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Can Joko be branded?


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> @"Seatox.4065" said:

> So, in theory, if we were to stab Palawa Joko to death on top of a different bloodstone (after checking it for soul batteries that could provide an escape route), it might be enough to trap him, stopping him from popping back up... or it'll overload a multiply-dead-elder-dragon-magic-release-saturated-bloodstone and cause Bloodstone Fen Explosion 2.0, this time without a handy fake-Lazarus to soak up most of the blast.


Bloodstone Fen exploded due to the White Mantle cracking its shell and thus destabilizing it; said destabilization was only increased by Mordremoth's death, not caused by. So long as no one does the same for the others, no Bloodstone Fen Explosion 2.0 will ever occur. And even if they do, it could take years presuming no further massive-amounts-of-magical-absorption happens.


> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> except you can't stab Palawa to death - his body is indestructible, that's why he always has to be imprisoned.


Khilbron was the same. Yet we could still tear his soul out of his body by "killing" him atop of the Bloodstone.


We never actually see how it works outside of such, but it wouldn't be surprising if it were a situation similar to Fendi Nin, who was an immortal undead given said immortal undead powers by a certain unnamed Orrian Vizier (just as The Hunter was given immortal undead powers of lichdom by Khilbron). Fendi Nin, when his body was "killed" simply had his soul exposed for a moment before re-possessing his body. Joko and Khilbron - and all liches really - may function similarly given that we "killed" The Hunter and Khilbron, but they would simply "come back".


Of course, if this is how all liches work, then that would mean that it'd be possible to end a lich without a bloodstone. You just need *anything* to suck up a soul once the body gives way enough.

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@"Konig Des Todes.2086"

so you're just saying the order of whispers wasn't creative enough after the battle of jahai?

we don't even know if he has a soul inside his body (given that Desmina's soul could exit her body, and the soulless horror was violent only because dhuum controlled it). for all we know his body could be controlled by his soul from afar. especially since liches tend to have different characteristics in gw2 universe.

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Ask yourself how many soul-tearing objects exist in the GWverse, and wonder if getting those seem like a common thought when dealing with the first undead that refuses to die.


Joko is, by all accounts, the sole lich in Elona and the oldest lich sans Zoldark in the world. So it would seem likely that first time capturing him, they wouldn't think to go above and beyond what could kill any other undead.


As for distant manipulation - that seems unlikely given he's been into the Mists, which is a very, very, very far away place. Unless he's holding onto his phylactery. But even in GW2, phylacteries do not seem to house souls for liches, as evident by Mazdak the Accursed being a lich but having no such phylactery.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> so you're just saying the order of whispers wasn't creative enough after the battle of jahai?


Bear in mind that the Order at that time weren't the demon-hunting dabblers in magic and mysticism that they would become. They were simply the spy network of a rebel Kournan warmarshal. They wouldn't have known enough to be creative.


That said, if it _was_ as simple as 'beat up the body until you get a shot at the soul', the Hunter would've been a much less imposing foe. I find it more likely that particular solution was unique to Fendi.

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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> That said, if it _was_ as simple as 'beat up the body until you get a shot at the soul', the Hunter would've been a much less imposing foe. I find it more likely that particular solution was unique to Fendi.


Counteractively, The Hunter being a shiro'ken and not an undead, thus having its soul housed within a soul stone, could suggest that The Hunter would be more difficult to handle than liches.


Ironically, The Hunter is probably the closest thing to a D&D lich.

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