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Why did Kralkatorrik fly to Kourna?


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Kralkatorrik is kicking it on a mountain top enjoying the view, Joko is actively trying to destroy central Tyria. One of these seems more pressing than the other. Also we have no way to handle Kralkatorrik atm, if we kill him/her/it than world goes boom kinda need a replacement before we go whacking anymore elder dragons.

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Kralkatorrik's motivation is left unclear, but given the overarching purpose for Elder Dragons, he likely found a ley line hub there and in Vabbi previously.


And I think they do exist in the story together, but I don't think they'd necessarily fight each other full out - Joko doesn't see Kralktorrik as pressing as conquering more lands, because he has time. All he has to do is avoid Kralkatorrik personally and he's good. Meanwhile, Kralkatorrik's focus would be more on simply omnoming magic (and possibly testing his new abilities). Daybreak was definitely a fairly 50/50 divide of focus between the two foes, and while A Bug in the System focuses more on Joko, there was plenty of lore surrounding Kralkatorrik (in the form of Inquest's experiments on branded abilities).

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We're not entirely ignoring Kralkatorrik, either. Kasmeer and Marjory are observing the dragon from a letter we got back in Episode 1, and based on Canach's letter from this episode, we're probably going to meet up with Delaqua Investigations next chapter while either Braham or Rox lets us know they're hanging out with the Olmakhan, possibly keeping an eye on what's left of the Inquest at Rata Primus. After all, we have no idea how we can deal with the Scarab Plague, but there was plenty of Branded research in the those labs.

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