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Fashion Wars 2

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Is there anything to grind hours on hours for on gw2 except looking good?

I've been playing gw2 for 2 months now and I'm having a blast, well until I maxed 5 players to 80 and got ascended gear. Now I'm tryna focus on the leggy stuff and thinking about buying HoT in addition to PoF but I thought to myself is there really a point to grind for months just to get some flashy armor and weapons that don't give you any kind of advantage? Why grind for such a reason I don't understand

What y'all think?

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I find that no matter what the MMO, you make your own end game. For some, some people like the gear progression of some MMOs and if that's the case this is really not the MMO for you. For others their end game no matter what game they are in is to get nice **looking** gear over better performing gear, and for a lot of folks those are the biggest rewards in GW2. For some the game-play itself is its own reward and so the "end game" for those players is map meta farms, playing through challenging content like raids and fractals for personal improvement or for the thrill of doing those things better than others (solo runs of things not meant to be solo'd etc.) For some the competitive aspects are their end game, so they sPvP or they WvW.


I find that the people who tend to be the most satisfied about the game do a little bit of all of the above. My end game is whatever I feel like doing one day or another. Sometimes it is for achievements and the rewards that come with those (big fan of title hunting personally), sometimes it is wvw and while sometimes I do that with a focus on legacy skin reward tracks or other fashion, mostly I am doing it because I like doing it. Sometimes my focus for the day is strictly the goal of a single fashion item that takes more personal effort to gain. Sometimes my focus is RP (yeah, I am one of **those**). At the end of the day what that means is I am never really hurting for something to do, and don't really have the "no end game" problem.

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> Is there anything to grind hours on hours for on gw2 except looking good?

> I've been playing gw2 for 2 months now and I'm having a blast, well until I maxed 5 players to 80 and got ascended gear. Now I'm tryna focus on the leggy stuff and thinking about buying HoT in addition to PoF but I thought to myself is there really a point to grind for months just to get some flashy armor and weapons that don't give you any kind of advantage? Why grind for such a reason I don't understand

> What y'all think?


I didn't understand it at first, coming from WoW. But after playing for awhile I found that it's as good a reason to play the game as any, as long as you enjoy the gameplay!

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This game is designed so that you shouldn't ever need to grind for hours for anything. That's why the vast majority of 'end game' rewards are cosmetic, because then if you can't, don't want to or don't have time to do the content that awards it you're not locked out of anything else, you can still play the entire game.


If you want increased stats your only options are ascended equipment and legendries, but they only give a small benefit over exotic.


Alternatively you can simply play what you enjoy, because you enjoy doing it instead of looking for stuff to grind until you never want to see it again.

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I'm a title junkie myself. Fashion wars is just a thing we have to accept and after 5 years it's not slowing down. I like my toons to look good and for a long time that was it. But I realized being effective as a team member is also very important. So I've balanced fashion with effective builds that keep me in play and help my team mates. This is rewarding to me :)

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