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Bring Back 5 Man Ranked Que - Needs To Happen At This Point - Solo/Duo Failed

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > You can't have been playing that long to be suggesting this.

> >

> > Yes pvp is a 5 man game but with how people play this game, rarely anybody is committed to playing only 5 mans in ranked.

> >

> > You can duo q to 1600, which is top 250.

> >

> > There are many places to play with 5 other people. Ranked in its current format shows who has the best contribution towards a team and if you go even further, what classes are generally the best. 5 man ranked throws that out the window.

> >

> > Even in WoW 5 man arenas are the least played for a reason.

> >


> I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

> Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

> The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.


The game is still competitive. The best players always solo q. Even in season 1. I was legend in all the earliest seasons. I've played against and beat most everyone you see ever play "competitive".


The only difference is now you can't have a team of somewhat decent people steamroll another team that is better due to having better map coordination due to comms or creating a "perfect" team comp.


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It's hard to understand that there could be a ranked solo q and a ranked team q?


So no solo player would fight against the horrible "organized 5 premades", just keep to find noobs there only for the rewards, hysterics, flamers, bots, and whoever likes this system.


The game is not competitive because in the top tiers is full of people with very few games in more than 1 month and a half. If it was competitive, people would enjoy it, instead of running away from it once in good position because it's clearly not the real solo skill that makes you go up the ladder. (leaving out the treading wins system and hidden premades, that should make you open your eyes on the "competition")

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What's the point of adding the team option? Devs already stated the number of teams was so low matchmaking would take forever. People in soloq don't want to go against a premade so you're left fighting no one. The low amount of teams can do tournaments. You can do unranked or custom arena outside of tournaments.

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To be honest at Silver or lower I would not care about 5 man premades. But even in Gold this could prove itself as problematic. And in Plat or higher this **will** be problematic. As mentioned before, it would make wintrading even easier and let very good players just rush through the leaderboard. I like the Duo/Solo system that is in place right now even though I sometimes really want to play with my friends whom are lower than 1600 SR without having to tank myself to Plat 1.

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> @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> What's the point of adding the team option? Devs already stated the number of teams was so low matchmaking would take forever. People in soloq don't want to go against a premade so you're left fighting no one. The low amount of teams can do tournaments. You can do unranked or custom arena outside of tournaments.


How can be hight if there is no possibility to do it? The tournaments are only in certain specific time windows and are far more exclusive than a simple ranking team pvp. It would call much more people if it would be possible, just see at the people answering here.


> @"panekomo.7146" said:

> To be honest at Silver or lower I would not care about 5 man premades. But even in Gold this could prove itself as problematic. And in Plat or higher this **will** be problematic. As mentioned before, it would make wintrading even easier and let very good players just rush through the leaderboard. I like the Duo/Solo system that is in place right now even though I sometimes really want to play with my friends whom are lower than 1600 SR without having to tank myself to Plat 1.


That's why there should be the option to do both, separately. Take off ranked and unranked, do solo/duo q and 4/5q, with both rewards maybe slightly different from each other.

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> @"Matiu.5703" said:

> > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > What's the point of adding the team option? Devs already stated the number of teams was so low matchmaking would take forever. People in soloq don't want to go against a premade so you're left fighting no one. The low amount of teams can do tournaments. You can do unranked or custom arena outside of tournaments.


> How can be hight if there is no possibility to do it? The tournaments are only in certain specific time windows and are far more exclusive than a simple ranking team pvp. It would call much more people if it would be possible, just see at the people answering here.


Because they already had it before they took it away B) It was voted on by the community btw and the majority wanted it gone.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > You can't have been playing that long to be suggesting this.

> > >

> > > Yes pvp is a 5 man game but with how people play this game, rarely anybody is committed to playing only 5 mans in ranked.

> > >

> > > You can duo q to 1600, which is top 250.

> > >

> > > There are many places to play with 5 other people. Ranked in its current format shows who has the best contribution towards a team and if you go even further, what classes are generally the best. 5 man ranked throws that out the window.

> > >

> > > Even in WoW 5 man arenas are the least played for a reason.

> > >

> >

> > I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

> > Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

> > The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.


> The game is still competitive. The best players always solo q. Even in season 1. I was legend in all the earliest seasons. I've played against and beat most everyone you see ever play "competitive".


> The only difference is now you can't have a team of somewhat decent people steamroll another team that is better due to having better map coordination due to comms or creating a "perfect" team comp.



1) That's BS... The most competitive plaeyrs will always gather in teams. Just because you think you're a competitive player, doesn't make it so. That's why there used to be pro teams, and that's why now the measure for "meta" is AT teams. Because the real competition is with team play. You never see a "Random queue" tournament. Because that's not competitive.


2) GW2 was booted from ESL one season after they removed Ranked teams. Coincidence?


3) That never happened, because MMR and Matchmaking was always a thing, any discrepancy was perceived. Just like currently people complain about teams with duos and singles but this time devs said enough and published statistics about how the win rate is pretty much 50% for duos and singles.

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I disagree with ranked becoming 5q but I do think this current "solo over 1600" system needs to change. Ever since seasons became solo ranked has been absolutely atrocious, and the worst part is you can't even share the terrible experience with a friend to maybe alleviate the aids you get from solo qing and having to deal with 4 complete randoms. Anet seriously needs to bring atleast duo back because it was miles better than solo. Just the fact that you can coordinate and be in comms with someone else and figure out tactics to carry a ranked game depending on the comp/classes the 3 randoms you got is a skill in itself. I'm sure Anet can see a decline in people qing ranked because no one wants to play a game mode thats competitive and quite frustrating at times BY THEMSELVES, thats just a terrible idea.


My reasoning for not wanting 5q is simple: The population is too low for 5q and matchmaking would have to create absolute blowout games all the time. (if i q'd 5 ranked with my friends we would literally go an entire season with 0 losses). ATs are currently 5man and we have to go through 500-0ing 3-4 teams before we even get to finals where people manage to score 50-100 points, it just won't be fair for the majority of the players to have to deal with that in ranked aswell. The consistency of blowout games because of full premades will make people rage quit and/or start q dodging which will then also result in longer qs. To me duo is that perfect balance of coordination and balanced games(from a matchmakers point of view). 5 ranked should be strictly ATs.


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> @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > @"Matiu.5703" said:

> > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > > What's the point of adding the team option? Devs already stated the number of teams was so low matchmaking would take forever. People in soloq don't want to go against a premade so you're left fighting no one. The low amount of teams can do tournaments. You can do unranked or custom arena outside of tournaments.

> >

> > How can be hight if there is no possibility to do it? The tournaments are only in certain specific time windows and are far more exclusive than a simple ranking team pvp. It would call much more people if it would be possible, just see at the people answering here.


> Because they already had it before they took it away B) It was voted on by the community btw and the majority wanted it gone.


In fact now I see that everyone is happy of the pvp and things are going smooth and fine. If it is ok for you and Anet, good for you. You will end playing pvp in 30 :)


If you don't want to face premades, you should be able to do it. If you want to play premade vs other premade, you should be able to do it.


The mostly of the matches blowout even in soloq, because playing with shit pugs someone decides to go afk after 1 minute. There is no good competition, try to be honest.


How to get people back to play pvp and team pvp is Anet problem but denying that there is a problem with the pvp and "we don't need team pvp because people doesn't want it, it is all fine" it just seems stupid.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> The simple concept of an online, team based game... REMOVING the ability to play with friends is ridiculous. If you can't see this, then there is no point in arguing with you because your logic and reasoning is flawed at a fundamental level.

That's why AT's were brought in (and are being updated in the coming weeks to make it more accessible). If you want challenge, you can play against equal premade teams, fair and square. If you want casual fun, then you can play unranked arena. A 5 man premade against 5 random people is not fun for either side, that's why it was removed.

In GW1 we had team arena and random arena for the exact same purposes and it worked perfectly fine (not to mention unranked arena was way more popular obviously, as most people are not playing with friends as I said before). Readding the premade component to a game mode that is used by overwhelmingly solo players just ruins the game mode for them. And that's why it was voted to go. You can argue about my logic but facts speak for themselves opposed to your and a very small minority's opinion.

> Another way to think about it is: Anet rewards good players by forcing them to play solo. Does that make any sense? It shouldn't, and if it does... LUL

You are right on this one, duoq should be removed altogether. Currently it really makes no sense.


> @"Matiu.5703" said:

> But the question is simple: if you want to play random and don't face 5 premades, go playing in the kitten unranked like it was years ago.

I'm going to put in another way: if you want to play with your friends, go play unranked or AT like it is right now. Isn't that hard, is it? :)


Ranked is the only game mode where you can play on a competitive level all by yourself.


> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> I wouldn't call pvp enjoyable either. Still good farm though.

For you, it's not. For many others, it is.


> @"tartarus.1082" said:

> I mean pvp isn’t exactly enjoyable right now lmao, play an actual game for a bit and come back.

> You’ll realize just how bad it is

Why are you trying to convince people that pvp is bad and unenjoyable? I mean, what's in it for you? Many people enjoy it, just accept that fact. It's down to taste.


Personally I've played multiple MMO-s (pvp) and I find GW2 the most enjoyable (after GW1). So been there done that thanks.

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If I go unranked with premade I ruin the fun people who are trying to know their spec, other than ruining mine, because it would end 500 to 0. To not mention the fact that there is a MUCH SMALLER reward and no leaderboard, so no laddering and random MM.


AT's are not very accessible, not everyone has 4 friends online at the exact time requested. You know, it's a game and we have a life, we should be able to play and have fun when we want and when we can. And if you lose a game you have to wait what? 6 hours to play again? All online and ready at the perfect time, obviously.


Is it fair and normal for you?

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> @"Ioras Dagnir.3927" said:

> I'm back from my hiatus to break this down real simple.


> ranked = competitive = teamq

Due to the low population this won't work but people fail to understand this. That's why it was removed. The only thing you could bring back is 500-0 blowouts and a severaly imbalanced game mode with farmable rewards.

> unranked = casual = soloq


> It should not be the other way round.

That's true, but not the state GW2 is in currently. I have a feeling it was never intended to be a top level competitive game (in general, it's very casual friendly) that's why even in PvP casual and / or soloq play is rewarded.


> And yes AT's are great, but impractical 80% of the time for any group who actually have lives outside the game.

Agree, hopefully we will see some improvements. Ben quote from January:


> The current shifting times are our attempt to make sure that everyone gets to participate at least a few times per week no matter what their play time. That being said, we do recognize they can be a little inconvenient. We're talking about some other ideas to help alleviate this, but it's still early.


> @"Matiu.5703" said:

> If I go unranked with premade I ruin the fun people who are trying to know their spec, other than ruining mine, because it would end 500 to 0.

It would be exactly the same blowouts in ranked with no fun for either side. Apart from farming rewards for premades.

>To not mention the fact that there is a MUCH SMALLER reward and no leaderboard, so no laddering and random MM.

If you are playing competitive you shouldn't play for the rewards :P

Matchmaking is not random in unranked queue.

> AT's are not very accessible, not everyone has 4 friends online at the exact time requested. You know, it's a game and we have a life, we should be able to play and have fun when we want and when we can. And if you lose a game you have to wait what? 6 hours to play again? All online and ready at the perfect time, obviously.

> Is it fair and normal for you?

I don't think it's impossible to have 4 friends online at a given time.. The evening ones are quite friendly anyway. You can have fun in unranked, blowouts are not fun in unranked in any way. For evertyhing else we can hope that the improvements with the next update will make AT more friendly (e.g. swiss style) and accessible for more people

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> You can't have been playing that long to be suggesting this.


> Yes pvp is a 5 man game but with how people play this game, rarely anybody is committed to playing only 5 mans in ranked.


> You can duo q to 1600, which is top 250.


> There are many places to play with 5 other people. Ranked in its current format shows who has the best contribution towards a team and if you go even further, what classes are generally the best. 5 man ranked throws that out the window.


> Even in WoW 5 man arenas are the least played for a reason.



I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.> @"Matiu.5703" said:

> It's hard to understand that there could be a ranked solo q and a ranked team q?


> So no solo player would fight against the horrible "organized 5 premades", just keep to find noobs there only for the rewards, hysterics, flamers, bots, and whoever likes this system.


> The game is not competitive because in the top tiers is full of people with very few games in more than 1 month and a half. If it was competitive, people would enjoy it, instead of running away from it once in good position because it's clearly not the real solo skill that makes you go up the ladder. (leaving out the treading wins system and hidden premades, that should make you open your eyes on the "competition")


Problem is queue times, there aren't enough players left for them to have two separate queues. But if they have the matchmaking properly sorted they can do a 5 man premade vs 5 randoms and still have a balanced match. LoL does it with Ranked Flex.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

> Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

> The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.

That's very untrue, actually the competitive part of the game died way before they removed team ranked queue.. It was more like a final nail in the coffin.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> >

> > I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

> > Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

> > The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.

> That's very untrue, actually the competitive part of the game died way before they remove team ranked queue..


Dude, ESL ended the season **after** they removed ranked team queues. Not before.

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@"rank eleven monk.9502"


It is hard for some people and the tournaments limit the games you can play. If I can play only 2h a day (no AT window) and I want to do 10 games, it is not possible now (with my friends), even if the time is right.


Competitive = no rewards? So take off rewards from ranked and AT's, no?

And I never said competitive, I just want to play with my friends with decent matchups, not vs unranked noobs people...

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > >

> > > I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

> > > Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

> > > The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.

> > That's very untrue, actually the competitive part of the game died way before they remove team ranked queue..


> Dude, ESL ended the season **after** they removed ranked team queues. Not before.

I might be wrong here, but wasnt the last WC in September 2016? TeamQ was removed in November. And they had a very low number of participants even for the qualifiers before any changes. I'm not an expert though so englighten me if I'm wrong.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > >

> > > > I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

> > > > Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

> > > > The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.

> > > That's very untrue, actually the competitive part of the game died way before they remove team ranked queue..

> >

> > Dude, ESL ended the season **after** they removed ranked team queues. Not before.

> I might be wrong here, but wasnt the last WC in September 2016? TeamQ was removed in November. And they had a very low number of participants even for the qualifiers before any changes. I'm not an expert though so englighten me if I'm wrong.


GW2 was removed from ESL in April 2017, and at the time they still had tournaments going (which were allowed to finish).



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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

> > > > > Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

> > > > > The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.

> > > > That's very untrue, actually the competitive part of the game died way before they remove team ranked queue..

> > >

> > > Dude, ESL ended the season **after** they removed ranked team queues. Not before.

> > I might be wrong here, but wasnt the last WC in September 2016? TeamQ was removed in November. And they had a very low number of participants even for the qualifiers before any changes. I'm not an expert though so englighten me if I'm wrong.


> GW2 was removed from ESL in April 2017, and at the time they still had tournaments going (which were allowed to finish).

> https://play.eslgaming.com/guildwars2/global/news/270547/


I know that, but those were 2v2 and 1v1 tournaments which are irrelevant in the 5 man premade perspective.


Regardless, I think the competetive scene was dead way before that

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

> > > > > > Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

> > > > > > The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.

> > > > > That's very untrue, actually the competitive part of the game died way before they remove team ranked queue..

> > > >

> > > > Dude, ESL ended the season **after** they removed ranked team queues. Not before.

> > > I might be wrong here, but wasnt the last WC in September 2016? TeamQ was removed in November. And they had a very low number of participants even for the qualifiers before any changes. I'm not an expert though so englighten me if I'm wrong.

> >

> > GW2 was removed from ESL in April 2017, and at the time they still had tournaments going (which were allowed to finish).

> > https://play.eslgaming.com/guildwars2/global/news/270547/

> >

> I know that, but those were 2v2 and 1v1 tournaments which are irrelevant in the 5 man premade perspective.


> Regardless, I think the competetive scene was dead way before that


Well, there was an upsurge due to guild team competitions, and the chance to get into the invitationals if your team was top of the leaderboard. But the content droughts took their toll in the overall game pop, so PvP was still struggling to get back to pre-HoT numbers (when the hype got people back in droves and the condi changes improved the build variability). Removing the few positive changes that had happened (like the option to team up with the last guys you played with if they were good) because people where whinning about team queues was a final nail in PvP's coffin, and (as a lot of people predicted) its no wonder that nowadays the pvp population is insufficient even to provide proper matchmaking, with teams being made up of wildly varying ranks.


The problem the game faces would be that even if it had ranked queues back, would that be enough to motivate the return of enough players to get the population healthy enough for matchmaking to work. Because if they can't balance a team for duos above plat, i doubt it would work well with 5 men teams. And that's the big issue here. They made the wrong choices constantly for PvP after HoT, and now the game's population is so unhealthy that it might be impossible to ever fix it.

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The developers won't understand if having 2 seperate Qs of Solo/Duo and a Full premade queues plus leaderboards will have more or less players etc. Giving this logic that the playerbase is less makes no sense for anything. PvP is a team game like Raids are and should be played as a team rather than solo players dueling giving a shit about the their team. Unless Anet brings back teamQ, the PvP here is boring and makes no sense at all. Also the reward system is crap and needs to be changed.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > The simple concept of an online, team based game... REMOVING the ability to play with friends is ridiculous. If you can't see this, then there is no point in arguing with you because your logic and reasoning is flawed at a fundamental level.

> That's why AT's were brought in (and are being updated in the coming weeks to make it more accessible). If you want challenge, you can play against equal premade teams, fair and square. If you want casual fun, then you can play unranked arena. A 5 man premade against 5 random people is not fun for either side, that's why it was removed.

> In GW1 we had team arena and random arena for the exact same purposes and it worked perfectly fine (not to mention unranked arena was way more popular obviously, as most people are not playing with friends as I said before). Readding the premade component to a game mode that is used by overwhelmingly solo players just ruins the game mode for them. And that's why it was voted to go. You can argue about my logic but facts speak for themselves opposed to your and a very small minority's opinion.


ATs are not equal, nor are they fair. If you've ever done an AT before, you'd realize this is the case in every single round (sometimes including the finals). Every single round ends in a blowout 500-0 until the finals, which can still end up 500-100 depending on who is playing.


ATs are NOT division specific, hence, you'll have teams of bronze players going up against a team of legends. It's even less fair than a 5 man going against 2 duos and a solo in plat ranked.


Any time anyone ever mentions ATs as being competitive, its easy to tell they have no concept of the word.


> > Another way to think about it is: Anet rewards good players by forcing them to play solo. Does that make any sense? It shouldn't, and if it does... LUL

> You are right on this one, duoq should be removed altogether. Currently it really makes no sense.


Ah, because:

- A 5 man team based gamemode should only allow players to play solo without the option to create their own teams (_/sarcasm_)

- Randomness and RNG should decide if you win or lose a match (_/sarcasm_)

- People like playing alone (_/sarcasm_)

- People enjoy the fact that they can only play with their friends once every 6 hours (_/sarcasm_)

- People who aren't above the solo que only threshold should not have an opinion on whether solo que is better than the freedom to play with your friends and make your own teams (_/serious_)

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The only time I would agree with a 5 man pre-made team is if they are facing another 5 man pre-made team. Pitching a team of premades vs a team of 5 solo que players is the most unfair thing you could possibly do. I went in unranked with a team of pre made once and we won 9 games in a row. One game we won with 500 to 0. Do you really think the enemy team enjoyed getting ganked by double stealthed holosmiths and having 1 sec to respond before being downed? It was a lot fun for us sure but for the enemies it was a disaster. How would creating such an unfair environment for solo que players ever help the PvP community?



Do you really think if you force all solo que players to leave and only play unranked leave anyone for you to play with? Just look at tournies where even though the rewards are so good almost nobody plays them. If you want the whole ranked ladder to consist of 6 pre made teams go ahead. This will be the death of an already declining game mode.

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I want team queue back.


I want players back in the game so match making can actually function properly.


You can beat most premades anyway. Have beaten AT teams in unranked with pugs before aswell, so if people say "its unfair I was matched up against a premade thats why we lost" would have had another excuse if it wasn't a premade that beat him such as "thief is bad didn't decap" or "our Rev was naked".

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