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Mirage in pvp/wvw


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Hello mesmer community,

As wvw roaming player, i had need to play mirage for few week mainly, to actually figure it out. I did several builds , mostly focused on power, and from what i seen i wish to ask you few questions.

So, mirage power build especially , fees highly mobile, high dps and able to do 1sec kills. Even for player who never ever main mesmer, making build from scratch, gearing it with simple mara gear, and going to wvw roaming with it , ended up in almost not a single 1vx fight death. I admit i died several times, but those deaths are clearly due to no keybinds , clicking skills and generally getting lost in fight due to porting (low skill lvl of player, me).

So my question is, do you really feel good playing class that is (just my opinion) almost unkillable but with insane amount of dmg ?

And one more question for those of you who are highly skilled on mesmer in general, especially in pvp/wvw, knowing you can do all that you can (insta kill, escape, range, close , ivul) do you really feel good when winning fights on it ?

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Do I feel good?


Anyone roaming worth their salt will go looking for an even (not numbers, rather challenge) or unfavourable fights to test themselves - because the reward feeling is greater if you can pull off awesome stuff in situations that are not in your favour. Roaming is not 1v1 so you can choose the level of challenge to engage with.


If I 1v1 kill a mesmer, yes I feel good - we're playing the same class so I'll certainly not hold back. Same if I 1v1 kill a good thief, warrior or whatever. There are cheese and "unkillable" builds on many classes so I don't feel "guilty" playing a mirage when it comes to 1v1. Sure if it is an easy 1v1 win against an unprepared (build) or weaker player then I don't feel "good" about it - but likewise I don't feel guilty either - just pay your respect/be respectful and move on. If the player is clearly new/zerg build/weaker and they don't attack you 1v1, then my personal etiquette is to not attack them - unless it's 1v2+ in which case free game.


Most of the time though I go looking for 1vX - eg last night on EB stringing along a good handful of Baruch folks from Golanta to Speldan and back, which I feel good about handling, surviving and securing multiple kills along the way. And truth is before that session I had probably the worst two days of wvw session in the last few months in terms of my own skill - dying more times in 2 days than in the last 3 months combined for reasons down to playing stupidly, maybe from RL stress/tiredness I don't know. So to follow that up with a solid outnumbered performance, yes that does make me feel good. Mirage or not, you still need skill to do that.


So to give you a challenge - go and try to take on 1v2+, or tickle a mini-blob without ganking from stealth. Don't go looking for the easy 1v1s. Especially given the people who say "roaming is dead" - well fortunately mesmer is designed to handle 1vX so the opportunity to enjoy is still there, just need to adapt for the current state of the game.

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> So my question is, do you really feel good playing class that is (just my opinion) almost unkillable but with insane amount of dmg ?


Literally every class has builds that can fight mesmers. I feel nothing when 80%+ of players make *their choice* to go the common zerg meta that cant deal with player killer builds.


I made my choice to stand apart from the zerg and I use a class that I like.

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You don't have to play the low skill ceiling meme build. Once you know to expect/counter that burst 90% of those that have come seeking greener pastures are rendered useless in a hurry. You can still get caught unawares, but that's true from a lot of classes. The problem is burst Mesmers are travelling in packs of 3+ now and there's nothing anyone can really do against that. It's just like the Ranger craze, low skill ceiling, low risk, high reward.


If you do want to play the build I suggest taking Curunen's advice, push the build beyond the low hanging fruit. :)

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Kind of tagging onto Curunen's point, I have a couple observations

- Roaming fights in WvW often have high variability. Even great players can have stretches that don't go well, and bad players/builds can have good runs. I find it takes me hundreds of hours of playing, recording fights, and reviewing the video to draw any real conclusions. I am not a particularly great player, so others may be able to make good assessments with less data.

- I think there are lots of good builds with different professions that will lead to a likely win in a 1v1 situation against most other builds. Before the Feb changes, I had no problem beating 95% of the single-foe fights with a condi chrono build. That win rate staying consistent over hundreds of fights made it pretty clear that it was OP. I stopped sharing single-target fights on YouTube, and Anet nerfed that build (which I think is good). Mirage was not as strong as that build, but it's still getting toned down in the next update. We'll need a lot more data to know how things stand after the changes

- As a solo roamer, I have to have a build that has at least a chance in outnumbered fights, or I'll spend my entire playing session running around and avoiding every duo or trio.


Have fun!


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On the note of when to kill and not to kill in WvW I still take the perspective that I'm trying to help my team. If plucking off the zerg built guard, rev, or necro trying to get back to their zerg helps my team I certainly feel good about it. As good, I assume, as a zerg feels when they run me over.


I'll often leave clear newbies or players that give me a real challenge in down state out of respect. However, it is a competitive pkill environment and if it's a tight match or vulnerable objective I'm making you walk back. Not to mention every bag is a shot at some loot!!

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Well i must say , as much as im not surprised, defending class that is so clearly broken in for competitive mode, i realized i respect what u guys do. If post like this was made in worrior section , there would be tons war main who would agree and even point out what could be good to nerf. Enjoy your mirages guys.

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> Well i must say , as much as im not surprised, defending class that is so clearly broken in for competitive mode, i realized i respect what u guys do. If post like this was made in worrior section , there would be tons war main who would agree and even point out what could be good to nerf. Enjoy your mirages guys.


Check ya later!!

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lol, bye then, go and enjoy equally cheesy core warrior and SB roaming builds.


(also your post being about wvw roaming despite the title of this thread - ie not spvp - ie not "competitive" in a 5v5 or even a 1v1 setting. Choose your level of challenge accordingly - find scenarios with odds stacked against you and aim to succeed)

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> Well i must say , as much as im not surprised, defending class that is so clearly broken in for competitive mode, i realized i respect what u guys do. If post like this was made in worrior section , there would be tons war main who would agree and even point out what could be good to nerf. Enjoy your mirages guys.


Seems like you mostly tried to lowkey ask for nerfs than actually wanting to know our opinion, fellow warrior. Take care.

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