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Bug: The Charge [merged]

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So, as of today, at this very moment, this issue remains. Since it is a GAME-BLOCKING ISSUE (!!!!!) I would think it would be a priority.


Even hitting Lonai ONLY with solar core and nothing else, she dies before the 3rd shade asterisk. At least I can get each toon thru after multiple re-entries... 4 have made it through, 1 stuck atm.

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> @"Gumbolia.5381" said:

> Yet another "me too". Can't progress. Frustrating after going though the whole story (and running into a "you're stuck in the wall and can't do anything" problem which required a restart as well).


> I guess I'll take this an an opportunity to work on being patient and wait for a patch before trying again.

It would be much easier to be patient if ANet would commit that they are aware of the problem and working on it. We don't even know if they took notice yet.


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Same thing happened to me last night. Killed Lonai too early at the Claw encounter and was stuck in the instance and couldn't progress. I logged out and when I re-logged and went into the instance, I luckily re-started at the Claw encounter with Lonai's health re-set to about 20%. Had to kite and hope that Braham didn't kill her too early. Barely made it to the end.


I can't recall every trying to not damage an end boss of an encounter before in order to not bug the encounter. Agreed that this needs to be looked at.

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It's completely unacceptable that this hasn't been fixed 10 days into S4 ep2. Very buggy play. Impossible to progress if she dies at Jormag - and you make it a near certainty on some toons that she dies!

Quitting the zone in sheer frustration. Ungood that this was issued in such a broken form.

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It is now March 17, 2018. This issue is STILL going on. It doesn't appear on the Known-Issue Tracker.


If I keep trying, I can finally make it through... ON THE FOURTH, OR FIFTH OR SIXTH TIME !!!! :angry: I'm on my 6th (of 12 ) chars going through. The first three chars posted in-game bug reports with screenies and descriptive text. With the next three chars I have only come here (and the issue-tracker) to see if anything has changed. Nope... no changes, just more people posting. I may have missed something but I haven't even seen a Dev post to say they even know about it. Is ANY Dev reading this thread???



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After having this happen a couple times I finally figured it out... you need to throw two solar cores at the boss and then she will summon a shade. Throw two more cores at her she summons another, etc. I think the trouble with this fight is that it isn't clear that throwing these at her are what causes the shade summoning... I just thought it happened on it's own in the earlier parts of the fight. I don't know. So while apparently technically this fight isn't "broken" it's still a poorly done instance as the method for causing the shade summons isn't clear, as well as the fact that she can be easily killed too early in the fight doesn't help.

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I had the same issue on my first attempt, I switched to character select and went straight back in the frozen area. There I tried the fight again by only using the solar cores on the shades, NOT on the boss herself. She finally spawned her last shade at 1% health and I managed to carry on with my story. Not sure if this is a solution, but it did the trick for me.

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In the Game Update Notes thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/31078/game-update-notes-march-6-2018#latest, Gaile Gray’s post on March 7th included the following:

“Fixed an issue that prevented the boss from being damaged beyond 1% in "The Charge" story instance.”


If I’m reading the update correctly, the issue was that the boss in "The Charge" could not be damaged beyond 1%, i.e. she could not be killed.


Interestingly, this was the day before the OP started this thread.


When we can kill Lonai before she activates her final shade, thus preventing us from progressing any further, it’s a bug. The wiki lists it as a bug, although it says it's "possible" to kill Lonai too soon. Not only is it "possible", it happens over and over again.


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