combat situations, have all abilities come off cooldown once combat ends, just as your health quickly regenerates.


If however, the designers feel that a 30 sec or 180 sec or whatever cooldown is important to the game, whether its in fractals, WvW / PvP or open world, then they should enforce their design and remove any workarounds that exist. Yes of course, players can just sit and wait until the CD is up, but that's a choice they can make.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > If a loophole exists in Fractals that allows people to cheese the cooldowns for their most powerful abilities, why have cooldowns at all?

> > > If cooldowns are an important mechanic for the more powerful abilities, why allow a loophole to exist that circumvents the design?

> > >

> > > So either remove the CD reset from /GG all together and call it a day, or remove / lower the cooldowns.

> >

> > The cooldowns matter for the duration of the fight. Once you finish, you could just sit out and wait them to expire. There's no point in that, hence resetting them between the fights is OK.


> Oh I agree completely, and I know what you mean. That's kind of my point though. For example, there is no cooldown on weapon swap outside of combat, it only applies during combat. So, if the cooldown only matters during combat situations, have all abilities come off cooldown once combat ends, just as your health quickly regenerates.


> If however, the designers feel that a 30 sec or 180 sec or whatever cooldown is important to the game, whether its in fractals, WvW / PvP or open world, then they should enforce their design and remove any workarounds that exist. Yes of course, players can just sit and wait until the CD is up, but that's a choice they can make.


If bullscharge or lightning flash had no cooldown out of combat you would see players teleporting/charging around the worldmap. It would be funny for a day, a good april fool's joke. But otherwise break immersion and be completely broken

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Oh, decent rewards alone would be enough for dungeons to come back to life.


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Oh, decent rewards alone would be enough for dungeons to come back to life.


> But they would have to completly rework dungeons first to warrant better rewards. They are like T1/2 fractal difficulty for the most part


I used to do CoF p2 and then CoF p1 back in the day.. Fractals are superior, there is somewhat interesting content and bosses like CoF P3, Arah P4 ( a long slog), etc etc. Once you complete your dungeoneer title, what is the point of dungeons other than getting your monk runes? If Anet seriously revisited dungeons people would demand lots of QoL stuff like not waiting on NPC's, skipping dialogue, and possibly even /gg.

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> @"Rasta.2371" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > If a loophole exists in Fractals that allows people to cheese the cooldowns for their most powerful abilities, why have cooldowns at all?

> > > > If cooldowns are an important mechanic for the more powerful abilities, why allow a loophole to exist that circumvents the design?

> > > >

> > > > So either remove the CD reset from /GG all together and call it a day, or remove / lower the cooldowns.

> > >

> > > The cooldowns matter for the duration of the fight. Once you finish, you could just sit out and wait them to expire. There's no point in that, hence resetting them between the fights is OK.

> >

> > Oh I agree completely, and I know what you mean. That's kind of my point though. For example, there is no cooldown on weapon swap outside of combat, it only applies during combat. So, if the cooldown only matters during combat situations, have all abilities come off cooldown once combat ends, just as your health quickly regenerates.

> >

> > If however, the designers feel that a 30 sec or 180 sec or whatever cooldown is important to the game, whether its in fractals, WvW / PvP or open world, then they should enforce their design and remove any workarounds that exist. Yes of course, players can just sit and wait until the CD is up, but that's a choice they can make.


> If bullscharge or lightning flash had no cooldown out of combat you would see players teleporting/charging around the worldmap. It would be funny for a day, a good april fool's joke. But otherwise break immersion and be completely broken


That would be so stupid, that eventually become amazing feature.

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