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Feedback: Official Living World Season 4 Episode 2 Feedback [May contain spoilers]

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I really love a lot of things about this episode, and it's the first time that I've gotten to experience the hype of a new place while it was new and be caught up. When PoF came out I was still playing through the HoT story as a new player, and so I had LS3 to go through before I could let myself play PoF. By the time PoF came around the hype had worn off, everyone knew the most efficient ways to do things like bounty trains, etc...


That being said, here are some things I loved and some things I didn't quite love. From a person who primarily plays open world and story stuff only:

-- I love the map design and layout. Some people are being TOO nitpicky about re-used visual assets like rocks. Who cares, the overall layout is amazing. I love that there are weather effects on the map too. Keep doing that, it really makes the world feel immerse. (Maybe the NPCs could idly mention the weather changing too? Observing that the skies are darkening etc).

-- Love the branded mount skins. They're skins. No one is going to really have earmuffs and a scarf over their mount, just like lore-wise no one has a branded raptor. They're skins and I love them and I was waiting for them to come out for months.

-- Love how the NPCs idly talk amongst themselves about the Outlander (aka Commander, us) and how the dialogue changes depending on our race. Got a good laugh out of their reaction to sylvari.

-- Overall love the pacing of the meta events. It's not too fast like Palawadan where it's overwhelming the first few times you do it. It's not too slow where it's boring or takes forever to do. It's easy to jump in and understand what to do and how to do it.

-- The story was definitely intriguing and kept me interested, the puzzles were fun and challenging enough to figure out. I LOVED the back and forth dialogue between Rox, the Commander, and Braham. Put him in his place and make him realize he needs to work along with us, not fight our every decision.

-- I loved the little heart to heart the Commander has with Braham near the end. Finally getting to see some of his real personality that isn't just being a whiny baby and throwing around his mother's memory as if it's an excuse for his behaviour. Rox is going in a great direction too.

-- The backpack! Seriously. A 32 slot backpack that's just a bit of work and not a big gold sink? Perfect for newer players or more casual people. As someone who's been struggling with 15 slot bags for months, I thank you big time for that. Plus, I LOVED the little bits of lore and discussion with the cub that it involved. I hope we see more of the little guy.


-- A lot more that I can't think of right now.


Things I didn't love?

How difficult I found the last boss to be, and not knowing when I'd have a break. I'm a pretty casual player who is still figuring out how to survive in more damage-bursty gear. While I can survive in open world stuff including bounties relatively well, I must've gone down and died at least 10 times during the fight itself, in various instances. There were even a few times where Braham just gave up trying to rez me and let me die.

I wish there had been more of a pause in between the fights, rather than one veryyy long instance that ended up being like 6 instances in one.

(Or at least help a person out and put a repair anvil somewhere at the start lol.)


I kinda wish I had had more time to just listen to all of the dialogue and find all of the hidden gems. I have to replay it a couple times and find YT videos of others playing it to recap the story since I missed a lot just trying to stay alive.


I know a big complaint with the bounties is the whole Joko ambush thing. A better idea instead of spawning trash mobs would be something formidable. Give us a champion/legendary (depending on the bounty itself) in its place, something that's worth fighting and gives -something- for a reward. Even if it's just volatile magic and some materials or something. It doesn't have to be on par with the bounty itself, but something that makes a player feel like they didn't just waste 30 minutes to an hour waiting for the said bounty to show up and get absolutely nothing out of it. It's leading to frustration and irritation more than anything.

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> @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

> Let me tell you about the back-story for the Olmakhan. One day the Flame Legion sent out a bunch of troops to burn off all the vegetation in what today we call the Scorchlands in Iron Marches. Unbeknownst to anyone, that one area of the Iron Marches contained a truly unique plant. Let's call it Cosmic CharrNip. So this troop goes out there and is torching everything, the flamethrowers' are flinging flame far and wide. But those poor legionnaires are all standing around breathing in the smoke from the burning Cosmic Charrnip. As the day goes on, and the smoke gets thicker, all those legionnaires are getting higher and higher and higher, to the point where, finally, one of them says, "Charr, what are we doing here? That Blood Legion and Ash Legion fools are gonna come kill us. Let's split for someplace south, where we can smoke our charr-weed and peace out!" And the other, higher than a kite, charr all said, "Word! Grab your weed and let's split before them shaman cats find us." Fast-forward a couple hundred years, and we find out former flame legion deserters on an island, waaaay down south, chilling in the shadow of a giant floating cube.


> The weed is why they don't want to fight - if they fight back, they just know that somebody's gonna call the po-po on them. And then they have the police on their tails, trying to confiscate their carefully cultivated cosmic charrnip!


> This, THIS, is how you get pacifist hippie Charr living in a commune down by the sea. It was the weed. It had to be the weed. It's always the weed.




Give the man a prize! =)

Cosmic Charr Ganja FTW!!!

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It was a good episode but I hope we can go back to actually engaging bosses rather than spending 75% of the time doing a side/puzzle mechanics during the fight. For example the last POF fight we were more engaged with the actual boss and avoiding actually mechanics thrown at us by the boss. It felt a lot more personal. Puzzles are great but if it's too forced and breaking up flow I think it can be a little too much. :)


The area itself was really nice and it was good to see some trinket options which I am assuming will have all POF stats available. The map currency seems solid to farm so I am happy with that as well, plus the repeatable hearts are efficient and not needlessly time consuming. That's a big plus for a map, the daily hearts and map currency farming.


As far as the new meta? I think Ep1 is miles ahead in terms of reward vs time but I fully understand we can't have every single map with godly metas for gold and other currency farming.


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Some thoughts about the new LS Episode, or current LS as a whole.

While downloading I was like "wait- it's Season 4 **Ep. 2**... what the kitten did we do in Ep. 1 again??" So I went to the wiki and read the summary, getting some "oh right, there was this and that" moments. Yet the details weren't present to me anymore, making it hard to enjoy the story arc.

4,5 months with lots of distraction in between (be it ingame with wintersday and chinese new year or in real life with, well, christmas, new year and all the stuff that comes with it) is just too long imo.

Talking about story- it also feels kinda weird that we, even though we have an elder dragon that just absorbed the powers of a god, now have to deal with Palawa Joko instead. Though I really like Palawa since he got first introduced in Nightfall (and therefor I wish there was a way to cooperate with him and not fight him... hail Joko!) and am fine with how he was embedded in the PoF story, I wish the LS was more focused on the new Kralkatorik threat and the overall problem of "how to deal with elder dragons without killing them".


To get back to the time between LS episodes- I can imagine it takes quite some time to program such an episode, especially when there are whole new maps involved. Those need to be designed, you have to create events, etc. etc.

I just wish that LS episodes with new maps would be the exception and not the rule. I'd rather have shorter downtimes of, I dunno, maybe 2 months max. and more story driven episodes in existing maps. Even though it's obvious that there are people enjoying the new maps and get motivated by open world play in general, to me it's just "alright, new map, let's complete it.... and unless there's a good reason to do so (like harvesting winterberries for asc. trinkets), I will probably never come back". Dunno if it's just me, but the more people feel about it the way I do, the more it's seems like a waste of ressources to roll LS episodes out the way it's currently done.

To me, new maps should be part of expansions, so those really feel like expanding the world significantly.


The episode itself... well, some things I liked, some things not so much.

I was actually positively surprised about how self-explanatory the fights were, this has been much worse in the past. But this time it was well done, making the fights relaxing and easily doable on the first approach without having to look up mechanics.

On the other hand- way to much puzzling between the fights/instances. I mean, come on, I slayed elder dragons, even a god. I want to do heroic deeds, swing my sword and save the world... and not spend half of the time pushing buttons to remove forcefields in a tunnel. Or floating around in pseudo-ley-lines, getting kicked out of them half of the time, just to press "F" once and then move along.



- wish LS episodes would come in a faster succession to make it easier to keep track of the "whole picture"

- wish LS episodes would use existing maps and not add new ones

- wish LS episodes would focus on instances telling exciting stories paired with interesting and challenging fights and less puzzling

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The part of the inquest base behind the waterfall reminded me of SWtOR when my powerful Sith Warrior/ Marauder was turned into an ineffectual mouse droid. I'm sorry but I didn't like being reminded of something I'm trying hard to forget! Tell me Gaile, if Bioware took a flying leap threw a rolling doughnut would you try to copy them too?

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> @"Kell.9365" said:

> The part of the inquest base behind the waterfall reminded me of SWtOR when my powerful Sith Warrior/ Marauder was turned into an ineffectual mouse droid. I'm sorry but I didn't like being reminded of something I'm trying hard to forget! Tell me Gaile, if Bioware took a flying leap threw a rolling doughnut would you try to copy them too?


You...do realize that that trope is significantly older than Bioware, right?

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Overall, I enjoyed this episode. I like the new map, story stuff was good enough for its purpose and I actually enjoyed the new Charr tribe introduction. Just a few small things worth mentioning from my side:


1. The story instances are not very coop friendly. I've done it solo and with friends, but the first stealth story instance in particular can get messed up very easily for coop players. For one thing, any players with you in the instance who are playing as the small stealth drones can be locked out of areas if you slip through an energy field after you've unlocked it, but it closes just before they can get through. There's no way for them to progress after that and you can't go back and open the way for them, which means they end up just sitting around, missing out on all the action until you get past the Asura gate puzzle. Adding a skill that causes all allies to teleport to your location could be a fix for this.


2. I think this might be a bug, but when using even the highest tier gathering tools to chop those new wood nodes, you get ruined logs. Perhaps there's some unique gathering tool specific to that area that I missed, otherwise it's an obvious fix needed.


3. Braham wasn't a complete jerk, aside from a few grunts and groans at the beginning. It even seemed as though he was beginning to reflect on his behavior, so that's good progress. I'm hoping we can get over the angst phase soon and get a bit more of the old Braham back, who was a much more enjoyable character to spend time with.


4. I was kinda hoping for a bit more development for Rox, but I understand there's only so much you can juggle in terms of characters for each episode. Hopefully in the next episode she'll stand out a bit more, and perhaps even have her own story arc linked to the new Charr tribe we discovered, because right now she just feels like she's just kinda "there" but doesn't have much purpose in the overall narrative yet.

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I'll try to be brief in my feedback.


First the bad.


The whole story can be finished within three-four hours, which is very short for the wait that's been imposed upon people. I imagine offset is the idea that a new map is there for people to explore, but even a casual player will explore it fully within an afternoon at most, leaving them only to grind the events in an endless circle and collect some new form of currency yet again for... achievements and some ascended gear?


Story wise; Gimmick bosses that nobody loves or cares about, like that golem at the end of charr instance, are not fun to fight nor interesting, just tedious. Joko's new lieutenant is a nobody we have no attachment to, which was a waste of an interesting fight design. Perhaps the biggest issue for me and a lot of people I know is Taimi. She is an obnoxious, know-it-all character with a flaw that her golem bypasses and continual spotlight that is focused upon her with every new story episode is a waste of storytelling time that could have been used to give Rox or Braham some proper character development. In the last episode finale, had Anet had the stones to kill Taimi off, she'd have actually become a focal point people could have gotten behind, as we'd actually have had a personal reason to hate Joko and want to stop him. A plague that'll kill of all of Tyria seems like another drop in the bucket, since Elder Dragons and a God we've fought up until know pretty much would have done the same thing. Also, why should anyone care about Taimi's friends and drama surrounding them, when we've only learned about them minutes ago? Aside from that, Kito has been reduced to an information dump, Rox's character showed for all three seconds and Braham&Commander's moment to reconcile was cut short for needless Taimi&Inquest buddies drama. Sayida is becoming a second Livia, which I suspect will drive a portion of us all up a wall yet again. Strong female characters can be strong without being annoyingly obnoxious.


Good stuff now.


The new map is excellent. There is plenty of places to go to and explore, lore tidbits to dig out and find. I can only applaud the lack of mobs that saturate every square meter of terrain. It is nice to be able to explore an area without having to fight a mob every step of the way, which is something that might be good to apply to other PoF maps. A sensible move too, to keep hostile mobs around the place that'd most likely have them. The opportunity for casual players to get a larger size bag without spending stupid amounts of coin on it is quite welcome too. The events around the zone have been fun and manageable, though the big event finale with the djinn will need someone to take a look at it and give the poor bastard an attack at his feet, because one can just hug his skirt and kill him without ever having to move.


Story wise, while I may have said a fair bit in the section before this one, I can also readily say that the inclusion of more Inquest and their machinations was quite gratifying and the lost charr tribe is an interesting concept, the whole area they live in is very well done, the instances with them quite involving. It is a nice change to see that someone remembers there were other races about, as everything has been very human centric thanks to the struggle being set in Elona. Seeing Rox display some character for a change was very interesting, her immediate attachment to these new folks a fresh(if a bit obvious) direction for her to take and Braham's mellowing out was very much welcome, if only cut short by lousier elements of the story. Two of them were in dire need of development which I hope they will get sooner, rather than later. Another three or four months wait will just water down anything achieved here.


So much from me.

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> @"UncrushablePigeon.8760" said:

> Bounty 1-4: Magneton Manipulator, 4x ambush.

> Bounty 5: Oakenscorn, ambush

> Bounty 6: Exterminator IG-04, ok

> Bounty 7: Magneton Manipulator, ambush


> This is the opposite of fun.


This! So much this. It is not "fun" at all if 90% of all bounties are ambushes.

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My opinion on this episode is a bit in each camp, did i enjoy the episode sure, it was fun to play, i enjoyed seeing a new map . While a very predictable trope for the most part, the new charr tribe was at least a new culture within a race, so far other than humans, every other race is a monoculture, " all asura are like this, all charr like this, " so on, with the exception of some non playable races, i.e. maguuma centaurs vs kryta centaurs. i think alot of my issues comes first from the "fear not this night" in the trailer i heard it in the trailer and while i get it, that song is well known in the community and does work to build hype, what amounts to the racial sylvari song still had no purpose there. Secondly , just joko , and the scarab plague and the like as oposition, seems not sure how to put this other than to say....joko is a joke, ...considering what he has being taught in his schools and the like...he knows who you are, and what you've done, he should know better, secondly involing joko, feels remarkably like a cop out, we had the oportunity here for what would have been an amazing twist, i mean....branded can ressurect the dead now...as branded, joko can awaken....Awakened Scarlet would have been a huge "oh shit moment" but i think i'm rambling at this point, anyway , good episode, it was fun, maybe less played to death tropes next time? like beating around the bush so so much in the episode while people are like " look we know it's the scarab plague, we know...just say it instead of (static)


p.s. Mad props for adding an entomologist, my main has been rp'd as one pretty much the entire time i've been playing, ^_^nice to see bugs get some love

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> @"kajoken.1630" said:

> > @"UncrushablePigeon.8760" said:

> > Bounty 1-4: Magneton Manipulator, 4x ambush.

> > Bounty 5: Oakenscorn, ambush

> > Bounty 6: Exterminator IG-04, ok

> > Bounty 7: Magneton Manipulator, ambush

> >

> > This is the opposite of fun.


> This! So much this. It is not "fun" at all if 90% of all bounties ar ambushes.


This is how they want to artificially inflate player participation for bounties.

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I quite enjoy the episode thus far. Feels refreshing to have a Charr/Asura-themed map. I like the Charr-tribe (ain't those little kitties cute af?). The story is a bit dull though since it was quite predictable; like the new additions to the team though, especially Blish. Stuff I disliked are the one story-boss at The Iron Whale POI 'cause the reaction-time for his ball-thingy-attack is somewhat non-existent; the Svanir-dude from the specimen-event is also a pain if you play melee and don't have time to dodge the stuff. Events are ok though, albeit with one major exception: What the hell have you thought when implementing Zohaqan? That dude is really annoying since he's just a big dps-golem. I mean, I just go afk doing auto-atks till he's dead. Also: Why punish condi-builds (his water-armor-buff)? Condi-builds already are at a major disadvantage in this game; no need to punish them further.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I am very jealous of those who achieved to pass the giant golem. :3


They used the same mechanic that we have seen in PoF before: You kill the surrounding enemies to pick up their energy (i.e., whatever they drop) in order to make the big target vulnerable and easi(er) to kill.

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I haven't explored much of the map yet and wanted to do the Heartquests for experience. Is there a way to do the one heart quest south east on the map in a different way than with the hammers? I tried to do it and I forced me to finish it, but the spinning that you're constantly doing gave me such a bad motion sickness, that I had to take a break afterwards to fight the nausea.


I know the new story loves this weird spinning mechanic and its fine if its just for a few seconds in a boss fight. But the constant spinning in this quest could be a serious problem :<

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> @"LapaSaiza.3647" said:

> I haven't explored much of the map yet and wanted to do the Heartquests for experience. Is there a way to do the one heart quest south east on the map in a different way than with the hammers? I tried to do it and I forced me to finish it, but the spinning that you're constantly doing gave me such a bad motion sickness, that I had to take a break afterwards to fight the nausea.


> I know the new story loves this weird spinning mechanic and its fine if its just for a few seconds in a boss fight. But the constant spinning in this quest could be a serious problem :<


Just kill the golems the normal way.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"LapaSaiza.3647" said:

> > I haven't explored much of the map yet and wanted to do the Heartquests for experience. Is there a way to do the one heart quest south east on the map in a different way than with the hammers? I tried to do it and I forced me to finish it, but the spinning that you're constantly doing gave me such a bad motion sickness, that I had to take a break afterwards to fight the nausea.

> >

> > I know the new story loves this weird spinning mechanic and its fine if its just for a few seconds in a boss fight. But the constant spinning in this quest could be a serious problem :<


> Just kill the golems the normal way.


I couldn't do that, since there are these areas on the ground that spin you even worse than when you're in air.

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A few people have been saying they don't like the puzzles, so I just want to counter them.

I loved the puzzles. They weren't so hard as to be frustrating, and weren't so easy as to be stupid. This is an Inquest base, security and mind games are a must!!! In way too many games (cough, this one, too) what passes for a puzzle is just another Simon game (repeat the sequence of notes/colors) and it was nice to have some new things to work out. I liked the complete-the-pattern puzzle with the red, green and blue lights, and the ley-line-floaty portal puzzle, and the annoying (yet entertaining) struggle to find the way through the maze-like base. Not saying I want these in every release, but IMO they were done right.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"kajoken.1630" said:

> > > @"UncrushablePigeon.8760" said:

> > > Bounty 1-4: Magneton Manipulator, 4x ambush.

> > > Bounty 5: Oakenscorn, ambush

> > > Bounty 6: Exterminator IG-04, ok

> > > Bounty 7: Magneton Manipulator, ambush

> > >

> > > This is the opposite of fun.

> >

> > This! So much this. It is not "fun" at all if 90% of all bounties ar ambushes.


> This is how they want to artificially inflate player participation for bounties.


Well, it's having the opposite effect right now. People start ignoring bounties already.

And as soon as I get all of them I will ignore them as well tbh.

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It may be the that's is shiny and new, but I think it's the best map of both expansions and their respective season maps. It's a great blend of exploration and encounters and it doesn't have the overly oppressive feel as most of the recent maps. It's not a huge map but the design certainly makes it feel big, it's well laid out. I came across the Wyvern up on the floating platform, that was a fun find and fight. I like how the the Charr evolved with a different culture... family oriented Charr, who would have thunk! I've haven't played through the whole chapter yet, but I like how the story is going so far. It's not overrun with Awakened (did I say that already?). I did find the Mark II golem fight tedious, but that's just a small part of the episode's experience.


In brief, I really like it.

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I have just skirted the inquest island but one complaint about the north island:




Maybe they are better with the griffon but between so many walls and cliffs I wind up having to take detours to detours to detours to get anyplace. By the time I finally get to the event I saw 'next' to me it is probably over.

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> @"darkfiremew.5937" said:

> Cons:

> >!-The 3 instances at the start that were back to back felt tedious to go through, due to being in such a quick succession from one another. The first 2 could have been 1 instance, while the third one, if you cut the starting part and put it at the end of that long instance would have been better and then after the chance of roaming the new map for a bit then going into the third one.

> >!-Why on Tyria would I want to share my character's health with my mount if it means my character getting downstate or death instead of my mount? The whole point of mounts is to get me to places where I can't and take a small bit of damage instead of my PC when engaging combat. This mastery makes no sense. This makes as much sense as people with both Ley Line Gliding mastery and Volatile Magic Resonance not being able to just glide up in that lab without that attunement. Some things just baffle me.


Agree to both of these! I was glad I did a party for this one because it was so long, even if my party members were a real annoyance. The mastery has me more confused than anything, why in the world would I want the possibility of damage, unfortunately I can not just skip it and get the next mastery instead. At least with ley-line gliding it was at the end of a mastery line so I could just stop at the mastery before it instead.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> I have just skirted the inquest island but one complaint about the north island:




> Maybe they are better with the griffon but between so many walls and cliffs I wind up having to take detours to detours to detours to get anyplace. By the time I finally get to the event I saw 'next' to me it is probably over.


This runs a bit parallel to a complaint I'm probably going to have in the future. Now that we have the Springer (and Griffon), we're going to see a lot more *really* tall, unscalable terrain just to thwart us from reaching places. Or a lot of caves, and our current mapping tech is hot garbage for sorting that out.


And, random aside, and not even a quibble really, but did no one run "nightwalkers" past the internet first? While I'm amused by the notion of an entire profession of Olmakhan dedicated to "comfort," I'm not sure that was intended. I find it doubly strange after the Chevron/"dead goat" got changed, and yet Dragonhunter didn't after the name panned.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > I have just skirted the inquest island but one complaint about the north island:

> >


> >

> > Maybe they are better with the griffon but between so many walls and cliffs I wind up having to take detours to detours to detours to get anyplace. By the time I finally get to the event I saw 'next' to me it is probably over.


> This runs a bit parallel to a complaint I'm probably going to have in the future. Now that we have the Springer (and Griffon), we're going to see a lot more *really* tall, unscalable terrain just to thwart us from reaching places. Or a lot of caves, and our current mapping tech is hot garbage for sorting that out.


> And, random aside, and not even a quibble really, but did no one run "nightwalkers" past the internet first? While I'm amused by the notion of an entire profession of Olmakhan dedicated to "comfort," I'm not sure that was intended. I find it doubly strange after the Chevron/"dead goat" got changed, and yet Dragonhunter didn't after the name panned.


Yes, I am almost to the point if I see an orange circle on my minimap and I do not see the monster(s) I may as well not try to find the spot as there are usually multiple mazes and cliffs. They are not at HOT levels of making the minimap useless but are pretty close. Ok, a fun map if I was playing GW2 for a maze but I am there to swat things with red tags and mine ore.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> Everybody seems to be happy, I am sorry, I am not. I found the story line (the part I did up to now) long and fastidious. In the dark most of the time, with mazes, and timed actions, that are 3 things I do not like generally in the game and don't manage well. Unfortunately, these 3 things did prevent me from enjoying the rest. And then I got stuck at the fight against the giant golem. I have not been able to manage it. At the top of it, it was impossible to leave it!? I had no other way than to log out... So, that's where I am stuck. And since the new area seems to be allowed first after finishing story line, I have still not seen it yet.


> So, all in all, sorry, I cannot say much positive: Experience has been rather bad at what I did - at least for now - and at the top of it, I have no access to new area. That does not let much room for any positive feelings as of today. Now of course, that's my very personal opinion only. I am very jealous of those who achieved to pass the giant golem. :3


I am really dreading the story after reading all the negative comments. I had a guild mate tell me yesterday that the story is better done solo....I do not fare well doing the story instances solo. But to see others comment on it, such as this one, I'm not looking forward to the story at all now. Also I am not a fan of puzzles being the "must do" in order to progress a story instance. (I admit I checked on some of the early videos for the beginning story and was appalled at the puzzle situation)

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> @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > Everybody seems to be happy, I am sorry, I am not. I found the story line (the part I did up to now) long and fastidious. In the dark most of the time, with mazes, and timed actions, that are 3 things I do not like generally in the game and don't manage well. Unfortunately, these 3 things did prevent me from enjoying the rest. And then I got stuck at the fight against the giant golem. I have not been able to manage it. At the top of it, it was impossible to leave it!? I had no other way than to log out... So, that's where I am stuck. And since the new area seems to be allowed first after finishing story line, I have still not seen it yet.

> >

> > So, all in all, sorry, I cannot say much positive: Experience has been rather bad at what I did - at least for now - and at the top of it, I have no access to new area. That does not let much room for any positive feelings as of today. Now of course, that's my very personal opinion only. I am very jealous of those who achieved to pass the giant golem. :3


> I am really dreading the story after reading all the negative comments. I had a guild mate tell me yesterday that the story is better done solo....I do not fare well doing the story instances solo. But to see others comment on it, such as this one, I'm not looking forward to the story at all now. Also I am not a fan of puzzles being the "must do" in order to progress a story instance. (I admit I checked on some of the early videos for the beginning story and was appalled at the puzzle situation)


We had great fun with my wive playing story together. Especially first 2 missions are great in terms of cooperation. It's all from mechanics stand point, as people have different tastes and story told in this patch may not be for everyone to be liked. If you were happy with LW3, you gonna like this episode storywise.

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