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What is the best way to obtain maglin infusions?

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> Doing daily CMs is the best way to get the ones with agony. There is no way around it because you need A LOT of integrated matrices and +9's. It's probably the most expensive thing to get other than the augmentations.


Thanks fees like your the only helpful one here. :)

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@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> The short of it is, they're ridiculously expensive. Around 93 gold per +9 infusion, and 300 fractal relics. A full set of 20 infusions will cost 1,860 gold and 6000 relics.


That's nonsense!


The relics are completely negligible since you get around 500 of them per daily full run. +9 infusions are also cheaper because you get around 1 stack of +1 per day which actually is the amount you need to craft for one of them. It's only the Thermocatalytic Reagent costing money if you go that way.

You'd better have a look at this guy here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/INFUZ-5959#vendor4 and you'll see that it's not even close to 93 gold per 1 infusion. For 1 +9 + 5 infusion you need 3 +9 infusion equal to 10g and 20 integrated fractal matrices you can get via CMs or via vendor with stabilizing matrices (need 200 of them and you get 10+ per daily).

Nowadays they are very easy to get in contrast to the past. The important question is if you are able to squeeze out the maximum of the class and being a top player. ^^

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > The short of it is, they're ridiculously expensive. Around 93 gold per +9 infusion, and 300 fractal relics. A full set of 20 infusions will cost 1,860 gold and 6000 relics.


> That's nonsense!


> The relics are completely negligible since you get around 500 of them per daily full run. +9 infusions are also cheaper because you get around 1 stack of +1 per day which actually is the amount you need to craft for one of them. It's only the Thermocatalytic Reagent costing money if you go that way.

> You'd better have a look at this guy here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/INFUZ-5959#vendor4 and you'll see that it's not even close to 93 gold per 1 infusion. For 1 +9 + 5 infusion you need 3 +9 infusion equal to 10g and 20 integrated fractal matrices you can get via CMs or via vendor with stabilizing matrices (need 200 of them and you get 10+ per daily).

> Nowadays they are very easy to get in contrast to the past. The important question is if you are able to squeeze out the maximum of the class and being a top player. ^^


At calculation, each Stablizing Matrix was 33 silver. You need 10 stabilized for each Integrated Fractal matrix, making each IFM worth 3.3 gold. You need 20 IFMs for each malign infusions, coming to 66 gold. The +9 agony infusions are around 9 gold each. You need 3 of them for each infusion, 27 gold.


27 gold (infusions) + 66 gold (Stabilizing Matrices) = 93 gold.


The fact that you can earn infusions and matrices from doing fractals doesn't make the +9 malign infusion cost any less. Each item still has the same relative gold value as if you'd bought it. It just means that you can transfer the gold earned doing fractals directly into buying infusions, instead of having to sell all your wares first.


What'd we learn?

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> At calculation, each Stablizing Matrix was 33 silver. You need 10 stabilized for each Integrated Fractal matrix, making each IFM worth 3.3 gold. You need 20 IFMs for each malign infusions, coming to 66 gold. The +9 agony infusions are around 9 gold each. You need 3 of them for each infusion, 27 gold.


> 27 gold (infusions) + 66 gold (Stabilizing Matrices) = 93 gold.


> The fact that you can earn infusions and matrices from doing fractals doesn't make the +9 malign infusion cost any less. Each item still has the same relative gold value as if you'd bought it. It just means that you can transfer the gold earned doing fractals directly into buying infusions, instead of having to sell all your wares first.


> What'd we learn?


You assume that you start from having nothing what is unrealistic if it comes to players that want +9+5 infusions.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > At calculation, each Stablizing Matrix was 33 silver. You need 10 stabilized for each Integrated Fractal matrix, making each IFM worth 3.3 gold. You need 20 IFMs for each malign infusions, coming to 66 gold. The +9 agony infusions are around 9 gold each. You need 3 of them for each infusion, 27 gold.

> >

> > 27 gold (infusions) + 66 gold (Stabilizing Matrices) = 93 gold.

> >

> > The fact that you can earn infusions and matrices from doing fractals doesn't make the +9 malign infusion cost any less. Each item still has the same relative gold value as if you'd bought it. It just means that you can transfer the gold earned doing fractals directly into buying infusions, instead of having to sell all your wares first.

> >

> > What'd we learn?


> You assume that you start from having nothing what is unrealistic if it comes to players that want +9+5 infusions.


For some players, this actually realistic, because they are usually not hoarding materials but rather hoarding gold by selling everything they can on the TP (including their leftover infusions before they decide to get +9+5 ones). Said gold is usually invested in other things and not ready-up to be used to acquire the infusions again. Of course both scenarios of having the full gold and the full amount of matrices are ideal, and this is the very point of comparing it to a gold value; for you can decide whether or not to farm fractals for the equivalent amount of agony infusions (it is a LOT of matrices, that will NOT allow you to get in a reasonable time at all, we are talking months here), or you can also decide to actually farm in open world such as SW or Istan (potentially MUCh faster because then you can overcome the hurdle of matrix farming, doing dailies in sequence for extra bucks and the necessary relics).


It is therefore, in spite of unrealistic, very useful to know what it takes to get it solely from the gold standard. It's not only expensive due to the materials but also due to the time one would spend to acquire it without using the TP, and some people (anticipating the argument that they would be playing the game all along and this is their objective) consider it the most entertaining value possible obtained from something if they can do it in an optimal way. I disagree with this line of thought but can plainly accept it.

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If I'm you. I’ll make spare full set of asc armour and get the +5 stat via wvw Laurel and badge of honor..This set is for the use in raid. And +9 ar on another set for fractal. I think fractal is acceptable to be more casual than raids there's no need for that extra 18x+5 but if you hv enough resources then it will be nice.. otherwise make two sets of armour ??


SAB is coming I hope .. if you haven't farmed the infusion it's +5 power & +9 ar each - you get two of that free. xD it will be nice if we can change the +5 stat. Some one tell Josh see if he can magically put few iterations to this item so we can change the stat to any??

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> If I'm you. I’ll make spare full set of asc armour and get the +5 stat via wvw Laurel and badge of honor..This set is for the use in raid. And +9 ar on another set for fractal. I think fractal is acceptable to be more casual than raids there's no need for that extra 18x+5 but if you hv enough resources then it will be nice.. otherwise make two sets of armour ??


> SAB is coming I hope .. if you haven't farmed the infusion it's +5 power & +9 ar each - you get two of that free. xD it will be nice if we can change the +5 stat. Some one tell Josh see if he can magically put few iterations to this item so we can change the stat to any??


If you're talking about the Moto infusions, you can already change them. Same as any other infusion stat conversion.

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> @"Dzjudz.9142" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > If I'm you. I’ll make spare full set of asc armour and get the +5 stat via wvw Laurel and badge of honor..This set is for the use in raid. And +9 ar on another set for fractal. I think fractal is acceptable to be more casual than raids there's no need for that extra 18x+5 but if you hv enough resources then it will be nice.. otherwise make two sets of armour ??

> >

> > SAB is coming I hope .. if you haven't farmed the infusion it's +5 power & +9 ar each - you get two of that free. xD it will be nice if we can change the +5 stat. Some one tell Josh see if he can magically put few iterations to this item so we can change the stat to any??


> If you're talking about the Moto infusions, you can already change them. Same as any other infusion stat conversion. The only one you can't swap stats for is the Ghostly, afaik.


Oh i hv been living in the cave .. didn't know that... thanks and I will definately check that out !! :) Well moto infusion definately is the best freebies in game. Josh ftw! :)

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > At calculation, each Stablizing Matrix was 33 silver. You need 10 stabilized for each Integrated Fractal matrix, making each IFM worth 3.3 gold. You need 20 IFMs for each malign infusions, coming to 66 gold. The +9 agony infusions are around 9 gold each. You need 3 of them for each infusion, 27 gold.

> >

> > 27 gold (infusions) + 66 gold (Stabilizing Matrices) = 93 gold.

> >

> > The fact that you can earn infusions and matrices from doing fractals doesn't make the +9 malign infusion cost any less. Each item still has the same relative gold value as if you'd bought it. It just means that you can transfer the gold earned doing fractals directly into buying infusions, instead of having to sell all your wares first.

> >

> > What'd we learn?


> You assume that you start from having nothing what is unrealistic if it comes to players that want +9+5 infusions.


How do you get a stack of agony a day?

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > At calculation, each Stablizing Matrix was 33 silver. You need 10 stabilized for each Integrated Fractal matrix, making each IFM worth 3.3 gold. You need 20 IFMs for each malign infusions, coming to 66 gold. The +9 agony infusions are around 9 gold each. You need 3 of them for each infusion, 27 gold.

> >

> > 27 gold (infusions) + 66 gold (Stabilizing Matrices) = 93 gold.

> >

> > The fact that you can earn infusions and matrices from doing fractals doesn't make the +9 malign infusion cost any less. Each item still has the same relative gold value as if you'd bought it. It just means that you can transfer the gold earned doing fractals directly into buying infusions, instead of having to sell all your wares first.

> >

> > What'd we learn?


> You assume that you start from having nothing what is unrealistic if it comes to players that want +9+5 infusions.


There are those who understand opportunity cost, and those that don't. And those that don't will argue against the concept vehemently.

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Put 6x +5 AR on your armor 2x +7 AR on the weapons and make 2 sets of trinkets, one with 10x +5 (wvw) infusions and one with 9x +9 AR and 1x +10 AR infus. Trinkets are easy to acquire and then you can swap that set between raids and Fractals. If you want all in one you'll have to throw big money at it.

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It occurs to me now that it might be worth pointing out that current game balance heavily discourages buying (+9 AR) condi-based infusions. Due to the nature of fractals, most group compositions take advantage of power DPS classes (weavers, DHs, warriors are usually power now, rangers as well unless they go healing) and condi has very limited use in fractals. In raids, where condi is much more common (although still not as much as power), you don't need any AR and can therefore go for much cheaper WvW infusions.


In all honesty, unless game balance (or fractal design) changes drastically, I would recommend sticking ONLY with power for agony infusions. If you are serious enough about minmaxing those last few % dps, you are most likely also serious enough to play with a proper meta setup, which doesn't include a single condi class for 99% fractal encounters.

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