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Mechanics that break the rules.

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I do love the feedback. =)


If I was to pick the lowest performing professions it would be engineer since almost every mob needs a different skill set and turrets which was their best defense and healing against add rush is completely rubbish now, holosmith can do damage though it's a bit too much glass cannon in sustained combat for my tastes. Second would have to be thief, though, I have gotten pretty good with duel pistol deadeye. Third is a toss up between non Weaver Ele or non Mirage Mes.


I love the game have been playing it since I quit WOW in the Pan-daily-a days. I have at least one max level of each profession and play them all regularly. ;)

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Pocket raptors are immensely buggy and can sometimes hit you from way beyond melee range for some reason. Including when you're in the air.


There's also a lot of enemies that just don't make a whole lot of sense:

Mordrem Desolators, which are an absolute mess of an enemy design. A high-damage enemy with a breakbar that takes no damage, the solution is to break the bar, right? Nope. Does literally nothing, you've got to try not to die until it decides to become vulnerable arbitrarily.


Also enemies with hitboxes on their attacks that are just absurdly wrong: the charge attack on mordrem teragriffs is _at least_ twice as big as the actual monster's model, the charge attack sharks use hits you a good 900 units ahead of the shark's actual model for some reason, things like that.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > Interrupts do wonders on Jacaranda too, especially when they're healing. I haven't had much of an issue with the Ibogas but that may be because I try to stay mobile and either kite mobs from range or circle strafe them in melee.

> >

> > The big problem with the Jacarandas is that they have an aggro range that is over 9000. You engage one of them and every other one on the map starts making its way to you. Then you start getting knocked down from a mile away (well outside your ability to target/interrupt them) by each of them, one after another. By the time they finish using their knockdowns, the first ones are back off of recharge and can do it all over again.

> >

> >


> That's an over exaggeration, they don't have anywhere near that large of an aggro range, and I can guarantee that all other Jacaranda's in the vicinity won't join in the attack...if you want, just hop up on top of Nimbose Butte in Desert Highlands, you can easily engage those Jacaranda one at a time or two(rarely 3)...granted I play ranger and have a pet to assist, but I also haven't had that much problem on a few other characters either.


It really isn't. There was only a slight amount of hyperbole in my original post (mostly in the form of a Dragon Ball Z reference), but the Jacarandas do have an abnormally large aggro range and they do summon nearby mobs to their aid when you engage them. Perhaps your Ranger is able to engage them from a long enough distance that this issue isn't triggered, but every class I've run through PoF so far has had to fight off waves of knockdowns from every nearby Jacaranda using orbital strikes on me from well outside my ranged weapon's maximum range.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> Pocket raptors are immensely buggy and can sometimes hit you from way beyond melee range for some reason. Including when you're in the air.


> There's also a lot of enemies that just don't make a whole lot of sense:

> Mordrem Desolators, which are an absolute mess of an enemy design. A high-damage enemy with a breakbar that takes no damage, the solution is to break the bar, right? Nope. Does literally nothing, you've got to try not to die until it decides to become vulnerable arbitrarily.


> Also enemies with hitboxes on their attacks that are just absurdly wrong: the charge attack on mordrem teragriffs is _at least_ twice as big as the actual monster's model, the charge attack sharks use hits you a good 900 units ahead of the shark's actual model for some reason, things like that.


Oh good, I'm not the only one to recognize how awful the Desolators are. Shame an actual developer didn't.

And like someone pointed out earlier, scaled-up versions of enemies that do high damage balanced by low health suddenly aren't squishy as Veteran+. No bueno.


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I'm in the same boat with the pocket raptors, they're basically free bloodlust charges but it really irks that they can hit you while you're 1200 away (even through walls and while you're airborne too), I don't understand how their range issues haven't been fixed all this time. The other stuff I can't agree on, the troll does have a tell even if it's small and fast and the smokescales can do a lot of damage but a little practice with them makes them trivial to deal with.


My gripes are with the glaring mechanical failures like newer enemies just deciding that they're invinsible and start walking away when they're right beside their starting point (they even rarely keep attacking you while they're in god mode) or how some enemies ignore being broken and continue to act (hello random rolling devils). The ember bay destroyer crabs that lob a shot a mile over and past you.... and it still hits you. When smokescales become unhittable at random after their field fades away. Shots hitting enemies in the face only to be met with 'obstructed' or sometimes just nothing at all, no damage count/invulnerable/0 damage. AoEs that are much smaller than their actual radius. All time favorites are melee attacks that will visually miss by a mile and still hit you (hello vet fire djinn and terragriff charge!).

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> @"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:

> I'm in the same boat with the pocket raptors, they're basically free bloodlust charges but it really irks that they can hit you while you're 1200 away (even through walls and while you're airborne too), I don't understand how their range issues haven't been fixed all this time. The other stuff I can't agree on, the troll does have a tell even if it's small and fast and the smokescales can do a lot of damage but a little practice with them makes them trivial to deal with.


I have never, ever had Pocket Raptors hit me from anywhere other than within melee range...and I usually just run through them if I don't feel like wiping them out with a single barrage or spinning axe attack.



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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:

> > I'm in the same boat with the pocket raptors, they're basically free bloodlust charges but it really irks that they can hit you while you're 1200 away (even through walls and while you're airborne too), I don't understand how their range issues haven't been fixed all this time. The other stuff I can't agree on, the troll does have a tell even if it's small and fast and the smokescales can do a lot of damage but a little practice with them makes them trivial to deal with.

> >

> I have never, ever had Pocket Raptors hit me from anywhere other than within melee range...and I usually just run through them if I don't feel like wiping them out with a single barrage or spinning axe attack.




You're very lucky then cause I've literally been knocked off of my griffon after trying to jump/flap over them.

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Game would be so much more fun if NPC mobs obeyed the same physics/mechanics that players have to.


What do I mean, you ask? Well, I want my knockback to actually knock the mob off that cliff, or push him back over that little tiny bump in the ground that gives him an "obstructed" error just like I have to suffer through. Oh, and I'd like mobs to NOT be friggin spiderman and able to scale every little jump to get to me....something I need to be on a mount to do, which I might add requires me to be out of combat.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> Game would be so much more fun if NPC mobs obeyed the same physics/mechanics that players have to.


> What do I mean, you ask? Well, I want my knockback to actually knock the mob off that cliff, or push him back over that little tiny bump in the ground that gives him an "obstructed" error just like I have to suffer through. Oh, and I'd like mobs to NOT be friggin spiderman and able to scale every little jump to get to me....something I need to be on a mount to do, which I might add requires me to be out of combat.


That would be my most-wanted feature, really. It feels like cheap difficulty when NPCs are beholden to different laws than PCs


The only downside of knocking NPCs off ledges is sometimes you may miss out on some rare loot cos the body's gone.

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