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WvW Disenchanter build


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I rolled what was previously my hybrid build into a variant of the Disenchanter build that has risen up in PvP and it seems to be a fun little might stacking bruiser. There's flexibility in multiple tiers of the trait lines depending on the mileage/weapon you desire (reflects, double mind wrack, staff, or Self-Deception helps keep Illusionary Defense up). Also, Illusionary Ambush in place of Phantasmal Defender.


I hate staff so I just throw on GS if I need some range on a zerg or something. Just as hard to pin down as my hybrid build was (off-hand torch instead of sword). Maintains decent condi damage at 25 stacks might and axe is a pretty legit power weapon as is. Retains all the disengage that Mirage with sword always had.



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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Very nice, looks good and fun to play.


Quality of opponents aside I've had great success knocking off Spellbreakers, Thieves, and burst Mesmers. It's hard to have builds that can stand up to them defensively, but still deliver effective bursts. This does it pretty well. It plays a lot like the hybrid build you and I have gone back and forth on before, just more sustain and power focused. Staff (actually what the PvP build uses) has great might generation in addition to the defense/utility it always had, I still just don't care for it.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> How very curious, I’d love to see this in action. What’s the burst quickness uptime on this over a 1 minute fight? Have you tested this with grieving over the marauder pieces?


I haven't clocked the quickness yet, but you can do some rough math based on the phantasms available + the quickness transfer to you on conversion to clone.


I have Grieving from my hybrid build, but I haven't tried it. I wanted to try emphasizing the power and sustain (vitality). You'll get to 1k condition damage on might, Compounding Power, and Nomad's Endurance alone. With might and bloodlust stacks power is at like 3300 plus Compounding Power and Force sigil has 20% damage increase potential, ouch!


Defender cool down is long, but proc'd at the right time it'll delete people.

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Solo or smallscale against power melee I can imagine it working just fine but everywhere else... Little ranged means its completely useless against larger groups and little condi cleanse means its useless in high tier where 50% of the population run trailblazer scourge (elusive mind and jaunt is nowhere near enough against meta condi).

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> I rolled what was previously my hybrid build into a variant of the Disenchanter build that has risen up in PvP and it seems to be a fun little might stacking bruiser. There's flexibility in multiple tiers of the trait lines depending on the mileage/weapon you desire (reflects, double mind wrack, staff, or Self-Deception helps keep Illusionary Defense up). Also, Illusionary Ambush in place of Phantasmal Defender.


I was trying it out for a while and I'm not sold on defender's viability yet. In the fights/duels I had against competent roamers, it's difficult to get it to actually proc. It isn't good enough to warrant a 50s CD imo.


As far as the overall build goes, it's not bad. I feel like it's kind of close to the same effectiveness as my hybrid, but more difficult to fight or juke outnumbered against competent players due to lack of stealth. I'll try out sw/torch tomorrow night and see how it goes. I think it'll probably be better.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Solo or smallscale against power melee I can imagine it working just fine but everywhere else...


I've had quite a few fights tonight with OPs build against both power and condi -- 1v1s and outnumbered. It's fine.


> Little ranged means its completely useless against larger groups


That's not what the build is intended for in the first place. Like OP said, swap to GS if you need some range for the occasional zerg. If you're fighting with large groups often, you run support or GS gank.


> and little condi cleanse means its useless in high tier where 50% of the population run trailblazer scourge (elusive mind and jaunt is nowhere near enough against meta condi).


EM and Jaunt is all I've had for condi clear for months on my hybrid. It's enough to handle a full condi bomb or periodic applications. The only times I wish I had more condi clear is in 1v2s or 3s depending on their skill level; or, getting condi bombed by a random in mid/late fight against another good roamer where I'm low on dodges/jaunts.


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As I quite clearly stated there's a lot of flexibility in traits, utility, and weapons. The core premise is might stacking, phantasm damage, quickness, and high sustain uptime through protection, regen, damage reduction, and condi reduction. This core holds up well in just about any situation with any weapons. You're often at over 40% damage reduction.


Decoy, torch, staff are all legit substitutions. Staff is quite good and provides double phantasm, just don't like it. Pistol untraited with 25 stacks of might hurts and retains all the control. Off hand sword is primarily for rapid might stacks and block. Axe keeps you hard to pin down while delivering excellent hybrid damage. Main hand sword is a given for many reasons, so good right now.


I can get into a fair sized group and drop a bomb and get out with nary a scratch same as with the hybrid build. GS ambushes with 25 stacks of might on the side of a zerg or on siege operators from the wall is incredibly satisfying. EM + jaunt is plenty, just be smart.


@"Magolith.9412" I agree defender is iffy and I'd like at least a stealth, but I'm not sure decoy is the answer. I'd torch for sword as you said if anything because pistol gives you some range and cc. I like illusionary ambush for the target drop, teleport, and mirage cloak + boons.

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I rolled it last night, initially as is. But then I got tired of the defender quickly so I swapped it for power spike first, couple scourge bombs later, swapped back to resolve (personal preference really, we got tons of condi flying on NA), and it was real smoth from there on. I went the Staff + S/S way as I simply dislike pistol with zeal. Also the staff allowed to go for the chaos storm trait and get the high protection uptime. The amount of sustain is surprisingly high. Overall a very well rounded solid build.


To those that are going to give it a shot, always tweak it to your personal preference and play style.


@"Curunen.8729" Why you playing on EU dude, such a waste of talent :lol:

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