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New VIP area: Historical Lion's Arch (like the Mistlock Sanctuary)?

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> Here's hoping that with any luck they'll decide to destroy it a third time.

Or like.. the sixth time, if you include the many invasions that have been repelled , including Zhaitan, Karka, and Aetherblades (Dragon Bash). These defenses were relatively successful, but still had significant damage to the city (in lore). I mean, the whole reason the Pact was formed was because Zhaitan nearly destroyed the city, it just wasn't represented very well by the low tech at the time.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> I dislike them both, the old one more., but whatever, good luck.


I'm the same, if people enjoy them, good for them, personally enjoy a few of the race cities more, and stick to those. Good having choices for that etc. I'd personally be more interested in getting the wrecked LA back, it's my favorite version yet, especially the handy crafting/tp/wp cave.

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> @"Chewy Komeiji.2576" said:

It's still in the game files, as we can tell from it turning up in plenty of instanced (Personal Story) content.

There are plenty of stand-alone assets that remain available and in use, but most of the old LA would not work with a lot of the game's current mechanics (notably mounts & gliding, but there have also been changes to collisions & other physics that they don't usually announce).


So it's safer to say that lots of pieces of LA are in the game files; just not any sort of LA they can boot up even for special occasions.

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I would also like to be able to visit the old New Lion's Arch, if only for nostalgia's sake, as a sort-of "in memoriam" bigger than the existing memorial Plaza of Remembrance. Here's a few things that currently exist in-game and in-universe that may or may not inspire someone to make/remake this map (and pretty much anything else, really):


Ultra-immersive virtual reality technology (i.e. the Super Adventure Box)

Feeding into the classic "a wizard did it" trope, ever-so-common in Guild Wars - Asura do end up solving pretty much everything, don't they? It makes sense, science and engineering are how one solves problems on this scale, but still... there are other scientists. Just sayin' - Asura technology can and has produced fabricated extradimensional space, within which the creator would have complete control over virtual objects and characters. Asura tech has also produced hyper-realistic holography, easily on par with Mesmer illusions. Despite the technologies in play not necessarily being compatible, it makes logical sense that motivated individuals could conceivably marry the two and create any single point-, or event-space in history for people to explore/experience. The biggest benefit here is the ability to approximate not only Lion's Arch, but any area one may wish to visit, such as Within the Dream (sylvari tutorial instance), or lift the stigma on re/creating new limited-time instances, such as "Destroyed Lion's Arch", or Pre-Searing Ascalon, or some new town that we visit just long enough to care about the people there before it's destroyed.


Codified transdimensional spaces of fixed-points in time (i.e. the Fractals of the Mists)

Though certainly less controlled and more dangerous than holography tech, there is no doubt that this area and point in time would be highly adjacent to current-reality LA, and potentially accessible through the same technology that quasi-stabilizes the Fractals. I'm certain there is some sort of Scarlet's War fractal/raid in the works somewhere (....speaking of recycling older content. And if not, well... inspiration!), and "trying to revisit old New Lion's Arch" would/could be an ideal jumping-off point.


Explorable, specific-memory herbology (i.e. Memory Seeds)

Perhaps more difficult to mass-produce than the techno-magical devices (or perhaps easier, depending on Sylvari cultivation science/magic), but presumably mere contact with a specific seed or plant could allow individuals to visit places like old New Lion's Arch without necessarily being there physically. Typically, this particular druidcraft places the observer into the memories of a specific individual, though theoretically it could be modified such that the individuals would experience their own memories of that area/place. Because this takes place on a psychic level, similar to The Dream, the observer as they could have met - or dreamed - any other individuals in Lion's Arch, which explains how the observer could meet and interact with other observers (why there might be other players in an otherwise clearly personal instance).


Explorable, recursive, elsewhere televiewing (i.e. the Scrying Pool / Eye of the North)

Very similar to the Memory Seeds, the Scrying Pool inside the Eye of the North structure easily allows observers to relive events and spaces. The story benefit is they don't necessarily need to have experienced the place/events previously, or know any individuals there, and it is easily repeatable. The downside is the structure is currently inaccessible to most people, and the Scrying Pool is inactive. Though, Priory researchers would certainly want to launch expeditions to the Eye of the North, to study it and potentially reactivate it for its information-gathering abilities. This is something the Order of Whispers would want as well, which could either lead to conflict (and that sexy, sexy drama), or Pact-style collaboration.


I'm sure there's more stuff like this flying around, and if not somebody can easily invent/create a new one.

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I started GW2 after LS1 was closed so I couldn't see the destruction of Lion's Arch.

When I stepped into "Lion's Arch" I didn't know what to think; octopus, seashells, and lobsters ... oh my!

I switched back and forth between GW1 and GW2 and thought the land had even been leveled and built back up.


The name should have been changed to Lake Side.

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