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/GG in fractals needs to be nerfed

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> >

> > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> >


> I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.


It's kinda pointless to argue really. It's a typical conflict between two mentalities - the casual and the min-max one.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I think /gg in fractals should only be able to be used if at least 2 or 3 people in your party are already dead. It should not be able to be used as a quick way to reset your cooldowns or even skip parts of the instances.

> It also feels completly immersion breaking if your party commits mass suicide about every 2-3 minutes, sometimes even twice in succession to remove the cooldown on white mantle portal device... I also know I am not forced to take part in such activities, but any half decent group pretty much takes abusing /gg for granted now.


Immersion breaking? Really?

That's incredibly subjective. There are a LOT of things that are "immersion breaking" in this game for a lot of people and I can tell you right now what breaks your immersion might not break mine (and of course - the other way around) - so honestly I don't accept this as an argument. This is a mechanic.

I might just as well argue that not having permanent death is immersion breaking for me.

If you don't like it - don't do it.


One thing you and people who disagree with this haven't understood is this: People will always take the shortest path to their reward. When they announced they were going to make fractals non-random and selectable ( a long while ago) I posted on the old forums and explained that it would just be people running the easiest fractal every day. This turned out to be true - swamps of the mist.

Now that has been changed - by adding (random) dailies.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> > >

> > > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> > >

> >

> > I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.


> It's kinda pointless to argue really. It's a typical conflict between two mentalities - the casual and the min-max one.


If that's the case, why argue for /gg to be nerfed? It doesn't affect the casuals, only the min-maxers. Any min-maxer here who wants /gg to be nerfed? Anyone?

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > I don't see why making the changes to gg is needed. It is one of best way to get skill CD in many many situation. Many fights to next room needs switching skill such as change utility skills for more cc And such.. the skill CD can be 60 sec or 40 sec .. instead if asking group to gg now we have to say can you all wait pls I'm not ready .. talking that to pug in EU.. more tedious to get pug to wait than having ppl understand important of playing ad a team to consider other members skill recharge and it is part of important game play team work and mutual understanding. It is never an abuse.

> > > Many daily run players are not going to appreciate this change.

> > > Anyway this is my feedback. How hard is it to gg? Seriously?

> > > When the last update for gg for skill CD.. everyone applaud to that change.

> > > Cm run without gg .... Omg.. another reason not to bother doing fractal daily

> >

> > I wonder how people did fractals before /gg was added.

> They did swamp of the day. And before that they rerolled first frac for swamp.

> But hey, if you think that having all players stand a minute or two after each fight so that one person's elite skill can refresh properly is something worth fighting for, then go ahead. Speedrunners still won't wait for you though.






It is almost amusing how people that haven't been doing FOTMS come and complain as if people taking the easy route is somehow new.

People have tried "cheesing" fractals (and every other type of content) for as long as the content has existed. You can't and won't change this. The current system is fine. If this is changed people will migrate to another "unusual" type of behavior to make their lives easier.


Also - what do you expect? The content is OLD. Very, very old. People have done it hundreds, thousands of times. Why would anyone want to spend more time on it?

People do it for the rewards - not the gameplay or scenery. Don't trust me? Remove rewards from FOTMS. See what happens.


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> @"Harper.4173" said:

> It is almost amusing how people that haven't been doing FOTMS come and complain as if people taking the easy route is somehow new.

> People have tried "cheesing" fractals (and every other type of content) for as long as the content has existed. You can't and won't change this. The current system is fine. If this is changed people will migrate to another "unusual" type of behavior to make their lives easier.


> Also - what do you expect? The content is OLD. Very, very old. People have done it hundreds, thousands of times. Why would anyone want to spend more time on it?

> People do it for the rewards - not the gameplay or scenery. Don't trust me? Remove rewards from FOTMS. See what happens.



I agree with you except for the "take away the rewards and see what happens" because that goes for every kind of content in games. Rewards are an intrinsic part of games, so taking them away means breaking the game, just like taking the mechanics away. We would not play any game without rewards, not only fractals. A game without rewards is a 3d chat room.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> >

> > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> >


> I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.


And I'm not talking about CM bosses, I'm talking about trash mobs. I've already said that multiple times now. Players here ARE NOT complaining about /GGs in CMs, they are complaining about amphetamine driven players in normal T4s /GGing left and right. It's obnoxious and gets old.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Harper.4173" said:

> > It is almost amusing how people that haven't been doing FOTMS come and complain as if people taking the easy route is somehow new.

> > People have tried "cheesing" fractals (and every other type of content) for as long as the content has existed. You can't and won't change this. The current system is fine. If this is changed people will migrate to another "unusual" type of behavior to make their lives easier.

> >

> > Also - what do you expect? The content is OLD. Very, very old. People have done it hundreds, thousands of times. Why would anyone want to spend more time on it?

> > People do it for the rewards - not the gameplay or scenery. Don't trust me? Remove rewards from FOTMS. See what happens.

> >


> I agree with you except for the "take away the rewards and see what happens" because that goes for every kind of content in games. Rewards are an intrinsic part of games, so taking them away means breaking the game, just like taking the mechanics away. We would not play any game without rewards, not only fractals. A game without rewards is a 3d chat room.


More or less. There are games that are rewarding in other ways.

For some very popular games the gameplay and game itself is rewarding. Look at Portal and Portal 2 - you play them for the experience.

Look at LoL and Dota 2 - you play them for the experience - not "rewards". Yes they have some skins thrown in those games - but that's not why people play them.

MMOs are different - GW2 is different - people do most of the things they do in this game for the rewards and the progression. The game was fun and game play was rewarding - at some point - but most players have long passed that point.

Rewards are not intrinsic parts of games - we've played games since before rewards existed - playing the game itself used to be the reward - and in some cases still is.


You're wrong about the "chat room" and history proves it.

Games in the late 90s and early 2000s had NO reward systems, no progression, no unlocks.

Take Counter Strike - the most popular game of its day - it gave you no rewards - you had no account - you played and playing was your reward. Same with Dota 1, same with a hundred other games.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> > >

> > > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> > >

> >

> > I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.


> And I'm not talking about CM bosses, I'm talking about trash mobs. I've already said that multiple times now. Players here ARE NOT complaining about /GGs in CMs, they are complaining about amphetamine driven players in normal T4s /GGing left and right. It's obnoxious and gets old.


This is the age old issue of "I don't like how other players play the game still I insist on joining them and playing with them, then I complain on the forums".

You don't like GG-ing? You don't like the "amphetamine driven players"? Good - make your own "No GG T4s" and be done with it.


You don't get to decide what's right and fun for other people. For me people that DON'T GG are obnoxious - so how do things work now?

Stick to your own kind and I'll stick to mine.


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> @"Harper.4173" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > > I don't see why making the changes to gg is needed. It is one of best way to get skill CD in many many situation. Many fights to next room needs switching skill such as change utility skills for more cc And such.. the skill CD can be 60 sec or 40 sec .. instead if asking group to gg now we have to say can you all wait pls I'm not ready .. talking that to pug in EU.. more tedious to get pug to wait than having ppl understand important of playing ad a team to consider other members skill recharge and it is part of important game play team work and mutual understanding. It is never an abuse.

> > > > Many daily run players are not going to appreciate this change.

> > > > Anyway this is my feedback. How hard is it to gg? Seriously?

> > > > When the last update for gg for skill CD.. everyone applaud to that change.

> > > > Cm run without gg .... Omg.. another reason not to bother doing fractal daily

> > >

> > > I wonder how people did fractals before /gg was added.

> > They did swamp of the day. And before that they rerolled first frac for swamp.

> > But hey, if you think that having all players stand a minute or two after each fight so that one person's elite skill can refresh properly is something worth fighting for, then go ahead. Speedrunners still won't wait for you though.

> >

> >

> >

> >


> It is almost amusing how people that haven't been doing FOTMS come and complain as if people taking the easy route is somehow new.

> People have tried "cheesing" fractals (and every other type of content) for as long as the content has existed. You can't and won't change this. The current system is fine. If this is changed people will migrate to another "unusual" type of behavior to make their lives easier.


> Also - what do you expect? The content is OLD. Very, very old. People have done it hundreds, thousands of times. Why would anyone want to spend more time on it?

> People do it for the rewards - not the gameplay or scenery. Don't trust me? Remove rewards from FOTMS. See what happens.



tbh, already feel the current reward not worth the effort.. but I continue to hope for this part of the game can motivate me to play gw2 more.

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> @"Harper.4173" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> > > >

> > > > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.

> >

> > And I'm not talking about CM bosses, I'm talking about trash mobs. I've already said that multiple times now. Players here ARE NOT complaining about /GGs in CMs, they are complaining about amphetamine driven players in normal T4s /GGing left and right. It's obnoxious and gets old.


> This is the age old issue of "I don't like how other players play the game still I insist on joining them and playing with them, then I complain on the forums".

> You don't like GG-ing? You don't like the "amphetamine driven players"? Good - make your own "No GG T4s" and be done with it.


> You don't get to decide what's right and fun for other people. For me people that DON'T GG are obnoxious - so how do things work now?

> Stick to your own kind and I'll stick to mine.



spot on!


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> @"Harper.4173" said:

> More or less. **There are games that are rewarding in other ways.**

> For some very popular games the gameplay and game itself is rewarding. Look at Portal and Portal 2 - you play them for the experience.

> Look at LoL and Dota 2 - you play them for the experience - not "rewards". Yes they have some skins thrown in those games - but that's not why people play them.

> MMOs are different - GW2 is different - people do most of the things they do in this game for the rewards and the progression. The game was fun and game play was rewarding - at some point - but most players have long passed that point.

> **Rewards are not intrinsic parts of games - we've played games since before rewards existed - playing the game itself used to be the reward** - and in some cases still is.


> You're wrong about the "chat room" and history proves it.

> Games in the late 90s and early 2000s had NO reward systems, no progression, no unlocks.

> Take Counter Strike - the most popular game of its day - it gave you no rewards - you had no account - you played and playing was your reward. Same with Dota 1, same with a hundred other games.


All games have rewards, you are saying this yourself. Without rewards, there are no games. Even if PvP gave no loot bags or score, people would still do it because the feeling when beating another player is the reward. That's the reward concept of games like Counter Strike. Even a simple cutscene, from a Vista, is a reward for some players. I climb a hill for a Vista for map completion or a daily reward, but there are players who would do it without additional rewards. You can enjoy a game that relies fully on completeness as reward, but that won't keep you playing for long, only until you completed it. I'm playing games since the beginning of the 90's and all of them had rewards. Points, record times/kills, progress, new zones or maps, health items, extra lives etc. In the Portal games, you unlock the next level, that's your reward.


GW2 is not different, it only has lots of different kinds of rewards, and often multiple forms for the same activity, to appeal to as many player types as possible. If you take away daily chests from fractals, you will still have completionists play them for weapon skins and achievements. You'll still have new players chellenge themselves in fractals if you take away all monetary rewards, and you will have veterans who play them to teach new players. Because for many players, having helped another player is rewarding enough. I sometimes do Nightmare level 24 for newbies, the rewards are so little to me that they are negligible, I only do it for the fun showing the fractal to players new to it.

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If you're going to classify rewards that way then yes - everything has rewards.

What I'm trying to say is that the rewards people get from doing FOTM do not derive from the gameplay itself. People don't do fractals because they like fractals - they do fractals because fractals give gold and other unique rewards. Take those away and fractals will be a desolate wasteland.

This isn't even speculative - it's been tried before. Dungeons were the go-to content before FOTM and people ran them a lot. When the gold and token rewards were gutted the players dropped them immediately. So clearly - the experience of doing dungeons was not the "reward" most players were seeking.


Again - the rewards you mention are valid - but they are different than the reward structure of FOTM.


I guess this whole discussion can be summed up as:


"I believe most players do not enjoy the experience that T4 fractals provide and only go through it in order to obtain the gold and other valuables that are given out upon completion. If said things were taken away I doubt most players would touch T4 fractals.

Given the two statements above I can fully understand why players want to keep their time inside T4 fractals at a bare minimum."


Hell - for me - my favorite fractal moments were when they had just come out and they were fun and fresh. My second favorite FOTM period was when we had "swamps of the mist" and I could afk-fractal without even looking at the damn screen.


My question is - if you enjoy fractals so much that you hate the "skips" that happen when people GG - why don't you find people who like them just as much and take your sweet time in there?


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"Rewarding experience" is a real thing indeed, but it wears off. You can't expect someone to enjoy the experience on the 100th time the same way he did on the 1st. Hence, the need for additional rewards when you design a content to be played over and over again for years.

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> @"Harper.4173" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> > > >

> > > > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.

> >

> > And I'm not talking about CM bosses, I'm talking about trash mobs. I've already said that multiple times now. Players here ARE NOT complaining about /GGs in CMs, they are complaining about amphetamine driven players in normal T4s /GGing left and right. It's obnoxious and gets old.


> This is the age old issue of "I don't like how other players play the game still I insist on joining them and playing with them, then I complain on the forums".

> You don't like GG-ing? You don't like the "amphetamine driven players"? Good - make your own "No GG T4s" and be done with it.


> You don't get to decide what's right and fun for other people. For me people that DON'T GG are obnoxious - so how do things work now?

> Stick to your own kind and I'll stick to mine.



Read an entire discussion before posting. I've already stated that there are advantageous /GG moments and then there are stupid /GG moments. The stupid /GG moments are what I'm talking about.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Harper.4173" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.

> > >

> > > And I'm not talking about CM bosses, I'm talking about trash mobs. I've already said that multiple times now. Players here ARE NOT complaining about /GGs in CMs, they are complaining about amphetamine driven players in normal T4s /GGing left and right. It's obnoxious and gets old.

> >

> > This is the age old issue of "I don't like how other players play the game still I insist on joining them and playing with them, then I complain on the forums".

> > You don't like GG-ing? You don't like the "amphetamine driven players"? Good - make your own "No GG T4s" and be done with it.

> >

> > You don't get to decide what's right and fun for other people. For me people that DON'T GG are obnoxious - so how do things work now?

> > Stick to your own kind and I'll stick to mine.

> >


> Read an entire discussion before posting. I've already stated that there are advantageous /GG moments and then there are stupid /GG moments. The stupid /GG moments are what I'm talking about.


And who gets to decide when it is ok and when it's not? You?

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> > >

> > > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> > >

> >

> > I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.


> And I'm not talking about CM bosses, I'm talking about trash mobs. I've already said that multiple times now. Players here ARE NOT complaining about /GGs in CMs, they are complaining about amphetamine driven players in normal T4s /GGing left and right. It's obnoxious and gets old.


These player were, are and will be a problem with or without /gg. Problem is that raids are weekly gated and they have not enough content for the amount of free time they can waste on gaming. That's why they bleed into fractals.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Harper.4173" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.

> > >

> > > And I'm not talking about CM bosses, I'm talking about trash mobs. I've already said that multiple times now. Players here ARE NOT complaining about /GGs in CMs, they are complaining about amphetamine driven players in normal T4s /GGing left and right. It's obnoxious and gets old.

> >

> > This is the age old issue of "I don't like how other players play the game still I insist on joining them and playing with them, then I complain on the forums".

> > You don't like GG-ing? You don't like the "amphetamine driven players"? Good - make your own "No GG T4s" and be done with it.

> >

> > You don't get to decide what's right and fun for other people. For me people that DON'T GG are obnoxious - so how do things work now?

> > Stick to your own kind and I'll stick to mine.

> >


> Read an entire discussion before posting. I've already stated that there are advantageous /GG moments and then there are stupid /GG moments. The stupid /GG moments are what I'm talking about.


What would constitute a stupid gg moment?

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"Harper.4173" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.

> > > >

> > > > And I'm not talking about CM bosses, I'm talking about trash mobs. I've already said that multiple times now. Players here ARE NOT complaining about /GGs in CMs, they are complaining about amphetamine driven players in normal T4s /GGing left and right. It's obnoxious and gets old.

> > >

> > > This is the age old issue of "I don't like how other players play the game still I insist on joining them and playing with them, then I complain on the forums".

> > > You don't like GG-ing? You don't like the "amphetamine driven players"? Good - make your own "No GG T4s" and be done with it.

> > >

> > > You don't get to decide what's right and fun for other people. For me people that DON'T GG are obnoxious - so how do things work now?

> > > Stick to your own kind and I'll stick to mine.

> > >

> >

> > Read an entire discussion before posting. I've already stated that there are advantageous /GG moments and then there are stupid /GG moments. The stupid /GG moments are what I'm talking about.


> And who gets to decide when it is ok and when it's not? You?


My vote is on Malediktus

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> These player were, are and will be a problem with or without /gg. Problem is that raids are weekly gated and they have not enough content for the amount of free time they can waste on gaming. That's why they bleed into fractals.


Well, it's more like that fractal players bleeded into raids. Most raiders were running fractals before the introduction of raids. Fractal lvl 50 and the 40s were the hardest content in the game at that time and the place where you could actually meet people with skill.

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No one gets to decide anything. We can only put forward our preferences. This scapegoating other players for their own opinions is just wrong. Only ArenaNet decides, and they may have a vision on how the game should work


If you're going to put it as an us and them scenario I would personally throw /gg out the window as I wouldnt want a feature to break up the community over such minor functionalities.


Even if Im not affected much as I have my own group, and I probably would just use a function as its there... I still can have an opinion about it. To play this nonsensical blame game is just very childish and unrealistic.


It happened all the same during AB multiloot discussions, it didnt hold then and it doesnt hold now.


Its upto Ben and his collegues if they want to make /gg integral to completing fractals fast or not.

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> @"Harper.4173" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > Bro, I don't ever stand and wait. I just go to the next fight and let CDs happen organically.

> > > >

> > > > I don't feel the need to stand and wait for CDs or rapid /GG vs. every mob of Dredge that I fight. It's pretty unnecessary actually.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I'm not talking about trash mobs, rather cm bosses. Different bosses are best fought with different skills. If you just move on, your chrono might still have blink/portal slotted that might be useless for the next boss. You cannot even switch skills while they are on cd, so you end up having 2 useless skills in your precious slots. People who do that end up with a generic build and not use it to its full potential. It works of course, but I like adjusting my class to the upcoming encounter.

> >

> > And I'm not talking about CM bosses, I'm talking about trash mobs. I've already said that multiple times now. Players here ARE NOT complaining about /GGs in CMs, they are complaining about amphetamine driven players in normal T4s /GGing left and right. It's obnoxious and gets old.


> This is the age old issue of "I don't like how other players play the game still I insist on joining them and playing with them, then I complain on the forums".

> You don't like GG-ing? You don't like the "amphetamine driven players"? Good - make your own "No GG T4s" and be done with it.


> You don't get to decide what's right and fun for other people. For me people that DON'T GG are obnoxious - so how do things work now?

> Stick to your own kind and I'll stick to mine.



Wrong, it's the ancient issue of "the most efficient way to do something is boring, or repetitive, or exploits something, and that forces everyone to choose between doing the right thing and being punished by being rewarded less or taking longer, or joining in with the shenanigans and feeling like they are doing something wrong".


Something isn't right just because someone has gotten used to it while it wasn't working as intended and does not want it fixed. It's right when it works as intended.


Imagine you find an AT that gives free cash. What would you do? Grab as much cash as you can? Report it? Ignore it?

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Arbitrary comparison is arbitrary. We are certainly not trying to rob ATs daily as fast as we can because the process itself has no variation. You are not punished in any way for taking the /gg way. Unless you want to say that content taking more time for no particular reason is punishing and that time is a ressource as well. Gee, I wonder why humans always try to optimize and increase efficiency...

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> No one gets to decide anything. We can only put forward our preferences. This scapegoating other players for their own opinions is just wrong. Only ArenaNet decides, and they may have a vision on how the game should work


> If you're going to put it as an us and them scenario I would personally throw /gg out the window as I wouldnt want a feature to break up the community over such minor functionalities.


> Even if Im not affected much as I have my own group, and I probably would just use a function as its there... I still can have an opinion about it. To play this nonsensical blame game is just very childish and unrealistic.


> It happened all the same during AB multiloot discussions, it didnt hold then and it doesnt hold now.


> Its upto Ben and his collegues if they want to make /gg integral to completing fractals fast or not.


Have to agree with Fizz here. People keep saying, "well if you don't like it, run with yours and I'll run with mine."


In the long term this is going to split the community running fractals even more than it already is, and imo that's not good for fractals. ANet has to decide if they're okay with that. Although this reminds me of Ursanway in a way in GW1. If this becomes the standard for the majority it would become an issue that needs to be addressed. I think it would be prudent to nip that kind of end result in the bud now.


Especially over something like the /gg methodology of running. To me that doesn't feel like what ANet intended with /gg. But that is purely speculative on my part. I do understand why people want to use this method, people are always looking for ways to min/max runs for maximum results in the shortest time. This is a valid way to play the game, and there is definitely a large group of players that find this enjoyable and preferable.


You won't find me running with those groups though, I'm the kind that's more for the experience and challenge or helping others (like people who just KEEP GOING DOWN on twilight final boss) than just a min/maxed speed run. That seems boring to me and like someone is just rushing to a goal post which they will eventually get bored of too, eventually.


But that's just my opinion, whatever floats your boat.

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> @"Grogba.6204" said:

> Arbitrary comparison is arbitrary. We are certainly not trying to rob ATs daily as fast as we can because the process itself has no variation. You are not punished in any way for taking the /gg way. Unless you want to say that content taking more time for no particular reason is punishing and that time is a ressource as well. Gee, I wonder why humans always try to optimize and increase efficiency...


So take away /gg both from fractals and raids. If it's not proper for fractals, it's definitely not proper for raid content.

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