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Recent PvP Match Manipulation

Gaile Gray.6029

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_Looks at leaderboard.

Looks back at thread.

Looks at leaderboard.

Looks back at thread._


I hope win trading wasn't found by Win Percentage alone.


> @"bluri.2653" said:

> You should consider permanent dishonor instead so these players never get to set foot in pvp


Exactly. Lot of the culprits have done this for many consecutive seasons and still have their alts on the leaderboard.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > Finally! Too late is better than never right? Never give up hope. Ty anet

> >

> > Idk I find it hilarious that Anet let them put in all the effort to win trade to the top and then ban them essentially wasting their time.


> tbh i really like that approach too, lol

> problem is people that was playing honestly got their time wasted too


Yes that is another problem, even when they at least dc-ed so teammates didn't lose rating it's still a time waste, but some ppl just went afk or did senseless stuff to make the team lose and lose rating.

Aside from wintrading there are also some ppl throwing on purpose just to troll , with these kind of ppl should something happen too. I have some names if anet is interested including a mail i got after asking them why they lost on purpose.

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Great news indeed, especially considering how toxic some of those dishonored are. I feel a bit sorry for Vaanss though. As Metrix said, a pity such actions hadn't been taken last season.


Now I just hope for punishments for hard verbal abuses. I've got literally hundreds of players on my BL, all of them because of this one reason. And I don't mean calling names like noobs or idiots, but long rage monologues, whispers and even messages from guildmates after they got blocked.

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> @"elvina.8917" said:

> Great news indeed, especially considering how toxic some of those dishonored are. I feel a bit sorry for Vaanss though. As Metrix said, a pity such actions hadn't been taken last season.


> Now I just hope for punishments for hard verbal abuses. I've got literally hundreds of players on my BL, all of them because of this one reason. And I don't mean calling names like noobs or idiots, but long rage monologues, whispers and even messages from guildmates after they got blocked.


Anet is “generally” pretty good at punishing people for verbal abuse. I know last night I was matched against the saltiest ranger in the NA and he was getting pretty narley with his threats and other things to the point two entire teams reported him for verbal abuse and match manip. I hope not to see him on again.

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Only commenting here because I saw Zyn reference my name is one of the above screenshots. I've never win-traded. Been back and forth all season (check my wins/losses).


I don't want my name tarnished by whatever Zyn is saying. I haven't been on the giving or receiving end of any manipulation, to my knowledge, so far this season.


But hey, here's his alt account desperately pm'ing me during the final hour of the season to try to report Naru (or q up and risk losing top 25 to beat him?) Idk.




Anyway, don't bring unrelated people into your shady business, Zyn. That's not cool.



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Im ok with it being a warning type of punishment . But if ppl dont change their aproach i really think next season should have permanent dishonors or even bans.


It also needs to happen sooner, not a week or so before the season ends. That or dont allow ppl to q during the actual season and not have the dishonor end before the next season has finished or even started.

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> @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> Just won like 10 place in leaderboards, guess there are about 10 people kicked.... Very sad about Vaanns..


Why are you sad? If someone cheats get em out. Come on, its a game, so why cheat at it? Seems like spare the rod spoil the child is not really working. In the immortalized words of anets human warrior, "its time to bust some heads!"

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> After a careful investigation of matches and account data, we’ve confirmed that certain players were involved in PvP match manipulation during the current season. The players involved have been removed from the leaderboards and given Dishonor for a period of three months. We will continue to monitor the game for incidents of this sort, and will take action on other accounts as the situation warrants it.



Its cool to see that you guys took some action towards this issue, but why 3 months? I am pretty sure that the people who exploited the game this season, are the same ones who did it last season, and season before that...and guess what? They will do it next season if they are allowed to play, Anet must be more severe towards these players...to me a full ban would be the right thing to do, but if you guys dont want to go this far, a perma dishonor is the right thing to do, not a 3 months, not a 6 months and not a whole year, this must be permanent.

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> @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> > Just won like 10 place in leaderboards, guess there are about 10 people kicked.... Very sad about Vaanns..


> Why are you sad? If someone cheats get em out. Come on, its a game, so why cheat at it? Seems like spare the rod spoil the child is not really working. In the immortalized words of anets human warrior, "its time to bust some heads!"


I mean sad because I loved his gameplay and did not thought he was cheating, sadly

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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > soooooooooooooo why are they out of pvp for 3months.... why not just remove them from PvP in general....

> nah its fine, 3 months for the first time and perma dishonor if they ever try it again


Aka go cheat as hard as you can because you can just stop after the first strike.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> > Just won like 10 place in leaderboards, guess there are about 10 people kicked.... Very sad about Vaanns..


> I hope you and Vallun never do this stuff, you guys are good players. Seen your videos and faced off against Vallun a few times.


I'm only Top 100 haha, dont need to cheat to be Top 100 :x .

I hope that next time kick from leaderboard will be sooner than last day of league...

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> soooooooooooooo why are they out of pvp for 3months.... why not just remove them from PvP in general....


Giving them a second chance makes sense.There was nothing dine about it ago so ppl assumed that they are free to do so.


Next time if the same ppl continue then something more permanent is the best solution.

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